blob: 532630cb363834d83da0a3cbf70b02f05831cb72 [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- G E N _ I L . U T I L S --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2020-2022, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
-- for a complete copy of the license. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Ada.Containers.Vectors; use Ada.Containers;
with GNAT.Strings; use GNAT.Strings;
with Gen_IL.Types; use Gen_IL.Types;
with Gen_IL.Fields; use Gen_IL.Fields;
package Gen_IL.Internals is
function Image (T : Opt_Type_Enum) return String;
function Image_Sans_N (T : Opt_Type_Enum) return String;
-- Returns the image without the leading "N_"
type Type_Set is array (Type_Enum) of Boolean;
type Type_Index is new Positive;
subtype Type_Count is Type_Index'Base range 0 .. Type_Index'Last;
package Type_Vectors is new Vectors (Type_Index, Type_Enum);
use Type_Vectors;
subtype Type_Vector is Type_Vectors.Vector;
type Type_Array is array (Type_Index range <>) of Type_Enum;
procedure Put_Types_With_Bars (S : in out Sink; U : Type_Vector);
procedure Put_Type_Ids_With_Bars (S : in out Sink; U : Type_Vector);
-- Put the types with vertical bars in between, as in
-- N_This | N_That | N_Other
-- or
-- N_This_Id | N_That_Id | N_Other_Id
function Id_Image (T : Type_Enum) return String;
-- Image of the type for use with _Id types
function Get_Set_Id_Image (T : Type_Enum) return String;
-- Image of the type for use with getters and setters
type Fields_Present_Array is array (Field_Enum) of Type_Set;
type Field_Set is array (Field_Enum) of Boolean;
type Fields_Per_Node_Type is array (Node_Or_Entity_Type) of Field_Set;
type Field_Index is new Positive;
package Field_Vectors is new Vectors (Field_Index, Field_Enum);
subtype Field_Vector is Field_Vectors.Vector;
type Bit_Offset is new Root_Nat range 0 .. 32_000 - 1;
-- Offset in bits. The number 32_000 is chosen because there are fewer than
-- 1000 fields, but offsets are in size units (1 bit for flags, 32 bits for
-- most others, also 2, 4, and 8).
type Field_Offset is new Bit_Offset;
type Type_Info (Is_Union : Boolean) is record
Parent : Opt_Abstract_Type;
-- Parent of this type (single inheritance). No_Type for a root
-- type (Node_Kind or Entity_Kind). For union types, this is
-- a root type.
Children : Type_Vector;
-- Inverse of Parent
Concrete_Descendants : Type_Vector;
case Is_Union is
when True =>
when False =>
First, Last : Concrete_Type;
-- This type includes concrete types in the range First..Last. For
-- a concrete type, First=Last. For an abstract type, First..Last
-- includes two or more types.
Fields : Field_Vector;
Nmake_Assert : String_Access; -- only for concrete node types
end case;
end record;
type Type_Info_Ptr is access all Type_Info;
Type_Table : array (Node_Or_Entity_Type) of Type_Info_Ptr;
-- Table mapping from enumeration literals representing types to
-- information about the type.
procedure Verify_Type_Table;
-- Check Type_Table for consistency
function Num_Concrete_Descendants
(T : Node_Or_Entity_Type) return Natural;
-- Number of concrete descendants of T, including (if T is concrete)
-- itself.
type Field_Default_Value is
Default_Empty, -- Node_Id
Default_No_List, Default_Empty_List, -- List_Id
Default_False, Default_True, -- Flag
Default_No_Elist, -- Elist_Id
Default_No_Name, -- Name_Id
Default_Uint_0); -- Uint
-- Default value for a field in the Nmake functions. No_Default if the
-- field parameter has no default value. Otherwise this indicates the
-- default value used, which must match the type of the field.
function Image (Default : Field_Default_Value) return String;
-- This will be something like "Default_Empty".
