blob: fae0862b4d609d4a32b4e29815f191492d90d3f3 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Compiler implementation of the D programming language
* Copyright (C) 1999-2019 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
* written by Walter Bright
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
#pragma once
#include "root/root.h"
#include "arraytypes.h"
#include "dsymbol.h"
#include "visitor.h"
#include "tokens.h"
struct OutBuffer;
struct Scope;
class Expression;
class LabelDsymbol;
class Identifier;
class IfStatement;
class ExpStatement;
class DefaultStatement;
class VarDeclaration;
class Condition;
class Module;
struct Token;
class ErrorStatement;
class ReturnStatement;
class CompoundStatement;
class Parameter;
class StaticAssert;
class AsmStatement;
class GotoStatement;
class ScopeStatement;
class TryCatchStatement;
class TryFinallyStatement;
class CaseStatement;
class DefaultStatement;
class LabelStatement;
class StaticForeach;
// Back end
struct code;
bool inferAggregate(ForeachStatement *fes, Scope *sc, Dsymbol *&sapply);
bool inferApplyArgTypes(ForeachStatement *fes, Scope *sc, Dsymbol *&sapply);
/* How a statement exits; this is returned by blockExit()
enum BE
BEnone = 0,
BEfallthru = 1,
BEthrow = 2,
BEreturn = 4,
BEgoto = 8,
BEhalt = 0x10,
BEbreak = 0x20,
BEcontinue = 0x40,
BEerrthrow = 0x80,
BEany = (BEfallthru | BEthrow | BEreturn | BEgoto | BEhalt)
class Statement : public RootObject
Loc loc;
Statement(Loc loc);
virtual Statement *syntaxCopy();
void print();
const char *toChars();
void error(const char *format, ...);
void warning(const char *format, ...);
void deprecation(const char *format, ...);
virtual Statement *getRelatedLabeled() { return this; }
virtual bool hasBreak();
virtual bool hasContinue();
bool usesEH();
bool comeFrom();
bool hasCode();
virtual Statement *scopeCode(Scope *sc, Statement **sentry, Statement **sexit, Statement **sfinally);
virtual Statements *flatten(Scope *sc);
virtual Statement *last();
// Avoid dynamic_cast
virtual ErrorStatement *isErrorStatement() { return NULL; }
virtual ScopeStatement *isScopeStatement() { return NULL; }
virtual ExpStatement *isExpStatement() { return NULL; }
virtual CompoundStatement *isCompoundStatement() { return NULL; }
virtual ReturnStatement *isReturnStatement() { return NULL; }
virtual IfStatement *isIfStatement() { return NULL; }
virtual CaseStatement *isCaseStatement() { return NULL; }
virtual DefaultStatement *isDefaultStatement() { return NULL; }
virtual LabelStatement *isLabelStatement() { return NULL; }
virtual GotoDefaultStatement *isGotoDefaultStatement() { return NULL; }
virtual GotoCaseStatement *isGotoCaseStatement() { return NULL; }
virtual BreakStatement *isBreakStatement() { return NULL; }
virtual DtorExpStatement *isDtorExpStatement() { return NULL; }
virtual ForwardingStatement *isForwardingStatement() { return NULL; }
virtual void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
/** Any Statement that fails semantic() or has a component that is an ErrorExp or
* a TypeError should return an ErrorStatement from semantic().
