blob: 2631045e0f760a629710fe9de783467e3ec385c1 [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- G E N _ I L . G E N . G E N _ E N T I T I E S --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2020-2022, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
-- for a complete copy of the license. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
procedure Gen_IL.Gen.Gen_Entities is
procedure Ab -- Short for "Abstract"
(T : Abstract_Entity; Parent : Abstract_Type;
Fields : Field_Sequence := No_Fields)
renames Create_Abstract_Entity_Type;
procedure Cc -- Short for "ConCrete"
(T : Concrete_Entity; Parent : Abstract_Type;
Fields : Field_Sequence := No_Fields)
renames Create_Concrete_Entity_Type;
-- No Sy (Syntactic) fields in entities
function Sm -- Short for "Semantic"
(Field : Field_Enum; Field_Type : Type_Enum;
Type_Only : Type_Only_Enum := No_Type_Only;
Pre, Pre_Get, Pre_Set : String := "") return Field_Desc
renames Create_Semantic_Field;
procedure Union (T : Abstract_Entity; Children : Type_Array)
renames Create_Entity_Union_Type;
begin -- Gen_IL.Gen.Gen_Entities
pragma Style_Checks ("M200");
Create_Root_Entity_Type (Entity_Kind,
(Sm (Ekind, Entity_Kind_Type),
Sm (Basic_Convention, Convention_Id),
Sm (Address_Taken, Flag),
Sm (Associated_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Can_Never_Be_Null, Flag),
Sm (Checks_May_Be_Suppressed, Flag),
Sm (Debug_Info_Off, Flag),
Sm (Default_Expressions_Processed, Flag),
Sm (Delay_Cleanups, Flag),
Sm (Delay_Subprogram_Descriptors, Flag),
Sm (Depends_On_Private, Flag),
Sm (Disable_Controlled, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Discard_Names, Flag),
Sm (First_Rep_Item, Node_Id),
Sm (Freeze_Node, Node_Id),
Sm (From_Limited_With, Flag),
Sm (Has_Aliased_Components, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Alignment_Clause, Flag),
Sm (Has_All_Calls_Remote, Flag),
Sm (Has_Atomic_Components, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Biased_Representation, Flag),
Sm (Has_Completion, Flag),
Sm (Has_Contiguous_Rep, Flag),
Sm (Has_Controlled_Component, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Controlling_Result, Flag),
Sm (Has_Convention_Pragma, Flag),
Sm (Has_Default_Aspect, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Delayed_Aspects, Flag),
Sm (Has_Delayed_Freeze, Flag),
Sm (Has_Delayed_Rep_Aspects, Flag),
Sm (Has_Exit, Flag),
Sm (Has_Forward_Instantiation, Flag),
Sm (Has_Fully_Qualified_Name, Flag),
Sm (Has_Gigi_Rep_Item, Flag),
Sm (Has_Homonym, Flag),
Sm (Has_Implicit_Dereference, Flag),
Sm (Has_Independent_Components, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Master_Entity, Flag),
Sm (Has_Nested_Block_With_Handler, Flag),
Sm (Has_Non_Standard_Rep, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Per_Object_Constraint, Flag),
Sm (Has_Pragma_Elaborate_Body, Flag),
Sm (Has_Pragma_Inline, Flag),
Sm (Has_Pragma_Inline_Always, Flag),
Sm (Has_Pragma_No_Inline, Flag),
Sm (Has_Pragma_Preelab_Init, Flag),
Sm (Has_Pragma_Pure, Flag),
Sm (Has_Pragma_Pure_Function, Flag),
Sm (Has_Pragma_Thread_Local_Storage, Flag),
Sm (Has_Pragma_Unmodified, Flag),
Sm (Has_Pragma_Unreferenced, Flag),
Sm (Has_Pragma_Unused, Flag),
Sm (Has_Private_Ancestor, Flag),
Sm (Has_Private_Declaration, Flag),
Sm (Has_Protected, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Qualified_Name, Flag),
Sm (Has_Size_Clause, Flag),
Sm (Has_Stream_Size_Clause, Flag),
Sm (Has_Task, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Timing_Event, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Thunks, Flag),
Sm (Has_Unchecked_Union, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Volatile_Components, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Xref_Entry, Flag),
Sm (Has_Yield_Aspect, Flag),
Sm (Homonym, Node_Id),
Sm (In_Package_Body, Flag),
Sm (In_Private_Part, Flag),
Sm (In_Use, Flag),
Sm (Is_Ada_2005_Only, Flag),
Sm (Is_Ada_2012_Only, Flag),
Sm (Is_Ada_2022_Only, Flag),
Sm (Is_Aliased, Flag),
Sm (Is_Atomic, Flag),
Sm (Is_Bit_Packed_Array, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Is_Character_Type, Flag),
Sm (Is_Checked_Ghost_Entity, Flag),
Sm (Is_Child_Unit, Flag),
Sm (Is_Class_Wide_Wrapper, Flag),
Sm (Is_Class_Wide_Equivalent_Type, Flag),
Sm (Is_Compilation_Unit, Flag),
Sm (Is_Concurrent_Record_Type, Flag),
Sm (Is_Constr_Subt_For_U_Nominal, Flag),
Sm (Is_Constr_Subt_For_UN_Aliased, Flag),
Sm (Is_Constrained, Flag),
Sm (Is_Constructor, Flag),
Sm (Is_Controlled_Active, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Is_CPP_Class, Flag),
Sm (Is_Descendant_Of_Address, Flag),
Sm (Is_Discrim_SO_Function, Flag),
Sm (Is_Discriminant_Check_Function, Flag),
Sm (Is_Dispatch_Table_Entity, Flag),
Sm (Is_Dispatch_Table_Wrapper, Flag),
Sm (Is_Dispatching_Operation, Flag),
Sm (Is_Eliminated, Flag),
Sm (Is_Entry_Formal, Flag),
Sm (Is_Entry_Wrapper, Flag),
Sm (Is_Exported, Flag),
Sm (Is_First_Subtype, Flag),
Sm (Is_Formal_Subprogram, Flag),
Sm (Is_Frozen, Flag),
Sm (Is_Generic_Instance, Flag),
Sm (Is_Generic_Type, Flag),
Sm (Is_Hidden, Flag),
Sm (Is_Hidden_Non_Overridden_Subpgm, Flag),
Sm (Is_Hidden_Open_Scope, Flag),
Sm (Is_Ignored_Ghost_Entity, Flag),
Sm (Is_Immediately_Visible, Flag),
Sm (Is_Implementation_Defined, Flag),
Sm (Is_Imported, Flag),
Sm (Is_Independent, Flag),
Sm (Is_Inlined, Flag),
Sm (Is_Instantiated, Flag),
Sm (Is_Interface, Flag),
Sm (Is_Internal, Flag),
Sm (Is_Interrupt_Handler, Flag),
Sm (Is_Intrinsic_Subprogram, Flag),
Sm (Is_Itype, Flag),
Sm (Is_Known_Non_Null, Flag),
Sm (Is_Known_Null, Flag),
