blob: 1d5f3fc1064e63a1219e6c842202e635bba3dd35 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Compiler implementation of the D programming language
* Copyright (C) 1999-2019 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
* written by Walter Bright
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
#include "root/dsystem.h"
#include "root/rmem.h"
#include "root/aav.h"
#include "root/checkedint.h"
#include "errors.h"
#include "mtype.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "expression.h"
#include "template.h"
#include "utf.h"
#include "enum.h"
#include "scope.h"
#include "hdrgen.h"
#include "statement.h"
#include "declaration.h"
#include "aggregate.h"
#include "import.h"
#include "id.h"
#include "dsymbol.h"
#include "module.h"
#include "attrib.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "root/speller.h"
typedef int (*ForeachDg)(void *ctx, size_t idx, Dsymbol *s);
int ScopeDsymbol_foreach(Scope *sc, Dsymbols *members, ForeachDg dg, void *ctx, size_t *pn = NULL);
void freeFieldinit(Scope *sc);
Expression *resolve(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Dsymbol *s, bool hasOverloads);
Expression *trySemantic(Expression *e, Scope *sc);
Expression *semantic(Expression *e, Scope *sc);
Expression *typeToExpression(Type *t);
* Delegate to be passed to overloadApply() that looks
* for functions matching a trait.
struct Ptrait
Expression *e1;
Expressions *exps; // collected results
Identifier *ident; // which trait we're looking for
static int fptraits(void *param, Dsymbol *s)
FuncDeclaration *f = s->isFuncDeclaration();
if (!f)
return 0;
Ptrait *p = (Ptrait *)param;
if (p->ident == Id::getVirtualFunctions && !f->isVirtual())
return 0;
if (p->ident == Id::getVirtualMethods && !f->isVirtualMethod())
return 0;
Expression *e;
FuncAliasDeclaration* ad = new FuncAliasDeclaration(f->ident, f, false);
ad->protection = f->protection;
if (p->e1)
e = new DotVarExp(Loc(), p->e1, ad, false);
e = new DsymbolExp(Loc(), ad, false);
return 0;
* Collects all unit test functions from the given array of symbols.
* This is a helper function used by the implementation of __traits(getUnitTests).
* Input:
* symbols array of symbols to collect the functions from
* uniqueUnitTests an associative array (should actually be a set) to
* keep track of already collected functions. We're
* using an AA here to avoid doing a linear search of unitTests
* Output:
* unitTests array of DsymbolExp's of the collected unit test functions
* uniqueUnitTests updated with symbols from unitTests[ ]
static void collectUnitTests(Dsymbols *symbols, AA *uniqueUnitTests, Expressions *unitTests)
if (!symbols)
for (size_t i = 0; i < symbols->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *symbol = (*symbols)[i];
UnitTestDeclaration *unitTest = symbol->isUnitTestDeclaration();
if (unitTest)
if (!dmd_aaGetRvalue(uniqueUnitTests, (void *)unitTest))
FuncAliasDeclaration* ad = new FuncAliasDeclaration(unitTest->ident, unitTest, false);
ad->protection = unitTest->protection;
Expression* e = new DsymbolExp(Loc(), ad, false);
bool* value = (bool*) dmd_aaGet(&uniqueUnitTests, (void *)unitTest);
*value = true;
AttribDeclaration *attrDecl = symbol->isAttribDeclaration();
if (attrDecl)
Dsymbols *decl = attrDecl->include(NULL, NULL);
collectUnitTests(decl, uniqueUnitTests, unitTests);
/************************ TraitsExp ************************************/
static Expression *True(TraitsExp *e) { return new IntegerExp(e->loc, true, Type::tbool); }
static Expression *False(TraitsExp *e) { return new IntegerExp(e->loc, false, Type::tbool); }
bool isTypeArithmetic(Type *t) { return t->isintegral() || t->isfloating(); }
bool isTypeFloating(Type *t) { return t->isfloating(); }
bool isTypeIntegral(Type *t) { return t->isintegral(); }
