blob: 4d85907d8a447e5ca2d182d799d158a857383fbd [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- G N A T . L I S T S --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2018-2022, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- --
-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- <>. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
package body GNAT.Lists is
package body Doubly_Linked_Lists is
procedure Delete_Node
(L : Doubly_Linked_List;
Nod : Node_Ptr);
pragma Inline (Delete_Node);
-- Detach and delete node Nod from list L
procedure Ensure_Circular (Head : Node_Ptr);
pragma Inline (Ensure_Circular);
-- Ensure that dummy head Head is circular with respect to itself
procedure Ensure_Created (L : Doubly_Linked_List);
pragma Inline (Ensure_Created);
-- Verify that list L is created. Raise Not_Created if this is not the
-- case.
procedure Ensure_Full (L : Doubly_Linked_List);
pragma Inline (Ensure_Full);
-- Verify that list L contains at least one element. Raise List_Empty if
-- this is not the case.
procedure Ensure_Unlocked (L : Doubly_Linked_List);
pragma Inline (Ensure_Unlocked);
-- Verify that list L is unlocked. Raise Iterated if this is not the
-- case.
function Find_Node
(Head : Node_Ptr;
Elem : Element_Type) return Node_Ptr;
pragma Inline (Find_Node);
-- Travers a list indicated by dummy head Head to determine whethe there
-- exists a node with element Elem. If such a node exists, return it,
-- otherwise return null;
procedure Free is
new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
(Doubly_Linked_List_Attributes, Doubly_Linked_List);
procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Node, Node_Ptr);
procedure Insert_Between
(L : Doubly_Linked_List;
Elem : Element_Type;
Left : Node_Ptr;
Right : Node_Ptr);
pragma Inline (Insert_Between);
-- Insert element Elem between nodes Left and Right of list L
function Is_Valid (Iter : Iterator) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Is_Valid);
-- Determine whether iterator Iter refers to a valid element
function Is_Valid
(Nod : Node_Ptr;
Head : Node_Ptr) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Is_Valid);
-- Determine whether node Nod is non-null and does not refer to dummy
-- head Head, thus making it valid.
procedure Lock (L : Doubly_Linked_List);
pragma Inline (Lock);
-- Lock all mutation functionality of list L
function Present (Nod : Node_Ptr) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Present);
-- Determine whether node Nod exists
procedure Unlock (L : Doubly_Linked_List);
pragma Inline (Unlock);
-- Unlock all mutation functionality of list L
-- Append --
procedure Append
(L : Doubly_Linked_List;
Elem : Element_Type)
Head : Node_Ptr;
Ensure_Created (L);
Ensure_Unlocked (L);
-- Ensure that the dummy head of an empty list is circular with
-- respect to itself.
Head := L.Nodes'Access;
Ensure_Circular (Head);
-- Append the node by inserting it between the last node and the
-- dummy head.
(L => L,
Elem => Elem,
Left => Head.Prev,
Right => Head);
end Append;
-- Create --
function Create return Doubly_Linked_List is
return new Doubly_Linked_List_Attributes;
end Create;
-- Contains --
function Contains
(L : Doubly_Linked_List;
Elem : Element_Type) return Boolean
Head : Node_Ptr;
Nod : Node_Ptr;
Ensure_Created (L);
Head := L.Nodes'Access;
Nod := Find_Node (Head, Elem);
return Is_Valid (Nod, Head);
end Contains;
-- Delete --
procedure Delete
(L : Doubly_Linked_List;
Elem : Element_Type)
Head : Node_Ptr;
Nod : Node_Ptr;
Ensure_Created (L);
Ensure_Full (L);
Ensure_Unlocked (L);
Head := L.Nodes'Access;
Nod := Find_Node (Head, Elem);
if Is_Valid (Nod, Head) then
Delete_Node (L, Nod);
end if;
end Delete;
-- Delete_First --
procedure Delete_First (L : Doubly_Linked_List) is
Head : Node_Ptr;