Sm (Is_Known_Valid, Flag),
Sm (Is_Limited_Composite, Flag),
Sm (Is_Limited_Interface, Flag),
Sm (Is_Limited_Record, Flag),
Sm (Is_Loop_Parameter, Flag),
Sm (Is_Obsolescent, Flag),
Sm (Is_Package_Body_Entity, Flag),
Sm (Is_Packed, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Is_Packed_Array_Impl_Type, Flag),
Sm (Is_Potentially_Use_Visible, Flag),
Sm (Is_Preelaborated, Flag),
Sm (Is_Private_Descendant, Flag),
Sm (Is_Public, Flag),
Sm (Is_Pure, Flag),
Sm (Is_Remote_Call_Interface, Flag),
Sm (Is_Remote_Types, Flag),
Sm (Is_Renaming_Of_Object, Flag),
Sm (Is_Return_Object, Flag),
Sm (Is_Safe_To_Reevaluate, Flag),
Sm (Is_Shared_Passive, Flag),
Sm (Is_Static_Type, Flag),
Sm (Is_Statically_Allocated, Flag),
Sm (Is_Tag, Flag),
Sm (Is_Tagged_Type, Flag),
Sm (Is_Thunk, Flag),
Sm (Is_Trivial_Subprogram, Flag),
Sm (Is_True_Constant, Flag),
Sm (Is_Unchecked_Union, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Is_Underlying_Full_View, Flag),
Sm (Is_Underlying_Record_View, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Is_Unimplemented, Flag),
Sm (Is_Uplevel_Referenced_Entity, Flag),
Sm (Is_Visible_Formal, Flag),
Sm (Is_Visible_Lib_Unit, Flag),
Sm (Is_Volatile_Type, Flag),
Sm (Is_Volatile_Object, Flag),
Sm (Is_Volatile_Full_Access, Flag),
Sm (Is_Wrapper, Flag),
Sm (Kill_Elaboration_Checks, Flag),
Sm (Kill_Range_Checks, Flag),
Sm (Low_Bound_Tested, Flag),
Sm (Materialize_Entity, Flag),
Sm (May_Inherit_Delayed_Rep_Aspects, Flag),
Sm (Needs_Activation_Record, Flag),
Sm (Needs_Debug_Info, Flag),
Sm (Never_Set_In_Source, Flag),
Sm (No_Return, Flag),
Sm (Overlays_Constant, Flag),
Sm (Prev_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Reachable, Flag),
Sm (Referenced, Flag),
Sm (Referenced_As_LHS, Flag),
Sm (Referenced_As_Out_Parameter, Flag),
Sm (Return_Present, Flag),
Sm (Returns_By_Ref, Flag),
Sm (Sec_Stack_Needed_For_Return, Flag),
Sm (Size_Depends_On_Discriminant, Flag),
Sm (Size_Known_At_Compile_Time, Flag),
Sm (Stores_Attribute_Old_Prefix, Flag),
Sm (Strict_Alignment, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Suppress_Elaboration_Warnings, Flag),
Sm (Suppress_Style_Checks, Flag),
Sm (Suppress_Value_Tracking_On_Call, Flag),
Sm (Treat_As_Volatile, Flag),
Sm (Used_As_Generic_Actual, Flag),
Sm (Uses_Sec_Stack, Flag),
Sm (Warnings_Off, Flag),
Sm (Warnings_Off_Used, Flag),
Sm (Warnings_Off_Used_Unmodified, Flag),
Sm (Warnings_Off_Used_Unreferenced, Flag),
Sm (Was_Hidden, Flag)));
Ab (Void_Or_Type_Kind, Entity_Kind);
Cc (E_Void, Void_Or_Type_Kind,
-- The initial Ekind value for a newly created entity. Also used as the
-- Ekind for Standard_Void_Type, a type entity in Standard used as a
-- dummy type for the return type of a procedure (the reason we create
-- this type is to share the circuits for performing overload
-- resolution on calls).
(Sm (Alignment, Unat),
Sm (Contract, Node_Id),
Sm (Is_Elaboration_Warnings_OK_Id, Flag),
Sm (Original_Record_Component, Node_Id),
Sm (Scope_Depth_Value, Unat),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma, Node_Id),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma_Inherited, Flag),
Sm (Current_Value, Node_Id), -- setter only
Sm (Has_Predicates, Flag), -- setter only
Sm (Initialization_Statements, Node_Id), -- setter only
Sm (Is_Param_Block_Component_Type, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
-- setter only
Sm (Package_Instantiation, Node_Id), -- setter only
Sm (Related_Expression, Node_Id), -- setter only
-- If we set the Ekind field properly before setting the following
-- fields, then these would not be needed in E_Void.
Sm (Accept_Address, Elist_Id),
Sm (Associated_Formal_Package, Node_Id),
Sm (Associated_Node_For_Itype, Node_Id),
Sm (Corresponding_Remote_Type, Node_Id),
Sm (CR_Discriminant, Node_Id),
Sm (Debug_Renaming_Link, Node_Id),
Sm (Discriminal_Link, Node_Id),
Sm (Discriminant_Default_Value, Node_Id),
Sm (Discriminant_Number, Upos),
Sm (Enclosing_Scope, Node_Id),
Sm (Entry_Bodies_Array, Node_Id,
Pre => "Has_Entries (N)"),
Sm (Entry_Cancel_Parameter, Node_Id),
Sm (Entry_Component, Node_Id),
Sm (Entry_Formal, Node_Id),
Sm (Entry_Parameters_Type, Node_Id),
Sm (Esize, Uint),
Sm (RM_Size, Uint),
Sm (Extra_Formal, Node_Id),
Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Generic_Homonym, Node_Id),
Sm (Generic_Renamings, Elist_Id),
Sm (Handler_Records, List_Id),
Sm (Has_Static_Discriminants, Flag),
Sm (Inner_Instances, Elist_Id),
Sm (Interface_Name, Node_Id),
Sm (Last_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Next_Inlined_Subprogram, Node_Id),
Sm (Renamed_Or_Alias, Node_Id), -- See Einfo.Utils
Sm (Return_Applies_To, Node_Id),
Sm (Scalar_Range, Node_Id),
Sm (Scale_Value, Uint),
Sm (Unset_Reference, Node_Id)));
-- For the above "setter only" fields, the setters are called for E_Void,
-- but not getters; the Ekind is modified before any such getters are
-- called.
Ab (Exception_Or_Object_Kind, Entity_Kind);
Ab (Object_Kind, Exception_Or_Object_Kind,
(Sm (Current_Value, Node_Id),
Sm (Renamed_Or_Alias, Node_Id)));
Ab (Record_Field_Kind, Object_Kind,
(Sm (Component_Bit_Offset, Uint),
Sm (Component_Clause, Node_Id),
Sm (Corresponding_Record_Component, Node_Id),
Sm (Entry_Formal, Node_Id),
Sm (Esize, Uint),
Sm (Interface_Name, Node_Id),
Sm (Normalized_First_Bit, Uint),
Sm (Normalized_Position, Uint),
Sm (Original_Record_Component, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Component, Record_Field_Kind,
-- Components (other than discriminants) of a record declaration,
-- private declarations of protected objects.
