blob: b5683351ba7cb4c2a7d40b3ea04e879fb1252a78 [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- A D A . W I D E _ T E X T _ I O . F I X E D _ I O --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2022, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- --
-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- <>. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Interfaces;
with Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Fixed_Aux;
with Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Float_Aux;
with System.Img_Fixed_32; use System.Img_Fixed_32;
with System.Img_Fixed_64; use System.Img_Fixed_64;
with System.Img_LFlt; use System.Img_LFlt;
with System.Val_Fixed_32; use System.Val_Fixed_32;
with System.Val_Fixed_64; use System.Val_Fixed_64;
with System.Val_LFlt; use System.Val_LFlt;
with System.WCh_Con; use System.WCh_Con;
with System.WCh_WtS; use System.WCh_WtS;
package body Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Fixed_IO is
-- Note: we still use the floating-point I/O routines for types whose small
-- is not the ratio of two sufficiently small integers. This will result in
-- inaccuracies for fixed point types that require more precision than is
-- available in Long_Float.
subtype Int32 is Interfaces.Integer_32; use type Int32;
subtype Int64 is Interfaces.Integer_64; use type Int64;
package Aux32 is new
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Fixed_Aux (Int32, Scan_Fixed32, Set_Image_Fixed32);
package Aux64 is new
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Fixed_Aux (Int64, Scan_Fixed64, Set_Image_Fixed64);
package Aux_Long_Float is new
(Long_Float, Scan_Long_Float, Set_Image_Long_Float);
-- Throughout this generic body, we distinguish between the case where type
-- Int32 is OK and where type Int64 is OK. These boolean constants are used
-- to test for this, such that only code for the relevant case is included
-- in the instance; that's why the computation of their value must be fully
-- static (although it is not a static expressions in the RM sense).
OK_Get_32 : constant Boolean :=
Num'Base'Object_Size <= 32
and then
((Num'Small_Numerator = 1 and then Num'Small_Denominator <= 2**31)
or else
(Num'Small_Denominator = 1 and then Num'Small_Numerator <= 2**31)
or else
(Num'Small_Numerator <= 2**27
and then Num'Small_Denominator <= 2**27));
-- These conditions are derived from the prerequisites of System.Value_F
OK_Put_32 : constant Boolean :=
Num'Base'Object_Size <= 32
and then
((Num'Small_Numerator = 1 and then Num'Small_Denominator <= 2**31)
or else
(Num'Small_Denominator = 1 and then Num'Small_Numerator <= 2**31)
or else
(Num'Small_Numerator < Num'Small_Denominator
and then Num'Small_Denominator <= 2**27)
or else
(Num'Small_Denominator < Num'Small_Numerator
and then Num'Small_Numerator <= 2**25));
-- These conditions are derived from the prerequisites of System.Image_F
OK_Get_64 : constant Boolean :=
Num'Base'Object_Size <= 64
and then
((Num'Small_Numerator = 1 and then Num'Small_Denominator <= 2**63)
or else
(Num'Small_Denominator = 1 and then Num'Small_Numerator <= 2**63)
or else
(Num'Small_Numerator <= 2**59
and then Num'Small_Denominator <= 2**59));
-- These conditions are derived from the prerequisites of System.Value_F
OK_Put_64 : constant Boolean :=
Num'Base'Object_Size <= 64
and then
((Num'Small_Numerator = 1 and then Num'Small_Denominator <= 2**63)
or else
(Num'Small_Denominator = 1 and then Num'Small_Numerator <= 2**63)
or else
(Num'Small_Numerator < Num'Small_Denominator
and then Num'Small_Denominator <= 2**59)
or else
(Num'Small_Denominator < Num'Small_Numerator
and then Num'Small_Numerator <= 2**53));
-- These conditions are derived from the prerequisites of System.Image_F
E : constant Natural := 63 - 32 * Boolean'Pos (OK_Put_32);
-- T'Size - 1 for the selected Int{32,64}
F0 : constant Natural := 0;
F1 : constant Natural :=
F0 + 18 * Boolean'Pos (2.0**E * Num'Small * 10.0**(-F0) >= 1.0E+18);
F2 : constant Natural :=
F1 + 9 * Boolean'Pos (2.0**E * Num'Small * 10.0**(-F1) >= 1.0E+9);
F3 : constant Natural :=
F2 + 5 * Boolean'Pos (2.0**E * Num'Small * 10.0**(-F2) >= 1.0E+5);
F4 : constant Natural :=
F3 + 3 * Boolean'Pos (2.0**E * Num'Small * 10.0**(-F3) >= 1.0E+3);
F5 : constant Natural :=
F4 + 2 * Boolean'Pos (2.0**E * Num'Small * 10.0**(-F4) >= 1.0E+2);
F6 : constant Natural :=
F5 + 1 * Boolean'Pos (2.0**E * Num'Small * 10.0**(-F5) >= 1.0E+1);
-- Binary search for the number of digits - 1 before the decimal point of
-- the product 2.0**E * Num'Small.
