blob: d30567ac212fac67e3298a347d0f464bbad0d256 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! { dg-options "-fcoarray=single" }
! Coarray support -- corank declarations
! PR fortran/18918
module m2
use iso_c_binding
integer(c_int), bind(C) :: a[*] ! { dg-error "BIND.C. attribute conflicts with CODIMENSION" }
type, bind(C) :: t ! { dg-error "cannot have the ALLOCATABLE" }
integer(c_int), allocatable :: a[:] ! { dg-error "cannot have the ALLOCATABLE" }
integer(c_int) :: b[*] ! { dg-error "must be allocatable" }
end type t
end module m2
subroutine bind(a) bind(C) ! { dg-error "Coarray dummy variable" }
use iso_c_binding
integer(c_int) :: a[*]
end subroutine bind
subroutine allo(x) ! { dg-error "can thus not be an allocatable coarray" }
integer, allocatable, intent(out) :: x[:]
end subroutine allo
module m
integer :: modvar[*] ! OK, implicit save
type t
complex, allocatable :: b(:,:,:,:)[:,:,:]
end type t
end module m
subroutine bar()
integer, parameter :: a[*] = 4 ! { dg-error "PARAMETER attribute conflicts with CODIMENSION" }
integer :: b[*] ! { dg-error "is not ALLOCATABLE, SAVE nor a dummy" }
end subroutine bar
subroutine vol()
integer,save :: a[*]
volatile :: a ! { dg-error "Specifying VOLATILE for coarray" }
end block
subroutine int()
volatile :: a ! { dg-error "Specifying VOLATILE for coarray" }
end subroutine int
end subroutine vol
function func() result(func2) ! { dg-error "shall not be a coarray or have a coarray component" }
use m
type(t) :: func2
end function func
subroutine invalid()
type t
integer, allocatable :: a[:]
end type t
type t2
type(t), allocatable :: b ! { dg-error "nonpointer, nonallocatable scalar" }
end type t2
type t3
type(t), pointer :: c ! { dg-error "nonpointer, nonallocatable scalar" }
end type t3
type t4
type(t) :: d(4) ! { dg-error "nonpointer, nonallocatable scalar" }
end type t4
end subroutine invalid
subroutine valid(a)
integer :: a(:)[4,-1:6,4:*]
type t
integer, allocatable :: a[:]
end type t
type t2
type(t) :: b
end type t2
type(t2), save :: xt2[*] ! { dg-error "nonpointer, nonallocatable scalar, which is not a coarray" }
end subroutine valid
program main
integer :: A[*] ! Valid, implicit SAVE attribute
end program main