blob: 8a0fec16a1b6b8378c49e6767606728a6c29288e [file] [log] [blame]
Regualar expressions package test suite.
module std.regex.internal.tests;
import std.conv, std.exception, std.meta, std.range,
std.typecons, std.regex;
import std.uni : Escapables; // characters that need escaping
debug(std_regex_test) import std.stdio;
@safe unittest
{//sanity checks
auto r1 = regex("abc");
auto r2 = regex("(gylba)");
assert(match("abcdef", r1).hit == "abc");
assert(bmatch("abcdef", r1).hit == "abc");
assert(!bmatch("wida", r2));
assert(match("abc", "abc".dup));
assert(bmatch("abc", "abc".dup));
Regex!char rc;
rc = regex("test");
/* The test vectors in this file are altered from Henry Spencer's regexp
test code. His copyright notice is:
Copyright (c) 1986 by University of Toronto.
Written by Henry Spencer. Not derived from licensed software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely,
subject to the following restrictions:
1. The author is not responsible for the consequences of use of
this software, no matter how awful, even if they arise
from defects in it.
2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either
by explicit claim or by omission.
3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not
be misrepresented as being the original software.
@safe unittest
struct TestVectors
string pattern;
string input;
string result;
string format;
string replace;
string flags;
static immutable TestVectors[] tv = [
TestVectors( "a\\b", "a", "y", "$&", "a" ),
TestVectors( "(a)b\\1", "abaab","y", "$&", "aba" ),
TestVectors( "()b\\1", "aaab", "y", "$&", "b" ),
TestVectors( "abc", "abc", "y", "$&", "abc" ),
TestVectors( "abc", "xbc", "n", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "abc", "axc", "n", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "abc", "abx", "n", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "abc", "xabcy","y", "$&", "abc" ),
TestVectors( "abc", "ababc","y", "$&", "abc" ),
TestVectors( "ab*c", "abc", "y", "$&", "abc" ),
TestVectors( "ab*bc", "abc", "y", "$&", "abc" ),
TestVectors( "ab*bc", "abbc", "y", "$&", "abbc" ),
TestVectors( "ab*bc", "abbbbc","y", "$&", "abbbbc" ),
TestVectors( "ab+bc", "abbc", "y", "$&", "abbc" ),
TestVectors( "ab+bc", "abc", "n", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "ab+bc", "abq", "n", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "ab+bc", "abbbbc","y", "$&", "abbbbc" ),
TestVectors( "ab?bc", "abbc", "y", "$&", "abbc" ),
TestVectors( "ab?bc", "abc", "y", "$&", "abc" ),
TestVectors( "ab?bc", "abbbbc","n", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "ab?c", "abc", "y", "$&", "abc" ),
TestVectors( "^abc$", "abc", "y", "$&", "abc" ),
TestVectors( "^abc$", "abcc", "n", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "^abc", "abcc", "y", "$&", "abc" ),
TestVectors( "^abc$", "aabc", "n", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "abc$", "aabc", "y", "$&", "abc" ),
TestVectors( "^", "abc", "y", "$&", "" ),
TestVectors( "$", "abc", "y", "$&", "" ),