(Sm (Discriminant_Checking_Func, Node_Id),
Sm (DT_Entry_Count, Uint,
Pre => "Is_Tag (N)"),
Sm (DT_Offset_To_Top_Func, Node_Id,
Pre => "Is_Tag (N)"),
Sm (Prival, Node_Id,
Pre => "Is_Protected_Component (N)"),
Sm (Related_Type, Node_Id)));
Ab (Allocatable_Kind, Object_Kind,
(Sm (Activation_Record_Component, Node_Id),
Sm (Alignment, Unat),
Sm (Esize, Uint),
Sm (Interface_Name, Node_Id),
Sm (Is_Finalized_Transient, Flag),
Sm (Is_Ignored_Transient, Flag),
Sm (Linker_Section_Pragma, Node_Id),
Sm (Related_Expression, Node_Id),
Sm (Status_Flag_Or_Transient_Decl, Node_Id)));
Ab (Constant_Or_Variable_Kind, Allocatable_Kind,
(Sm (Actual_Subtype, Node_Id),
Sm (BIP_Initialization_Call, Node_Id),
Sm (Contract, Node_Id),
Sm (Discriminal_Link, Node_Id),
Sm (Encapsulating_State, Node_Id),
Sm (Extra_Accessibility, Node_Id),
Sm (Initialization_Statements, Node_Id),
Sm (Is_Elaboration_Checks_OK_Id, Flag),
Sm (Is_Elaboration_Warnings_OK_Id, Flag),
Sm (Last_Aggregate_Assignment, Node_Id),
Sm (Optimize_Alignment_Space, Flag),
Sm (Optimize_Alignment_Time, Flag),
Sm (Prival_Link, Node_Id),
Sm (Related_Type, Node_Id),
Sm (Return_Statement, Node_Id),
Sm (Size_Check_Code, Node_Id),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma, Node_Id),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma_Inherited, Flag)));
Cc (E_Constant, Constant_Or_Variable_Kind,
-- Constants created by an object declaration with a constant keyword
(Sm (Full_View, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Discriminant, Record_Field_Kind,
-- A discriminant, created by the use of a discriminant in a type
-- declaration.
(Sm (Corresponding_Discriminant, Node_Id),
Sm (CR_Discriminant, Node_Id),
Sm (Discriminal, Node_Id),
Sm (Discriminant_Default_Value, Node_Id),
Sm (Discriminant_Number, Upos),
Sm (Is_Completely_Hidden, Flag)));
Cc (E_Loop_Parameter, Allocatable_Kind);
-- A loop parameter created by a for loop
Cc (E_Variable, Constant_Or_Variable_Kind,
-- Variables created by an object declaration with no constant keyword
(Sm (Anonymous_Designated_Type, Node_Id),
Sm (Debug_Renaming_Link, Node_Id),
Sm (Extra_Constrained, Node_Id),
Sm (Has_Initial_Value, Flag),
Sm (Hiding_Loop_Variable, Node_Id),
Sm (Last_Assignment, Node_Id),
Sm (OK_To_Rename, Flag),
Sm (Part_Of_Constituents, Elist_Id),
Sm (Part_Of_References, Elist_Id),
Sm (Shared_Var_Procs_Instance, Node_Id),
Sm (Suppress_Initialization, Flag),
Sm (Unset_Reference, Node_Id),
Sm (Validated_Object, Node_Id)));
Ab (Formal_Kind, Object_Kind,
-- Formal parameters are also objects
(Sm (Activation_Record_Component, Node_Id),
Sm (Actual_Subtype, Node_Id),
Sm (Alignment, Unat),
Sm (Default_Expr_Function, Node_Id),
Sm (Default_Value, Node_Id),
Sm (Entry_Component, Node_Id),
Sm (Esize, Uint),
Sm (Extra_Accessibility, Node_Id),
Sm (Extra_Constrained, Node_Id),
Sm (Extra_Formal, Node_Id),
Sm (Has_Initial_Value, Flag),
Sm (Is_Controlling_Formal, Flag),
Sm (Is_Only_Out_Parameter, Flag),
Sm (Linker_Section_Pragma, Node_Id),
Sm (Mechanism, Mechanism_Type),
Sm (Minimum_Accessibility, Node_Id),
Sm (Protected_Formal, Node_Id),
Sm (Spec_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Unset_Reference, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Out_Parameter, Formal_Kind,
-- An out parameter of a subprogram or entry
(Sm (Last_Assignment, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_In_Out_Parameter, Formal_Kind,
-- An in-out parameter of a subprogram or entry
(Sm (Last_Assignment, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_In_Parameter, Formal_Kind,
-- An in parameter of a subprogram or entry
(Sm (Discriminal_Link, Node_Id),
Sm (Discriminant_Default_Value, Node_Id),
Sm (Is_Activation_Record, Flag)));
Ab (Formal_Object_Kind, Object_Kind,
-- Generic formal objects are also objects
(Sm (Entry_Component, Node_Id),
Sm (Esize, Uint)));
Cc (E_Generic_In_Out_Parameter, Formal_Object_Kind,
-- A generic in out parameter, created by the use of a generic in out
-- parameter in a generic declaration.
(Sm (Actual_Subtype, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Generic_In_Parameter, Formal_Object_Kind);
-- A generic in parameter, created by the use of a generic in
-- parameter in a generic declaration.
Ab (Named_Kind, Entity_Kind,
(Sm (Renamed_Or_Alias, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Named_Integer, Named_Kind);
-- Named numbers created by a number declaration with an integer value
Cc (E_Named_Real, Named_Kind);
-- Named numbers created by a number declaration with a real value
Ab (Type_Kind, Void_Or_Type_Kind,
(Sm (Alignment, Unat),
Sm (Associated_Node_For_Itype, Node_Id),
Sm (Can_Use_Internal_Rep, Flag, Base_Type_Only,
Pre => "Ekind (Base_Type (N)) in Access_Subprogram_Kind"),
Sm (Class_Wide_Type, Node_Id),
Sm (Contract, Node_Id),
Sm (Current_Use_Clause, Node_Id),
Sm (Derived_Type_Link, Node_Id),
Sm (Direct_Primitive_Operations, Elist_Id),
Sm (Predicates_Ignored, Flag),
Sm (Esize, Uint),
Sm (Finalize_Storage_Only, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Full_View, Node_Id),
Sm (Has_Completion_In_Body, Flag),
Sm (Has_Constrained_Partial_View, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Discriminants, Flag),
Sm (Has_Dispatch_Table, Flag,
Pre => "Is_Tagged_Type (N)"),
Sm (Has_Dynamic_Predicate_Aspect, Flag),
Sm (Has_Inheritable_Invariants, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Inherited_DIC, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Inherited_Invariants, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Object_Size_Clause, Flag),
Sm (Has_Own_DIC, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Own_Invariants, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Pragma_Unreferenced_Objects, Flag),
Sm (Has_Predicates, Flag),
Sm (Has_Primitive_Operations, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Private_Extension, Flag,
Pre => "Is_Tagged_Type (N)"),
Sm (Has_Specified_Layout, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Specified_Stream_Input, Flag),
Sm (Has_Specified_Stream_Output, Flag),
Sm (Has_Specified_Stream_Read, Flag),
Sm (Has_Specified_Stream_Write, Flag),
Sm (Has_Static_Discriminants, Flag),
Sm (Has_Static_Predicate, Flag),
Sm (Has_Static_Predicate_Aspect, Flag),
Sm (Has_Unknown_Discriminants, Flag),
Sm (Interface_Name, Node_Id),
Sm (Is_Abstract_Type, Flag),
Sm (Is_Actual_Subtype, Flag),
Sm (Is_Asynchronous, Flag),
Sm (Is_Fixed_Lower_Bound_Array_Subtype, Flag),
Sm (Is_Fixed_Lower_Bound_Index_Subtype, Flag),
Sm (Is_Generic_Actual_Type, Flag),
Sm (Is_Non_Static_Subtype, Flag),
Sm (Is_Private_Composite, Flag),
Sm (Is_RACW_Stub_Type, Flag),
Sm (Is_Unsigned_Type, Flag),
Sm (Itype_Printed, Flag,
Pre => "Is_Itype (N)"),
Sm (Known_To_Have_Preelab_Init, Flag),
Sm (Linker_Section_Pragma, Node_Id),
Sm (Must_Be_On_Byte_Boundary, Flag),
Sm (Must_Have_Preelab_Init, Flag),
Sm (No_Tagged_Streams_Pragma, Node_Id,
Pre => "Is_Tagged_Type (N)"),
Sm (Non_Binary_Modulus, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Optimize_Alignment_Space, Flag),
