blob: 8147e7e2ad11c565bf354c7c3e95c68260ad290e [file] [log] [blame]
// Core Issue #1331 (const mismatch with defaulted copy constructor)
// { dg-do compile { target c++11 } }
struct M
M& operator=(M&);
struct R
R& operator=(R&) = default;
M m;
struct S
S& operator=(const S&) = default;
M m;
struct T
// If F is an assignment operator, and the return type of T1
// differs from the return type of T2 the program is ill-formed.
T operator=(T&) = default; // { dg-error "defaulted" }
M m;
struct U
// If F is an assignment operator, and T1's parameter type is
// not a reference, the program is ill-formed.
U& operator=(U) = default; // { dg-error "defaulted" }
M m;