bool isTypeScalar(Type *t) { return t->isscalar(); }
bool isTypeUnsigned(Type *t) { return t->isunsigned(); }
bool isTypeAssociativeArray(Type *t) { return t->toBasetype()->ty == Taarray; }
bool isTypeStaticArray(Type *t) { return t->toBasetype()->ty == Tsarray; }
bool isTypeAbstractClass(Type *t) { return t->toBasetype()->ty == Tclass && ((TypeClass *)t->toBasetype())->sym->isAbstract(); }
bool isTypeFinalClass(Type *t) { return t->toBasetype()->ty == Tclass && (((TypeClass *)t->toBasetype())->sym->storage_class & STCfinal) != 0; }
Expression *isTypeX(TraitsExp *e, bool (*fp)(Type *t))
if (!e->args || !e->args->dim)
return False(e);
for (size_t i = 0; i < e->args->dim; i++)
Type *t = getType((*e->args)[i]);
if (!t || !fp(t))
return False(e);
return True(e);
bool isFuncAbstractFunction(FuncDeclaration *f) { return f->isAbstract(); }
bool isFuncVirtualFunction(FuncDeclaration *f) { return f->isVirtual(); }
bool isFuncVirtualMethod(FuncDeclaration *f) { return f->isVirtualMethod(); }
bool isFuncFinalFunction(FuncDeclaration *f) { return f->isFinalFunc(); }
bool isFuncStaticFunction(FuncDeclaration *f) { return !f->needThis() && !f->isNested(); }
bool isFuncOverrideFunction(FuncDeclaration *f) { return f->isOverride(); }
Expression *isFuncX(TraitsExp *e, bool (*fp)(FuncDeclaration *f))
if (!e->args || !e->args->dim)
return False(e);
for (size_t i = 0; i < e->args->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol((*e->args)[i]);
if (!s)
return False(e);
FuncDeclaration *f = s->isFuncDeclaration();
if (!f || !fp(f))
return False(e);
return True(e);
bool isDeclRef(Declaration *d) { return d->isRef(); }
bool isDeclOut(Declaration *d) { return d->isOut(); }
bool isDeclLazy(Declaration *d) { return (d->storage_class & STClazy) != 0; }
Expression *isDeclX(TraitsExp *e, bool (*fp)(Declaration *d))
if (!e->args || !e->args->dim)
return False(e);
for (size_t i = 0; i < e->args->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol((*e->args)[i]);
if (!s)
return False(e);
Declaration *d = s->isDeclaration();
if (!d || !fp(d))
return False(e);
return True(e);
// callback for TypeFunction::attributesApply
struct PushAttributes
Expressions *mods;
static int fp(void *param, const char *str)
PushAttributes *p = (PushAttributes *)param;
p->mods->push(new StringExp(Loc(), const_cast<char *>(str)));
return 0;
StringTable traitsStringTable;
struct TraitsInitializer
static TraitsInitializer traitsinitializer;
const char* traits[] = {
for (size_t idx = 0;; idx++)
const char *s = traits[idx];
if (!s) break;
StringValue *sv = traitsStringTable.insert(s, strlen(s), const_cast<char *>(s));
void *trait_search_fp(void *, const char *seed, int* cost)
//printf("trait_search_fp('%s')\n", seed);
size_t len = strlen(seed);
if (!len)
return NULL;
*cost = 0;
StringValue *sv = traitsStringTable.lookup(seed, len);
return sv ? (void*)sv->ptrvalue : NULL;
static int fpisTemplate(void *, Dsymbol *s)
if (s->isTemplateDeclaration())
return 1;
return 0;
bool isTemplate(Dsymbol *s)
if (!s->toAlias()->isOverloadable())
return false;
return overloadApply(s, NULL, &fpisTemplate) != 0;
Expression *isSymbolX(TraitsExp *e, bool (*fp)(Dsymbol *s))
if (!e->args || !e->args->dim)
return False(e);
for (size_t i = 0; i < e->args->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol((*e->args)[i]);
if (!s || !fp(s))
return False(e);
return True(e);
* get an array of size_t values that indicate possible pointer words in memory
* if interpreted as the type given as argument
* the first array element is the size of the type for independent interpretation
* of the array
* following elements bits represent one word (4/8 bytes depending on the target
* architecture). If set the corresponding memory might contain a pointer/reference.
* [T.sizeof, pointerbit0-31/63, pointerbit32/64-63/128, ...]
