blob: ac843a5cac148b5dfa0a66e8c7bdde7fc74deae4 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Tests the fix for PR31229, PR31154 and PR33334, in which
! the KIND and TYPE parameters in the function declarations
! would cause errors.
! Contributed by Brooks Moses <>
! and Tobias Burnus <>
module kinds
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(6)
type t
integer :: i
end type t
real(dp) function y()
end function
end interface
end module kinds
type(t) function func() ! The legal bit of PR33334
use kinds
func%i = 5
end function func
real(dp) function another_dp_before_defined ()
use kinds
another_dp_before_defined = real (kind (4.0_DP))
end function
module mymodule;
REAL(2*DP) function declared_dp_before_defined()
use kinds, only: dp
real (dp) :: x
declared_dp_before_defined = 1.0_dp
x = 1.0_dp
declared_dp_before_defined = real (kind (x))
end function
end module mymodule
use kinds
use mymodule
type(t), external :: func
type(t) :: z
if (kind (y ()) .ne. 4) STOP 1
if (kind (declared_dp_before_defined ()) .ne. 8) STOP 2
if (int (declared_dp_before_defined ()) .ne. 4) STOP 3
if (int (another_dp_before_defined ()) .ne. 4) STOP 4
z = func()
if (z%i .ne. 5) STOP 5