blob: 4b122aedaa097ff95dfffaa10cca959f5c9227b8 [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- A D A . C A L E N D A R . F O R M A T T I N G --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2006-2022, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- --
-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- <>. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Ada.Calendar.Time_Zones; use Ada.Calendar.Time_Zones;
package body Ada.Calendar.Formatting is
-- Implementation Notes --
-- All operations in this package are target and time representation
-- independent, thus only one source file is needed for multiple targets.
procedure Check_Char (S : String; C : Character; Index : Integer);
-- Subsidiary to the two versions of Value. Determine whether the input
-- string S has character C at position Index. Raise Constraint_Error if
-- there is a mismatch.
procedure Check_Digit (S : String; Index : Integer);
-- Subsidiary to the two versions of Value. Determine whether the character
-- of string S at position Index is a digit. This catches invalid input
-- such as 1983-*1-j3 u5:n7:k9 which should be 1983-01-03 05:07:09. Raise
-- Constraint_Error if there is a mismatch.
procedure Split_Duration
(Seconds : Duration;
Hour : out Natural;
Minute : out Minute_Number;
Second : out Second_Number;
Sub_Second : out Second_Duration);
-- Version of Split that allows durations < 100 hours.
-- Will raise Time_Error if Seconds >= 100 hours.
-- Check_Char --
procedure Check_Char (S : String; C : Character; Index : Integer) is
if S (Index) /= C then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
end Check_Char;
-- Check_Digit --
procedure Check_Digit (S : String; Index : Integer) is
if S (Index) not in '0' .. '9' then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
end Check_Digit;
-- Day --
function Day
(Date : Time;
Time_Zone : Time_Zones.Time_Offset := 0) return Day_Number
Y : Year_Number;
Mo : Month_Number;
D : Day_Number;
H : Hour_Number;
Mi : Minute_Number;
Se : Second_Number;
Ss : Second_Duration;
Le : Boolean;
Split (Date, Y, Mo, D, H, Mi, Se, Ss, Le, Time_Zone);
return D;
end Day;
-- Day_Of_Week --
function Day_Of_Week (Date : Time) return Day_Name is
return Day_Name'Val (Formatting_Operations.Day_Of_Week (Date));
end Day_Of_Week;
-- Hour --
function Hour
(Date : Time;
Time_Zone : Time_Zones.Time_Offset := 0) return Hour_Number
Y : Year_Number;
Mo : Month_Number;
D : Day_Number;
H : Hour_Number;
Mi : Minute_Number;
Se : Second_Number;
Ss : Second_Duration;
Le : Boolean;
Split (Date, Y, Mo, D, H, Mi, Se, Ss, Le, Time_Zone);
return H;
end Hour;
-- Image --
function Image
(Elapsed_Time : Duration;
Include_Time_Fraction : Boolean := False) return String
To_Char : constant array (0 .. 9) of Character := "0123456789";
Hour : Natural;
Minute : Minute_Number;
Second : Second_Number;
Sub_Second : Duration;
SS_Nat : Natural;
-- Determine the two slice bounds for the result string depending on
-- whether the input is negative and whether fractions are requested.
First : constant Integer := (if Elapsed_Time < 0.0 then 1 else 2);
Last : constant Integer := (if Include_Time_Fraction then 12 else 9);
Result : String := "-00:00:00.00";
Split_Duration (abs Elapsed_Time, Hour, Minute, Second, Sub_Second);
-- Hour processing, positions 2 and 3
Result (2) := To_Char (Hour / 10);
Result (3) := To_Char (Hour mod 10);
-- Minute processing, positions 5 and 6
Result (5) := To_Char (Minute / 10);
Result (6) := To_Char (Minute mod 10);
-- Second processing, positions 8 and 9
Result (8) := To_Char (Second / 10);
Result (9) := To_Char (Second mod 10);
-- Optional sub second processing, positions 11 and 12
if Include_Time_Fraction and then Sub_Second > 0.0 then
-- Prevent rounding up when converting to natural, avoiding the zero
-- case to prevent rounding down to a negative number.