Expression *pointerBitmap(TraitsExp *e)
if (!e->args || e->args->dim != 1)
error(e->loc, "a single type expected for trait pointerBitmap");
return new ErrorExp();
Type *t = getType((*e->args)[0]);
if (!t)
error(e->loc, "%s is not a type", (*e->args)[0]->toChars());
return new ErrorExp();
d_uns64 sz;
if (t->ty == Tclass && !((TypeClass*)t)->sym->isInterfaceDeclaration())
sz = ((TypeClass*)t)->sym->AggregateDeclaration::size(e->loc);
sz = t->size(e->loc);
if (sz == SIZE_INVALID)
return new ErrorExp();
const d_uns64 sz_size_t = Type::tsize_t->size(e->loc);
if (sz > UINT64_MAX - sz_size_t)
error(e->loc, "size overflow for type %s", t->toChars());
return new ErrorExp();
d_uns64 bitsPerWord = sz_size_t * 8;
d_uns64 cntptr = (sz + sz_size_t - 1) / sz_size_t;
d_uns64 cntdata = (cntptr + bitsPerWord - 1) / bitsPerWord;
Array<d_uns64> data;
class PointerBitmapVisitor : public Visitor
PointerBitmapVisitor(Array<d_uns64>* _data, d_uns64 _sz_size_t)
: data(_data), offset(0), sz_size_t(_sz_size_t), error(false)
void setpointer(d_uns64 off)
d_uns64 ptroff = off / sz_size_t;
(*data)[(size_t)(ptroff / (8 * sz_size_t))] |= 1LL << (ptroff % (8 * sz_size_t));
virtual void visit(Type *t)
Type *tb = t->toBasetype();
if (tb != t)
virtual void visit(TypeError *t) { visit((Type *)t); }
virtual void visit(TypeNext *) { assert(0); }
virtual void visit(TypeBasic *t)
if (t->ty == Tvoid)
virtual void visit(TypeVector *) { }
virtual void visit(TypeArray *) { assert(0); }
virtual void visit(TypeSArray *t)
d_uns64 arrayoff = offset;
d_uns64 nextsize = t->next->size();
if (nextsize == SIZE_INVALID)
error = true;
d_uns64 dim = t->dim->toInteger();
for (d_uns64 i = 0; i < dim; i++)
offset = arrayoff + i * nextsize;
offset = arrayoff;
virtual void visit(TypeDArray *) { setpointer(offset + sz_size_t); } // dynamic array is {length,ptr}
virtual void visit(TypeAArray *) { setpointer(offset); }
virtual void visit(TypePointer *t)
if (t->nextOf()->ty != Tfunction) // don't mark function pointers
virtual void visit(TypeReference *) { setpointer(offset); }
virtual void visit(TypeClass *) { setpointer(offset); }
virtual void visit(TypeFunction *) { }
virtual void visit(TypeDelegate *) { setpointer(offset); } // delegate is {context, function}
virtual void visit(TypeQualified *) { assert(0); } // assume resolved
virtual void visit(TypeIdentifier *) { assert(0); }
virtual void visit(TypeInstance *) { assert(0); }
virtual void visit(TypeTypeof *) { assert(0); }
virtual void visit(TypeReturn *) { assert(0); }
virtual void visit(TypeEnum *t) { visit((Type *)t); }
virtual void visit(TypeTuple *t) { visit((Type *)t); }
virtual void visit(TypeSlice *) { assert(0); }
virtual void visit(TypeNull *) { } // always a null pointer
virtual void visit(TypeStruct *t)
d_uns64 structoff = offset;
for (size_t i = 0; i < t->sym->fields.dim; i++)
VarDeclaration *v = t->sym->fields[i];
offset = structoff + v->offset;
if (v->type->ty == Tclass)
offset = structoff;
// a "toplevel" class is treated as an instance, while TypeClass fields are treated as references
void visitClass(TypeClass* t)
d_uns64 classoff = offset;
// skip vtable-ptr and monitor
if (t->sym->baseClass)
for (size_t i = 0; i < t->sym->fields.dim; i++)
VarDeclaration *v = t->sym->fields[i];
offset = classoff + v->offset;
offset = classoff;
Array<d_uns64>* data;
d_uns64 offset;
d_uns64 sz_size_t;
bool error;
PointerBitmapVisitor pbv(&data, sz_size_t);
if (t->ty == Tclass)
if (pbv.error)
return new ErrorExp();
Expressions* exps = new Expressions;
exps->push(new IntegerExp(e->loc, sz, Type::tsize_t));
for (d_uns64 i = 0; i < cntdata; i++)
exps->push(new IntegerExp(e->loc, data[(size_t)i], Type::tsize_t));
ArrayLiteralExp* ale = new ArrayLiteralExp(e->loc, Type::tsize_t->sarrayOf(cntdata + 1), exps);
return ale;
static Expression *dimError(TraitsExp *e, int expected, int dim)
e->error("expected %d arguments for `%s` but had %d", expected, e->ident->toChars(), dim);
return new ErrorExp();
Expression *semanticTraits(TraitsExp *e, Scope *sc)
if (e->ident != Id::compiles && e->ident != Id::isSame &&
e->ident != Id::identifier && e->ident != Id::getProtection)
if (!TemplateInstance::semanticTiargs(e->loc, sc, e->args, 1))
return new ErrorExp();
size_t dim = e->args ? e->args->dim : 0;
if (e->ident == Id::isArithmetic)
return isTypeX(e, &isTypeArithmetic);
else if (e->ident == Id::isFloating)
return isTypeX(e, &isTypeFloating);
else if (e->ident == Id::isIntegral)
return isTypeX(e, &isTypeIntegral);
else if (e->ident == Id::isScalar)
return isTypeX(e, &isTypeScalar);
else if (e->ident == Id::isUnsigned)
return isTypeX(e, &isTypeUnsigned);
else if (e->ident == Id::isAssociativeArray)
return isTypeX(e, &isTypeAssociativeArray);
else if (e->ident == Id::isStaticArray)
return isTypeX(e, &isTypeStaticArray);
else if (e->ident == Id::isAbstractClass)
return isTypeX(e, &isTypeAbstractClass);
else if (e->ident == Id::isFinalClass)
return isTypeX(e, &isTypeFinalClass);
else if (e->ident == Id::isTemplate)