function Value_Image (Default : Field_Default_Value) return String;
-- This will be something like "Empty".
type Type_Only_Enum is
(No_Type_Only, Base_Type_Only, Impl_Base_Type_Only, Root_Type_Only);
-- These correspond to the "[base type only]", "[implementation base type
-- only]", and "[root type only]" annotations documented in
-- The default is No_Type_Only, indicating the field is not one of
-- these special "[... only]" ones.
function Image (Type_Only : Type_Only_Enum) return String is
(Capitalize (Type_Only'Img));
Unknown_Offset : constant := -1;
-- Initial value of Offset, so we can tell whether it has been set
type Field_Info is record
Have_This_Field : Type_Vector;
-- Types that have this field
Field_Type : Type_Enum;
-- Type of the field. Currently, we use Node_Id for all node-valued
-- fields, but we could narrow down to children of that. Similar for
-- Entity_Id.
Default_Value : Field_Default_Value;
Type_Only : Type_Only_Enum;
Pre, Pre_Get, Pre_Set : String_Access;
-- Above record the information in the calls to Create_...Field.
-- See Gen_IL.Gen for details.
Offset : Field_Offset'Base range Unknown_Offset .. Field_Offset'Last;
-- Offset of the field from the start of the node, in units of the field
-- size. So if a field is 4 bits in size, it starts at bit number
-- Offset*4 from the start of the node.
end record;
type Field_Info_Ptr is access all Field_Info;
Field_Table : array (Field_Enum) of Field_Info_Ptr;
-- Table mapping from enumeration literals representing fields to
-- information about the field.
-- Getters for fields of types Elist_Id and Uint need special treatment of
-- defaults. In particular, if the field has its initial 0 value, getters
-- need to return the appropriate default value. Note that these defaults
-- have nothing to do with the defaults mentioned above for Nmake
-- functions.
function Field_Has_Special_Default
(Field_Type : Type_Enum) return Boolean is
(Field_Type in Elist_Id | Uint);
-- These are the field types that have a default value that is not
-- represented as zero.
function Special_Default
(Field_Type : Type_Enum) return String is
(case Field_Type is
when Elist_Id => "No_Elist",
when Uint => "No_Uint",
when others => "can't happen");
subtype Node_Field is
Field_Enum range
Field_Enum'First ..
Field_Enum'Pred (Between_Node_And_Entity_Fields);
subtype Entity_Field is
Field_Enum range
Field_Enum'Succ (Between_Node_And_Entity_Fields) ..
function Image (F : Opt_Field_Enum) return String;
function F_Image (F : Opt_Field_Enum) return String is
("F_" & Image (F));
-- Prepends "F_" to Image (F). This is used for the enumeration literals in
-- the generated Sinfo.Nodes.Node_Field and Einfo.Entities.Entity_Field
-- types. If we used Image (F), these enumeration literals would overload
-- the getter functions, which confuses gdb.
procedure Nil (T : Node_Or_Entity_Type);
-- Null procedure
procedure Iterate_Types
(Root : Node_Or_Entity_Type;
Pre, Post : not null access procedure (T : Node_Or_Entity_Type) :=
-- Iterate top-down on the type hierarchy. Call Pre and Post before and
-- after walking child types. Note that this ignores union types, because
-- they are nonhierarchical. The order in which concrete types are visited
-- matches the order of the generated enumeration types Node_Kind and
-- Entity_Kind, which is not the same as the order of the Type_Enum
-- type in Gen_IL.Types.
function Is_Descendant (Ancestor, Descendant : Node_Or_Entity_Type)
return Boolean;
-- True if Descendant is a descendant of Ancestor; that is,
-- True if Ancestor is an ancestor of Descendant. True for
-- a type itself.
