blob: 6e2e204e2353c56ce9b936184b7617c38a8fa73d [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do compile }
// Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// Contributed by Nathan Sidwell 15 Dec 2001 <>
// PR 2645
template <typename T>
struct call_traits
typedef T type_less_spec;
template <typename T>
struct call_traits<T&>
typedef T type_more_spec;
int main()
int num;
// Two typedefs lead to the instant. of the less spec. ("wrong") template
typedef int& r_type;
typedef const r_type cr_type;
call_traits<cr_type>::type_less_spec var = num; // { dg-error "" }
// The explicit type leads to the instantiation of the "correct" one
call_traits<const int&>::type_more_spec var2 = num;
// As happen with a single typedef!
typedef const int& std_cr_type;
call_traits<std_cr_type>::type_more_spec var3 = num;
// As happen, indeed, without the cv-qualifier
call_traits<r_type>::type_more_spec var4;