blob: a1513ee233af55a30ebc2f833b56bf780a67541a [file] [log] [blame]
/* Check CFString format extensions. */
/* { dg-do compile { target *-*-darwin* } } */
/* { dg-options "-Wall" } */
extern int printf (const char *fmt, ...);
typedef const struct __CFString * CFStringRef;
#define CFSTR(cStr) ((CFStringRef) __builtin___CFStringMakeConstantString ("" cStr ""))
#error requires CFString
int s1 (CFStringRef fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(CFString, 1, 2))) ; /* OK */
int s2 (int a, CFStringRef fmt, ... ) __attribute__((format(__CFString__, 2, 3))) ; /* OK */
int s2a (int a, CFStringRef fmt, ... ) __attribute__((format(CFString, 2, 2))) ; /* { dg-error ".format. attribute argument 3 value .2. does not refer to a variable argument list" } */
int s3 (const char *fmt, ... ) __attribute__((format(__CFString__, 1, 2))) ; /* { dg-error "format argument should be a .CFString. reference but a string was found" } */
int s4 (CFStringRef fmt, ... ) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))) ; /* { dg-error "found a .CFStringRef.* but the format argument should be a string" } */
char *s5 (char dum, char *fmt1, ... ) __attribute__((format_arg(2))) ; /* OK */
CFStringRef s6 (CFStringRef dum, CFStringRef fmt1, ... ) __attribute__((format_arg(2))) ; /* OK */
char *s7 (int dum, void *fmt1, ... ) __attribute__((format_arg(2))) ; /* { dg-error ".format_arg. attribute argument value .2. refers to parameter type .void \\\*." } */
int s8 (CFStringRef dum, CFStringRef fmt1, ... ) __attribute__((format_arg(2))) ; /* { dg-error "function does not return string type" } */
void foo (void)
CFStringRef notchk = CFSTR ("here is an unchecked %d %s string");
s1 (notchk, 5, 6, 7);
printf("this one is checked %d %s", 3, 4, 5); /* { dg-warning "format .%s. expects argument of type .char .., but argument 3 has type .int." } */
/* { dg-warning "too many arguments for format" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } */
printf(s5 (1, "and so is this %d %d %s", 3, 4, "hey", 6), 5, 6, 12);/* { dg-warning "format .%s. expects argument of type .char .., but argument 4 has type .int." } */