For0 : constant Natural := 2 + F6;
-- Fore value for the fixed point type whose mantissa is Int{32,64} and
-- whose small is Num'Small.
-- Get --
procedure Get
(File : File_Type;
Item : out Num;
Width : Field := 0)
pragma Unsuppress (Range_Check);
if OK_Get_32 then
Item := Num'Fixed_Value
(Aux32.Get (File, Width,
elsif OK_Get_64 then
Item := Num'Fixed_Value
(Aux64.Get (File, Width,
Aux_Long_Float.Get (File, Long_Float (Item), Width);
end if;
when Constraint_Error => raise Data_Error;
end Get;
procedure Get
(Item : out Num;
Width : Field := 0)
Get (Current_In, Item, Width);
end Get;
procedure Get
(From : Wide_String;
Item : out Num;
Last : out Positive)
pragma Unsuppress (Range_Check);
S : constant String := Wide_String_To_String (From, WCEM_Upper);
-- String on which we do the actual conversion. Note that the method
-- used for wide character encoding is irrelevant, since if there is
-- a character outside the Standard.Character range then the call to
-- Aux.Gets will raise Data_Error in any case.
if OK_Get_32 then
Item := Num'Fixed_Value
(Aux32.Gets (S, Last,
elsif OK_Get_64 then
Item := Num'Fixed_Value
(Aux64.Gets (S, Last,
Aux_Long_Float.Gets (S, Long_Float (Item), Last);
end if;
when Constraint_Error => raise Data_Error;
end Get;
-- Put --
procedure Put
(File : File_Type;
Item : Num;
Fore : Field := Default_Fore;
Aft : Field := Default_Aft;
Exp : Field := Default_Exp)
if OK_Put_32 then
Aux32.Put (File, Int32'Integer_Value (Item), Fore, Aft, Exp,
-Num'Small_Numerator, -Num'Small_Denominator,
For0, Num'Aft);
elsif OK_Put_64 then
Aux64.Put (File, Int64'Integer_Value (Item), Fore, Aft, Exp,
-Num'Small_Numerator, -Num'Small_Denominator,
For0, Num'Aft);
Aux_Long_Float.Put (File, Long_Float (Item), Fore, Aft, Exp);
end if;
end Put;
procedure Put
(Item : Num;
Fore : Field := Default_Fore;
Aft : Field := Default_Aft;
Exp : Field := Default_Exp)
Put (Current_Out, Item, Fore, Aft, Exp);
end Put;
procedure Put
(To : out Wide_String;
Item : Num;
Aft : Field := Default_Aft;
Exp : Field := Default_Exp)
S : String (To'First .. To'Last);
if OK_Put_32 then
Aux32.Puts (S, Int32'Integer_Value (Item), Aft, Exp,
-Num'Small_Numerator, -Num'Small_Denominator,
For0, Num'Aft);
elsif OK_Put_64 then
Aux64.Puts (S, Int64'Integer_Value (Item), Aft, Exp,
-Num'Small_Numerator, -Num'Small_Denominator,
For0, Num'Aft);
Aux_Long_Float.Puts (S, Long_Float (Item), Aft, Exp);
end if;
for J in S'Range loop
To (J) := Wide_Character'Val (Character'Pos (S (J)));
end loop;
end Put;
end Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Fixed_IO;