SS_Nat := Natural (Duration'(Sub_Second * 100.0) - 0.5);
Result (11) := To_Char (SS_Nat / 10);
Result (12) := To_Char (SS_Nat mod 10);
end if;
return Result (First .. Last);
end Image;
-- Image --
function Image
(Date : Time;
Include_Time_Fraction : Boolean := False;
Time_Zone : Time_Zones.Time_Offset := 0) return String
To_Char : constant array (0 .. 9) of Character := "0123456789";
Year : Year_Number;
Month : Month_Number;
Day : Day_Number;
Hour : Hour_Number;
Minute : Minute_Number;
Second : Second_Number;
Sub_Second : Duration;
SS_Nat : Natural;
Leap_Second : Boolean;
-- The result length depends on whether fractions are requested.
Result : String := "0000-00-00 00:00:00.00";
Last : constant Positive :=
Result'Last - (if Include_Time_Fraction then 0 else 3);
Split (Date, Year, Month, Day,
Hour, Minute, Second, Sub_Second, Leap_Second, Time_Zone);
-- Year processing, positions 1, 2, 3 and 4
Result (1) := To_Char (Year / 1000);
Result (2) := To_Char (Year / 100 mod 10);
Result (3) := To_Char (Year / 10 mod 10);
Result (4) := To_Char (Year mod 10);
-- Month processing, positions 6 and 7
Result (6) := To_Char (Month / 10);
Result (7) := To_Char (Month mod 10);
-- Day processing, positions 9 and 10
Result (9) := To_Char (Day / 10);
Result (10) := To_Char (Day mod 10);
Result (12) := To_Char (Hour / 10);
Result (13) := To_Char (Hour mod 10);
-- Minute processing, positions 15 and 16
Result (15) := To_Char (Minute / 10);
Result (16) := To_Char (Minute mod 10);
-- Second processing, positions 18 and 19
Result (18) := To_Char (Second / 10);
Result (19) := To_Char (Second mod 10);
-- Optional sub second processing, positions 21 and 22
if Include_Time_Fraction and then Sub_Second > 0.0 then
-- Prevent rounding up when converting to natural, avoiding the zero
-- case to prevent rounding down to a negative number.
SS_Nat := Natural (Duration'(Sub_Second * 100.0) - 0.5);
Result (21) := To_Char (SS_Nat / 10);
Result (22) := To_Char (SS_Nat mod 10);
end if;
return Result (Result'First .. Last);
end Image;
-- Minute --
function Minute
(Date : Time;
Time_Zone : Time_Zones.Time_Offset := 0) return Minute_Number
Y : Year_Number;
Mo : Month_Number;
D : Day_Number;
H : Hour_Number;
Mi : Minute_Number;
Se : Second_Number;
Ss : Second_Duration;
Le : Boolean;
Split (Date, Y, Mo, D, H, Mi, Se, Ss, Le, Time_Zone);
return Mi;
end Minute;
-- Month --
function Month
(Date : Time;
Time_Zone : Time_Zones.Time_Offset := 0) return Month_Number
Y : Year_Number;
Mo : Month_Number;
D : Day_Number;
H : Hour_Number;
Mi : Minute_Number;
Se : Second_Number;
Ss : Second_Duration;
Le : Boolean;
Split (Date, Y, Mo, D, H, Mi, Se, Ss, Le, Time_Zone);
return Mo;
end Month;
-- Second --
function Second (Date : Time) return Second_Number is
Y : Year_Number;
Mo : Month_Number;
D : Day_Number;
H : Hour_Number;
Mi : Minute_Number;
Se : Second_Number;
Ss : Second_Duration;
Le : Boolean;
Split (Date, Y, Mo, D, H, Mi, Se, Ss, Le);
return Se;
end Second;
-- Seconds_Of --
function Seconds_Of
(Hour : Hour_Number;
Minute : Minute_Number;
Second : Second_Number := 0;
Sub_Second : Second_Duration := 0.0) return Day_Duration is
-- Validity checks
if not Hour'Valid
or else not Minute'Valid
or else not Second'Valid
or else not Sub_Second'Valid
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
