blob: 1a72950b8b1555fd14a8edacf965d0c1c8d86ac3 [file] [log] [blame]
// PR c++/55250
// { dg-do compile { target c++11 } }
constexpr int Test1(int x) { enum E { y = 1 }; return x; } // { dg-error "not a return-statement" "" { target { c++11_only } } }
constexpr int Test2(int x) { struct T { }; return x; } // { dg-error "not a return-statement" "" { target { c++11_only } } }
constexpr int Test3(int x) { typedef enum E { y = 1 } EE; return x; } // { dg-error "not a return-statement" "" { target { c++11_only } } }
constexpr int Test4(int x) { typedef struct T { } TT; return x; } // { dg-error "not a return-statement" "" { target { c++11_only } } }
constexpr int Test5(int x) { using EE = enum E { y = 1 }; return x; } // { dg-error "not a return-statement" "" { target { c++11_only } } }
constexpr int Test6(int x) { using TT = struct T { }; return x; } // { dg-error "not a return-statement" "" { target { c++11_only } } }
struct S1
constexpr S1() { enum E { y = 1 }; } // { dg-error "does not have empty body" "" { target { c++11_only } } }
struct S2
constexpr S2() { struct T { }; } // { dg-error "does not have empty body" "" { target { c++11_only } } }
struct S3
constexpr S3() { typedef enum E { y = 1 } EE; } // { dg-error "does not have empty body" "" { target { c++11_only } } }
struct S4
constexpr S4() { typedef struct T { } TT; } // { dg-error "does not have empty body" "" { target { c++11_only } } }
struct S5
constexpr S5() { using EE = enum E { y = 1 }; } // { dg-error "does not have empty body" "" { target { c++11_only } } }
struct S6
constexpr S6() { using TT = struct T { }; } // { dg-error "does not have empty body" "" { target { c++11_only } } }