Nod : Node_Ptr;
Ensure_Created (L);
Ensure_Full (L);
Ensure_Unlocked (L);
Head := L.Nodes'Access;
Nod := Head.Next;
if Is_Valid (Nod, Head) then
Delete_Node (L, Nod);
end if;
end Delete_First;
-- Delete_Last --
procedure Delete_Last (L : Doubly_Linked_List) is
Head : Node_Ptr;
Nod : Node_Ptr;
Ensure_Created (L);
Ensure_Full (L);
Ensure_Unlocked (L);
Head := L.Nodes'Access;
Nod := Head.Prev;
if Is_Valid (Nod, Head) then
Delete_Node (L, Nod);
end if;
end Delete_Last;
-- Delete_Node --
procedure Delete_Node
(L : Doubly_Linked_List;
Nod : Node_Ptr)
Ref : Node_Ptr := Nod;
pragma Assert (Present (Ref));
Next : constant Node_Ptr := Ref.Next;
Prev : constant Node_Ptr := Ref.Prev;
pragma Assert (Present (L));
pragma Assert (Present (Next));
pragma Assert (Present (Prev));
Prev.Next := Next; -- Prev ---> Next
Next.Prev := Prev; -- Prev <--> Next
Ref.Next := null;
Ref.Prev := null;
L.Elements := L.Elements - 1;
-- Invoke the element destructor before deallocating the node
Destroy_Element (Nod.Elem);
Free (Ref);
end Delete_Node;
-- Destroy --
procedure Destroy (L : in out Doubly_Linked_List) is
Head : Node_Ptr;
Ensure_Created (L);
Ensure_Unlocked (L);
Head := L.Nodes'Access;
while Is_Valid (Head.Next, Head) loop
Delete_Node (L, Head.Next);
end loop;
Free (L);
end Destroy;
-- Ensure_Circular --
procedure Ensure_Circular (Head : Node_Ptr) is
pragma Assert (Present (Head));
if not Present (Head.Next) and then not Present (Head.Prev) then
Head.Next := Head;
Head.Prev := Head;
end if;
end Ensure_Circular;
-- Ensure_Created --
procedure Ensure_Created (L : Doubly_Linked_List) is
if not Present (L) then
raise Not_Created;
end if;
end Ensure_Created;
-- Ensure_Full --
procedure Ensure_Full (L : Doubly_Linked_List) is
pragma Assert (Present (L));
if L.Elements = 0 then
raise List_Empty;
end if;
end Ensure_Full;
-- Ensure_Unlocked --
procedure Ensure_Unlocked (L : Doubly_Linked_List) is
pragma Assert (Present (L));
-- The list has at least one outstanding iterator
if L.Iterators > 0 then
raise Iterated;
end if;
end Ensure_Unlocked;
-- Equal --
function Equal
(Left : Doubly_Linked_List;
Right : Doubly_Linked_List) return Boolean
Left_Head : Node_Ptr;
Left_Nod : Node_Ptr;
Right_Head : Node_Ptr;
Right_Nod : Node_Ptr;
-- Two non-existent lists are considered equal
if Left = Nil and then Right = Nil then
return True;
-- A non-existent list is never equal to an already created list
elsif Left = Nil or else Right = Nil then
return False;
-- The two lists must contain the same number of elements to be equal
elsif Size (Left) /= Size (Right) then
return False;
end if;
-- Compare the two lists element by element
Left_Head := Left.Nodes'Access;
Left_Nod := Left_Head.Next;
Right_Head := Right.Nodes'Access;
Right_Nod := Right_Head.Next;
while Is_Valid (Left_Nod, Left_Head)
and then
Is_Valid (Right_Nod, Right_Head)
if Left_Nod.Elem /= Right_Nod.Elem then
return False;
end if;
Left_Nod := Left_Nod.Next;
Right_Nod := Right_Nod.Next;
end loop;
return True;
end Equal;
-- Find_Node --
function Find_Node
(Head : Node_Ptr;
Elem : Element_Type) return Node_Ptr
pragma Assert (Present (Head));
Nod : Node_Ptr;
-- Traverse the nodes of the list, looking for a matching element
Nod := Head.Next;
while Is_Valid (Nod, Head) loop
if Nod.Elem = Elem then
return Nod;
end if;
Nod := Nod.Next;
end loop;
return null;
end Find_Node;
-- First --
function First (L : Doubly_Linked_List) return Element_Type is
Ensure_Created (L);
Ensure_Full (L);
return L.Nodes.Next.Elem;
end First;
-- Has_Next --
function Has_Next (Iter : Iterator) return Boolean is
Is_OK : constant Boolean := Is_Valid (Iter);
-- The iterator is no longer valid which indicates that it has been
-- exhausted. Unlock all mutation functionality of the list because
-- the iterator cannot be advanced any further.
