| // Written in the D programming language. |
| /** |
| Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/experimental/allocator/_mmap_allocator.d) |
| */ |
| module std.experimental.allocator.mmap_allocator; |
| |
| /** |
| Allocator (currently defined only for Posix and Windows) using |
| $(D $(LINK2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mmap, mmap)) |
| and $(D $(LUCKY munmap)) directly (or their Windows equivalents). There is no |
| additional structure: each call to `allocate(s)` issues a call to |
| $(D mmap(null, s, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0)), |
| and each call to `deallocate(b)` issues $(D munmap(b.ptr, b.length)). |
| So `MmapAllocator` is usually intended for allocating large chunks to be |
| managed by fine-granular allocators. |
| */ |
| struct MmapAllocator |
| { |
| /// The one shared instance. |
| static shared const MmapAllocator instance; |
| |
| /** |
| Alignment is page-size and hardcoded to 4096 (even though on certain systems |
| it could be larger). |
| */ |
| enum size_t alignment = 4096; |
| |
| version (Posix) |
| { |
| /// Allocator API. |
| pure nothrow @nogc @safe |
| void[] allocate(size_t bytes) shared const |
| { |
| import core.sys.posix.sys.mman : MAP_ANON, PROT_READ, |
| if (!bytes) return null; |
| const errnosave = (() @trusted => fakePureErrno())(); // For purity revert changes to errno. |
| auto p = (() @trusted => fakePureMmap(null, bytes, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, |
| MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANON, -1, 0))(); |
| if (p is MAP_FAILED) |
| { |
| (() @trusted => fakePureErrno() = errnosave)(); // errno only changed on MAP_FAILED. |
| return null; |
| } |
| return (() @trusted => p[0 .. bytes])(); |
| } |
| |
| /// Ditto |
| pure nothrow @nogc |
| bool deallocate(void[] b) shared const |
| { |
| // Because we assert(0) on error we don't need to reset errno for purity. |
| if (b.ptr) fakePureMunmap(b.ptr, b.length) == 0 || assert(0); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| // Anonymous mmap might be zero-filled on all Posix systems but |
| // not all commit to this in the documentation. |
| version (linux) |
| // http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/mmap.2.html |
| package alias allocateZeroed = allocate; |
| else version (NetBSD) |
| // http://netbsd.gw.com/cgi-bin/man-cgi?mmap+2+NetBSD-current |
| package alias allocateZeroed = allocate; |
| else version (Solaris) |
| // https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E88353_01/html/E37841/mmap-2.html |
| package alias allocateZeroed = allocate; |
| else version (AIX) |
| // https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/ssw_aix_71/com.ibm.aix.basetrf1/mmap.htm |
| package alias allocateZeroed = allocate; |
| } |
| else version (Windows) |
| { |
| import core.sys.windows.winnt : MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE, MEM_RELEASE; |
| |
| /// Allocator API. |
| pure nothrow @nogc @safe |
| void[] allocate(size_t bytes) shared const |
| { |
| if (!bytes) return null; |
| // For purity ensure last-error does not visibly change. |
| const lastErrorSave = (() @trusted => GetLastError())(); |
| auto p = (() @trusted => VirtualAlloc(null, bytes, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE))(); |
| if (p == null) |
| { |
| // Last-error only changed if allocation failed. |
| (() @trusted => SetLastError(lastErrorSave))(); |
| return null; |
| } |
| return (() @trusted => p[0 .. bytes])(); |
| } |
| |
| /// Ditto |
| pure nothrow @nogc |
| bool deallocate(void[] b) shared const |
| { |
| const lastErrorSave = GetLastError(); // For purity ensure last-error does not visibly change. |
| scope(exit) SetLastError(lastErrorSave); |
| return b.ptr is null || VirtualFree(b.ptr, 0, MEM_RELEASE) != 0; |
| } |
| |
| package alias allocateZeroed = allocate; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // pure wrappers around `mmap` and `munmap` because they are used here locally |
| // solely to perform allocation and deallocation which in this case is `pure` |
| version (Posix) |
| extern (C) private pure @system @nogc nothrow |
| { |
| import core.sys.posix.sys.types : off_t; |
| pragma(mangle, "fakePureErrnoImpl") ref int fakePureErrno(); |
| pragma(mangle, "mmap") void* fakePureMmap(void*, size_t, int, int, int, off_t); |
| pragma(mangle, "munmap") int fakePureMunmap(void*, size_t); |
| } |
| |
| // Pure wrappers around VirtualAlloc/VirtualFree for use here only. Their use is sound |
| // because when we call them we ensure that last-error is not visibly changed. |
| version (Windows) |
| extern (Windows) private pure @system @nogc nothrow |
| { |
| import core.sys.windows.basetsd : SIZE_T; |
| import core.sys.windows.windef : BOOL, DWORD; |
| import core.sys.windows.winnt : LPVOID, PVOID; |
| |
| DWORD GetLastError(); |
| void SetLastError(DWORD); |
| BOOL VirtualFree(PVOID, SIZE_T, DWORD); |
| } |
| |
| pure nothrow @safe @nogc unittest |
| { |
| alias alloc = MmapAllocator.instance; |
| auto p = alloc.allocate(100); |
| assert(p.length == 100); |
| () @trusted { alloc.deallocate(p); p = null; }(); |
| } |