blob: 5b692fb46698eed686011181d88c6221f4b5562f [file] [log] [blame]
/* Make sure that we don't free any temp stack slots associated with
initializing marker before we're finished with them. */
extern void abort();
typedef struct { short v16; } __attribute__((packed)) jint16_t;
struct node {
jint16_t magic;
jint16_t nodetype;
int totlen;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct node node, *node_p = &node;
int main()
struct node marker = {
.magic = (jint16_t) {0x1985},
.nodetype = (jint16_t) {0x2003},
.totlen = node_p->totlen
if (marker.magic.v16 != 0x1985)
if (marker.nodetype.v16 != 0x2003)
return 0;