blob: 682881969ed6e38cce76a0133ed3ee192901c242 [file] [log] [blame]
struct A(Args...)
enum i = 1;
// base use case.
Args[0].T mBase;
static assert(is(typeof(mBase) == B.T));
// chained types
Args[0].T.TT mChain;
static assert(is(typeof(mChain) == B.T.TT));
// chained packs
Args[1+1].FArgs[0] mChainPack;
static assert(is(typeof(mChainPack) == B));
// expr
enum mExpr = Args[1].i;
static assert(mExpr == B.i);
// Nested + index eval
Args[Args[0].i2].T mNested;
static assert(is(typeof(mNested) == B.T));
// index with constexpr
Args[i].T mCEIndex;
static assert(is(typeof(mCEIndex) == B.T));
// Nested + index with constexpr
Args[Args[i].i2].T mNestedCE;
static assert(is(typeof(mNestedCE) == B.T));
// alias, base use case
alias UBase = Args[0].T;
static assert(is(UBase == B.T));
// alias, chained types
alias UChain = Args[0].T.TT;
static assert(is(UChain == B.T.TT));
// alias, chained packs
alias UChainPack = Args[1+1].FArgs[0];
static assert(is(UChainPack == B));
// alias, expr
alias uExpr = Args[1].i;
static assert(uExpr == B.i);
// alias, Nested + index eval
alias UNested = Args[Args[0].i2].T;
static assert(is(UNested == B.T));
// alias, index with constexpr
alias UCEIndex = Args[i].T;
static assert(is(UCEIndex == B.T));
// alias, Nested + index with constexpr
alias UNextedCE = Args[Args[i].i2].T;
static assert(is(UNextedCE == B.T));
struct B
struct T
struct TT
enum i = 6;
enum i2 = 0;
struct C(Args...)
alias FArgs = Args;
alias Z = A!(B,B,C!(B,B));
struct A14889(alias Exc)
alias ExceptionType = Exc;
alias TT14889(Args...) = Args;
alias X14889a = TT14889!(A14889!Throwable());
alias Y14889a = X14889a[0].ExceptionType;
alias X14889b = TT14889!(A14889!Throwable);
alias Y14889b = X14889b[0].ExceptionType;
alias TypeTuple14900(T...) = T;
struct S14900
alias T = int;
alias U = TypeTuple14900!(long,string);
alias Types14900 = TypeTuple14900!(S14900, S14900);
Types14900[0].T a14900; // Types[0] == S, then typeof(a) == S.T == int
Types14900[0].U[1] b14900; // Types[0].U == S.U, then typeof(b) == S.U[1] == string
void test14900()
Types14900[0].T a; // Types[0] == S, then typeof(a) == S.T == int
Types14900[0].U[1] b; // Types[0].U == S.U, then typeof(b) == S.U[1] == string
void test14911()
struct S {}
int* buf1 = new int[2].ptr; // OK
S* buf2 = (new S[2]).ptr; // OK
S* buf3 = new S[2].ptr; // OK <- broken
alias Id14986(alias a) = a;
struct Foo14986
int tsize;
struct Bar14986
enum Foo14986[] arr = [Foo14986()];
Bar14986 test14986()
Foo14986[] types;
auto a1 = new void[types[0].tsize]; // TypeIdentifier::toExpression
auto a2 = new void[Id14986!types[0].tsize]; // TypeInstance::toExpression
Bar14986 bar;
auto a3 = Id14986!(typeof(bar).arr[0].tsize); // TypeTypeof::resolve
auto a4 = Id14986!(typeof(return).arr[0].tsize); // TypeReturn::resolve
return Bar14986();