procedure Put_Type_Hierarchy (S : in out Sink; Root : Root_Type);
type Field_Desc is record
F : Field_Enum;
Is_Syntactic : Boolean;
-- The same field can be syntactic in some nodes but semantic in others
end record;
type Field_Sequence_Index is new Positive;
type Field_Sequence is array (Field_Sequence_Index range <>) of Field_Desc;
No_Fields : constant Field_Sequence := (1 .. 0 => <>);
type Field_Array is array (Bit_Offset range <>) of Opt_Field_Enum;
type Field_Array_Ptr is access all Field_Array;
type Concrete_Type_Layout_Array is array (Concrete_Type) of Field_Array_Ptr;
-- Mapping from types to mappings from offsets to fields. Each bit offset
-- is mapped to the corresponding field for the given type. An n-bit field
-- will have n bit offsets mapped to the same field.
type Offset_To_Fields_Mapping is
array (Bit_Offset range <>) of Field_Array_Ptr;
-- Mapping from bit offsets to fields using that offset
function First_Abstract (Root : Root_Type) return Abstract_Type;
function Last_Abstract (Root : Root_Type) return Abstract_Type;
-- First and Last abstract types descended from the Root. So for example if
-- Root = Node_Kind, then First_Abstract = Abstract_Node'First.
function First_Concrete (Root : Root_Type) return Concrete_Type;
function Last_Concrete (Root : Root_Type) return Concrete_Type;
-- First and Last concrete types descended from the Root
function First_Field (Root : Root_Type) return Field_Enum;
function Last_Field (Root : Root_Type) return Field_Enum;
-- First and Last node or entity fields
function Node_Or_Entity (Root : Root_Type) return String;
-- Return "Node" or "Entity" depending on whether Root = Node_Kind or
-- Entity_Kind.
pragma Style_Checks (Off);
-- We don't want warnings about wrong casing in the Type_Frequency table;
-- this table is not intended to be particularly readable.
-- The Type_Frequency table shows the frequency of nodes and entity kinds
-- printed by -gnatd.A for a large example. It is used in the field offset
-- computations for efficiency. Note that N_Defining_Identifier,
-- N_Defining_Operator_Symbol, and N_Defining_Character_Literal are set to
-- zero, because the Ekind is what matters for those.
Type_Frequency : constant array (Concrete_Type) of Type_Count :=
(N_Identifier => 3496964, -- (0.354) 7 slots
N_Defining_Identifier => 0, -- 1468484, -- (0.149) 8 slots
N_Integer_Literal => 455415, -- (0.046) 6 slots
E_In_Parameter => 391008, -- (0.040) 42 slots
N_Attribute_Reference => 330825, -- (0.033) 9 slots
N_Expanded_Name => 329509, -- (0.033) 8 slots
N_Selected_Component => 328862, -- (0.033) 8 slots
N_Parameter_Specification => 321313, -- (0.033) 7 slots
E_Void => 173019, -- (0.018) 59 slots
N_Explicit_Dereference => 155113, -- (0.016) 8 slots
N_Procedure_Call_Statement => 125403, -- (0.013) 8 slots
N_Object_Declaration => 115610, -- (0.012) 8 slots
E_Component => 108208, -- (0.011) 49 slots
N_Procedure_Specification => 106277, -- (0.011) 7 slots
E_Procedure => 104063, -- (0.011) 62 slots
N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion => 94477, -- (0.010) 7 slots
N_Range => 91413, -- (0.009) 6 slots
E_Function => 90035, -- (0.009) 62 slots
N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements => 87930, -- (0.009) 8 slots
N_Subprogram_Declaration => 85248, -- (0.009) 7 slots