Sm (Optimize_Alignment_Time, Flag),
Sm (Partial_View_Has_Unknown_Discr, Flag),
Sm (Pending_Access_Types, Elist_Id),
Sm (Related_Expression, Node_Id),
Sm (RM_Size, Uint),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma, Node_Id),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma_Inherited, Flag),
Sm (Subprograms_For_Type, Elist_Id),
Sm (Suppress_Initialization, Flag),
Sm (Universal_Aliasing, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Renamed_Or_Alias, Node_Id)));
Ab (Elementary_Kind, Type_Kind);
Ab (Scalar_Kind, Elementary_Kind,
(Sm (Default_Aspect_Value, Node_Id, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Scalar_Range, Node_Id)));
Ab (Discrete_Kind, Scalar_Kind,
(Sm (No_Dynamic_Predicate_On_Actual, Flag),
Sm (No_Predicate_On_Actual, Flag),
Sm (Static_Discrete_Predicate, List_Id)));
Ab (Enumeration_Kind, Discrete_Kind,
(Sm (First_Literal, Node_Id),
Sm (Has_Enumeration_Rep_Clause, Flag),
Sm (Has_Pragma_Ordered, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Lit_Indexes, Node_Id),
Sm (Lit_Strings, Node_Id),
Sm (Nonzero_Is_True, Flag, Base_Type_Only,
Pre => "Root_Type (N) = Standard_Boolean"),
Sm (Lit_Hash, Node_Id, Root_Type_Only)));
Cc (E_Enumeration_Type, Enumeration_Kind,
-- Enumeration types, created by an enumeration type declaration
(Sm (Enum_Pos_To_Rep, Node_Id),
Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Enumeration_Subtype, Enumeration_Kind);
-- Enumeration subtypes, created by an explicit or implicit subtype
-- declaration applied to an enumeration type or subtype.
Ab (Integer_Kind, Discrete_Kind,
(Sm (Has_Shift_Operator, Flag, Base_Type_Only)));
Ab (Signed_Integer_Kind, Integer_Kind,
(Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Signed_Integer_Type, Signed_Integer_Kind);
-- Signed integer type, used for the anonymous base type of the
-- integer subtype created by an integer type declaration.
Cc (E_Signed_Integer_Subtype, Signed_Integer_Kind);
-- Signed integer subtype, created by either an integer subtype or
-- integer type declaration (in the latter case an integer type is
-- created for the base type, and this is the first named subtype).
Ab (Modular_Integer_Kind, Integer_Kind,
(Sm (Modulus, Uint, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Original_Array_Type, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Modular_Integer_Type, Modular_Integer_Kind);
-- Modular integer type, used for the anonymous base type of the
-- integer subtype created by a modular integer type declaration.
Cc (E_Modular_Integer_Subtype, Modular_Integer_Kind);
-- Modular integer subtype, created by either an modular subtype
-- or modular type declaration (in the latter case a modular type
-- is created for the base type, and this is the first named subtype).
Ab (Real_Kind, Scalar_Kind,
(Sm (Static_Real_Or_String_Predicate, Node_Id)));
Ab (Fixed_Point_Kind, Real_Kind,
(Sm (Delta_Value, Ureal),
Sm (Small_Value, Ureal)));
Ab (Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Kind, Fixed_Point_Kind,
(Sm (Has_Small_Clause, Flag)));
Cc (E_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Type, Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Kind);
-- Ordinary fixed type, used for the anonymous base type of the fixed
-- subtype created by an ordinary fixed point type declaration.
Cc (E_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Subtype, Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Kind);
-- Ordinary fixed point subtype, created by either an ordinary fixed
-- point subtype or ordinary fixed point type declaration (in the
-- latter case a fixed point type is created for the base type, and
-- this is the first named subtype).
Ab (Decimal_Fixed_Point_Kind, Fixed_Point_Kind,
(Sm (Digits_Value, Upos),
Sm (Has_Machine_Radix_Clause, Flag),
Sm (Machine_Radix_10, Flag),
Sm (Scale_Value, Uint)));
Cc (E_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Type, Decimal_Fixed_Point_Kind);
-- Decimal fixed type, used for the anonymous base type of the decimal
-- fixed subtype created by an ordinary fixed point type declaration.
Cc (E_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Subtype, Decimal_Fixed_Point_Kind);
-- Decimal fixed point subtype, created by either a decimal fixed point
-- subtype or decimal fixed point type declaration (in the latter case
-- a fixed point type is created for the base type, and this is the
-- first named subtype).
Ab (Float_Kind, Real_Kind,
(Sm (Digits_Value, Upos)));
Cc (E_Floating_Point_Type, Float_Kind);
-- Floating point type, used for the anonymous base type of the
-- floating point subtype created by a floating point type declaration.
Cc (E_Floating_Point_Subtype, Float_Kind);
-- Floating point subtype, created by either a floating point subtype
-- or floating point type declaration (in the latter case a floating
-- point type is created for the base type, and this is the first
-- named subtype).
Ab (Access_Kind, Elementary_Kind,
(Sm (Associated_Storage_Pool, Node_Id, Root_Type_Only),
Sm (Directly_Designated_Type, Node_Id),
Sm (Finalization_Master, Node_Id, Root_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Pragma_Controlled, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Storage_Size_Clause, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Is_Access_Constant, Flag),
Sm (Is_Local_Anonymous_Access, Flag),
Sm (Is_Param_Block_Component_Type, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Is_Pure_Unit_Access_Type, Flag),
Sm (Master_Id, Node_Id),
Sm (No_Pool_Assigned, Flag, Root_Type_Only),
Sm (No_Strict_Aliasing, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Storage_Size_Variable, Node_Id, Impl_Base_Type_Only)));
Cc (E_Access_Type, Access_Kind);
-- An access type created by an access type declaration with no all
-- keyword present.
Cc (E_Access_Subtype, Access_Kind);
-- An access subtype created by a subtype declaration for any access
-- type (whether or not it is a general access type).
Cc (E_Access_Attribute_Type, Access_Kind);
-- An access type created for an access attribute (one of 'Access,
-- 'Unrestricted_Access, or Unchecked_Access).
Cc (E_Allocator_Type, Access_Kind);
-- A special internal type used to label allocators and references to
-- objects using 'Reference. This is needed because special resolution
-- rules apply to these constructs. On the resolution pass, this type
-- is almost always replaced by the actual access type, but if the
-- context does not provide one, the backend will see Allocator_Type
-- itself (which will already have been frozen).
Cc (E_General_Access_Type, Access_Kind,
-- An access type created by an access type declaration with the all
-- keyword present.
(Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id)));
Ab (Access_Subprogram_Kind, Access_Kind);
Cc (E_Access_Subprogram_Type, Access_Subprogram_Kind,
-- An access-to-subprogram type, created by an access-to-subprogram
-- declaration.