return Day_Duration (Hour * 3_600) +
Day_Duration (Minute * 60) +
Day_Duration (Second) +
end Seconds_Of;
-- Split_Duration --
procedure Split_Duration
(Seconds : Duration;
Hour : out Natural;
Minute : out Minute_Number;
Second : out Second_Number;
Sub_Second : out Second_Duration)
Secs : Natural;
-- Check that Seconds is below 100 hours
if Seconds >= 3600.0 * 100.0 then
raise Time_Error;
end if;
Secs := (if Seconds = 0.0 then 0 else Natural (Seconds - 0.5));
Sub_Second := Second_Duration (Seconds - Duration (Secs));
Hour := Natural (Secs / 3_600);
Secs := Secs mod 3_600;
Minute := Minute_Number (Secs / 60);
Second := Second_Number (Secs mod 60);
end Split_Duration;
-- Split --
procedure Split
(Seconds : Day_Duration;
Hour : out Hour_Number;
Minute : out Minute_Number;
Second : out Second_Number;
Sub_Second : out Second_Duration)
Unchecked_Hour : Natural;
-- Validity checks
if not Seconds'Valid then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
Split_Duration (Seconds, Unchecked_Hour, Minute, Second, Sub_Second);
if Unchecked_Hour > Hour_Number'Last then
raise Time_Error;
end if;
Hour := Unchecked_Hour;
end Split;
-- Split --
procedure Split
(Date : Time;
Year : out Year_Number;
Month : out Month_Number;
Day : out Day_Number;
Seconds : out Day_Duration;
Leap_Second : out Boolean;
Time_Zone : Time_Zones.Time_Offset := 0)
H : Integer;
M : Integer;
Se : Integer;
Su : Duration;
Tz : constant Long_Integer := Long_Integer (Time_Zone);
(Date => Date,
Year => Year,
Month => Month,
Day => Day,
Day_Secs => Seconds,
Hour => H,
Minute => M,
Second => Se,
Sub_Sec => Su,
Leap_Sec => Leap_Second,
Use_TZ => True,
Is_Historic => True,
Time_Zone => Tz);
-- Validity checks
if not Year'Valid
or else not Month'Valid
or else not Day'Valid
or else not Seconds'Valid
raise Time_Error;
end if;
end Split;
-- Split --
procedure Split
(Date : Time;
Year : out Year_Number;
Month : out Month_Number;
Day : out Day_Number;
Hour : out Hour_Number;
Minute : out Minute_Number;
Second : out Second_Number;
Sub_Second : out Second_Duration;
Time_Zone : Time_Zones.Time_Offset := 0)
Dd : Day_Duration;
Le : Boolean;
Tz : constant Long_Integer := Long_Integer (Time_Zone);
(Date => Date,
Year => Year,
Month => Month,
Day => Day,
Day_Secs => Dd,
Hour => Hour,
Minute => Minute,
Second => Second,
Sub_Sec => Sub_Second,
Leap_Sec => Le,
Use_TZ => True,
Is_Historic => True,
Time_Zone => Tz);
-- Validity checks
if not Year'Valid
or else not Month'Valid
or else not Day'Valid
or else not Hour'Valid
or else not Minute'Valid
or else not Second'Valid
or else not Sub_Second'Valid
raise Time_Error;
end if;
end Split;
-- Split --
procedure Split
(Date : Time;
Year : out Year_Number;
Month : out Month_Number;
Day : out Day_Number;
Hour : out Hour_Number;
Minute : out Minute_Number;
Second : out Second_Number;
Sub_Second : out Second_Duration;
Leap_Second : out Boolean;
Time_Zone : Time_Zones.Time_Offset := 0)
Dd : Day_Duration;
Tz : constant Long_Integer := Long_Integer (Time_Zone);
(Date => Date,
Year => Year,
Month => Month,
Day => Day,
Day_Secs => Dd,
Hour => Hour,
Minute => Minute,
Second => Second,
Sub_Sec => Sub_Second,
Leap_Sec => Leap_Second,
Use_TZ => True,
Is_Historic => True,
Time_Zone => Tz);
-- Validity checks
if not Year'Valid