N_Parameter_Association => 81464, -- (0.008) 8 slots
N_Indexed_Component => 80049, -- (0.008) 7 slots
N_Freeze_Entity => 79904, -- (0.008) 8 slots
N_Call_Marker => 79521, -- (0.008) 4 slots
N_Assignment_Statement => 76554, -- (0.008) 8 slots
N_Function_Specification => 76052, -- (0.008) 7 slots
N_Function_Call => 75028, -- (0.008) 9 slots
N_Op_Eq => 74874, -- (0.008) 8 slots
E_Constant => 66667, -- (0.007) 47 slots
N_If_Statement => 60066, -- (0.006) 8 slots
N_Component_Association => 54642, -- (0.006) 7 slots
N_Subprogram_Body => 53805, -- (0.005) 10 slots
N_Type_Conversion => 53383, -- (0.005) 7 slots
E_In_Out_Parameter => 52936, -- (0.005) 38 slots
N_Simple_Return_Statement => 52436, -- (0.005) 7 slots
N_Subtype_Indication => 49535, -- (0.005) 6 slots
N_Raise_Constraint_Error => 49069, -- (0.005) 6 slots
N_Null => 46850, -- (0.005) 5 slots
N_Itype_Reference => 45422, -- (0.005) 4 slots
E_Anonymous_Access_Type => 45149, -- (0.005) 44 slots
N_And_Then => 44721, -- (0.005) 8 slots
N_Block_Statement => 44328, -- (0.004) 10 slots
N_Subtype_Declaration => 43149, -- (0.004) 6 slots
N_Op_Not => 40531, -- (0.004) 7 slots
E_Array_Subtype => 40051, -- (0.004) 50 slots
N_Expression_With_Actions => 36726, -- (0.004) 7 slots
E_Access_Subprogram_Type => 36700, -- (0.004) 45 slots
E_Signed_Integer_Subtype => 36659, -- (0.004) 43 slots
N_String_Literal => 34815, -- (0.004) 7 slots
N_Aggregate => 33899, -- (0.003) 8 slots
N_Index_Or_Discriminant_Constraint => 33546, -- (0.003) 4 slots
E_Variable => 33102, -- (0.003) 55 slots
E_Block => 32829, -- (0.003) 58 slots
N_Op_Ne => 32127, -- (0.003) 8 slots
N_Pragma_Argument_Association => 31504, -- (0.003) 7 slots
N_Null_Statement => 30816, -- (0.003) 5 slots
N_Aspect_Specification => 29667, -- (0.003) 9 slots
N_Pragma => 28317, -- (0.003) 9 slots
N_Generic_Association => 26297, -- (0.003) 8 slots
N_Formal_Concrete_Subprogram_Declaration => 25843, -- (0.003) 6 slots
N_Op_Lt => 25328, -- (0.003) 8 slots
E_String_Literal_Subtype => 25272, -- (0.003) 48 slots
N_Full_Type_Declaration => 25258, -- (0.003) 7 slots
N_With_Clause => 24370, -- (0.002) 9 slots
N_Op_Add => 23839, -- (0.002) 8 slots
E_Subprogram_Body => 23790, -- (0.002) 42 slots
E_Return_Statement => 23098, -- (0.002) 51 slots
N_Or_Else => 22858, -- (0.002) 8 slots
N_Implicit_Label_Declaration => 21687, -- (0.002) 5 slots
N_Others_Choice => 21579, -- (0.002) 4 slots
E_Out_Parameter => 21513, -- (0.002) 38 slots
N_Op_Subtract => 21441, -- (0.002) 8 slots
N_Op_Ge => 21116, -- (0.002) 8 slots
N_Component_Definition => 21075, -- (0.002) 7 slots
N_Case_Statement_Alternative => 19664, -- (0.002) 8 slots
N_Loop_Statement => 19507, -- (0.002) 9 slots
E_Package => 19029, -- (0.002) 53 slots
N_Op_Gt => 18619, -- (0.002) 8 slots
N_Op_Le => 16564, -- (0.002) 8 slots
N_Formal_Object_Declaration => 16219, -- (0.002) 7 slots
E_Discriminant => 16091, -- (0.002) 56 slots
N_Component_Declaration => 15858, -- (0.002) 7 slots
N_Iteration_Scheme => 15719, -- (0.002) 8 slots
N_Access_To_Object_Definition => 14875, -- (0.002) 5 slots
E_Record_Subtype => 14569, -- (0.001) 52 slots
N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration => 14320, -- (0.001) 7 slots
N_Package_Specification => 13323, -- (0.001) 8 slots
N_Exception_Handler => 12841, -- (0.001) 8 slots
E_Enumeration_Literal => 11608, -- (0.001) 42 slots