class ErrorStatement : public Statement
Statement *syntaxCopy();
ErrorStatement *isErrorStatement() { return this; }
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class PeelStatement : public Statement
Statement *s;
PeelStatement(Statement *s);
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class ExpStatement : public Statement
Expression *exp;
ExpStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp);
ExpStatement(Loc loc, Dsymbol *s);
static ExpStatement *create(Loc loc, Expression *exp);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
Statement *scopeCode(Scope *sc, Statement **sentry, Statement **sexit, Statement **sfinally);
Statements *flatten(Scope *sc);
ExpStatement *isExpStatement() { return this; }
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class DtorExpStatement : public ExpStatement
/* Wraps an expression that is the destruction of 'var'
VarDeclaration *var;
DtorExpStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp, VarDeclaration *v);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
DtorExpStatement *isDtorExpStatement() { return this; }
class CompileStatement : public Statement
Expression *exp;
CompileStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
Statements *flatten(Scope *sc);
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class CompoundStatement : public Statement
Statements *statements;
CompoundStatement(Loc loc, Statements *s);
CompoundStatement(Loc loc, Statement *s1);
CompoundStatement(Loc loc, Statement *s1, Statement *s2);
static CompoundStatement *create(Loc loc, Statement *s1, Statement *s2);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
Statements *flatten(Scope *sc);
ReturnStatement *isReturnStatement();
Statement *last();
CompoundStatement *isCompoundStatement() { return this; }
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class CompoundDeclarationStatement : public CompoundStatement
CompoundDeclarationStatement(Loc loc, Statements *s);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
/* The purpose of this is so that continue will go to the next
* of the statements, and break will go to the end of the statements.
class UnrolledLoopStatement : public Statement
Statements *statements;
UnrolledLoopStatement(Loc loc, Statements *statements);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
bool hasBreak();
bool hasContinue();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class ScopeStatement : public Statement
Statement *statement;
Loc endloc; // location of closing curly bracket
ScopeStatement(Loc loc, Statement *s, Loc endloc);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
ScopeStatement *isScopeStatement() { return this; }
ReturnStatement *isReturnStatement();
bool hasBreak();
bool hasContinue();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class ForwardingStatement : public Statement
ForwardingScopeDsymbol *sym;
Statement *statement;
Statement *syntaxCopy();
Statement *getRelatedLabeled();
bool hasBreak();
bool hasContinue();
Statement *scopeCode(Scope *sc, Statement **sentry, Statement **sexception, Statement **sfinally);
Statement *last();
Statements *flatten(Scope *sc);
ForwardingStatement *isForwardingStatement() { return this; }
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class WhileStatement : public Statement
Expression *condition;
Statement *_body;
Loc endloc; // location of closing curly bracket
WhileStatement(Loc loc, Expression *c, Statement *b, Loc endloc);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
bool hasBreak();
bool hasContinue();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class DoStatement : public Statement
Statement *_body;
Expression *condition;
Loc endloc; // location of ';' after while
DoStatement(Loc loc, Statement *b, Expression *c, Loc endloc);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
bool hasBreak();
bool hasContinue();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class ForStatement : public Statement
Statement *_init;
Expression *condition;
Expression *increment;
Statement *_body;
Loc endloc; // location of closing curly bracket
// When wrapped in try/finally clauses, this points to the outermost one,
// which may have an associated label. Internal break/continue statements
// treat that label as referring to this loop.
Statement *relatedLabeled;
ForStatement(Loc loc, Statement *init, Expression *condition, Expression *increment, Statement *body, Loc endloc);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
Statement *scopeCode(Scope *sc, Statement **sentry, Statement **sexit, Statement **sfinally);
Statement *getRelatedLabeled() { return relatedLabeled ? relatedLabeled : this; }
bool hasBreak();
bool hasContinue();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class ForeachStatement : public Statement
TOK op; // TOKforeach or TOKforeach_reverse
Parameters *parameters; // array of Parameter*'s
Expression *aggr;
Statement *_body;
Loc endloc; // location of closing curly bracket
VarDeclaration *key;
VarDeclaration *value;
FuncDeclaration *func; // function we're lexically in
Statements *cases; // put breaks, continues, gotos and returns here
ScopeStatements *gotos; // forward referenced goto's go here