TestVectors( "a.c", "abc", "y", "$&", "abc" ),
TestVectors( "a.c", "axc", "y", "$&", "axc" ),
TestVectors( "a.*c", "axyzc","y", "$&", "axyzc" ),
TestVectors( "a.*c", "axyzd","n", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "a[bc]d", "abc", "n", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "a[bc]d", "abd", "y", "$&", "abd" ),
TestVectors( "a[b-d]e", "abd", "n", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "a[b-d]e", "ace", "y", "$&", "ace" ),
TestVectors( "a[b-d]", "aac", "y", "$&", "ac" ),
TestVectors( "a[-b]", "a-", "y", "$&", "a-" ),
TestVectors( "a[b-]", "a-", "y", "$&", "a-" ),
TestVectors( "a[b-a]", "-", "c", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "a[]b", "-", "c", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "a[", "-", "c", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "a]", "a]", "y", "$&", "a]" ),
TestVectors( "a[\\]]b", "a]b", "y", "$&", "a]b" ),
TestVectors( "a[^bc]d", "aed", "y", "$&", "aed" ),
TestVectors( "a[^bc]d", "abd", "n", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "a[^-b]c", "adc", "y", "$&", "adc" ),
TestVectors( "a[^-b]c", "a-c", "n", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "a[^\\]b]c", "adc", "y", "$&", "adc" ),
TestVectors( "ab|cd", "abc", "y", "$&", "ab" ),
TestVectors( "ab|cd", "abcd", "y", "$&", "ab" ),
TestVectors( "()ef", "def", "y", "$&-$1", "ef-" ),
TestVectors( "()*", "-", "y", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "*a", "-", "c", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "^*", "-", "y", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "$*", "-", "y", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "(*)b", "-", "c", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "$b", "b", "n", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "a\\", "-", "c", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "a\\(b", "a(b", "y", "$&-$1", "a(b-" ),
TestVectors( "a\\(*b", "ab", "y", "$&", "ab" ),
TestVectors( "a\\(*b", "a((b", "y", "$&", "a((b" ),
TestVectors( "a\\\\b", "a\\b", "y", "$&", "a\\b" ),
TestVectors( "abc)", "-", "c", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "(abc", "-", "c", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "((a))", "abc", "y", "$&-$1-$2", "a-a-a" ),
TestVectors( "(a)b(c)", "abc", "y", "$&-$1-$2", "abc-a-c" ),
TestVectors( "a+b+c", "aabbabc","y", "$&", "abc" ),
TestVectors( "a**", "-", "c", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "a*?a", "aa", "y", "$&", "a" ),
TestVectors( "(a*)*", "aaa", "y", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "(a*)+", "aaa", "y", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "(a|)*", "-", "y", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "(a*|b)*", "aabb", "y", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "(a|b)*", "ab", "y", "$&-$1", "ab-b" ),
TestVectors( "(a+|b)*", "ab", "y", "$&-$1", "ab-b" ),
TestVectors( "(a+|b)+", "ab", "y", "$&-$1", "ab-b" ),
TestVectors( "(a+|b)?", "ab", "y", "$&-$1", "a-a" ),