N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration => 10991, -- (0.001) 9 slots
N_In => 10794, -- (0.001) 8 slots
E_Allocator_Type => 10751, -- (0.001) 44 slots
E_General_Access_Type => 10451, -- (0.001) 44 slots
E_Generic_Procedure => 9837, -- (0.001) 41 slots
N_Package_Renaming_Declaration => 9395, -- (0.001) 8 slots
N_Access_Definition => 9388, -- (0.001) 6 slots
N_Qualified_Expression => 9012, -- (0.001) 7 slots
E_Enumeration_Subtype => 8560, -- (0.001) 46 slots
N_Allocator => 8474, -- (0.001) 8 slots
N_Package_Declaration => 8099, -- (0.001) 10 slots
N_Formal_Type_Declaration => 7964, -- (0.001) 7 slots
N_Exit_Statement => 7960, -- (0.001) 8 slots
N_Component_List => 7829, -- (0.001) 5 slots
N_Defining_Operator_Symbol => 0, -- 7525, -- (0.001) 8 slots
N_Case_Statement => 7271, -- (0.001) 7 slots
N_Expression_Function => 7242, -- (0.001) 9 slots
N_Loop_Parameter_Specification => 7042, -- (0.001) 7 slots
N_Character_Literal => 6842, -- (0.001) 7 slots
N_Op_Concat => 6565, -- (0.001) 8 slots
N_Not_In => 6341, -- (0.001) 8 slots
N_Label => 6133, -- (0.001) 9 slots
N_Goto_Statement => 6133, -- (0.001) 8 slots
E_Label => 6133, -- (0.001) 57 slots
E_Loop => 6008, -- (0.001) 41 slots
N_Generic_Package_Declaration => 5808, -- (0.001) 10 slots
N_If_Expression => 5800, -- (0.001) 7 slots
N_Record_Definition => 5628, -- (0.001) 7 slots
N_Slice => 5461, -- (0.001) 7 slots
N_Reference => 5332, -- (0.001) 7 slots
E_Generic_Package => 5268, -- (0.001) 59 slots
E_Record_Type => 4838, -- (0.000) 51 slots
N_Raise_Program_Error => 4675, -- (0.000) 6 slots
N_Raise_Statement => 4628, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Use_Type_Clause => 4487, -- (0.000) 9 slots
E_Array_Type => 4325, -- (0.000) 48 slots
E_Operator => 4308, -- (0.000) 55 slots
N_Freeze_Generic_Entity => 4249, -- (0.000) 4 slots
N_Constrained_Array_Definition => 4244, -- (0.000) 5 slots
N_Object_Renaming_Declaration => 4067, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Formal_Private_Type_Definition => 4018, -- (0.000) 8 slots
E_Loop_Parameter => 3870, -- (0.000) 38 slots
N_Real_Literal => 3759, -- (0.000) 7 slots
N_Attribute_Definition_Clause => 3724, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Exception_Renaming_Declaration => 3697, -- (0.000) 8 slots
E_Class_Wide_Type => 3674, -- (0.000) 48 slots
E_Exception => 3632, -- (0.000) 24 slots
N_Range_Constraint => 3506, -- (0.000) 4 slots
E_Access_Type => 3487, -- (0.000) 44 slots
E_Subprogram_Type => 3248, -- (0.000) 47 slots
N_Package_Instantiation => 3005, -- (0.000) 8 slots
E_Access_Attribute_Type => 2959, -- (0.000) 44 slots
N_Op_And => 2957, -- (0.000) 8 slots
E_Generic_In_Parameter => 2704, -- (0.000) 31 slots
N_Derived_Type_Definition => 2688, -- (0.000) 7 slots
N_Variant => 2535, -- (0.000) 8 slots
E_Record_Subtype_With_Private => 2327, -- (0.000) 50 slots
N_Private_Type_Declaration => 2287, -- (0.000) 6 slots
E_Private_Type => 1890, -- (0.000) 48 slots
N_Discriminant_Specification => 1864, -- (0.000) 7 slots
N_Procedure_Instantiation => 1659, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Op_Multiply => 1634, -- (0.000) 8 slots
E_Access_Subtype => 1606, -- (0.000) 44 slots
N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name => 1463, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Number_Declaration => 1461, -- (0.000) 7 slots
