blob: 2a337756c2a01ca027f636e864cd8b84d9431e75 [file] [log] [blame]
/* This used to ICE due to a backend problem on s390. */
/* { dg-do compile } */
/* { dg-options "-O1" } */
class ReferenceCounted
virtual ~ ReferenceCounted ()
void decrementRefCount () const
if (--const_cast < unsigned int &>(_ref_count) == 0)
delete this;
unsigned int _ref_count;
template < class T > class RefCountPointer
RefCountPointer (T * p = 0):_p (p)
RefCountPointer & operator= (const RefCountPointer < T > &o)
if (_p != o._p)
if (_p != 0)
_p->decrementRefCount ();
static RefCountPointer a;
return a;
~RefCountPointer ()
T *_p;
class Item:public ReferenceCounted
typedef RefCountPointer < const Item > Ptr;
class AnyAtomicType:public Item
class StaticContext
class DynamicContext:public StaticContext
class SortableItem
SortableItem ();
int m_bAscending:1;
DynamicContext *m_context;
AnyAtomicType::Ptr m_item;
SortableItem::SortableItem ()
m_context = __null;
m_item = __null;