blob: a56d635d9b99223350e4641090f45a42313eb60c [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- S Y S T E M . I M A G E _ I --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2023, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- --
-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- <>. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers_Ghost;
use Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers_Ghost;
package body System.Image_I is
-- Ghost code, loop invariants and assertions in this unit are meant for
-- analysis only, not for run-time checking, as it would be too costly
-- otherwise. This is enforced by setting the assertion policy to Ignore.
pragma Assertion_Policy (Ghost => Ignore,
Loop_Invariant => Ignore,
Assert => Ignore,
Assert_And_Cut => Ignore,
Pre => Ignore,
Post => Ignore,
Subprogram_Variant => Ignore);
subtype Non_Positive is Int range Int'First .. 0;
function Uns_Of_Non_Positive (T : Non_Positive) return Uns is
(if T = Int'First then Uns (Int'Last) + 1 else Uns (-T));
procedure Set_Digits
(T : Non_Positive;
S : in out String;
P : in out Natural)
Pre => P < Integer'Last
and then S'Last < Integer'Last
and then S'First <= P + 1
and then S'First <= S'Last
and then P <= S'Last - Unsigned_Width_Ghost + 1,
Post => S (S'First .. P'Old) = S'Old (S'First .. P'Old)
and then P in P'Old + 1 .. S'Last
and then UP.Only_Decimal_Ghost (S, From => P'Old + 1, To => P)
and then UP.Scan_Based_Number_Ghost (S, From => P'Old + 1, To => P)
= UP.Wrap_Option (Uns_Of_Non_Positive (T));
-- Set digits of absolute value of T, which is zero or negative. We work
-- with the negative of the value so that the largest negative number is
-- not a special case.
package Unsigned_Conversion is new Unsigned_Conversions (Int => Uns);
function Big (Arg : Uns) return Big_Integer renames
function From_Big (Arg : Big_Integer) return Uns renames
Big_10 : constant Big_Integer := Big (10) with Ghost;
-- Local Lemmas --
procedure Lemma_Non_Zero (X : Uns)
Pre => X /= 0,
Post => Big (X) /= 0;
procedure Lemma_Div_Commutation (X, Y : Uns)
Pre => Y /= 0,
Post => Big (X) / Big (Y) = Big (X / Y);
procedure Lemma_Div_Twice (X : Big_Natural; Y, Z : Big_Positive)
Post => X / Y / Z = X / (Y * Z);
-- Lemma_Div_Commutation --
procedure Lemma_Non_Zero (X : Uns) is null;
procedure Lemma_Div_Commutation (X, Y : Uns) is null;
-- Lemma_Div_Twice --
procedure Lemma_Div_Twice (X : Big_Natural; Y, Z : Big_Positive) is
XY : constant Big_Natural := X / Y;
YZ : constant Big_Natural := Y * Z;
XYZ : constant Big_Natural := X / Y / Z;
R : constant Big_Natural := (XY rem Z) * Y + (X rem Y);
pragma Assert (X = XY * Y + (X rem Y));
pragma Assert (XY = XY / Z * Z + (XY rem Z));
pragma Assert (X = XYZ * YZ + R);
pragma Assert ((XY rem Z) * Y <= (Z - 1) * Y);
pragma Assert (R <= YZ - 1);
pragma Assert (X / YZ = (XYZ * YZ + R) / YZ);
pragma Assert (X / YZ = XYZ + R / YZ);
end Lemma_Div_Twice;
-- Image_Integer --
procedure Image_Integer
(V : Int;
S : in out String;
P : out Natural)
pragma Assert (S'First = 1);
procedure Prove_Value_Integer
Pre => S'First = 1
and then S'Last < Integer'Last
and then P in 2 .. S'Last
and then S (1) in ' ' | '-'
and then (S (1) = '-') = (V < 0)
and then UP.Only_Decimal_Ghost (S, From => 2, To => P)
and then UP.Scan_Based_Number_Ghost (S, From => 2, To => P)
= UP.Wrap_Option (IP.Abs_Uns_Of_Int (V)),
Post => not System.Val_Util.Only_Space_Ghost (S, 1, P)
and then IP.Is_Integer_Ghost (S (1 .. P))
and then IP.Is_Value_Integer_Ghost (S (1 .. P), V);
-- Ghost lemma to prove the value of Value_Integer from the value of
-- Scan_Based_Number_Ghost and the sign on a decimal string.