E_Named_Integer => 1430, -- (0.000) 19 slots
N_Use_Package_Clause => 1369, -- (0.000) 9 slots
N_Compilation_Unit_Aux => 1341, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Compilation_Unit => 1341, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Elsif_Part => 1331, -- (0.000) 7 slots
N_Operator_Symbol => 1305, -- (0.000) 7 slots
E_Limited_Private_Type => 1299, -- (0.000) 48 slots
E_Generic_Function => 1292, -- (0.000) 41 slots
E_Enumeration_Type => 1186, -- (0.000) 47 slots
N_Enumeration_Type_Definition => 1169, -- (0.000) 6 slots
N_Unchecked_Expression => 1112, -- (0.000) 7 slots
N_Op_Or => 1107, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Designator => 1100, -- (0.000) 9 slots
N_Formal_Discrete_Type_Definition => 1086, -- (0.000) 4 slots
N_Variant_Part => 1072, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Formal_Package_Declaration => 1047, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Quantified_Expression => 1033, -- (0.000) 8 slots
E_Record_Type_With_Private => 1017, -- (0.000) 51 slots
N_Package_Body => 999, -- (0.000) 9 slots
N_Unconstrained_Array_Definition => 973, -- (0.000) 5 slots
E_Private_Subtype => 971, -- (0.000) 48 slots
N_Incomplete_Type_Declaration => 863, -- (0.000) 6 slots
E_Incomplete_Type => 863, -- (0.000) 48 slots
N_Contract => 859, -- (0.000) 6 slots
E_Package_Body => 852, -- (0.000) 46 slots
N_Extended_Return_Statement => 801, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Op_Divide => 724, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Extension_Aggregate => 718, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Function_Instantiation => 642, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Exception_Declaration => 594, -- (0.000) 7 slots
N_Discriminant_Association => 552, -- (0.000) 7 slots
N_Iterator_Specification => 543, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Private_Extension_Declaration => 540, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition => 512, -- (0.000) 4 slots
E_Modular_Integer_Subtype => 490, -- (0.000) 44 slots
N_Component_Clause => 468, -- (0.000) 7 slots
E_Signed_Integer_Type => 399, -- (0.000) 43 slots
N_Op_Minus => 356, -- (0.000) 7 slots
N_Raise_Expression => 337, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Case_Expression_Alternative => 336, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Op_Expon => 280, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration => 250, -- (0.000) 6 slots
E_Modular_Integer_Type => 232, -- (0.000) 44 slots
N_Modular_Type_Definition => 214, -- (0.000) 7 slots
N_Compound_Statement => 212, -- (0.000) 6 slots
N_Free_Statement => 209, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Record_Representation_Clause => 197, -- (0.000) 9 slots
N_Access_Procedure_Definition => 195, -- (0.000) 6 slots
E_Limited_Private_Subtype => 178, -- (0.000) 48 slots
N_Access_Function_Definition => 172, -- (0.000) 7 slots
N_Op_Mod => 163, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Validate_Unchecked_Conversion => 156, -- (0.000) 5 slots
E_Anonymous_Access_Subprogram_Type => 155, -- (0.000) 44 slots
N_Op_Rem => 147, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Formal_Incomplete_Type_Definition => 140, -- (0.000) 4 slots
