| |
| /* Compiler implementation of the D programming language |
| * Copyright (C) 1999-2019 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved |
| * written by Walter Bright |
| * http://www.digitalmars.com |
| * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. |
| * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt |
| * https://github.com/dlang/dmd/blob/master/src/dmd/tokens.h |
| */ |
| |
| #pragma once |
| |
| #include "root/port.h" |
| #include "globals.h" |
| |
| class Identifier; |
| |
| /* Tokens: |
| ( ) |
| [ ] |
| { } |
| < > <= >= == != === !== |
| << >> <<= >>= >>> >>>= |
| + - += -= |
| * / % *= /= %= |
| & | ^ &= |= ^= |
| = ! ~ @ |
| ^^ ^^= |
| ++ -- |
| . -> : , => |
| ? && || |
| */ |
| |
| enum TOK |
| { |
| TOKreserved, |
| |
| // Other |
| TOKlparen, TOKrparen, |
| TOKlbracket, TOKrbracket, |
| TOKlcurly, TOKrcurly, |
| TOKcolon, TOKneg, |
| TOKsemicolon, TOKdotdotdot, |
| TOKeof, TOKcast, |
| TOKnull, TOKassert, |
| TOKtrue, TOKfalse, |
| TOKarray, TOKcall, |
| TOKaddress, |
| TOKtype, TOKthrow, |
| TOKnew, TOKdelete, |
| TOKstar, TOKsymoff, |
| TOKvar, TOKdotvar, |
| TOKdotid, TOKdotti, |
| TOKdottype, TOKslice, |
| TOKarraylength, TOKversion, |
| TOKmodule, TOKdollar, |
| TOKtemplate, TOKdottd, |
| TOKdeclaration, TOKtypeof, |
| TOKpragma, TOKdsymbol, |
| TOKtypeid, TOKuadd, |
| TOKremove, |
| TOKnewanonclass, TOKcomment, |
| TOKarrayliteral, TOKassocarrayliteral, |
| TOKstructliteral, |
| TOKclassreference, |
| TOKthrownexception, |
| TOKdelegateptr, |
| TOKdelegatefuncptr, |
| |
| // 54 |
| // Operators |
| TOKlt, TOKgt, |
| TOKle, TOKge, |
| TOKequal, TOKnotequal, |
| TOKidentity, TOKnotidentity, |
| TOKindex, TOKis, |
| |
| // 64 |
| // NCEG floating point compares |
| // !<>= <> <>= !> !>= !< !<= !<> |
| TOKunord,TOKlg,TOKleg,TOKule,TOKul,TOKuge,TOKug,TOKue, |
| |
| // 72 |
| TOKshl, TOKshr, |
| TOKshlass, TOKshrass, |
| TOKushr, TOKushrass, |
| TOKcat, TOKcatass, // ~ ~= |
| TOKadd, TOKmin, TOKaddass, TOKminass, |
| TOKmul, TOKdiv, TOKmod, |
| TOKmulass, TOKdivass, TOKmodass, |
| TOKand, TOKor, TOKxor, |
| TOKandass, TOKorass, TOKxorass, |
| TOKassign, TOKnot, TOKtilde, |
| TOKplusplus, TOKminusminus, TOKconstruct, TOKblit, |
| TOKdot, TOKarrow, TOKcomma, |
| TOKquestion, TOKandand, TOKoror, |
| TOKpreplusplus, TOKpreminusminus, |
| |
| // 111 |
| // Numeric literals |
| TOKint32v, TOKuns32v, |
| TOKint64v, TOKuns64v, |
| TOKint128v, TOKuns128v, |
| TOKfloat32v, TOKfloat64v, TOKfloat80v, |
| TOKimaginary32v, TOKimaginary64v, TOKimaginary80v, |
| |
| // Char constants |
| TOKcharv, TOKwcharv, TOKdcharv, |
| |
| // Leaf operators |
| TOKidentifier, TOKstring, TOKxstring, |
| TOKthis, TOKsuper, |
| TOKhalt, TOKtuple, |
| TOKerror, |
| |