return isSymbolX(e, &isTemplate);
else if (e->ident == Id::isPOD)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(e, 1, dim);
RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
Type *t = isType(o);
if (!t)
e->error("type expected as second argument of __traits %s instead of %s",
e->ident->toChars(), o->toChars());
return new ErrorExp();
Type *tb = t->baseElemOf();
if (StructDeclaration *sd = (tb->ty == Tstruct) ? ((TypeStruct *)tb)->sym : NULL)
return (sd->isPOD()) ? True(e) : False(e);
return True(e);
else if (e->ident == Id::isNested)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(e, 1, dim);
RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
if (!s)
else if (AggregateDeclaration *a = s->isAggregateDeclaration())
return a->isNested() ? True(e) : False(e);
else if (FuncDeclaration *f = s->isFuncDeclaration())
return f->isNested() ? True(e) : False(e);
e->error("aggregate or function expected instead of '%s'", o->toChars());
return new ErrorExp();
else if (e->ident == Id::isAbstractFunction)
return isFuncX(e, &isFuncAbstractFunction);
else if (e->ident == Id::isVirtualFunction)
return isFuncX(e, &isFuncVirtualFunction);
else if (e->ident == Id::isVirtualMethod)
return isFuncX(e, &isFuncVirtualMethod);
else if (e->ident == Id::isFinalFunction)
return isFuncX(e, &isFuncFinalFunction);
else if (e->ident == Id::isOverrideFunction)
return isFuncX(e, &isFuncOverrideFunction);
else if (e->ident == Id::isStaticFunction)
return isFuncX(e, &isFuncStaticFunction);
else if (e->ident == Id::isRef)
return isDeclX(e, &isDeclRef);
else if (e->ident == Id::isOut)
return isDeclX(e, &isDeclOut);
else if (e->ident == Id::isLazy)
return isDeclX(e, &isDeclLazy);
else if (e->ident == Id::identifier)
// Get identifier for symbol as a string literal
/* Specify 0 for bit 0 of the flags argument to semanticTiargs() so that
* a symbol should not be folded to a constant.
* Bit 1 means don't convert Parameter to Type if Parameter has an identifier
if (!TemplateInstance::semanticTiargs(e->loc, sc, e->args, 2))
return new ErrorExp();
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(e, 1, dim);
RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
Identifier *id = NULL;
if (Parameter *po = isParameter(o))
id = po->ident;
Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
if (!s || !s->ident)
e->error("argument %s has no identifier", o->toChars());
return new ErrorExp();
id = s->ident;
StringExp *se = new StringExp(e->loc, const_cast<char *>(id->toChars()));
return semantic(se, sc);
else if (e->ident == Id::getProtection)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(e, 1, dim);
Scope *sc2 = sc->push();
sc2->flags = sc->flags | SCOPEnoaccesscheck;
bool ok = TemplateInstance::semanticTiargs(e->loc, sc2, e->args, 1);
if (!ok)
return new ErrorExp();
RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
if (!s)
if (!isError(o))
e->error("argument %s has no protection", o->toChars());
return new ErrorExp();
if (s->_scope)
const char *protName = protectionToChars(s->prot().kind); // TODO: How about package(names)
StringExp *se = new StringExp(e->loc, const_cast<char *>(protName));
return semantic(se, sc);
else if (e->ident == Id::parent)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(e, 1, dim);
RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
if (s)
if (FuncDeclaration *fd = s->isFuncDeclaration()) // Bugzilla 8943
s = fd->toAliasFunc();
if (!s->isImport()) // Bugzilla 8922
s = s->toParent();
if (!s || s->isImport())
e->error("argument %s has no parent", o->toChars());
return new ErrorExp();
if (FuncDeclaration *f = s->isFuncDeclaration())
if (TemplateDeclaration *td = getFuncTemplateDecl(f))
if (td->overroot) // if not start of overloaded list of TemplateDeclaration's
td = td->overroot; // then get the start
Expression *ex = new TemplateExp(e->loc, td, f);
ex = semantic(ex, sc);
return ex;
if (FuncLiteralDeclaration *fld = f->isFuncLiteralDeclaration())
// Directly translate to VarExp instead of FuncExp
Expression *ex = new VarExp(e->loc, fld, true);
return semantic(ex, sc);
return resolve(e->loc, sc, s, false);
else if (e->ident == Id::hasMember ||
e->ident == Id::getMember ||
e->ident == Id::getOverloads ||
e->ident == Id::getVirtualMethods ||
e->ident == Id::getVirtualFunctions)
if (dim != 2)
return dimError(e, 2, dim);
RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
Expression *ex = isExpression((*e->args)[1]);
if (!ex)
e->error("expression expected as second argument of __traits %s", e->ident->toChars());
return new ErrorExp();
ex = ex->ctfeInterpret();
StringExp *se = ex->toStringExp();
if (!se || se->len == 0)
e->error("string expected as second argument of __traits %s instead of %s", e->ident->toChars(), ex->toChars());
return new ErrorExp();
se = se->toUTF8(sc);
if (se->sz != 1)
e->error("string must be chars");
return new ErrorExp();
Identifier *id = Identifier::idPool((char *)se->string, se->len);
/* Prefer dsymbol, because it might need some runtime contexts.