(Sm (Equivalent_Type, Node_Id),
Sm (Original_Access_Type, Node_Id)));
Ab (Access_Protected_Kind, Access_Subprogram_Kind,
(Sm (Equivalent_Type, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Access_Protected_Subprogram_Type, Access_Protected_Kind);
-- An access to a protected subprogram, created by the corresponding
-- declaration. Values of such a type denote both a protected object
-- and a protected operation within, and have different compile-time
-- and run-time properties than other access-to-subprogram values.
Cc (E_Anonymous_Access_Protected_Subprogram_Type, Access_Protected_Kind);
-- An anonymous access-to-protected-subprogram type, created by an
-- access-to-subprogram declaration.
Cc (E_Anonymous_Access_Subprogram_Type, Access_Subprogram_Kind);
-- An anonymous access-to-subprogram type, created by an access-to-
-- subprogram declaration, or generated for a current instance of
-- a type name appearing within a component definition that has an
-- anonymous access-to-subprogram type.
Cc (E_Anonymous_Access_Type, Access_Kind);
-- An anonymous access-to-object type
Ab (Composite_Kind, Type_Kind,
(Sm (Discriminant_Constraint, Elist_Id,
Pre_Get => "Has_Discriminants (N) or else Is_Constrained (N)")));
Ab (Aggregate_Kind, Composite_Kind,
(Sm (Component_Alignment, Component_Alignment_Kind, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Pragma_Pack, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Reverse_Storage_Order, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (SSO_Set_High_By_Default, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (SSO_Set_Low_By_Default, Flag, Base_Type_Only)));
Ab (Array_Kind, Aggregate_Kind,
(Sm (Component_Size, Uint, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Component_Type, Node_Id, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Default_Aspect_Component_Value, Node_Id, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (First_Index, Node_Id),
Sm (Has_Component_Size_Clause, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Original_Array_Type, Node_Id),
Sm (Packed_Array_Impl_Type, Node_Id),
Sm (Related_Array_Object, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Array_Type, Array_Kind,
-- An array type created by an array type declaration. Includes all
-- cases of arrays, except for string types.
(Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Static_Real_Or_String_Predicate, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Array_Subtype, Array_Kind,
-- An array subtype, created by an explicit array subtype declaration,
-- or the use of an anonymous array subtype.
(Sm (Predicated_Parent, Node_Id),
Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Static_Real_Or_String_Predicate, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_String_Literal_Subtype, Array_Kind,
-- A special string subtype, used only to describe the type of a string
-- literal (will always be one dimensional, with literal bounds).
(Sm (String_Literal_Length, Unat),
Sm (String_Literal_Low_Bound, Node_Id)));
Ab (Class_Wide_Kind, Aggregate_Kind,
(Sm (C_Pass_By_Copy, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Equivalent_Type, Node_Id),
Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Has_Complex_Representation, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Record_Rep_Clause, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Interfaces, Elist_Id),
Sm (Last_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (No_Reordering, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Non_Limited_View, Node_Id),
Sm (Parent_Subtype, Node_Id, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Reverse_Bit_Order, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Stored_Constraint, Elist_Id)));
Cc (E_Class_Wide_Type, Class_Wide_Kind,
-- A class wide type, created by any tagged type declaration (i.e. if
-- a tagged type is declared, the corresponding class type is always
-- created, using this Ekind value).
(Sm (Corresponding_Remote_Type, Node_Id),
Sm (Scalar_Range, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Class_Wide_Subtype, Class_Wide_Kind,
-- A subtype of a class wide type, created by a subtype declaration
-- used to declare a subtype of a class type.
(Sm (Cloned_Subtype, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Record_Type, Aggregate_Kind,
-- A record type, created by a record type declaration
(Sm (Access_Disp_Table, Elist_Id, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Access_Disp_Table_Elab_Flag, Node_Id, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (C_Pass_By_Copy, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Corresponding_Concurrent_Type, Node_Id),
Sm (Corresponding_Remote_Type, Node_Id),
Sm (Dispatch_Table_Wrappers, Elist_Id, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Has_Complex_Representation, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Record_Rep_Clause, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Interfaces, Elist_Id),
Sm (Last_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (No_Reordering, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Parent_Subtype, Node_Id, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Reverse_Bit_Order, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Stored_Constraint, Elist_Id),
Sm (Underlying_Record_View, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Record_Subtype, Aggregate_Kind,
-- A record subtype, created by a record subtype declaration
(Sm (Access_Disp_Table, Elist_Id, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Access_Disp_Table_Elab_Flag, Node_Id, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (C_Pass_By_Copy, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Cloned_Subtype, Node_Id),
Sm (Corresponding_Remote_Type, Node_Id),
Sm (Predicated_Parent, Node_Id),
Sm (Dispatch_Table_Wrappers, Elist_Id, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Has_Complex_Representation, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Record_Rep_Clause, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Interfaces, Elist_Id),
Sm (Last_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (No_Reordering, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Parent_Subtype, Node_Id, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Reverse_Bit_Order, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Stored_Constraint, Elist_Id),
Sm (Underlying_Record_View, Node_Id)));
Ab (Incomplete_Or_Private_Kind, Composite_Kind,
(Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Last_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Private_Dependents, Elist_Id),
Sm (Stored_Constraint, Elist_Id)));
Ab (Private_Kind, Incomplete_Or_Private_Kind,
(Sm (Underlying_Full_View, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Record_Type_With_Private, Private_Kind,
-- Used for types defined by a private extension declaration,
-- and for tagged private types. Includes the fields for both
-- private types and for record types (with the sole exception of
-- Corresponding_Concurrent_Type which is obviously not needed). This
-- entity is considered to be both a record type and a private type.
(Sm (Access_Disp_Table, Elist_Id, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Access_Disp_Table_Elab_Flag, Node_Id, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (C_Pass_By_Copy, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Component_Alignment, Component_Alignment_Kind, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Corresponding_Remote_Type, Node_Id),
Sm (Has_Complex_Representation, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Pragma_Pack, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Record_Rep_Clause, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Interfaces, Elist_Id),
Sm (No_Reordering, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Parent_Subtype, Node_Id, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Reverse_Bit_Order, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Reverse_Storage_Order, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (SSO_Set_High_By_Default, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (SSO_Set_Low_By_Default, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Underlying_Record_View, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Record_Subtype_With_Private, Private_Kind,
-- A subtype of a type defined by a private extension declaration
(Sm (C_Pass_By_Copy, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Component_Alignment, Component_Alignment_Kind, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Corresponding_Remote_Type, Node_Id),
Sm (Predicated_Parent, Node_Id),
Sm (Has_Complex_Representation, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Pragma_Pack, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Has_Record_Rep_Clause, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Interfaces, Elist_Id),
Sm (No_Reordering, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Parent_Subtype, Node_Id, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Reverse_Bit_Order, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Reverse_Storage_Order, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (SSO_Set_High_By_Default, Flag, Base_Type_Only),
Sm (SSO_Set_Low_By_Default, Flag, Base_Type_Only)));
Cc (E_Private_Type, Private_Kind,
-- A private type, created by a private type declaration that has
-- neither the keyword limited nor the keyword tagged.
(Sm (Scalar_Range, Node_Id),
Sm (Scope_Depth_Value, Unat)));
Cc (E_Private_Subtype, Private_Kind,
-- A subtype of a private type, created by a subtype declaration used
-- to declare a subtype of a private type.
(Sm (Scope_Depth_Value, Unat)));
Cc (E_Limited_Private_Type, Private_Kind,
-- A limited private type, created by a private type declaration that
-- has the keyword limited, but not the keyword tagged.