or else not Month'Valid
or else not Day'Valid
or else not Hour'Valid
or else not Minute'Valid
or else not Second'Valid
or else not Sub_Second'Valid
raise Time_Error;
end if;
end Split;
-- Sub_Second --
function Sub_Second (Date : Time) return Second_Duration is
Y : Year_Number;
Mo : Month_Number;
D : Day_Number;
H : Hour_Number;
Mi : Minute_Number;
Se : Second_Number;
Ss : Second_Duration;
Le : Boolean;
Split (Date, Y, Mo, D, H, Mi, Se, Ss, Le);
return Ss;
end Sub_Second;
-- Time_Of --
function Time_Of
(Year : Year_Number;
Month : Month_Number;
Day : Day_Number;
Seconds : Day_Duration := 0.0;
Leap_Second : Boolean := False;
Time_Zone : Time_Zones.Time_Offset := 0) return Time
Adj_Year : Year_Number := Year;
Adj_Month : Month_Number := Month;
Adj_Day : Day_Number := Day;
H : constant Integer := 1;
M : constant Integer := 1;
Se : constant Integer := 1;
Ss : constant Duration := 0.1;
Tz : constant Long_Integer := Long_Integer (Time_Zone);
-- Validity checks
if not Year'Valid
or else not Month'Valid
or else not Day'Valid
or else not Seconds'Valid
or else not Time_Zone'Valid
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
-- A Seconds value of 86_400 denotes a new day. This case requires an
-- adjustment to the input values.
if Seconds = 86_400.0 then
if Day < Days_In_Month (Month)
or else (Is_Leap (Year)
and then Month = 2)
Adj_Day := Day + 1;
Adj_Day := 1;
if Month < 12 then
Adj_Month := Month + 1;
Adj_Month := 1;
Adj_Year := Year + 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
(Year => Adj_Year,
Month => Adj_Month,
Day => Adj_Day,
Day_Secs => Seconds,
Hour => H,
Minute => M,
Second => Se,
Sub_Sec => Ss,
Leap_Sec => Leap_Second,
Use_Day_Secs => True,
Use_TZ => True,
Is_Historic => True,
Time_Zone => Tz);
end Time_Of;
-- Time_Of --
function Time_Of
(Year : Year_Number;
Month : Month_Number;
Day : Day_Number;
Hour : Hour_Number;
Minute : Minute_Number;
Second : Second_Number;
Sub_Second : Second_Duration := 0.0;
Leap_Second : Boolean := False;
Time_Zone : Time_Zones.Time_Offset := 0) return Time
Dd : constant Day_Duration := Day_Duration'First;
Tz : constant Long_Integer := Long_Integer (Time_Zone);
-- Validity checks
if not Year'Valid
or else not Month'Valid
or else not Day'Valid
or else not Hour'Valid
or else not Minute'Valid
or else not Second'Valid
or else not Sub_Second'Valid
or else not Time_Zone'Valid
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
(Year => Year,
Month => Month,
Day => Day,
Day_Secs => Dd,
Hour => Hour,
Minute => Minute,
Second => Second,
Sub_Sec => Sub_Second,
Leap_Sec => Leap_Second,
Use_Day_Secs => False,
Use_TZ => True,
Is_Historic => True,
Time_Zone => Tz);
end Time_Of;
-- Value --
function Value
(Date : String;
Time_Zone : Time_Zones.Time_Offset := 0) return Time
D : String (1 .. 22);
Year : Year_Number;
Month : Month_Number;
Day : Day_Number;
Hour : Hour_Number;
Minute : Minute_Number;
Second : Second_Number;
Sub_Second : Second_Duration := 0.0;
-- Validity checks
if not Time_Zone'Valid then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
-- Length checks
if Date'Length /= 19
and then Date'Length /= 22
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
-- After the correct length has been determined, it is safe to copy the
-- Date in order to avoid Date'First + N indexing.