TestVectors( "[^ab]*", "cde", "y", "$&", "cde" ),
TestVectors( "(^)*", "-", "y", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "(ab|)*", "-", "y", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( ")(", "-", "c", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "", "abc", "y", "$&", "" ),
TestVectors( "abc", "", "n", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "a*", "", "y", "$&", "" ),
TestVectors( "([abc])*d", "abbbcd", "y", "$&-$1", "abbbcd-c" ),
TestVectors( "([abc])*bcd", "abcd", "y", "$&-$1", "abcd-a" ),
TestVectors( "a|b|c|d|e", "e", "y", "$&", "e" ),
TestVectors( "(a|b|c|d|e)f", "ef", "y", "$&-$1", "ef-e" ),
TestVectors( "((a*|b))*", "aabb", "y", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "abcd*efg", "abcdefg", "y", "$&", "abcdefg" ),
TestVectors( "ab*", "xabyabbbz", "y", "$&", "ab" ),
TestVectors( "ab*", "xayabbbz", "y", "$&", "a" ),
TestVectors( "(ab|cd)e", "abcde", "y", "$&-$1", "cde-cd" ),
TestVectors( "[abhgefdc]ij", "hij", "y", "$&", "hij" ),
TestVectors( "^(ab|cd)e", "abcde", "n", "x$1y", "xy" ),
TestVectors( "(abc|)ef", "abcdef", "y", "$&-$1", "ef-" ),
TestVectors( "(a|b)c*d", "abcd", "y", "$&-$1", "bcd-b" ),
TestVectors( "(ab|ab*)bc", "abc", "y", "$&-$1", "abc-a" ),
TestVectors( "a([bc]*)c*", "abc", "y", "$&-$1", "abc-bc" ),
TestVectors( "a([bc]*)(c*d)", "abcd", "y", "$&-$1-$2", "abcd-bc-d" ),
TestVectors( "a([bc]+)(c*d)", "abcd", "y", "$&-$1-$2", "abcd-bc-d" ),
TestVectors( "a([bc]*)(c+d)", "abcd", "y", "$&-$1-$2", "abcd-b-cd" ),
TestVectors( "a[bcd]*dcdcde", "adcdcde", "y", "$&", "adcdcde" ),
TestVectors( "a[bcd]+dcdcde", "adcdcde", "n", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "(ab|a)b*c", "abc", "y", "$&-$1", "abc-ab" ),
TestVectors( "((a)(b)c)(d)", "abcd", "y", "$1-$2-$3-$4", "abc-a-b-d" ),
TestVectors( "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*", "alpha", "y", "$&", "alpha" ),
TestVectors( "^a(bc+|b[eh])g|.h$", "abh", "y", "$&-$1", "bh-" ),
TestVectors( "(bc+d$|ef*g.|h?i(j|k))", "effgz", "y", "$&-$1-$2", "effgz-effgz-" ),
TestVectors( "(bc+d$|ef*g.|h?i(j|k))", "ij", "y", "$&-$1-$2", "ij-ij-j" ),
TestVectors( "(bc+d$|ef*g.|h?i(j|k))", "effg", "n", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "(bc+d$|ef*g.|h?i(j|k))", "bcdd", "n", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "(bc+d$|ef*g.|h?i(j|k))", "reffgz", "y", "$&-$1-$2", "effgz-effgz-" ),
TestVectors( "(((((((((a)))))))))", "a", "y", "$&", "a" ),
TestVectors( "multiple words of text", "uh-uh", "n", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "multiple words", "multiple words, yeah", "y", "$&", "multiple words" ),
TestVectors( "(.*)c(.*)", "abcde", "y", "$&-$1-$2", "abcde-ab-de" ),
TestVectors( "\\((.*), (.*)\\)", "(a, b)", "y", "($2, $1)", "(b, a)" ),
TestVectors( "abcd", "abcd", "y", "$&-&-$$$&", "abcd-&-$abcd" ),
TestVectors( "a(bc)d", "abcd", "y", "$1-$$1-$$$1", "bc-$1-$bc" ),
TestVectors( "[k]", "ab", "n", "-", "-" ),
TestVectors( "[ -~]*", "abc", "y", "$&", "abc" ),