(Sm (Scalar_Range, Node_Id),
Sm (Scope_Depth_Value, Unat)));
Cc (E_Limited_Private_Subtype, Private_Kind,
-- A subtype of a limited private type, created by a subtype declaration
-- used to declare a subtype of a limited private type.
(Sm (Scope_Depth_Value, Unat)));
Ab (Incomplete_Kind, Incomplete_Or_Private_Kind,
(Sm (Non_Limited_View, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Incomplete_Type, Incomplete_Kind,
-- An incomplete type, created by an incomplete type declaration
(Sm (Scalar_Range, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Incomplete_Subtype, Incomplete_Kind);
-- An incomplete subtype, created by a subtype declaration where the
-- subtype mark denotes an incomplete type.
Ab (Concurrent_Kind, Composite_Kind,
(Sm (Corresponding_Record_Type, Node_Id),
Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (First_Private_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Last_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Scope_Depth_Value, Unat),
Sm (Stored_Constraint, Elist_Id)));
Ab (Task_Kind, Concurrent_Kind,
(Sm (Has_Storage_Size_Clause, Flag, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Is_Elaboration_Checks_OK_Id, Flag),
Sm (Is_Elaboration_Warnings_OK_Id, Flag),
Sm (Relative_Deadline_Variable, Node_Id, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Storage_Size_Variable, Node_Id, Impl_Base_Type_Only),
Sm (Task_Body_Procedure, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Task_Type, Task_Kind,
-- A task type, created by a task type declaration. An entity with this
-- Ekind is also created to describe the anonymous type of a task that
-- is created by a single task declaration.
(Sm (Anonymous_Object, Node_Id),
Sm (Ignore_SPARK_Mode_Pragmas, Flag),
Sm (SPARK_Aux_Pragma, Node_Id),
Sm (SPARK_Aux_Pragma_Inherited, Flag)));
Cc (E_Task_Subtype, Task_Kind);
-- A subtype of a task type, created by a subtype declaration used to
-- declare a subtype of a task type.
Ab (Protected_Kind, Concurrent_Kind,
(Sm (Entry_Bodies_Array, Node_Id,
Pre => "Has_Entries (N)"),
Sm (Uses_Lock_Free, Flag)));
Cc (E_Protected_Type, Protected_Kind,
-- A protected type, created by a protected type declaration. An entity
-- with this Ekind is also created to describe the anonymous type of
-- a protected object created by a single protected declaration.
(Sm (Anonymous_Object, Node_Id),
Sm (Entry_Max_Queue_Lengths_Array, Node_Id),
Sm (Ignore_SPARK_Mode_Pragmas, Flag),
Sm (SPARK_Aux_Pragma, Node_Id),
Sm (SPARK_Aux_Pragma_Inherited, Flag)));
Cc (E_Protected_Subtype, Protected_Kind);
-- A subtype of a protected type, created by a subtype declaration used
-- to declare a subtype of a protected type.
Cc (E_Exception_Type, Type_Kind,
-- The type of an exception created by an exception declaration
(Sm (Equivalent_Type, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Subprogram_Type, Type_Kind,
-- This is the designated type of an Access_To_Subprogram. Has type and
-- signature like a subprogram entity, so can appear in calls, which
-- are resolved like regular calls, except that such an entity is not
-- overloadable.
(Sm (Access_Subprogram_Wrapper, Node_Id),
Sm (Extra_Accessibility_Of_Result, Node_Id),
Sm (Extra_Formals, Node_Id),
Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Last_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Needs_No_Actuals, Flag)));
Ab (Overloadable_Kind, Entity_Kind,
(Sm (Renamed_Or_Alias, Node_Id),
Sm (Extra_Formals, Node_Id),
Sm (Is_Abstract_Subprogram, Flag),
Sm (Is_Primitive, Flag),
Sm (Needs_No_Actuals, Flag),
Sm (Requires_Overriding, Flag)));
Cc (E_Enumeration_Literal, Overloadable_Kind,
-- An enumeration literal, created by the use of the literal in an
-- enumeration type definition.
(Sm (Enumeration_Pos, Unat),
Sm (Enumeration_Rep, Valid_Uint),
Sm (Enumeration_Rep_Expr, Node_Id),
Sm (Esize, Uint),
Sm (Alignment, Unat),
Sm (Interface_Name, Node_Id)));
Ab (Subprogram_Kind, Overloadable_Kind,
(Sm (Body_Needed_For_SAL, Flag),
Sm (Class_Postconditions, Node_Id),
Sm (Class_Preconditions, Node_Id),
Sm (Class_Preconditions_Subprogram, Node_Id),
Sm (Contract, Node_Id),
Sm (Dynamic_Call_Helper, Node_Id),
Sm (Elaboration_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Elaboration_Entity_Required, Flag),
Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Has_Expanded_Contract, Flag),
Sm (Has_Nested_Subprogram, Flag),
Sm (Has_Out_Or_In_Out_Parameter, Flag),
Sm (Has_Recursive_Call, Flag),
Sm (Ignored_Class_Postconditions, Node_Id),
Sm (Ignored_Class_Preconditions, Node_Id),
Sm (Ignore_SPARK_Mode_Pragmas, Flag),
Sm (Import_Pragma, Node_Id),
Sm (Indirect_Call_Wrapper, Node_Id),
Sm (Interface_Alias, Node_Id),
Sm (Interface_Name, Node_Id),
Sm (Is_Elaboration_Checks_OK_Id, Flag),
Sm (Is_Elaboration_Warnings_OK_Id, Flag),
Sm (Is_Machine_Code_Subprogram, Flag),
Sm (Last_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Linker_Section_Pragma, Node_Id),
Sm (Overridden_Operation, Node_Id),
Sm (Protected_Body_Subprogram, Node_Id),
Sm (Scope_Depth_Value, Unat),
Sm (Static_Call_Helper, Node_Id),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma, Node_Id),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma_Inherited, Flag),
Sm (Subps_Index, Unat)));
Cc (E_Function, Subprogram_Kind,
-- A function, created by a function declaration or a function body
-- that acts as its own declaration.
(Sm (Anonymous_Masters, Elist_Id),
Sm (Corresponding_Equality, Node_Id,
Pre => "not Comes_From_Source (N) and then Chars (N) = Name_Op_Ne"),
Sm (Corresponding_Procedure, Node_Id),
Sm (DT_Position, Uint,
Pre_Get => "Present (DTC_Entity (N))"),
Sm (DTC_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Extra_Accessibility_Of_Result, Node_Id),
Sm (Generic_Renamings, Elist_Id),
Sm (Handler_Records, List_Id),
Sm (Has_Missing_Return, Flag),
Sm (Inner_Instances, Elist_Id),
Sm (Is_Called, Flag),
Sm (Is_CUDA_Kernel, Flag),
Sm (Is_DIC_Procedure, Flag),
Sm (Is_Generic_Actual_Subprogram, Flag),
Sm (Is_Initial_Condition_Procedure, Flag),
Sm (Is_Inlined_Always, Flag),
Sm (Is_Invariant_Procedure, Flag),
Sm (Is_Partial_Invariant_Procedure, Flag),
Sm (Is_Predicate_Function, Flag),
Sm (Is_Predicate_Function_M, Flag),
Sm (Is_Primitive_Wrapper, Flag),
Sm (Is_Private_Primitive, Flag),
Sm (LSP_Subprogram, Node_Id),
Sm (Mechanism, Mechanism_Type),
Sm (Next_Inlined_Subprogram, Node_Id),
Sm (Original_Protected_Subprogram, Node_Id),
Sm (Postconditions_Proc, Node_Id),
Sm (Protected_Subprogram, Node_Id),
Sm (Protection_Object, Node_Id),
Sm (Related_Expression, Node_Id),
Sm (Rewritten_For_C, Flag),
Sm (Thunk_Entity, Node_Id,
Pre => "Is_Thunk (N)"),
Sm (Wrapped_Entity, Node_Id,
Pre => "Is_Primitive_Wrapper (N)")));
Cc (E_Operator, Subprogram_Kind,
-- A predefined operator, appearing in Standard, or an implicitly
-- defined concatenation operator created whenever an array is declared.
