blob: d9a386676d7562f80b5cc139fea5afad3f5a68f6 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Tests the fix for PR35959, in which the structure subpattern was declared static
! so that this test faied on the second recursive call.
! Contributed by Michaël Baudin <>
program testprog
type :: t_type
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: chars
end type t_type
integer, save :: callnb = 0
type(t_type) :: this
allocate ( this % chars ( 4))
if (.not.recursivefunc (this) .or. (callnb .ne. 10)) STOP 1
recursive function recursivefunc ( this ) result ( match )
type(t_type), intent(in) :: this
type(t_type) :: subpattern
logical :: match
callnb = callnb + 1
match = (callnb == 10)
if ((.NOT. allocated (this % chars)) .OR. match) return
allocate ( subpattern % chars ( 4 ) )
match = recursivefunc ( subpattern )
end function recursivefunc
end program testprog