N_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition => 137, -- (0.000) 6 slots
N_Case_Expression => 132, -- (0.000) 7 slots
N_Op_Plus => 129, -- (0.000) 7 slots
E_Incomplete_Subtype => 129, -- (0.000) 48 slots
N_Op_Abs => 119, -- (0.000) 7 slots
N_Op_Shift_Right => 109, -- (0.000) 8 slots
E_Floating_Point_Subtype => 94, -- (0.000) 43 slots
N_Op_Shift_Left => 72, -- (0.000) 8 slots
E_Floating_Point_Type => 59, -- (0.000) 43 slots
N_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition => 53, -- (0.000) 7 slots
N_Formal_Floating_Point_Definition => 40, -- (0.000) 4 slots
N_Defining_Character_Literal => 0, -- 36, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Formal_Modular_Type_Definition => 27, -- (0.000) 4 slots
E_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Subtype => 23, -- (0.000) 44 slots
E_Abstract_State => 22, -- (0.000) 48 slots
E_Named_Real => 20, -- (0.000) 19 slots
N_Floating_Point_Definition => 19, -- (0.000) 6 slots
N_Subunit => 17, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Enumeration_Representation_Clause => 17, -- (0.000) 9 slots
N_Entry_Declaration => 17, -- (0.000) 7 slots
N_Subprogram_Body_Stub => 16, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Unused_At_Start => 15, -- (0.000) 4 slots
E_Entry => 14, -- (0.000) 42 slots
N_Formal_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Definition => 12, -- (0.000) 4 slots
E_Class_Wide_Subtype => 9, -- (0.000) 52 slots
E_Protected_Subtype => 8, -- (0.000) 48 slots
E_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Type => 8, -- (0.000) 44 slots
N_Op_Xor => 7, -- (0.000) 8 slots
E_Generic_In_Out_Parameter => 7, -- (0.000) 31 slots
N_Protected_Type_Declaration => 6, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Protected_Definition => 6, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Task_Type_Declaration => 4, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Task_Definition => 4, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Protected_Body => 4, -- (0.000) 9 slots
E_Task_Subtype => 4, -- (0.000) 50 slots
E_Protected_Type => 4, -- (0.000) 49 slots
E_Access_Protected_Subprogram_Type => 4, -- (0.000) 45 slots
N_Entry_Call_Statement => 3, -- (0.000) 8 slots
E_Task_Type => 3, -- (0.000) 50 slots
N_Raise_Storage_Error => 2, -- (0.000) 6 slots
N_Package_Body_Stub => 2, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Generic_Procedure_Renaming_Declaration => 2, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Task_Body => 1, -- (0.000) 10 slots
N_Single_Protected_Declaration => 1, -- (0.000) 8 slots
N_Real_Range_Specification => 1, -- (0.000) 6 slots
N_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Definition => 1, -- (0.000) 6 slots
N_Error => 1, -- (0.000) 6 slots
N_Entry_Body_Formal_Part => 1, -- (0.000) 6 slots
N_Entry_Body => 1, -- (0.000) 10 slots
N_Empty => 1, -- (0.000) 6 slots
N_Delay_Relative_Statement => 1, -- (0.000) 7 slots
E_Protected_Body => 1, -- (0.000) 35 slots
Between_Concrete_Node_And_Concrete_Entity_Types => 0,
-- The rest had frequency 0 (i.e. no such nodes were created in the
-- example), but we set them to 1, so we won't lose information when
-- multiplying. We use "others", so that if new node types are added,
-- we don't have to modify the table; new node types are unlikely to
-- be very common.