-- We do not make normal derived operators explicit in the tree, but the
-- concatenation operators are made explicit.
(Sm (Extra_Accessibility_Of_Result, Node_Id),
Sm (LSP_Subprogram, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Procedure, Subprogram_Kind,
-- A procedure, created by a procedure declaration or a procedure
-- body that acts as its own declaration.
(Sm (Anonymous_Masters, Elist_Id),
Sm (Associated_Node_For_Itype, Node_Id),
Sm (Corresponding_Function, Node_Id),
Sm (DT_Position, Uint,
Pre_Get => "Present (DTC_Entity (N))"),
Sm (DTC_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Entry_Parameters_Type, Node_Id),
Sm (Generic_Renamings, Elist_Id),
Sm (Handler_Records, List_Id),
Sm (Inner_Instances, Elist_Id),
Sm (Is_Asynchronous, Flag),
Sm (Is_Called, Flag),
Sm (Is_CUDA_Kernel, Flag),
Sm (Is_DIC_Procedure, Flag),
Sm (Is_Generic_Actual_Subprogram, Flag),
Sm (Is_Initial_Condition_Procedure, Flag),
Sm (Is_Inlined_Always, Flag),
Sm (Is_Invariant_Procedure, Flag),
Sm (Is_Null_Init_Proc, Flag),
Sm (Is_Partial_Invariant_Procedure, Flag),
Sm (Is_Predicate_Function, Flag),
Sm (Is_Predicate_Function_M, Flag),
Sm (Is_Primitive_Wrapper, Flag),
Sm (Is_Private_Primitive, Flag),
Sm (Is_Valued_Procedure, Flag),
Sm (LSP_Subprogram, Node_Id),
Sm (Next_Inlined_Subprogram, Node_Id),
Sm (Original_Protected_Subprogram, Node_Id),
Sm (Postconditions_Proc, Node_Id),
Sm (Protected_Subprogram, Node_Id),
Sm (Protection_Object, Node_Id),
Sm (Receiving_Entry, Node_Id),
Sm (Static_Initialization, Node_Id,
Pre => "not Is_Dispatching_Operation (N)"),
Sm (Thunk_Entity, Node_Id,
Pre => "Is_Thunk (N)"),
Sm (Wrapped_Entity, Node_Id,
Pre => "Is_Primitive_Wrapper (N)")));
Cc (E_Abstract_State, Overloadable_Kind,
-- A state abstraction. Used to designate entities introduced by aspect
-- or pragma Abstract_State. The entity carries the various properties
-- of the state.
(Sm (Body_References, Elist_Id),
Sm (Encapsulating_State, Node_Id),
Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Has_Partial_Visible_Refinement, Flag),
Sm (Has_Visible_Refinement, Flag),
Sm (Non_Limited_View, Node_Id),
Sm (Part_Of_Constituents, Elist_Id),
Sm (Refinement_Constituents, Elist_Id),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma, Node_Id),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma_Inherited, Flag)));
Cc (E_Entry, Overloadable_Kind,
-- An entry, created by an entry declaration in a task or protected
-- object.
(Sm (Accept_Address, Elist_Id),
Sm (Barrier_Function, Node_Id),
Sm (Contract, Node_Id),
Sm (Contract_Wrapper, Node_Id),
Sm (Elaboration_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Elaboration_Entity_Required, Flag),
Sm (Entry_Accepted, Flag),
Sm (Entry_Parameters_Type, Node_Id),
Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Has_Out_Or_In_Out_Parameter, Flag),
Sm (Ignore_SPARK_Mode_Pragmas, Flag),
Sm (Is_Elaboration_Checks_OK_Id, Flag),
Sm (Is_Elaboration_Warnings_OK_Id, Flag),
Sm (Last_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Postconditions_Proc, Node_Id),
Sm (Protected_Body_Subprogram, Node_Id),
Sm (Protection_Object, Node_Id),
Sm (Scope_Depth_Value, Unat),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma, Node_Id),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma_Inherited, Flag)));
Cc (E_Entry_Family, Entity_Kind,
-- An entry family, created by an entry family declaration in a
-- task or protected type definition.
(Sm (Accept_Address, Elist_Id),
Sm (Barrier_Function, Node_Id),
Sm (Contract, Node_Id),
Sm (Contract_Wrapper, Node_Id),
Sm (Elaboration_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Elaboration_Entity_Required, Flag),
Sm (Entry_Accepted, Flag),
Sm (Entry_Parameters_Type, Node_Id),
Sm (Extra_Formals, Node_Id),
Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Has_Out_Or_In_Out_Parameter, Flag),
Sm (Ignore_SPARK_Mode_Pragmas, Flag),
Sm (Is_Elaboration_Checks_OK_Id, Flag),
Sm (Is_Elaboration_Warnings_OK_Id, Flag),
Sm (Last_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Needs_No_Actuals, Flag),
Sm (Postconditions_Proc, Node_Id),
Sm (Protected_Body_Subprogram, Node_Id),
Sm (Protection_Object, Node_Id),
Sm (Renamed_Or_Alias, Node_Id),
Sm (Scope_Depth_Value, Unat),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma, Node_Id),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma_Inherited, Flag)));
Cc (E_Block, Entity_Kind,
-- A block identifier, created by an explicit or implicit label on
-- a block or declare statement.
(Sm (Block_Node, Node_Id),
Sm (Entry_Cancel_Parameter, Node_Id),
Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Is_Exception_Handler, Flag),
Sm (Last_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Renamed_Or_Alias, Node_Id),
Sm (Return_Applies_To, Node_Id),
Sm (Scope_Depth_Value, Unat)));
Cc (E_Entry_Index_Parameter, Entity_Kind,
-- An entry index parameter created by an entry index specification
-- for the body of a protected entry family.
(Sm (Entry_Index_Constant, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Exception, Exception_Or_Object_Kind,
-- An exception created by an exception declaration. The exception
-- itself uses E_Exception for the Ekind, the implicit type that is
-- created to represent its type uses the Ekind E_Exception_Type.
