blob: f681174430e3e4f1df0e45baf4eda9bd54a00ec0 [file] [log] [blame]
// DISABLED: win32 win64
// REQUIRED_ARGS: -extern-std=c++11
* Test C++ abi-tag name mangling.
import core.attribute;
alias Tuple(A...) = A;
enum foo_bar = gnuAbiTag("foo", "bar");
struct S
int i;
extern __gshared int a;
static assert(a.mangleof == "_Z1aB3barB3foo");
extern __gshared S b;
static assert(b.mangleof == "_Z1bB3barB3foo");
int f();
static assert(f.mangleof == "_Z1fB3barB3foov");
S gs(int);
S gss(S, int);
static assert(gs.mangleof == "_Z2gsB3barB3fooi");
static assert(gss.mangleof == "_Z3gss1SB3barB3fooi");
S fss(S, int);
static assert(gs.mangleof == "_Z2gsB3barB3fooi");
T gt(T)(int);
T gtt(T)(T, int);
static assert(gt!S.mangleof == "_Z2gtI1SB3barB3fooET_i");
static assert(gtt!S.mangleof == "_Z3gttI1SB3barB3fooET_S1_i");
T ft(T)(int);
// matches Clang and GCC <= 6
static assert(ft!S.mangleof == "_Z2ftB3barB3fooI1SB3barB3fooET_i");
T ftt(T)(T, int);
// matches Clang and GCC <= 6
static assert(ftt!S.mangleof == "_Z3fttB3barB3fooI1SB3barB3fooET_S1_i");
// GCC >= 6 only
enum E0 { a = 0xa, }
E0 fe();
E0 fei(int i)();
static assert(fe.mangleof == "_Z2feB3ENNv");
static assert(fei!0.mangleof == "_Z3feiILi0EE2E0B3ENNv");
// Linux std::string
extern(C++, "std")
struct allocator(T);
struct char_traits(CharT);
extern(C++, "__cxx11")
struct basic_string(CharT, Traits=char_traits!CharT, Allocator=allocator!CharT)
const char* data();
size_t length() const;
alias string_ = basic_string!char;
string_* toString(const char*);
static assert(toString.mangleof == "_Z8toStringB5cxx11PKc");
@gnuAbiTag("A", "B")
void fun0();
static assert(fun0.mangleof == "_Z4fun0B1AB1Bv");
@gnuAbiTag("C", "D"):
void fun1();
static assert(fun1.mangleof == "_Z4fun1B1CB1Dv");
void fun2();
static assert(fun2.mangleof == "_Z4fun2B1CB1Dv");
auto fun3()
extern(C++) struct T {}
return T();
static assert(fun3.mangleof == "_Z4fun3B1CB1DB6Nestedv");