| // Basic types |
| TOKvoid, |
| TOKint8, TOKuns8, |
| TOKint16, TOKuns16, |
| TOKint32, TOKuns32, |
| TOKint64, TOKuns64, |
| TOKint128, TOKuns128, |
| TOKfloat32, TOKfloat64, TOKfloat80, |
| TOKimaginary32, TOKimaginary64, TOKimaginary80, |
| TOKcomplex32, TOKcomplex64, TOKcomplex80, |
| TOKchar, TOKwchar, TOKdchar, TOKbool, |
| |
| // 158 |
| // Aggregates |
| TOKstruct, TOKclass, TOKinterface, TOKunion, TOKenum, TOKimport, |
| TOKalias, TOKoverride, TOKdelegate, TOKfunction, |
| TOKmixin, |
| |
| TOKalign, TOKextern, TOKprivate, TOKprotected, TOKpublic, TOKexport, |
| TOKstatic, TOKfinal, TOKconst, TOKabstract, |
| TOKdebug, TOKdeprecated, TOKin, TOKout, TOKinout, TOKlazy, |
| TOKauto, TOKpackage, TOKmanifest, TOKimmutable, |
| |
| // Statements |
| TOKif, TOKelse, TOKwhile, TOKfor, TOKdo, TOKswitch, |
| TOKcase, TOKdefault, TOKbreak, TOKcontinue, TOKwith, |
| TOKsynchronized, TOKreturn, TOKgoto, TOKtry, TOKcatch, TOKfinally, |
| TOKasm, TOKforeach, TOKforeach_reverse, |
| TOKscope, |
| TOKon_scope_exit, TOKon_scope_failure, TOKon_scope_success, |
| |
| // Contracts |
| TOKinvariant, |
| |
| // Testing |
| TOKunittest, |
| |
| // Added after 1.0 |
| TOKargTypes, |
| TOKref, |
| TOKmacro, |
| |
| TOKparameters, |
| TOKtraits, |
| TOKoverloadset, |
| TOKpure, |
| TOKnothrow, |
| TOKgshared, |
| TOKline, |
| TOKfile, |
| TOKfilefullpath, |
| TOKmodulestring, |
| TOKfuncstring, |
| TOKprettyfunc, |
| TOKshared, |
| TOKat, |
| TOKpow, |
| TOKpowass, |
| TOKgoesto, |
| TOKvector, |
| TOKpound, |
| |
| TOKinterval, |
| TOKvoidexp, |
| TOKcantexp, |
| |
| TOKvectorarray, |
| |
| }; |
| |
| #define TOKwild TOKinout |
| |
| // Token has an anonymous struct, which is not strict ISO C++. |
| #if defined(__GNUC__) |
| #pragma GCC diagnostic push |
| #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpedantic" |
| #endif |
| |
| struct Token |
| { |
| Token *next; |
| Loc loc; |
| const utf8_t *ptr; // pointer to first character of this token within buffer |
| TOK value; |
| const utf8_t *blockComment; // doc comment string prior to this token |
| const utf8_t *lineComment; // doc comment for previous token |
| union |
| { |
| // Integers |
| d_int64 int64value; |
| d_uns64 uns64value; |
| |
| // Floats |
| real_t floatvalue; |
| |
| struct |
| { utf8_t *ustring; // UTF8 string |
| unsigned len; |
| unsigned char postfix; // 'c', 'w', 'd' |
| }; |
| |
| Identifier *ident; |
| }; |
| |
| static const char *tochars[TOKMAX]; |
| |
| static Token *freelist; |
| static Token *alloc(); |
| void free(); |
| |
| Token() : next(NULL) {} |
| int isKeyword(); |
| const char *toChars() const; |
| static const char *toChars(TOK); |
| }; |
| |
| #if defined(__GNUC__) |
| #pragma GCC diagnostic pop |
| #endif |