blob: eb043cbddfbec165814d483d2fb09f17916aff42 [file] [log] [blame]
// The conversion from D* to B* is ambiguous, but that should not produce
// an error, it should remove the first f overload by SFINAE.
#define static_assert(TEST,STR) \
do { int ar[(TEST)?1:-1]; } while (0);
struct B {};
struct B1 : B {};
struct B2 : B {};
struct D : B1, B2 {};
template <class T> T create();
typedef char one[1];
typedef char two[2];
template <class T>
one &f(char (*)[sizeof static_cast<T>(create<D *>())]);
template <class T>
two &f(...);
int main()
static_assert(sizeof f<int>(0) == sizeof(two), "");
static_assert(sizeof f<B *>(0) == sizeof(two), "");