Dsymbol *sym = getDsymbol(o);
if (sym)
ex = new DsymbolExp(e->loc, sym);
ex = new DotIdExp(e->loc, ex, id);
else if (Type *t = isType(o))
ex = typeDotIdExp(e->loc, t, id);
else if (Expression *ex2 = isExpression(o))
ex = new DotIdExp(e->loc, ex2, id);
e->error("invalid first argument");
return new ErrorExp();
if (e->ident == Id::hasMember)
if (sym)
if (sym->search(e->loc, id))
return True(e);
/* Take any errors as meaning it wasn't found
Scope *scx = sc->push();
scx->flags |= SCOPEignoresymbolvisibility;
ex = trySemantic(ex, scx);
return ex ? True(e) : False(e);
else if (e->ident == Id::getMember)
if (ex->op == TOKdotid)
// Prevent semantic() from replacing Symbol with its initializer
((DotIdExp *)ex)->wantsym = true;
Scope *scx = sc->push();
scx->flags |= SCOPEignoresymbolvisibility;
ex = semantic(ex, scx);
return ex;
else if (e->ident == Id::getVirtualFunctions ||
e->ident == Id::getVirtualMethods ||
e->ident == Id::getOverloads)
unsigned errors = global.errors;
Expression *eorig = ex;
Scope *scx = sc->push();
scx->flags |= SCOPEignoresymbolvisibility;
ex = semantic(ex, scx);
if (errors < global.errors)
e->error("%s cannot be resolved", eorig->toChars());
/* Create tuple of functions of ex
Expressions *exps = new Expressions();
FuncDeclaration *f;
if (ex->op == TOKvar)
VarExp *ve = (VarExp *)ex;
f = ve->var->isFuncDeclaration();
ex = NULL;
else if (ex->op == TOKdotvar)
DotVarExp *dve = (DotVarExp *)ex;
f = dve->var->isFuncDeclaration();
if (dve->e1->op == TOKdottype || dve->e1->op == TOKthis)
ex = NULL;
ex = dve->e1;
f = NULL;
Ptrait p;
p.exps = exps;
p.e1 = ex;
p.ident = e->ident;
overloadApply(f, &p, &fptraits);
ex = new TupleExp(e->loc, exps);
ex = semantic(ex, scx);
return ex;
else if (e->ident == Id::classInstanceSize)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(e, 1, dim);
RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
ClassDeclaration *cd = s ? s->isClassDeclaration() : NULL;
if (!cd)
e->error("first argument is not a class");
return new ErrorExp();
if (cd->sizeok != SIZEOKdone)
if (cd->sizeok != SIZEOKdone)
e->error("%s %s is forward referenced", cd->kind(), cd->toChars());
return new ErrorExp();
return new IntegerExp(e->loc, cd->structsize, Type::tsize_t);
else if (e->ident == Id::getAliasThis)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(e, 1, dim);
RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
AggregateDeclaration *ad = s ? s->isAggregateDeclaration() : NULL;
if (!ad)
e->error("argument is not an aggregate type");
return new ErrorExp();
Expressions *exps = new Expressions();
if (ad->aliasthis)
exps->push(new StringExp(e->loc, const_cast<char *>(ad->aliasthis->ident->toChars())));
Expression *ex = new TupleExp(e->loc, exps);
ex = semantic(ex, sc);
return ex;
else if (e->ident == Id::getAttributes)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(e, 1, dim);
RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
if (!s)
e->error("first argument is not a symbol");
return new ErrorExp();
if (Import *imp = s->isImport())
s = imp->mod;
//printf("getAttributes %s, attrs = %p, scope = %p\n", s->toChars(), s->userAttribDecl, s->_scope);
UserAttributeDeclaration *udad = s->userAttribDecl;
Expressions *exps = udad ? udad->getAttributes() : new Expressions();
TupleExp *tup = new TupleExp(e->loc, exps);
return semantic(tup, sc);
else if (e->ident == Id::getFunctionAttributes)
/// extract all function attributes as a tuple (const/shared/inout/pure/nothrow/etc) except UDAs.