-- Prove_Value_Integer --
procedure Prove_Value_Integer is
Str : constant String := S (1 .. P);
pragma Assert (Str'First = 1);
pragma Assert (Str (2) /= ' ');
pragma Assert
(UP.Only_Decimal_Ghost (Str, From => 2, To => P));
UP.Prove_Scan_Based_Number_Ghost_Eq (S, Str, From => 2, To => P);
pragma Assert
(UP.Scan_Based_Number_Ghost (Str, From => 2, To => P)
= UP.Wrap_Option (IP.Abs_Uns_Of_Int (V)));
IP.Prove_Scan_Only_Decimal_Ghost (Str, V);
end Prove_Value_Integer;
-- Start of processing for Image_Integer
if V >= 0 then
pragma Annotate (CodePeer, False_Positive, "test always false",
"V can be positive");
S (1) := ' ';
P := 1;
pragma Assert (P < S'Last);
P := 0;
pragma Assert (P < S'Last - 1);
end if;
P_Prev : constant Integer := P with Ghost;
Offset : constant Positive := (if V >= 0 then 1 else 2) with Ghost;
Set_Image_Integer (V, S, P);
pragma Assert (P_Prev + Offset = 2);
pragma Assert (if V >= 0 then S (1) = ' ');
pragma Assert (S (1) in ' ' | '-');
end Image_Integer;
-- Set_Digits --
procedure Set_Digits
(T : Non_Positive;
S : in out String;
P : in out Natural)
Nb_Digits : Natural := 0;
Value : Non_Positive := T;
-- Local ghost variables
Pow : Big_Positive := 1 with Ghost;
S_Init : constant String := S with Ghost;
Uns_T : constant Uns := Uns_Of_Non_Positive (T) with Ghost;
Uns_Value : Uns := Uns_Of_Non_Positive (Value) with Ghost;
Prev_Value : Uns with Ghost;
Prev_S : String := S with Ghost;
-- Local ghost lemmas
procedure Prove_Character_Val (RU : Uns; RI : Non_Positive)
Post => RU rem 10 in 0 .. 9
and then -(RI rem 10) in 0 .. 9
and then Character'Val (48 + RU rem 10) in '0' .. '9'
and then Character'Val (48 - RI rem 10) in '0' .. '9';
-- Ghost lemma to prove the value of a character corresponding to the
-- next figure.
procedure Prove_Euclidian (Val, Quot, Rest : Uns)
Pre => Quot = Val / 10
and then Rest = Val rem 10,
Post => Uns'Last - Rest >= 10 * Quot and then Val = 10 * Quot + Rest;
-- Ghost lemma to prove the relation between the quotient/remainder of
-- division by 10 and the initial value.
procedure Prove_Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost (RU : Uns; RI : Int)
Pre => RU in 0 .. 9
and then RI in 0 .. 9,
Post => UP.Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost
(Character'Val (48 + RU)) = RU
and then UP.Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost
(Character'Val (48 + RI)) = Uns (RI);
-- Ghost lemma to prove that Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost returns the source
-- figure when applied to the corresponding character.
procedure Prove_Scan_Iter
(S, Prev_S : String;
V, Prev_V, Res : Uns;
P, Max : Natural)
Pre =>
S'First = Prev_S'First and then S'Last = Prev_S'Last
and then S'Last < Natural'Last and then
Max in S'Range and then P in S'First .. Max and then
(for all I in P + 1 .. Max => Prev_S (I) in '0' .. '9')
and then (for all I in P + 1 .. Max => Prev_S (I) = S (I))
and then S (P) in '0' .. '9'
and then V <= Uns'Last / 10
and then Uns'Last - UP.Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost (S (P))
>= 10 * V
and then Prev_V =
V * 10 + UP.Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost (S (P))
and then
(if P = Max then Prev_V = Res
else UP.Scan_Based_Number_Ghost
(Str => Prev_S,
From => P + 1,
To => Max,
Base => 10,
Acc => Prev_V) = UP.Wrap_Option (Res)),
Post =>
(for all I in P .. Max => S (I) in '0' .. '9')
and then UP.Scan_Based_Number_Ghost
(Str => S,
From => P,
To => Max,
Base => 10,
Acc => V) = UP.Wrap_Option (Res);
-- Ghost lemma to prove that Scan_Based_Number_Ghost is preserved
-- through an iteration of the loop.
procedure Prove_Uns_Of_Non_Positive_Value
Pre => Uns_Value = Uns_Of_Non_Positive (Value),
Post => Uns_Value / 10 = Uns_Of_Non_Positive (Value / 10)
and then Uns_Value rem 10 = Uns_Of_Non_Positive (Value rem 10);
-- Ghost lemma to prove that the relation between Value and its unsigned
-- version is preserved.
