blob: 7874081fdab4671efc01c78e6d507e891d4d0dd6 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Use 32-bit types here to prevent longlong.h trying to use TImode.
Once TImode works we might be better to use 64-bit here. */
#define _FP_W_TYPE_SIZE 32
#define _FP_W_TYPE unsigned int
#define _FP_WS_TYPE signed int
#define _FP_I_TYPE int
#define _FP_MUL_MEAT_S(R,X,Y) \
#define _FP_MUL_MEAT_D(R,X,Y) \
#define _FP_DIV_MEAT_S(R,X,Y) _FP_DIV_MEAT_1_loop(S,R,X,Y)
#define _FP_DIV_MEAT_D(R,X,Y) _FP_DIV_MEAT_2_udiv(D,R,X,Y)
#define _FP_NANFRAC_S ((_FP_QNANBIT_S << 1) - 1)
#define _FP_NANFRAC_D ((_FP_QNANBIT_D << 1) - 1), -1
#define _FP_NANSIGN_S 0
#define _FP_NANSIGN_D 0
/* Someone please check this. */
#define _FP_CHOOSENAN(fs, wc, R, X, Y, OP) \
do { \
if ((_FP_FRAC_HIGH_RAW_##fs(X) & _FP_QNANBIT_##fs) \
&& !(_FP_FRAC_HIGH_RAW_##fs(Y) & _FP_QNANBIT_##fs)) \
{ \
R##_s = Y##_s; \
_FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R,Y); \
} \
else \
{ \
R##_s = X##_s; \
_FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R,X); \
} \
R##_c = FP_CLS_NAN; \
} while (0)
#define __LITTLE_ENDIAN 1234
#define __BIG_ENDIAN 4321
/* Define ALIASNAME as a strong alias for NAME. */
# define strong_alias(name, aliasname) _strong_alias(name, aliasname)
# define _strong_alias(name, aliasname) \
extern __typeof (name) aliasname __attribute__ ((alias (#name)));