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(e, 1, dim);
RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
Type *t = isType(o);
TypeFunction *tf = NULL;
if (s)
if (FuncDeclaration *f = s->isFuncDeclaration())
t = f->type;
else if (VarDeclaration *v = s->isVarDeclaration())
t = v->type;
if (t)
if (t->ty == Tfunction)
tf = (TypeFunction *)t;
else if (t->ty == Tdelegate)
tf = (TypeFunction *)t->nextOf();
else if (t->ty == Tpointer && t->nextOf()->ty == Tfunction)
tf = (TypeFunction *)t->nextOf();
if (!tf)
e->error("first argument is not a function");
return new ErrorExp();
Expressions *mods = new Expressions();
PushAttributes pa;
pa.mods = mods;
tf->modifiersApply(&pa, &PushAttributes::fp);
tf->attributesApply(&pa, &PushAttributes::fp, TRUSTformatSystem);
TupleExp *tup = new TupleExp(e->loc, mods);
return semantic(tup, sc);
else if (e->ident == Id::getFunctionVariadicStyle)
/* Accept a symbol or a type. Returns one of the following:
* "none" not a variadic function
* "argptr" extern(D) void dstyle(...), use `__argptr` and `__arguments`
* "stdarg" extern(C) void cstyle(int, ...), use core.stdc.stdarg
* "typesafe" void typesafe(T[] ...)
// get symbol linkage as a string
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(e, 1, dim);
LINK link;
int varargs;
RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
Type *t = isType(o);
TypeFunction *tf = NULL;
if (t)
if (t->ty == Tfunction)
tf = (TypeFunction *)t;
else if (t->ty == Tdelegate)
tf = (TypeFunction *)t->nextOf();
else if (t->ty == Tpointer && t->nextOf()->ty == Tfunction)
tf = (TypeFunction *)t->nextOf();
if (tf)
link = tf->linkage;
varargs = tf->varargs;
Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
FuncDeclaration *fd = NULL;
if (!s || (fd = s->isFuncDeclaration()) == NULL)
e->error("argument to `__traits(getFunctionVariadicStyle, %s)` is not a function", o->toChars());
return new ErrorExp();
link = fd->linkage;
const char *style;
switch (varargs)
case 0: style = "none"; break;
case 1: style = (link == LINKd) ? "argptr"
: "stdarg"; break;
case 2: style = "typesafe"; break;
StringExp *se = new StringExp(e->loc, const_cast<char*>(style));
return semantic(se, sc);
else if (e->ident == Id::getParameterStorageClasses)
/* Accept a function symbol or a type, followed by a parameter index.
* Returns a tuple of strings of the parameter's storage classes.
// get symbol linkage as a string
if (dim != 2)
return dimError(e, 2, dim);
RootObject *o1 = (*e->args)[1];
RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
Type *t = isType(o);
TypeFunction *tf = NULL;
if (t)
if (t->ty == Tfunction)
tf = (TypeFunction *)t;
else if (t->ty == Tdelegate)
tf = (TypeFunction *)t->nextOf();
else if (t->ty == Tpointer && t->nextOf()->ty == Tfunction)
tf = (TypeFunction *)t->nextOf();
Parameters* fparams;
if (tf)
fparams = tf->parameters;
Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
FuncDeclaration *fd = NULL;
if (!s || (fd = s->isFuncDeclaration()) == NULL)
e->error("first argument to `__traits(getParameterStorageClasses, %s, %s)` is not a function",
o->toChars(), o1->toChars());
return new ErrorExp();
fparams = fd->getParameters(NULL);
StorageClass stc;
// Set stc to storage class of the ith parameter
Expression *ex = isExpression((*e->args)[1]);
if (!ex)
e->error("expression expected as second argument of `__traits(getParameterStorageClasses, %s, %s)`",
o->toChars(), o1->toChars());
return new ErrorExp();
ex = ex->ctfeInterpret();
uinteger_t ii = ex->toUInteger();
if (ii >= Parameter::dim(fparams))
e->error("parameter index must be in range 0..%u not %s", (unsigned)Parameter::dim(fparams), ex->toChars());
return new ErrorExp();
unsigned n = (unsigned)ii;
Parameter *p = Parameter::getNth(fparams, n);
stc = p->storageClass;
// This mirrors hdrgen.visit(Parameter p)
if (p->type && p->type->mod & MODshared)
stc &= ~STCshared;
Expressions *exps = new Expressions;
if (stc & STCauto)
exps->push(new StringExp(e->loc, const_cast<char *>("auto")));
if (stc & STCreturn)
exps->push(new StringExp(e->loc, const_cast<char *>("return")));
if (stc & STCout)
exps->push(new StringExp(e->loc, const_cast<char *>("out")));
else if (stc & STCref)
exps->push(new StringExp(e->loc, const_cast<char *>("ref")));