TestVectors( "[ -~ -~]*", "abc", "y", "$&", "abc" ),
TestVectors( "[ -~ -~ -~]*", "abc", "y", "$&", "abc" ),
TestVectors( "[ -~ -~ -~ -~]*", "abc", "y", "$&", "abc" ),
TestVectors( "[ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~]*", "abc", "y", "$&", "abc" ),
TestVectors( "[ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~]*", "abc", "y", "$&", "abc" ),
TestVectors( "[ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~]*", "abc", "y", "$&", "abc" ),
TestVectors( "a{2}", "candy", "n", "", "" ),
TestVectors( "a{2}", "caandy", "y", "$&", "aa" ),
TestVectors( "a{2}", "caaandy", "y", "$&", "aa" ),
TestVectors( "a{2,}", "candy", "n", "", "" ),
TestVectors( "a{2,}", "caandy", "y", "$&", "aa" ),
TestVectors( "a{2,}", "caaaaaandy", "y", "$&", "aaaaaa" ),
TestVectors( "a{1,3}", "cndy", "n", "", "" ),
TestVectors( "a{1,3}", "candy", "y", "$&", "a" ),
TestVectors( "a{1,3}", "caandy", "y", "$&", "aa" ),
TestVectors( "a{1,3}", "caaaaaandy", "y", "$&", "aaa" ),
TestVectors( "e?le?", "angel", "y", "$&", "el" ),
TestVectors( "e?le?", "angle", "y", "$&", "le" ),
TestVectors( "\\bn\\w", "noonday", "y", "$&", "no" ),
TestVectors( "\\wy\\b", "possibly yesterday", "y", "$&", "ly" ),
TestVectors( "\\w\\Bn", "noonday", "y", "$&", "on" ),
TestVectors( "y\\B\\w", "possibly yesterday", "y", "$&", "ye" ),
TestVectors( "\\cJ", "abc\ndef", "y", "$&", "\n" ),
TestVectors( "\\d", "B2 is", "y", "$&", "2" ),
TestVectors( "\\D", "B2 is", "y", "$&", "B" ),
TestVectors( "\\s\\w*", "foo bar", "y", "$&", " bar" ),
TestVectors( "\\S\\w*", "foo bar", "y", "$&", "foo" ),
TestVectors( "abc", "ababc", "y", "$&", "abc" ),
TestVectors( "apple(,)\\sorange\\1", "apple, orange, cherry, peach", "y", "$&", "apple, orange," ),
TestVectors( "(\\w+)\\s(\\w+)", "John Smith", "y", "$2, $1", "Smith, John" ),
TestVectors( "\\n\\f\\r\\t\\v", "abc\n\f\r\t\vdef", "y", "$&", "\n\f\r\t\v" ),
TestVectors( ".*c", "abcde", "y", "$&", "abc" ),
TestVectors( "^\\w+((;|=)\\w+)+$", "some=host=tld", "y", "$&-$1-$2", "some=host=tld-=tld-=" ),
TestVectors( "^\\w+((\\.|-)\\w+)+$", "", "y", "$&-$1-$2", "" ),
TestVectors( "q(a|b)*q", "xxqababqyy", "y", "$&-$1", "qababq-b" ),
TestVectors( "^(a)(b){0,1}(c*)", "abcc", "y", "$1 $2 $3", "a b cc" ),
TestVectors( "^(a)((b){0,1})(c*)", "abcc", "y", "$1 $2 $3", "a b b" ),
TestVectors( "^(a)(b)?(c*)", "abcc", "y", "$1 $2 $3", "a b cc" ),
TestVectors( "^(a)((b)?)(c*)", "abcc", "y", "$1 $2 $3", "a b b" ),
TestVectors( "^(a)(b){0,1}(c*)", "acc", "y", "$1 $2 $3", "a cc" ),
TestVectors( "^(a)((b){0,1})(c*)", "acc", "y", "$1 $2 $3", "a " ),
TestVectors( "^(a)(b)?(c*)", "acc", "y", "$1 $2 $3", "a cc" ),
TestVectors( "^(a)((b)?)(c*)", "acc", "y", "$1 $2 $3", "a " ),
TestVectors( "(?:ab){3}", "_abababc","y", "$&-$1", "ababab-" ),
TestVectors( "(?:a(?:x)?)+", "aaxaxx", "y", "$&-$1-$2", "aaxax--" ),
TestVectors( `\W\w\W`, "aa b!ca", "y", "$&", " b!"),
//more repetitions:
TestVectors( "(?:a{2,4}b{1,3}){1,2}", "aaabaaaabbb", "y", "$&", "aaabaaaabbb" ),