ForeachStatement(Loc loc, TOK op, Parameters *parameters, Expression *aggr, Statement *body, Loc endloc);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
bool checkForArgTypes();
bool hasBreak();
bool hasContinue();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class ForeachRangeStatement : public Statement
TOK op; // TOKforeach or TOKforeach_reverse
Parameter *prm; // loop index variable
Expression *lwr;
Expression *upr;
Statement *_body;
Loc endloc; // location of closing curly bracket
VarDeclaration *key;
ForeachRangeStatement(Loc loc, TOK op, Parameter *prm,
Expression *lwr, Expression *upr, Statement *body, Loc endloc);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
bool hasBreak();
bool hasContinue();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class IfStatement : public Statement
Parameter *prm;
Expression *condition;
Statement *ifbody;
Statement *elsebody;
Loc endloc; // location of closing curly bracket
VarDeclaration *match; // for MatchExpression results
IfStatement(Loc loc, Parameter *prm, Expression *condition, Statement *ifbody, Statement *elsebody, Loc endloc);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
IfStatement *isIfStatement() { return this; }
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class ConditionalStatement : public Statement
Condition *condition;
Statement *ifbody;
Statement *elsebody;
ConditionalStatement(Loc loc, Condition *condition, Statement *ifbody, Statement *elsebody);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
Statements *flatten(Scope *sc);
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class StaticForeachStatement : public Statement
StaticForeach *sfe;
Statement *syntaxCopy();
Statements *flatten(Scope *sc);
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class PragmaStatement : public Statement
Identifier *ident;
Expressions *args; // array of Expression's
Statement *_body;
PragmaStatement(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, Expressions *args, Statement *body);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class StaticAssertStatement : public Statement
StaticAssert *sa;
StaticAssertStatement(StaticAssert *sa);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class SwitchStatement : public Statement
Expression *condition;
Statement *_body;
bool isFinal;
DefaultStatement *sdefault;
TryFinallyStatement *tf;
GotoCaseStatements gotoCases; // array of unresolved GotoCaseStatement's
CaseStatements *cases; // array of CaseStatement's
int hasNoDefault; // !=0 if no default statement
int hasVars; // !=0 if has variable case values
VarDeclaration *lastVar;
SwitchStatement(Loc loc, Expression *c, Statement *b, bool isFinal);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
bool hasBreak();
bool checkLabel();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class CaseStatement : public Statement
Expression *exp;
Statement *statement;
int index; // which case it is (since we sort this)
VarDeclaration *lastVar;
CaseStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp, Statement *s);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
int compare(RootObject *obj);
CaseStatement *isCaseStatement() { return this; }
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class CaseRangeStatement : public Statement
Expression *first;
Expression *last;
Statement *statement;
CaseRangeStatement(Loc loc, Expression *first, Expression *last, Statement *s);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class DefaultStatement : public Statement
Statement *statement;
VarDeclaration *lastVar;
DefaultStatement(Loc loc, Statement *s);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
DefaultStatement *isDefaultStatement() { return this; }
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class GotoDefaultStatement : public Statement
SwitchStatement *sw;
GotoDefaultStatement(Loc loc);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
GotoDefaultStatement *isGotoDefaultStatement() { return this; }
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class GotoCaseStatement : public Statement
Expression *exp; // NULL, or which case to goto
CaseStatement *cs; // case statement it resolves to
GotoCaseStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
GotoCaseStatement *isGotoCaseStatement() { return this; }
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class SwitchErrorStatement : public Statement
SwitchErrorStatement(Loc loc);
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class ReturnStatement : public Statement
Expression *exp;
size_t caseDim;
ReturnStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
ReturnStatement *isReturnStatement() { return this; }
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class BreakStatement : public Statement
Identifier *ident;
BreakStatement(Loc loc, Identifier *ident);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
BreakStatement *isBreakStatement() { return this; }
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class ContinueStatement : public Statement
Identifier *ident;
ContinueStatement(Loc loc, Identifier *ident);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class SynchronizedStatement : public Statement
Expression *exp;
Statement *_body;
SynchronizedStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp, Statement *body);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