if not Is_OK then
Unlock (Iter.List);
end if;
return Is_OK;
end Has_Next;
-- Insert_After --
procedure Insert_After
(L : Doubly_Linked_List;
After : Element_Type;
Elem : Element_Type)
Head : Node_Ptr;
Nod : Node_Ptr;
Ensure_Created (L);
Ensure_Unlocked (L);
Head := L.Nodes'Access;
Nod := Find_Node (Head, After);
if Is_Valid (Nod, Head) then
(L => L,
Elem => Elem,
Left => Nod,
Right => Nod.Next);
end if;
end Insert_After;
-- Insert_Before --
procedure Insert_Before
(L : Doubly_Linked_List;
Before : Element_Type;
Elem : Element_Type)
Head : Node_Ptr;
Nod : Node_Ptr;
Ensure_Created (L);
Ensure_Unlocked (L);
Head := L.Nodes'Access;
Nod := Find_Node (Head, Before);
if Is_Valid (Nod, Head) then
(L => L,
Elem => Elem,
Left => Nod.Prev,
Right => Nod);
end if;
end Insert_Before;
-- Insert_Between --
procedure Insert_Between
(L : Doubly_Linked_List;
Elem : Element_Type;
Left : Node_Ptr;
Right : Node_Ptr)
pragma Assert (Present (L));
pragma Assert (Present (Left));
pragma Assert (Present (Right));
Nod : constant Node_Ptr :=
new Node'(Elem => Elem,
Next => Right, -- Left Nod ---> Right
Prev => Left); -- Left <--- Nod ---> Right
Left.Next := Nod; -- Left <--> Nod ---> Right
Right.Prev := Nod; -- Left <--> Nod <--> Right
L.Elements := L.Elements + 1;
end Insert_Between;
-- Is_Empty --
function Is_Empty (L : Doubly_Linked_List) return Boolean is
Ensure_Created (L);
return L.Elements = 0;
end Is_Empty;
-- Is_Valid --
function Is_Valid (Iter : Iterator) return Boolean is
-- The invariant of Iterate and Next ensures that the iterator always
-- refers to a valid node if there exists one.
return Is_Valid (Iter.Curr_Nod, Iter.List.Nodes'Access);
end Is_Valid;
-- Is_Valid --
function Is_Valid
(Nod : Node_Ptr;
Head : Node_Ptr) return Boolean
-- A node is valid if it is non-null, and does not refer to the dummy
-- head of some list.
return Present (Nod) and then Nod /= Head;
end Is_Valid;
-- Iterate --
function Iterate (L : Doubly_Linked_List) return Iterator is
Ensure_Created (L);
-- Lock all mutation functionality of the list while it is being
-- iterated on.
Lock (L);
return (List => L, Curr_Nod => L.Nodes.Next);
end Iterate;
-- Last --
function Last (L : Doubly_Linked_List) return Element_Type is
Ensure_Created (L);
Ensure_Full (L);
return L.Nodes.Prev.Elem;
end Last;
-- Lock --
procedure Lock (L : Doubly_Linked_List) is
pragma Assert (Present (L));
-- The list may be locked multiple times if multiple iterators are
-- operating over it.
L.Iterators := L.Iterators + 1;
end Lock;
-- Next --
procedure Next
(Iter : in out Iterator;
Elem : out Element_Type)
Is_OK : constant Boolean := Is_Valid (Iter);
Saved : constant Node_Ptr := Iter.Curr_Nod;
-- The iterator is no linger valid which indicates that it has been
-- exhausted. Unlock all mutation functionality of the list as the
-- iterator cannot be advanced any further.
if not Is_OK then
Unlock (Iter.List);
raise Iterator_Exhausted;
end if;
-- Advance to the next node along the list
Iter.Curr_Nod := Iter.Curr_Nod.Next;
Elem := Saved.Elem;
end Next;
-- Prepend --
procedure Prepend
(L : Doubly_Linked_List;
Elem : Element_Type)
Head : Node_Ptr;
Ensure_Created (L);
Ensure_Unlocked (L);
-- Ensure that the dummy head of an empty list is circular with
-- respect to itself.
Head := L.Nodes'Access;
Ensure_Circular (Head);
-- Append the node by inserting it between the dummy head and the
-- first node.
(L => L,
Elem => Elem,
Left => Head,
Right => Head.Next);
end Prepend;
-- Present --
function Present (L : Doubly_Linked_List) return Boolean is
return L /= Nil;
end Present;
-- Present --
function Present (Nod : Node_Ptr) return Boolean is
return Nod /= null;
end Present;
-- Replace --
procedure Replace
(L : Doubly_Linked_List;
Old_Elem : Element_Type;
New_Elem : Element_Type)
Head : Node_Ptr;
Nod : Node_Ptr;
Ensure_Created (L);
Ensure_Unlocked (L);
Head := L.Nodes'Access;
Nod := Find_Node (Head, Old_Elem);
if Is_Valid (Nod, Head) then
Nod.Elem := New_Elem;
end if;
end Replace;
-- Size --
function Size (L : Doubly_Linked_List) return Natural is
Ensure_Created (L);
return L.Elements;
end Size;
-- Unlock --
procedure Unlock (L : Doubly_Linked_List) is
pragma Assert (Present (L));
-- The list may be locked multiple times if multiple iterators are
-- operating over it.
L.Iterators := L.Iterators - 1;
end Unlock;
end Doubly_Linked_Lists;
end GNAT.Lists;