D (1 .. Date'Length) := Date;
-- Format checks
Check_Char (D, '-', 5);
Check_Char (D, '-', 8);
Check_Char (D, ' ', 11);
Check_Char (D, ':', 14);
Check_Char (D, ':', 17);
if Date'Length = 22 then
Check_Char (D, '.', 20);
end if;
-- Leading zero checks
Check_Digit (D, 6);
Check_Digit (D, 9);
Check_Digit (D, 12);
Check_Digit (D, 15);
Check_Digit (D, 18);
if Date'Length = 22 then
Check_Digit (D, 21);
end if;
-- Value extraction
Year := Year_Number (Year_Number'Value (D (1 .. 4)));
Month := Month_Number (Month_Number'Value (D (6 .. 7)));
Day := Day_Number (Day_Number'Value (D (9 .. 10)));
Hour := Hour_Number (Hour_Number'Value (D (12 .. 13)));
Minute := Minute_Number (Minute_Number'Value (D (15 .. 16)));
Second := Second_Number (Second_Number'Value (D (18 .. 19)));
-- Optional part
if Date'Length = 22 then
Sub_Second := Second_Duration (Second_Duration'Value (D (20 .. 22)));
end if;
-- Sanity checks
if not Year'Valid
or else not Month'Valid
or else not Day'Valid
or else not Hour'Valid
or else not Minute'Valid
or else not Second'Valid
or else not Sub_Second'Valid
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
return Time_Of (Year, Month, Day,
Hour, Minute, Second, Sub_Second, False, Time_Zone);
when others => raise Constraint_Error;
end Value;
-- Value --
function Value (Elapsed_Time : String) return Duration is
D : String (1 .. 11);
Hour : Hour_Number;
Minute : Minute_Number;
Second : Second_Number;
Sub_Second : Second_Duration := 0.0;
-- Length checks
if Elapsed_Time'Length /= 8
and then Elapsed_Time'Length /= 11
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
-- After the correct length has been determined, it is safe to copy the
-- Elapsed_Time in order to avoid Date'First + N indexing.
D (1 .. Elapsed_Time'Length) := Elapsed_Time;
-- Format checks
Check_Char (D, ':', 3);
Check_Char (D, ':', 6);
if Elapsed_Time'Length = 11 then
Check_Char (D, '.', 9);
end if;
-- Leading zero checks
Check_Digit (D, 1);
Check_Digit (D, 4);
Check_Digit (D, 7);
if Elapsed_Time'Length = 11 then
Check_Digit (D, 10);
end if;
-- Value extraction
Hour := Hour_Number (Hour_Number'Value (D (1 .. 2)));
Minute := Minute_Number (Minute_Number'Value (D (4 .. 5)));
Second := Second_Number (Second_Number'Value (D (7 .. 8)));
-- Optional part
if Elapsed_Time'Length = 11 then
Sub_Second := Second_Duration (Second_Duration'Value (D (9 .. 11)));
end if;
-- Sanity checks
if not Hour'Valid
or else not Minute'Valid
or else not Second'Valid
or else not Sub_Second'Valid
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
return Seconds_Of (Hour, Minute, Second, Sub_Second);
when others => raise Constraint_Error;
end Value;
-- Year --
function Year
(Date : Time;
Time_Zone : Time_Zones.Time_Offset := 0) return Year_Number
Y : Year_Number;
Mo : Month_Number;
D : Day_Number;
H : Hour_Number;
Mi : Minute_Number;
Se : Second_Number;
Ss : Second_Duration;
Le : Boolean;
Split (Date, Y, Mo, D, H, Mi, Se, Ss, Le, Time_Zone);
return Y;
end Year;
end Ada.Calendar.Formatting;