blob: b91fc0da3d2c322101d4bc265dce298fb8548a96 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! PR59700 Test case by Steve Kargl
program foo
implicit none
character(len=80) msg
integer, parameter :: fd = 10
integer i1, i2, i3, i4
real x1, x2, x3, x4
complex c1, c2
logical a
open(unit=fd, status='scratch')
write(fd, '(A)') '1 2 3.4 q'
msg = 'ok'
read(fd, *, err=10, iomsg=msg) i1, i2, i3, i4
10 if (msg /= 'Bad integer for item 3 in list input') STOP 1
msg = 'ok'
read(fd, *, err=20, iomsg=msg) x1, x2, x3, x4
20 if (msg /= 'Bad real number in item 4 of list input') STOP 2
msg = 'ok'
read(fd, *, err=30, iomsg=msg) i1, x2, x1, a
30 if (msg /= 'Bad logical value while reading item 4') STOP 3
read(fd, *, err=31, iomsg=msg) i1, x2, a, x1
31 if (msg /= 'Bad repeat count in item 3 of list input') STOP 4
open(unit=fd, status='scratch')
write(fd, '(A)') '(1, 2) (3.4, q)'
msg = 'ok'
read(fd, *, err=40, iomsg=msg) c1, c2
40 if (msg /= 'Bad complex floating point number for item 2') STOP 5
end program foo