TestVectors( "(?:a{2,4}b{1,3}){1,2}?", "aaabaaaabbb", "y", "$&", "aaab" ),
TestVectors( "(abc)|(edf)|(xyz)", "xyz", "y", "$1-$2-$3","--xyz"),
TestVectors( "(?P<q>\\d+)/(?P<d>\\d+)", "2/3", "y", "${d}/${q}", "3/2"),
//set operations:
TestVectors( "[a-z--d-f]", " dfa", "y", "$&", "a"),
TestVectors( "[abc[pq--acq]]{2}", "bqpaca", "y", "$&", "pa"),
TestVectors( "[a-z9&&abc0-9]{3}", "z90a0abc", "y", "$&", "abc"),
TestVectors( "[0-9a-f~~0-5a-z]{2}", "g0a58x", "y", "$&", "8x"),
TestVectors( "[abc[pq]xyz[rs]]{4}", "cqxr", "y", "$&", "cqxr"),
TestVectors( "[abcdf--[ab&&[bcd]][acd]]", "abcdefgh", "y", "$&", "f"),
TestVectors( "[a-c||d-f]+", "abcdef", "y", "$&", "abcdef"),
TestVectors( "[a-f--a-c]+", "abcdef", "y", "$&", "def"),
TestVectors( "[a-c&&b-f]+", "abcdef", "y", "$&", "bc"),
TestVectors( "[a-c~~b-f]+", "abcdef", "y", "$&", "a"),
//unicode blocks & properties:
TestVectors( `\P{Inlatin1suppl ement}`, "\u00c2!", "y", "$&", "!"),
TestVectors( `\p{InLatin-1 Supplement}\p{in-mathematical-operators}\P{Inlatin1suppl ement}`,
"\u00c2\u2200\u00c3\u2203.", "y", "$&", "\u00c3\u2203."),
TestVectors( `[-+*/\p{in-mathematical-operators}]{2}`, "a+\u2212", "y", "$&", "+\u2212"),
TestVectors( `\p{Ll}+`, "XabcD", "y", "$&", "abc"),
TestVectors( `\p{Lu}+`, "абвГДЕ", "y", "$&", "ГДЕ"),
TestVectors( `^\p{Currency Symbol}\p{Sc}`, "$₤", "y", "$&", "$₤"),
TestVectors( `\p{Common}\p{Thai}`, "!ฆ", "y", "$&", "!ฆ"),
TestVectors( `[\d\s]*\D`, "12 \t3\U00001680\u0F20_2", "y", "$&", "12 \t3\U00001680\u0F20_"),
TestVectors( `[c-wф]фф`, "ффф", "y", "$&", "ффф"),
//case insensitive:
TestVectors( `^abcdEf$`, "AbCdEF", "y", "$&", "AbCdEF", "i"),
TestVectors( `Русский язык`, "рУсскИй ЯзЫк", "y", "$&", "рУсскИй ЯзЫк", "i"),
TestVectors( `ⒶⒷⓒ` , "ⓐⓑⒸ", "y", "$&", "ⓐⓑⒸ", "i"),
TestVectors( "\U00010400{2}", "\U00010428\U00010400 ", "y", "$&", "\U00010428\U00010400", "i"),
TestVectors( `[adzУ-Я]{4}`, "DzюЯ", "y", "$&", "DzюЯ", "i"),
TestVectors( `\p{L}\p{Lu}{10}`, "абвгдеЖЗИКЛ", "y", "$&", "абвгдеЖЗИКЛ", "i"),
TestVectors( `(?:Dåb){3}`, "DåbDÅBdÅb", "y", "$&", "DåbDÅBdÅb", "i"),
TestVectors( `\u0041\u005a\U00000065\u0001`, "AZe\u0001", "y", "$&", "AZe\u0001"),
TestVectors( `\u`, "", "c", "-", "-"),
TestVectors( `\U`, "", "c", "-", "-"),
TestVectors( `\u003`, "", "c", "-", "-"),
TestVectors( `[\x00-\x7f]{4}`, "\x00\x09ab", "y", "$&", "\x00\x09ab"),
TestVectors( `[\cJ\cK\cA-\cD]{3}\cQ`, "\x01\x0B\x0A\x11", "y", "$&", "\x01\x0B\x0A\x11"),
TestVectors( `\r\n\v\t\f\\`, "\r\n\v\t\f\\", "y", "$&", "\r\n\v\t\f\\"),
TestVectors( `[\u0003\u0001]{2}`, "\u0001\u0003", "y", "$&", "\u0001\u0003"),
TestVectors( `^[\u0020-\u0080\u0001\n-\r]{8}`, "abc\u0001\v\f\r\n", "y", "$&", "abc\u0001\v\f\r\n"),
TestVectors( `\w+\S\w+`, "ab7!44c", "y", "$&", "ab7!44c"),
TestVectors( `\b\w+\b`, " abde4 ", "y", "$&", "abde4"),
TestVectors( `\b\w+\b`, " abde4", "y", "$&", "abde4"),
TestVectors( `\b\w+\b`, "abde4 ", "y", "$&", "abde4"),
TestVectors( `\pL\pS`, "a\u02DA", "y", "$&", "a\u02DA"),
TestVectors( `\pX`, "", "c", "-", "-"),
// ^, $, \b, \B, multiline :
TestVectors( `\r.*?$`, "abc\r\nxy", "y", "$&", "\r\nxy", "sm"),
TestVectors( `^a$^b$`, "a\r\nb\n", "n", "$&", "-", "m"),
TestVectors( `^a$\r\n^b$`,"a\r\nb\n", "y", "$&", "a\r\nb", "m"),
TestVectors( `^$`, "\r\n", "y", "$&", "", "m"),
TestVectors( `^a$\nx$`, "a\nx\u2028","y", "$&", "a\nx", "m"),
TestVectors( `^a$\nx$`, "a\nx\u2029","y", "$&", "a\nx", "m"),
TestVectors( `^a$\nx$`, "a\nx\u0085","y", "$&", "a\nx","m"),
TestVectors( `^x$`, "\u2028x", "y", "$&", "x", "m"),
TestVectors( `^x$`, "\u2029x", "y", "$&", "x", "m"),
TestVectors( `^x$`, "\u0085x", "y", "$&", "x", "m"),
TestVectors( `\b^.`, "ab", "y", "$&", "a"),
TestVectors( `\B^.`, "ab", "n", "-", "-"),
TestVectors( `^ab\Bc\B`, "\r\nabcd", "y", "$&", "abc", "m"),
TestVectors( `^.*$`, "12345678", "y", "$&", "12345678"),
// luckily obtained regression on incremental matching in backtracker
TestVectors( `^(?:(?:([0-9A-F]+)\.\.([0-9A-F]+)|([0-9A-F]+))\s*;\s*([^ ]*)\s*#|# (?:\w|_)+=((?:\w|_)+))`,
"0020 ; White_Space # ", "y", "$1-$2-$3", "--0020"),
TestVectors( "(foo.)(?=(bar))", "foobar foodbar", "y", "$&-$1-$2", "food-food-bar" ),
TestVectors( `\b(\d+)[a-z](?=\1)`, "123a123", "y", "$&-$1", "123a-123" ),
TestVectors( `\$(?!\d{3})\w+`, "$123 $abc", "y", "$&", "$abc"),
TestVectors( `(abc)(?=(ed(f))\3)`, "abcedff", "y", "-", "-"),
TestVectors( `\b[A-Za-z0-9.]+(?=(@(?!gmail)))`, "a@gmail,x@com", "y", "$&-$1", "x-@"),
TestVectors( `x()(abc)(?=(d)(e)(f)\2)`, "xabcdefabc", "y", "$&", "xabc"),
TestVectors( `x()(abc)(?=(d)(e)(f)()\3\4\5)`, "xabcdefdef", "y", "$&", "xabc"),
TestVectors( `(?<=(ab))\d`, "12ba3ab4", "y", "$&-$1", "4-ab", "i"),
TestVectors( `\w(?<!\d)\w`, "123ab24", "y", "$&", "ab"),
TestVectors( `(?<=Dåb)x\w`, "DåbDÅBxdÅb", "y", "$&", "xd", "i"),
TestVectors( `(?<=(ab*c))x`, "abbbbcxac", "y", "$&-$1", "x-abbbbc"),
TestVectors( `(?<=(ab*?c))x`, "abbbbcxac", "y", "$&-$1", "x-abbbbc"),
TestVectors( `(?<=(a.*?c))x`, "ababbcxac", "y", "$&-$1", "x-abbc"),
TestVectors( `(?<=(a{2,4}b{1,3}))x`, "yyaaaabx", "y", "$&-$1", "x-aaaab"),
TestVectors( `(?<=((?:a{2,4}b{1,3}){1,2}))x`, "aabbbaaaabx", "y", "$&-$1", "x-aabbbaaaab"),
TestVectors( `(?<=((?:a{2,4}b{1,3}){1,2}?))x`, "aabbbaaaabx", "y", "$&-$1", "x-aaaab"),
TestVectors( `(?<=(abc|def|aef))x`, "abcx", "y", "$&-$1", "x-abc"),
TestVectors( `(?<=(abc|def|aef))x`, "aefx", "y", "$&-$1", "x-aef"),
TestVectors( `(?<=(abc|dabc))(x)`, "dabcx", "y", "$&-$1-$2", "x-abc-x"),
TestVectors( `(?<=(|abc))x`, "dabcx", "y", "$&-$1", "x-"),
TestVectors( `(?<=((ab|da)*))x`, "abdaabx", "y", "$&-$2-$1", "x-ab-abdaab"),
TestVectors( `a(?<=(ba(?<=(aba)(?<=aaba))))`, "aabaa", "y", "$&-$1-$2", "a-ba-aba"),
TestVectors( `.(?<!b).`, "bax", "y", "$&", "ax"),
TestVectors( `(?<=b(?<!ab)).`, "abbx", "y", "$&", "x"),
TestVectors( `(?<=\.|[!?]+)X`, "Hey?!X", "y", "$&", "X"),
TestVectors( `(?<=\.|[!?]+)a{3}`, ".Nope.aaaX", "y", "$&", "aaa"),
//mixed lookaround
TestVectors( `a(?<=a(?=b))b`, "ab", "y", "$&", "ab"),
TestVectors( `a(?<=a(?!b))c`, "ac", "y", "$&", "ac"),