others => 1
-- N_Variable_Reference_Marker => 0, (0.000) 4 slots
-- N_Unused_At_End => 0, (0.000) 4 slots
-- N_Triggering_Alternative => 0, (0.000) 6 slots
-- N_Timed_Entry_Call => 0, (0.000) 5 slots
-- N_Terminate_Alternative => 0, (0.000) 6 slots
-- N_Task_Body_Stub => 0, (0.000) 8 slots
-- N_Target_Name => 0, (0.000) 5 slots
-- N_Single_Task_Declaration => 0, (0.000) 8 slots
-- N_Selective_Accept => 0, (0.000) 5 slots
-- N_Scil_Membership_Test => 0, (0.000) 5 slots
-- N_Scil_Dispatch_Table_Tag_Init => 0, (0.000) 4 slots
-- N_Scil_Dispatching_Call => 0, (0.000) 6 slots
-- N_Return_When_Statement => 0, (0.000) 7 slots
-- N_Requeue_Statement => 0, (0.000) 8 slots
-- N_Raise_When_Statement => 0, (0.000) 8 slots
-- N_Push_Storage_Error_Label => 0, (0.000) 4 slots
-- N_Push_Program_Error_Label => 0, (0.000) 4 slots
-- N_Push_Constraint_Error_Label => 0, (0.000) 4 slots
-- N_Protected_Body_Stub => 0, (0.000) 8 slots
-- N_Pop_Storage_Error_Label => 0, (0.000) 4 slots
-- N_Pop_Program_Error_Label => 0, (0.000) 4 slots
-- N_Pop_Constraint_Error_Label => 0, (0.000) 4 slots
-- N_Op_Shift_Right_Arithmetic => 0, (0.000) 8 slots
-- N_Op_Rotate_Right => 0, (0.000) 8 slots
-- N_Op_Rotate_Left => 0, (0.000) 8 slots
-- N_Mod_Clause => 0, (0.000) 7 slots
-- N_Iterated_Element_Association => 0, (0.000) 8 slots
-- N_Iterated_Component_Association => 0, (0.000) 8 slots
-- N_Goto_When_Statement => 0, (0.000) 8 slots
-- N_Generic_Package_Renaming_Declaration => 0, (0.000) 8 slots
-- N_Generic_Function_Renaming_Declaration => 0, (0.000) 8 slots
-- N_Formal_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Definition => 0, (0.000) 4 slots
-- N_Formal_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration => 0, (0.000) 6 slots
-- N_Entry_Index_Specification => 0, (0.000) 7 slots
-- N_Entry_Call_Alternative => 0, (0.000) 6 slots
-- N_Digits_Constraint => 0, (0.000) 6 slots
-- N_Delta_Constraint => 0, (0.000) 6 slots
-- N_Delta_Aggregate => 0, (0.000) 8 slots
-- N_Delay_Until_Statement => 0, (0.000) 7 slots
-- N_Delay_Alternative => 0, (0.000) 7 slots
-- N_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Definition => 0, (0.000) 6 slots
-- N_Conditional_Entry_Call => 0, (0.000) 5 slots
-- N_Code_Statement => 0, (0.000) 7 slots
-- N_At_Clause => 0, (0.000) 9 slots
-- N_Asynchronous_Select => 0, (0.000) 5 slots
-- N_Accept_Statement => 0, (0.000) 8 slots
-- N_Accept_Alternative => 0, (0.000) 8 slots
-- N_Abort_Statement => 0, (0.000) 4 slots
-- N_Abortable_Part => 0, (0.000) 5 slots
-- E_Task_Body => 0, (0.000) 39 slots
-- E_Exception_Type => 0, (0.000) 45 slots
-- E_Entry_Index_Parameter => 0, (0.000) 19 slots
-- E_Entry_Family => 0, (0.000) 42 slots
-- E_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Type => 0, (0.000) 52 slots
-- E_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Subtype => 0, (0.000) 52 slots
-- E_Anonymous_Access_Protected_Subprogram_Type => 0, (0.000) 45 slots
); -- Type_Frequency
end Gen_IL.Internals;