(Sm (Alignment, Unat),
Sm (Esize, Uint),
Sm (Interface_Name, Node_Id),
Sm (Is_Raised, Flag),
Sm (Register_Exception_Call, Node_Id),
Sm (Renamed_Or_Alias, Node_Id)));
Ab (Generic_Unit_Kind, Entity_Kind,
(Sm (Body_Needed_For_SAL, Flag),
Sm (Contract, Node_Id),
Sm (Elaboration_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Elaboration_Entity_Required, Flag),
Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Ignore_SPARK_Mode_Pragmas, Flag),
Sm (Inner_Instances, Elist_Id),
Sm (Interface_Name, Node_Id),
Sm (Is_Elaboration_Checks_OK_Id, Flag),
Sm (Is_Elaboration_Warnings_OK_Id, Flag),
Sm (Last_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Renamed_Or_Alias, Node_Id),
Sm (Scope_Depth_Value, Unat),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma, Node_Id),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma_Inherited, Flag)));
Ab (Generic_Subprogram_Kind, Generic_Unit_Kind,
(Sm (Has_Out_Or_In_Out_Parameter, Flag),
Sm (Is_Primitive, Flag),
Sm (Next_Inlined_Subprogram, Node_Id),
Sm (Overridden_Operation, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Generic_Function, Generic_Subprogram_Kind,
-- A generic function. This is the entity for a generic function
-- created by a generic subprogram declaration.
(Sm (Has_Missing_Return, Flag)));
Cc (E_Generic_Procedure, Generic_Subprogram_Kind);
-- A generic function. This is the entity for a generic procedure
-- created by a generic subprogram declaration.
Cc (E_Generic_Package, Generic_Unit_Kind,
-- A generic package, this is the entity for a generic package created
-- by a generic package declaration.
(Sm (Abstract_States, Elist_Id),
Sm (Body_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (First_Private_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Generic_Homonym, Node_Id),
Sm (Package_Instantiation, Node_Id),
Sm (SPARK_Aux_Pragma, Node_Id),
Sm (SPARK_Aux_Pragma_Inherited, Flag)));
Cc (E_Label, Entity_Kind,
-- The defining entity for a label. Note that this is created by the
-- implicit label declaration, not the occurrence of the label itself,
-- which is simply a direct name referring to the label.
(Sm (Enclosing_Scope, Node_Id),
Sm (Renamed_Or_Alias, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Loop, Entity_Kind,
-- A loop identifier, created by an explicit or implicit label on a
-- loop statement.
(Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (First_Exit_Statement, Node_Id),
Sm (Has_Loop_Entry_Attributes, Flag),
Sm (Last_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Renamed_Or_Alias, Node_Id),
Sm (Scope_Depth_Value, Unat)));
Cc (E_Return_Statement, Entity_Kind,
-- A dummy entity created for each return statement. Used to hold
-- information about the return statement (what it applies to) and in
-- rules checking. For example, a simple_return_statement that applies
-- to an extended_return_statement cannot have an expression; this
-- requires putting the E_Return_Statement entity for the
-- extended_return_statement on the scope stack.
(Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Last_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Return_Applies_To, Node_Id),
Sm (Scope_Depth_Value, Unat)));
Cc (E_Package, Entity_Kind,
-- A package, created by a package declaration
(Sm (Abstract_States, Elist_Id),
Sm (Anonymous_Masters, Elist_Id),
Sm (Associated_Formal_Package, Node_Id),
Sm (Body_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Body_Needed_For_Inlining, Flag),
Sm (Body_Needed_For_SAL, Flag),
Sm (Contract, Node_Id),
Sm (Current_Use_Clause, Node_Id),
Sm (Dependent_Instances, Elist_Id,
Pre => "Is_Generic_Instance (N)"),
Sm (Elaborate_Body_Desirable, Flag),
Sm (Elaboration_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Elaboration_Entity_Required, Flag),
Sm (Finalizer, Node_Id),
Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (First_Private_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Generic_Renamings, Elist_Id),
Sm (Handler_Records, List_Id),
Sm (Has_RACW, Flag),
Sm (Hidden_In_Formal_Instance, Elist_Id),
Sm (Ignore_SPARK_Mode_Pragmas, Flag),
Sm (Incomplete_Actuals, Elist_Id),
Sm (Inner_Instances, Elist_Id),
Sm (Interface_Name, Node_Id),
Sm (Is_Called, Flag),
Sm (Is_Elaboration_Checks_OK_Id, Flag),
Sm (Is_Elaboration_Warnings_OK_Id, Flag),
Sm (Last_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Limited_View, Node_Id),
Sm (Package_Instantiation, Node_Id),
Sm (Related_Instance, Node_Id),
Sm (Renamed_In_Spec, Flag),
Sm (Renamed_Or_Alias, Node_Id),
Sm (Scope_Depth_Value, Unat),
Sm (SPARK_Aux_Pragma, Node_Id),
Sm (SPARK_Aux_Pragma_Inherited, Flag),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma, Node_Id),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma_Inherited, Flag),
Sm (Static_Elaboration_Desired, Flag)));
Cc (E_Package_Body, Entity_Kind,
-- A package body. This entity serves only limited functions, since
-- most semantic analysis uses the package entity (E_Package). However
-- there are some attributes that are significant for the body entity.
-- For example, collection of exception handlers.
(Sm (Contract, Node_Id),
Sm (Finalizer, Node_Id),
Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Handler_Records, List_Id),
Sm (Ignore_SPARK_Mode_Pragmas, Flag),
Sm (Last_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Related_Instance, Node_Id),
Sm (Renamed_Or_Alias, Node_Id),
Sm (Scope_Depth_Value, Unat),
Sm (SPARK_Aux_Pragma, Node_Id),
Sm (SPARK_Aux_Pragma_Inherited, Flag),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma, Node_Id),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma_Inherited, Flag),
Sm (Spec_Entity, Node_Id)));
Ab (Concurrent_Body_Kind, Entity_Kind,
(Sm (Ignore_SPARK_Mode_Pragmas, Flag),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma, Node_Id),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma_Inherited, Flag)));
Cc (E_Protected_Body, Concurrent_Body_Kind);
-- A protected body. This entity serves almost no function, since all
-- semantic analysis uses the protected entity (E_Protected_Type).
Cc (E_Task_Body, Concurrent_Body_Kind,
-- A task body. This entity serves almost no function, since all
-- semantic analysis uses the protected entity (E_Task_Type).
(Sm (Contract, Node_Id),
Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id)));
Cc (E_Subprogram_Body, Entity_Kind,
-- A subprogram body. Used when a subprogram has a separate declaration
-- to represent the entity for the body. This entity serves almost no
-- function, since all semantic analysis uses the subprogram entity
-- for the declaration (E_Function or E_Procedure).
(Sm (Anonymous_Masters, Elist_Id),
Sm (Contract, Node_Id),
Sm (Extra_Formals, Node_Id),
Sm (First_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Ignore_SPARK_Mode_Pragmas, Flag),
Sm (Interface_Name, Node_Id),
Sm (Last_Entity, Node_Id),
Sm (Renamed_Or_Alias, Node_Id),
Sm (Scope_Depth_Value, Unat),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma, Node_Id),
Sm (SPARK_Pragma_Inherited, Flag)));
-- Union types. These don't fit into the normal parent/child hierarchy
-- above.
Union (Anonymous_Access_Kind,
Children =>
Union (Assignable_Kind,
Children =>
Union (Digits_Kind,
Children =>
Union (Discrete_Or_Fixed_Point_Kind,
Children =>
Union (Entry_Kind,
Children =>
Union (Evaluable_Kind,
Children =>
-- Kinds that represent values that can be evaluated
Union (Global_Name_Kind,
Children =>
-- Kinds that can have an Interface_Name that corresponds to a global
-- (linker) name.
Union (Named_Access_Kind,
Children =>
Union (Numeric_Kind,
Children =>
Union (Record_Kind,
Children =>
Union (Subprogram_Type_Or_Kind,
Children =>
end Gen_IL.Gen.Gen_Entities;