blob: 0aad62c55f180b2621dd37d32bb0f719648d1753 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Testing conditional warnings (without headers). */
/* Author: David Ayers */
/* { dg-do compile } */
#define nil ((id)0)
@interface MyObject
@protocol MyProtocol
@interface MyProtoObject <MyProtocol>
main (int argc, char *argv[])
id var_id = nil;
id <MyProtocol> var_id_p = nil;
MyObject *var_obj = nil;
MyProtoObject *var_obj_p = nil;
var_id = (var_id == var_obj) ? var_id : var_obj;
var_id = (var_id == var_obj) ? var_id : var_obj_p;
/* Ayers: Currently, the following test case passes for
technically the wrong reason (see below).
var_obj_p = (var_id == var_obj) ? var_obj_p : var_obj; /* { dg-warning "distinct Objective-C types" } */
var_obj_p = (var_id == var_obj) ? var_obj_p : var_id_p;
/* Ayers: The first of the following test cases
should probably warn for var_obj_p = var_obj,
yet that would require extensive changes to
build_conditional_expr to create a tree with
multiple types that the assignment would have
to evaluate both versions for correct diagnostics.
var_obj_p = (var_id == var_obj) ? var_id : var_obj;
var_obj_p = (var_id == var_obj) ? var_id : var_obj_p;
return 0;