blob: 2e907e3155857c6f1935fed5dc00d1ec60d8bf6d [file] [log] [blame]
! Tests the fix for PR40440, in which gfortran tried to deallocate
! the allocatable components of the actual argument of CALL SUB
! Contributed by Juergen Reuter <>
! Reduced testcase from Tobias Burnus <>
implicit none
type t
integer, allocatable :: A(:)
end type t
type (t) :: arg
arg = t ([1,2,3])
call sub (func (arg))
function func (a)
type(t), pointer :: func
type(t), target :: a
integer, save :: i = 0
if (i /= 0) STOP 1! multiple calls would cause this abort
i = i + 1
func => a
end function func
subroutine sub (a)
type(t), intent(IN), target :: a
if (any (a%A .ne. [1,2,3])) STOP 2
end subroutine sub