blob: 6299733fe2115b357392f9fe2707c0eb12a168d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do compile { target { c++14 && comdat_group } } }
// { dg-additional-options -fno-inline }
inline auto lamby ()
return [] {};
void direct ()
lamby ()();
void indirect ()
void (*invoke) () = lamby ();
invoke ();
// The call operator and the static invoker should be comdat, but not
// the same group. (that would be a compiler incompatibility)
// { dg-final { scan-assembler ".section\[\t ]*.text._ZZ5lambyvENKUlvE_clEv,\[^\n\r]*,_ZZ5lambyvENKUlvE_clEv,comdat" { target { { ! *-*-solaris2.* } || { gas } } } } }
// { dg-final { scan-assembler ".section\[\t ]*.text._ZZ5lambyvENUlvE_4_FUNEv,\[^\n\r]*,_ZZ5lambyvENUlvE_4_FUNEv,comdat" { target { { ! *-*-solaris2.* } || { gas } } } } }
// { dg-final { scan-assembler ".group\[\t \]*_ZZ5lambyvENKUlvE_clEv,\[^\n\r\]*,#comdat" { target { *-*-solaris2.* && { ! gas } } } } }
// { dg-final { scan-assembler ".group\[\t \]*_ZZ5lambyvENUlvE_4_FUNEv,\[^\n\r\]*,#comdat" { target { *-*-solaris2.* && { ! gas } } } } }