TestVectors( `a(?i)bc`, "aBc", "y", "$&", "aBc"),
TestVectors( `a(?i)bc`, "Abc", "n", "$&", "-"),
TestVectors( `(?i)a(?-i)bc`, "aBcAbc", "y", "$&", "Abc"),
TestVectors( `(?s).(?-s).`, "\n\n\na", "y", "$&", "\na"),
TestVectors( `(?m)^a(?-m)$`, "\na", "y", "$&", "a")
string produceExpected(M,String)(auto ref M m, String fmt)
auto app = appender!(String)();
replaceFmt(fmt, m.captures, app, true);
void run_tests(alias matchFn)()
int i;
static foreach (Char; AliasSeq!( char, wchar, dchar))
alias String = immutable(Char)[];
String produceExpected(M,Range)(auto ref M m, Range fmt)
auto app = appender!(String)();
replaceFmt(fmt, m.captures, app, true);
Regex!(Char) r;
foreach (a, tvd; tv)
uint c = tvd.result[0];
debug(std_regex_test) writeln(" Test #", a, " pattern: ", tvd.pattern, " with Char = ", Char.stringof);
i = 1;
r = regex(to!(String)(tvd.pattern), tvd.flags);
catch (RegexException e)
i = 0;
debug(std_regex_test) writeln(e.msg);
assert((c == 'c') ? !i : i, "failed to compile pattern "~tvd.pattern);
if (c != 'c')
auto m = matchFn(to!(String)(tvd.input), r);
i = !m.empty;
(c == 'y') ? i : !i,
text(matchFn.stringof ~": failed to match pattern #", a ,": ", tvd.pattern)
if (c == 'y')
auto result = produceExpected(m, to!(String)(tvd.format));
assert(result == to!String(tvd.replace),
text(matchFn.stringof ~": mismatch pattern #", a, ": ", tvd.pattern," expected: ",
tvd.replace, " vs ", result));
debug(std_regex_test) writeln("!!! FReD bulk test done "~matchFn.stringof~" !!!");
void ct_tests()
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
version (std_regex_ct1)
pragma(msg, "Testing 1st part of ctRegex");
enum Tests = iota(0, 155);
else version (std_regex_ct2)
pragma(msg, "Testing 2nd part of ctRegex");
enum Tests = iota(155, 174);
//FIXME: #174-178 contains CTFE parser bug
else version (std_regex_ct3)
pragma(msg, "Testing 3rd part of ctRegex");
enum Tests = iota(178, 220);
else version (std_regex_ct4)
pragma(msg, "Testing 4th part of ctRegex");
enum Tests = iota(220, tv.length);
enum Tests = chain(iota(0, 30), iota(235, tv.length-5));
static foreach (v; Tests)
enum tvd = tv[v];
static if (tvd.result == "c")
static assert(!__traits(compiles, (){
enum r = regex(tvd.pattern, tvd.flags);
}), "errornously compiles regex pattern: " ~ tvd.pattern);
//BUG: tv[v] is fine but tvd is not known at compile time?!
auto r = ctRegex!(tv[v].pattern, tv[v].flags);
auto nr = regex(tvd.pattern, tvd.flags);
text("!C-T regex! failed to compile pattern #", v ,": ", tvd.pattern));
auto m = match(tvd.input, r);
auto c = tvd.result[0];
bool ok = (c == 'y') ^ m.empty;
assert(ok, text("ctRegex: failed to match pattern #",
v ,": ", tvd.pattern));
if (c == 'y')
auto result = produceExpected(m, tvd.format);
assert(result == tvd.replace, text("ctRegex mismatch pattern #", v,
": ", tvd.pattern," expected: ", tvd.replace, " vs ", result));
debug(std_regex_test) writeln("!!! FReD C-T test done !!!");
run_tests!bmatch(); //backtracker
run_tests!match(); //thompson VM