else if (stc & STCin)
exps->push(new StringExp(e->loc, const_cast<char *>("in")));
else if (stc & STClazy)
exps->push(new StringExp(e->loc, const_cast<char *>("lazy")));
else if (stc & STCalias)
exps->push(new StringExp(e->loc, const_cast<char *>("alias")));
if (stc & STCconst)
exps->push(new StringExp(e->loc, const_cast<char *>("const")));
if (stc & STCimmutable)
exps->push(new StringExp(e->loc, const_cast<char *>("immutable")));
if (stc & STCwild)
exps->push(new StringExp(e->loc, const_cast<char *>("inout")));
if (stc & STCshared)
exps->push(new StringExp(e->loc, const_cast<char *>("shared")));
if (stc & STCscope && !(stc & STCscopeinferred))
exps->push(new StringExp(e->loc, const_cast<char *>("scope")));
TupleExp *tup = new TupleExp(e->loc, exps);
return semantic(tup, sc);
else if (e->ident == Id::getLinkage)
// get symbol linkage as a string
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(e, 1, dim);
LINK link;
RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
Type *t = isType(o);
TypeFunction *tf = NULL;
if (t)
if (t->ty == Tfunction)
tf = (TypeFunction *)t;
else if (t->ty == Tdelegate)
tf = (TypeFunction *)t->nextOf();
else if (t->ty == Tpointer && t->nextOf()->ty == Tfunction)
tf = (TypeFunction *)t->nextOf();
if (tf)
link = tf->linkage;
Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
Declaration *d = NULL;
if (!s || (d = s->isDeclaration()) == NULL)
e->error("argument to `__traits(getLinkage, %s)` is not a declaration", o->toChars());
return new ErrorExp();
link = d->linkage;
const char *linkage = linkageToChars(link);
StringExp *se = new StringExp(e->loc, const_cast<char *>(linkage));
return semantic(se, sc);
else if (e->ident == Id::allMembers ||
e->ident == Id::derivedMembers)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(e, 1, dim);
RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
if (!s)
e->error("argument has no members");
return new ErrorExp();
if (Import *imp = s->isImport())
// Bugzilla 9692
s = imp->mod;
ScopeDsymbol *sds = s->isScopeDsymbol();
if (!sds || sds->isTemplateDeclaration())
e->error("%s %s has no members", s->kind(), s->toChars());
return new ErrorExp();
// use a struct as local function
struct PushIdentsDg
ScopeDsymbol *sds;
Identifiers *idents;
static int dg(void *ctx, size_t, Dsymbol *sm)
if (!sm)
return 1;
//printf("\t[%i] %s %s\n", i, sm->kind(), sm->toChars());
if (sm->ident)
const char *idx = sm->ident->toChars();
if (idx[0] == '_' && idx[1] == '_' &&
sm->ident != Id::ctor &&
sm->ident != Id::dtor &&
sm->ident != Id::__xdtor &&
sm->ident != Id::postblit &&
sm->ident != Id::__xpostblit)
return 0;
if (sm->ident == Id::empty)
return 0;
if (sm->isTypeInfoDeclaration()) // Bugzilla 15177
return 0;
PushIdentsDg *pid = (PushIdentsDg *)ctx;
if (!pid->sds->isModule() && sm->isImport()) // Bugzilla 17057
return 0;
//printf("\t%s\n", sm->ident->toChars());
Identifiers *idents = pid->idents;
/* Skip if already present in idents[]
for (size_t j = 0; j < idents->dim; j++)
Identifier *id = (*idents)[j];
if (id == sm->ident)
return 0;
EnumDeclaration *ed = sm->isEnumDeclaration();
if (ed)
ScopeDsymbol_foreach(NULL, ed->members, &PushIdentsDg::dg, ctx);
return 0;
Identifiers *idents = new Identifiers;
PushIdentsDg ctx;
ctx.sds = sds;
ctx.idents = idents;
ScopeDsymbol_foreach(sc, sds->members, &PushIdentsDg::dg, &ctx);
ClassDeclaration *cd = sds->isClassDeclaration();
if (cd && e->ident == Id::allMembers)
if (cd->_scope)
cd->semantic(NULL); // Bugzilla 13668: Try to resolve forward reference
struct PushBaseMembers
static void dg(ClassDeclaration *cd, PushIdentsDg *ctx)
for (size_t i = 0; i < cd->baseclasses->dim; i++)
ClassDeclaration *cb = (*cd->baseclasses)[i]->sym;
ScopeDsymbol_foreach(NULL, cb->members, &PushIdentsDg::dg, ctx);
if (cb->baseclasses->dim)
dg(cb, ctx);
PushBaseMembers::dg(cd, &ctx);
// Turn Identifiers into StringExps reusing the allocated array
assert(sizeof(Expressions) == sizeof(Identifiers));
Expressions *exps = (Expressions *)idents;
for (size_t i = 0; i < idents->dim; i++)
Identifier *id = (*idents)[i];
StringExp *se = new StringExp(e->loc, const_cast<char *>(id->toChars()));
(*exps)[i] = se;
/* Making this a tuple is more flexible, as it can be statically unrolled.
* To make an array literal, enclose __traits in [ ]:
* [ __traits(allMembers, ...) ]
Expression *ex = new TupleExp(e->loc, exps);
ex = semantic(ex, sc);
return ex;
else if (e->ident == Id::compiles)
/* Determine if all the objects - types, expressions, or symbols -
* compile without error
if (!dim)
return False(e);
for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++)
unsigned errors = global.startGagging();
Scope *sc2 = sc->push();
sc2->tinst = NULL;
sc2->minst = NULL;
sc2->flags = (sc->flags & ~(SCOPEctfe | SCOPEcondition)) | SCOPEcompile | SCOPEfullinst;
bool err = false;
RootObject *o = (*e->args)[i];
Type *t = isType(o);
Expression *ex = t ? typeToExpression(t) : isExpression(o);
if (!ex && t)
Dsymbol *s;
t->resolve(e->loc, sc2, &ex, &t, &s);
if (t)
t->semantic(e->loc, sc2);
if (t->ty == Terror)
err = true;
else if (s && s->errors)
err = true;
if (ex)
ex = semantic(ex, sc2);
ex = resolvePropertiesOnly(sc2, ex);
ex = ex->optimize(WANTvalue);
if (sc2->func && sc2->func->type->ty == Tfunction)
TypeFunction *tf = (TypeFunction *)sc2->func->type;
canThrow(ex, sc2->func, tf->isnothrow);
ex = checkGC(sc2, ex);
if (ex->op == TOKerror)
err = true;
// Carefully detach the scope from the parent and throw it away as
// we only need it to evaluate the expression
sc2->enclosing = NULL;
if (global.endGagging(errors) || err)
return False(e);
return True(e);
else if (e->ident == Id::isSame)
/* Determine if two symbols are the same
if (dim != 2)
return dimError(e, 2, dim);
if (!TemplateInstance::semanticTiargs(e->loc, sc, e->args, 0))
return new ErrorExp();
RootObject *o1 = (*e->args)[0];
RootObject *o2 = (*e->args)[1];
Dsymbol *s1 = getDsymbol(o1);
Dsymbol *s2 = getDsymbol(o2);
//printf("isSame: %s, %s\n", o1->toChars(), o2->toChars());
if (!s1 && !s2)
Expression *ea1 = isExpression(o1);
Expression *ea2 = isExpression(o2);
if (ea1 && ea2)
if (ea1->equals(ea2))
return True(e);
if (!s1 || !s2)
return False(e);
s1 = s1->toAlias();
s2 = s2->toAlias();
if (s1->isFuncAliasDeclaration())
s1 = ((FuncAliasDeclaration *)s1)->toAliasFunc();
if (s2->isFuncAliasDeclaration())
s2 = ((FuncAliasDeclaration *)s2)->toAliasFunc();
return (s1 == s2) ? True(e) : False(e);
else if (e->ident == Id::getUnitTests)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(e, 1, dim);
RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
if (!s)
e->error("argument %s to __traits(getUnitTests) must be a module or aggregate",
return new ErrorExp();
if (Import *imp = s->isImport()) // Bugzilla 10990
s = imp->mod;
ScopeDsymbol* sds = s->isScopeDsymbol();
if (!sds)
e->error("argument %s to __traits(getUnitTests) must be a module or aggregate, not a %s",
s->toChars(), s->kind());
return new ErrorExp();
Expressions *exps = new Expressions();
if (global.params.useUnitTests)
// Should actually be a set
AA* uniqueUnitTests = NULL;
collectUnitTests(sds->members, uniqueUnitTests, exps);
TupleExp *te= new TupleExp(e->loc, exps);
return semantic(te, sc);
else if(e->ident == Id::getVirtualIndex)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(e, 1, dim);
RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
FuncDeclaration *fd = s ? s->isFuncDeclaration() : NULL;
if (!fd)
e->error("first argument to __traits(getVirtualIndex) must be a function");
return new ErrorExp();
fd = fd->toAliasFunc(); // Neccessary to support multiple overloads.
return new IntegerExp(e->loc, fd->vtblIndex, Type::tptrdiff_t);
else if (e->ident == Id::getPointerBitmap)
return pointerBitmap(e);
if (const char *sub = (const char *)speller(e->ident->toChars(), &trait_search_fp, NULL, idchars))
e->error("unrecognized trait '%s', did you mean '%s'?", e->ident->toChars(), sub);
e->error("unrecognized trait '%s'", e->ident->toChars());
return new ErrorExp();
e->error("wrong number of arguments %d", (int)dim);
return new ErrorExp();