-- Local lemma null bodies --
procedure Prove_Character_Val (RU : Uns; RI : Non_Positive) is null;
procedure Prove_Euclidian (Val, Quot, Rest : Uns) is null;
procedure Prove_Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost (RU : Uns; RI : Int) is null;
procedure Prove_Uns_Of_Non_Positive_Value is null;
-- Prove_Scan_Iter --
procedure Prove_Scan_Iter
(S, Prev_S : String;
V, Prev_V, Res : Uns;
P, Max : Natural)
pragma Unreferenced (Res);
(Str => S,
From => P,
To => Max,
Base => 10,
Acc => V);
if P < Max then
(Prev_S, S, P + 1, Max, 10, Prev_V);
(Str => S,
From => P + 1,
To => Max,
Base => 10,
Acc => Prev_V);
end if;
end Prove_Scan_Iter;
-- Start of processing for Set_Digits
pragma Assert (P >= S'First - 1 and P < S'Last);
-- No check is done since, as documented in the Set_Image_Integer
-- specification, the caller guarantees that S is long enough to
-- hold the result.
-- First we compute the number of characters needed for representing
-- the number.
Lemma_Div_Commutation (Uns_Of_Non_Positive (Value), 10);
Lemma_Div_Twice (Big (Uns_Of_Non_Positive (T)),
Big_10 ** Nb_Digits, Big_10);
Value := Value / 10;
Nb_Digits := Nb_Digits + 1;
Uns_Value := Uns_Value / 10;
Pow := Pow * 10;
pragma Loop_Invariant (Uns_Value = Uns_Of_Non_Positive (Value));
pragma Loop_Invariant (Nb_Digits in 1 .. Unsigned_Width_Ghost - 1);
pragma Loop_Invariant (Pow = Big_10 ** Nb_Digits);
pragma Loop_Invariant (Big (Uns_Value) = Big (Uns_T) / Pow);
pragma Loop_Variant (Increases => Value);
exit when Value = 0;
Lemma_Non_Zero (Uns_Value);
pragma Assert (Pow <= Big (Uns'Last));
end loop;
Value := T;
Uns_Value := Uns_Of_Non_Positive (T);
Pow := 1;
pragma Assert (Uns_Value = From_Big (Big (Uns_T) / Big_10 ** 0));
-- We now populate digits from the end of the string to the beginning
for J in reverse 1 .. Nb_Digits loop
Lemma_Div_Commutation (Uns_Value, 10);
Lemma_Div_Twice (Big (Uns_T), Big_10 ** (Nb_Digits - J), Big_10);
Prove_Character_Val (Uns_Value, Value);
Prove_Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost (Uns_Value rem 10, -(Value rem 10));
Prev_Value := Uns_Value;
Prev_S := S;
Pow := Pow * 10;
Uns_Value := Uns_Value / 10;
S (P + J) := Character'Val (48 - (Value rem 10));
Value := Value / 10;
(Val => Prev_Value,
Quot => Uns_Value,
Rest => UP.Hexa_To_Unsigned_Ghost (S (P + J)));
(S, Prev_S, Uns_Value, Prev_Value, Uns_T, P + J, P + Nb_Digits);
pragma Loop_Invariant (Uns_Value = Uns_Of_Non_Positive (Value));
pragma Loop_Invariant (Uns_Value <= Uns'Last / 10);
pragma Loop_Invariant
(for all K in S'First .. P => S (K) = S_Init (K));
pragma Loop_Invariant
(UP.Only_Decimal_Ghost (S, P + J, P + Nb_Digits));
pragma Loop_Invariant
(for all K in P + J .. P + Nb_Digits => S (K) in '0' .. '9');
pragma Loop_Invariant (Pow = Big_10 ** (Nb_Digits - J + 1));
pragma Loop_Invariant (Big (Uns_Value) = Big (Uns_T) / Pow);
pragma Loop_Invariant
(Str => S,
From => P + J,
To => P + Nb_Digits,
Base => 10,
Acc => Uns_Value)
= UP.Wrap_Option (Uns_T));
end loop;
pragma Assert (Big (Uns_Value) = Big (Uns_T) / Big_10 ** (Nb_Digits));
pragma Assert (Uns_Value = 0);
pragma Assert
(Str => S,
From => P + 1,
To => P + Nb_Digits,
Base => 10,
Acc => Uns_Value)
= UP.Wrap_Option (Uns_T));
P := P + Nb_Digits;
end Set_Digits;
-- Set_Image_Integer --
procedure Set_Image_Integer
(V : Int;
S : in out String;
P : in out Natural)
if V >= 0 then
Set_Digits (-V, S, P);
pragma Assert (P >= S'First - 1 and P < S'Last);
-- No check is done since, as documented in the specification,
-- the caller guarantees that S is long enough to hold the result.
P := P + 1;
S (P) := '-';
Set_Digits (V, S, P);
end if;
end Set_Image_Integer;
end System.Image_I;