bool hasBreak();
bool hasContinue();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class WithStatement : public Statement
Expression *exp;
Statement *_body;
VarDeclaration *wthis;
Loc endloc;
WithStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp, Statement *body, Loc endloc);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TryCatchStatement : public Statement
Statement *_body;
Catches *catches;
TryCatchStatement(Loc loc, Statement *body, Catches *catches);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
bool hasBreak();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class Catch : public RootObject
Loc loc;
Type *type;
Identifier *ident;
VarDeclaration *var;
Statement *handler;
// set if semantic processing errors
bool errors;
// was generated by the compiler,
// wasn't present in source code
bool internalCatch;
Catch(Loc loc, Type *t, Identifier *id, Statement *handler);
Catch *syntaxCopy();
class TryFinallyStatement : public Statement
Statement *_body;
Statement *finalbody;
TryFinallyStatement(Loc loc, Statement *body, Statement *finalbody);
static TryFinallyStatement *create(Loc loc, Statement *body, Statement *finalbody);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
bool hasBreak();
bool hasContinue();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class OnScopeStatement : public Statement
TOK tok;
Statement *statement;
OnScopeStatement(Loc loc, TOK tok, Statement *statement);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
Statement *scopeCode(Scope *sc, Statement **sentry, Statement **sexit, Statement **sfinally);
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class ThrowStatement : public Statement
Expression *exp;
// was generated by the compiler,
// wasn't present in source code
bool internalThrow;
ThrowStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class DebugStatement : public Statement
Statement *statement;
DebugStatement(Loc loc, Statement *statement);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
Statements *flatten(Scope *sc);
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class GotoStatement : public Statement
Identifier *ident;
LabelDsymbol *label;
TryFinallyStatement *tf;
OnScopeStatement *os;
VarDeclaration *lastVar;
GotoStatement(Loc loc, Identifier *ident);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
bool checkLabel();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class LabelStatement : public Statement
Identifier *ident;
Statement *statement;
TryFinallyStatement *tf;
OnScopeStatement *os;
VarDeclaration *lastVar;
Statement *gotoTarget; // interpret
bool breaks; // someone did a 'break ident'
LabelStatement(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, Statement *statement);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
Statements *flatten(Scope *sc);
Statement *scopeCode(Scope *sc, Statement **sentry, Statement **sexit, Statement **sfinally);
LabelStatement *isLabelStatement() { return this; }
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class LabelDsymbol : public Dsymbol
LabelStatement *statement;
LabelDsymbol(Identifier *ident);
static LabelDsymbol *create(Identifier *ident);
LabelDsymbol *isLabel();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
Statement* asmSemantic(AsmStatement *s, Scope *sc);
class AsmStatement : public Statement
Token *tokens;
AsmStatement(Loc loc, Token *tokens);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class InlineAsmStatement : public AsmStatement
code *asmcode;
unsigned asmalign; // alignment of this statement
unsigned regs; // mask of registers modified (must match regm_t in back end)
bool refparam; // true if function parameter is referenced
bool naked; // true if function is to be naked
InlineAsmStatement(Loc loc, Token *tokens);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
// A GCC asm statement - assembler instructions with D expression operands
class GccAsmStatement : public AsmStatement
StorageClass stc; // attributes of the asm {} block
Expression *insn; // string expression that is the template for assembler code
Expressions *args; // input and output operands of the statement
unsigned outputargs; // of the operands in 'args', the number of output operands
Identifiers *names; // list of symbolic names for the operands
Expressions *constraints; // list of string constants specifying constraints on operands
Expressions *clobbers; // list of string constants specifying clobbers and scratch registers
Identifiers *labels; // list of goto labels
GotoStatements *gotos; // of the goto labels, the equivalent statements they represent
GccAsmStatement(Loc loc, Token *tokens);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
// a complete asm {} block
class CompoundAsmStatement : public CompoundStatement
StorageClass stc; // postfix attributes like nothrow/pure/@trusted
CompoundAsmStatement(Loc loc, Statements *s, StorageClass stc);
CompoundAsmStatement *syntaxCopy();
Statements *flatten(Scope *sc);
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class ImportStatement : public Statement
Dsymbols *imports; // Array of Import's
ImportStatement(Loc loc, Dsymbols *imports);
Statement *syntaxCopy();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }