blob: 62603d6b4ba818d07a4a2e7dc2a1eebedadd649a [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- A S P E C T S --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2010-2022, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
-- for a complete copy of the license. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Atree; use Atree;
with Einfo; use Einfo;
with Einfo.Entities; use Einfo.Entities;
with Einfo.Utils; use Einfo.Utils;
with Nlists; use Nlists;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
with Sinfo.Nodes; use Sinfo.Nodes;
with Sinfo.Utils; use Sinfo.Utils;
with GNAT.HTable;
package body Aspects is
-- The following array indicates aspects that a subtype inherits from its
-- base type. True means that the subtype inherits the aspect from its base
-- type. False means it is not inherited.
Base_Aspect : constant array (Aspect_Id) of Boolean :=
(Aspect_Atomic => True,
Aspect_Atomic_Components => True,
Aspect_Constant_Indexing => True,
Aspect_Default_Iterator => True,
Aspect_Discard_Names => True,
Aspect_Independent_Components => True,
Aspect_Iterator_Element => True,
Aspect_Stable_Properties => True,
Aspect_Type_Invariant => True,
Aspect_Unchecked_Union => True,
Aspect_Variable_Indexing => True,
Aspect_Volatile => True,
Aspect_Volatile_Full_Access => True,
others => False);
-- The following array indicates type aspects that are inherited and apply
-- to the class-wide type as well.
Inherited_Aspect : constant array (Aspect_Id) of Boolean :=
(Aspect_Constant_Indexing => True,
Aspect_Default_Iterator => True,
Aspect_Implicit_Dereference => True,
Aspect_Iterator_Element => True,
Aspect_Remote_Types => True,
Aspect_Variable_Indexing => True,
others => False);
-- Hash Table for Aspect Specifications --
type AS_Hash_Range is range 0 .. 510;
-- Size of hash table headers
function AS_Hash (F : Node_Id) return AS_Hash_Range;
-- Hash function for hash table
function AS_Hash (F : Node_Id) return AS_Hash_Range is
return AS_Hash_Range (F mod 511);
end AS_Hash;
package Aspect_Specifications_Hash_Table is new
(Header_Num => AS_Hash_Range,
Element => List_Id,
No_Element => No_List,
Key => Node_Id,
Hash => AS_Hash,
Equal => "=");
-- Hash Table for Aspect Id Values --
type AI_Hash_Range is range 0 .. 112;
-- Size of hash table headers
function AI_Hash (F : Name_Id) return AI_Hash_Range;
-- Hash function for hash table
function AI_Hash (F : Name_Id) return AI_Hash_Range is
return AI_Hash_Range (F mod 113);
end AI_Hash;
package Aspect_Id_Hash_Table is new
(Header_Num => AI_Hash_Range,
Element => Aspect_Id,
No_Element => No_Aspect,
Key => Name_Id,
Hash => AI_Hash,
Equal => "=");
-- Aspect_Specifications --
function Aspect_Specifications (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
if Has_Aspects (N) then
return Aspect_Specifications_Hash_Table.Get (N);
return No_List;
end if;
end Aspect_Specifications;
-- Aspects_On_Body_Or_Stub_OK --
function Aspects_On_Body_Or_Stub_OK (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
Aspect : Node_Id;
Aspects : List_Id;
-- The routine should be invoked on a body [stub] with aspects
pragma Assert (Has_Aspects (N));
pragma Assert
(Nkind (N) in N_Body_Stub | N_Entry_Body | N_Package_Body |
N_Protected_Body | N_Subprogram_Body | N_Task_Body);
-- Look through all aspects and see whether they can be applied to a
-- body [stub].
Aspects := Aspect_Specifications (N);
Aspect := First (Aspects);
while Present (Aspect) loop
if not Aspect_On_Body_Or_Stub_OK (Get_Aspect_Id (Aspect)) then
return False;
end if;
Next (Aspect);
end loop;
return True;
end Aspects_On_Body_Or_Stub_OK;
-- Exchange_Aspects --
procedure Exchange_Aspects (N1 : Node_Id; N2 : Node_Id) is
pragma Assert
(Permits_Aspect_Specifications (N1)
and then Permits_Aspect_Specifications (N2));
-- Perform the exchange only when both nodes have lists to be swapped
if Has_Aspects (N1) and then Has_Aspects (N2) then
L1 : constant List_Id := Aspect_Specifications (N1);
L2 : constant List_Id := Aspect_Specifications (N2);
Set_Parent (L1, N2);
Set_Parent (L2, N1);
Aspect_Specifications_Hash_Table.Set (N1, L2);
Aspect_Specifications_Hash_Table.Set (N2, L1);
end if;
end Exchange_Aspects;
-- Find_Aspect --
function Find_Aspect
(Id : Entity_Id;
A : Aspect_Id;
Class_Present : Boolean := False) return Node_Id
Decl : Node_Id;
Item : Node_Id;
Owner : Entity_Id;
Spec : Node_Id;
Owner := Id;
-- Handle various cases of base or inherited aspects for types
if Is_Type (Id) then
if Base_Aspect (A) then
Owner := Base_Type (Owner);
end if;
if Is_Class_Wide_Type (Owner) and then Inherited_Aspect (A) then
Owner := Root_Type (Owner);
end if;
if Is_Private_Type (Owner)
and then Present (Full_View (Owner))
and then not Operational_Aspect (A)
Owner := Full_View (Owner);
end if;
end if;
-- Search the representation items for the desired aspect
Item := First_Rep_Item (Owner);
while Present (Item) loop
if Nkind (Item) = N_Aspect_Specification
and then Get_Aspect_Id (Item) = A
and then Class_Present = Sinfo.Nodes.Class_Present (Item)
return Item;
end if;
Next_Rep_Item (Item);
end loop;
-- Note that not all aspects are added to the chain of representation
-- items. In such cases, search the list of aspect specifications. First
-- find the declaration node where the aspects reside. This is usually
-- the parent or the parent of the parent.
if No (Parent (Owner)) then
return Empty;
end if;
Decl := Parent (Owner);
if not Permits_Aspect_Specifications (Decl) then
Decl := Parent (Decl);
end if;
-- Search the list of aspect specifications for the desired aspect
if Permits_Aspect_Specifications (Decl) then
Spec := First (Aspect_Specifications (Decl));
while Present (Spec) loop
if Get_Aspect_Id (Spec) = A
and then Class_Present = Sinfo.Nodes.Class_Present (Spec)
return Spec;
end if;
Next (Spec);
end loop;
end if;
-- The entity does not carry any aspects or the desired aspect was not
-- found.
return Empty;
end Find_Aspect;
-- Find_Value_Of_Aspect --
function Find_Value_Of_Aspect
(Id : Entity_Id;
A : Aspect_Id;
Class_Present : Boolean := False) return Node_Id
Spec : constant Node_Id := Find_Aspect (Id, A,
Class_Present => Class_Present);
if Present (Spec) then
if A = Aspect_Default_Iterator then
return Expression (Aspect_Rep_Item (Spec));
return Expression (Spec);
end if;
end if;
return Empty;
end Find_Value_Of_Aspect;
-- Get_Aspect_Id --
function Get_Aspect_Id (Name : Name_Id) return Aspect_Id is
return Aspect_Id_Hash_Table.Get (Name);
end Get_Aspect_Id;
function Get_Aspect_Id (Aspect : Node_Id) return Aspect_Id is
pragma Assert (Nkind (Aspect) = N_Aspect_Specification);
return Aspect_Id_Hash_Table.Get (Chars (Identifier (Aspect)));
end Get_Aspect_Id;
-- Has_Aspect --
function Has_Aspect
(Id : Entity_Id;
A : Aspect_Id;
Class_Present : Boolean := False) return Boolean
return Present (Find_Aspect (Id, A, Class_Present => Class_Present));
end Has_Aspect;
-- Is_Aspect_Id --
function Is_Aspect_Id (Aspect : Name_Id) return Boolean is
(Get_Aspect_Id (Aspect) /= No_Aspect);
function Is_Aspect_Id (Aspect : Node_Id) return Boolean is
(Get_Aspect_Id (Aspect) /= No_Aspect);
-- Move_Aspects --
procedure Move_Aspects (From : Node_Id; To : Node_Id) is
pragma Assert (not Has_Aspects (To));
if Has_Aspects (From) then
Set_Aspect_Specifications (To, Aspect_Specifications (From));
Aspect_Specifications_Hash_Table.Remove (From);
Set_Has_Aspects (From, False);
end if;
end Move_Aspects;
-- Move_Or_Merge_Aspects --
procedure Move_Or_Merge_Aspects (From : Node_Id; To : Node_Id) is
procedure Relocate_Aspect (Asp : Node_Id);
-- Move aspect specification Asp to the aspect specifications of node To
-- Relocate_Aspect --
procedure Relocate_Aspect (Asp : Node_Id) is
Asps : List_Id;
if Has_Aspects (To) then
Asps := Aspect_Specifications (To);
-- Create a new aspect specification list for node To
Asps := New_List;
Set_Aspect_Specifications (To, Asps);
Set_Has_Aspects (To);
end if;
-- Remove the aspect from its original owner and relocate it to node
-- To.
Remove (Asp);
Append (Asp, Asps);
end Relocate_Aspect;
-- Local variables
Asp : Node_Id;
Asp_Id : Aspect_Id;
Next_Asp : Node_Id;
-- Start of processing for Move_Or_Merge_Aspects
if Has_Aspects (From) then
Asp := First (Aspect_Specifications (From));
while Present (Asp) loop
-- Store the next aspect now as a potential relocation will alter
-- the contents of the list.
Next_Asp := Next (Asp);
-- When moving or merging aspects from a subprogram body stub that
-- also acts as a spec, relocate only those aspects that may apply
-- to a body [stub]. Note that a precondition must also be moved
-- to the proper body as the pre/post machinery expects it to be
-- there.
if Nkind (From) = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub
and then No (Corresponding_Spec_Of_Stub (From))
Asp_Id := Get_Aspect_Id (Asp);
if Aspect_On_Body_Or_Stub_OK (Asp_Id)
or else Asp_Id = Aspect_Pre
or else Asp_Id = Aspect_Precondition
Relocate_Aspect (Asp);
end if;
-- When moving or merging aspects from a single concurrent type
-- declaration, relocate only those aspects that may apply to the
-- anonymous object created for the type.
-- Note: It is better to use Is_Single_Concurrent_Type_Declaration
-- here, but Aspects and Sem_Util have incompatible licenses.
elsif Nkind (Original_Node (From)) in
N_Single_Protected_Declaration | N_Single_Task_Declaration
Asp_Id := Get_Aspect_Id (Asp);
if Aspect_On_Anonymous_Object_OK (Asp_Id) then
Relocate_Aspect (Asp);
end if;
-- Default case - relocate the aspect to its new owner
Relocate_Aspect (Asp);
end if;
Asp := Next_Asp;
end loop;
-- The relocations may have left node From's aspect specifications
-- list empty. If this is the case, simply remove the aspects.
if Is_Empty_List (Aspect_Specifications (From)) then
Remove_Aspects (From);
end if;
end if;
end Move_Or_Merge_Aspects;
-- Permits_Aspect_Specifications --
Has_Aspect_Specifications_Flag : constant array (Node_Kind) of Boolean :=
(N_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration => True,
N_Component_Declaration => True,
N_Entry_Body => True,
N_Entry_Declaration => True,
N_Exception_Declaration => True,
N_Exception_Renaming_Declaration => True,
N_Expression_Function => True,
N_Formal_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration => True,
N_Formal_Concrete_Subprogram_Declaration => True,
N_Formal_Object_Declaration => True,
N_Formal_Package_Declaration => True,
N_Formal_Type_Declaration => True,
N_Full_Type_Declaration => True,
N_Function_Instantiation => True,
N_Generic_Package_Declaration => True,
N_Generic_Renaming_Declaration => True,
N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration => True,
N_Object_Declaration => True,
N_Object_Renaming_Declaration => True,
N_Package_Body => True,
N_Package_Body_Stub => True,
N_Package_Declaration => True,
N_Package_Instantiation => True,
N_Package_Specification => True,
N_Package_Renaming_Declaration => True,
N_Parameter_Specification => True,
N_Private_Extension_Declaration => True,
N_Private_Type_Declaration => True,
N_Procedure_Instantiation => True,
N_Protected_Body => True,
N_Protected_Body_Stub => True,
N_Protected_Type_Declaration => True,
N_Single_Protected_Declaration => True,
N_Single_Task_Declaration => True,
N_Subprogram_Body => True,
N_Subprogram_Body_Stub => True,
N_Subprogram_Declaration => True,
N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration => True,
N_Subtype_Declaration => True,
N_Task_Body => True,
N_Task_Body_Stub => True,
N_Task_Type_Declaration => True,
others => False);
function Permits_Aspect_Specifications (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
pragma Assert (Present (N));
return Has_Aspect_Specifications_Flag (Nkind (N));
end Permits_Aspect_Specifications;
-- Remove_Aspects --
procedure Remove_Aspects (N : Node_Id) is
if Has_Aspects (N) then
Aspect_Specifications_Hash_Table.Remove (N);
Set_Has_Aspects (N, False);
end if;
end Remove_Aspects;
-- Same_Aspect --
-- Table used for Same_Aspect, maps aspect to canonical aspect
type Aspect_To_Aspect_Mapping is array (Aspect_Id) of Aspect_Id;
function Init_Canonical_Aspect return Aspect_To_Aspect_Mapping;
-- Initialize the Canonical_Aspect mapping below
function Init_Canonical_Aspect return Aspect_To_Aspect_Mapping is
Result : Aspect_To_Aspect_Mapping;
-- They all map to themselves...
for Aspect in Aspect_Id loop
Result (Aspect) := Aspect;
end loop;
-- ...except for these:
Result (Aspect_Dynamic_Predicate) := Aspect_Predicate;
Result (Aspect_Inline_Always) := Aspect_Inline;
Result (Aspect_Interrupt_Priority) := Aspect_Priority;
Result (Aspect_Postcondition) := Aspect_Post;
Result (Aspect_Precondition) := Aspect_Pre;
Result (Aspect_Shared) := Aspect_Atomic;
Result (Aspect_Static_Predicate) := Aspect_Predicate;
Result (Aspect_Type_Invariant) := Aspect_Invariant;
return Result;
end Init_Canonical_Aspect;
Canonical_Aspect : constant Aspect_To_Aspect_Mapping :=
function Same_Aspect (A1 : Aspect_Id; A2 : Aspect_Id) return Boolean is
return Canonical_Aspect (A1) = Canonical_Aspect (A2);
end Same_Aspect;
-- Set_Aspect_Specifications --
procedure Set_Aspect_Specifications (N : Node_Id; L : List_Id) is
pragma Assert (Permits_Aspect_Specifications (N));
pragma Assert (not Has_Aspects (N));
pragma Assert (L /= No_List);
Set_Has_Aspects (N);
Set_Parent (L, N);
Aspect_Specifications_Hash_Table.Set (N, L);
end Set_Aspect_Specifications;
-- Package initialization sets up Aspect Id hash table
for J in Aspect_Id loop
Aspect_Id_Hash_Table.Set (Aspect_Names (J), J);
end loop;
end Aspects;