blob: 06b150b93d614d5930c46a828c06544703173c17 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Simple test program: bubble sort of a fixed table. */
/* This demonstrates some of the compiler's common-subexpression*/
/* elimination capabilities. For example, inspect the code */
/* generated for procedure Sort_array. See the Programmer's */
/* Guide for how to request an assembly listing on your host. */
typedef unsigned char boolean;
void Sort_array();
int Tab[100];
main () {
int I,J,K,L;
for (L = 0; L < 1000; L++) {
/* Initialize the table that will be sorted. */
K = 0;
for (I = 9; I >= 0; I--)
for (J = I*10; J < (I+1)*10; J++)
Tab[K++] = J&1 ? J+1 : J-1;
/* Print_array(); */
Sort_array(Tab,99); /* Sort it. */
/* Print_array(); */
return 0;
void Sort_array(Tab,Last) int Tab[]; int Last; {
boolean Swap;
int Temp,I;
do {
Swap = 0;
for (I = 0; I<Last; I++)
if (Tab[I] > Tab[I+1]) {
Temp = Tab[I];
Tab[I] = Tab[I+1];
Tab[I+1] = Temp;
Swap = 1;
while (Swap);
void Print_array() {
int I,J;
/*printf("\nArray Contents:\n");*/
for (I=0; I<=9; I++) {
/*printf("%5d:",10*I); */
for (J=0; J<=9; J++); /*printf("%5d",Tab[10*I+J]); */
/* printf("\n");*/