blob: 2f614095a8e0b5bf43cf63075482ccf9f038bf05 [file] [log] [blame]
// REQUIRED_ARGS: -D -Dd${RESULTS_DIR}/compilable -o-
// POST_SCRIPT: compilable/extra-files/
/// The foo
struct Foo(T) { }
/// ditto
struct Foo(T,U) { }
/** This basic case doesn't work very well. The template signature is
* documented twice, but the function signature (argument names and return
* type) is not documented at all. This comment is also repeated twice. */
int func1(T)(T x) {}
/** This comment is also repeated twice, and the second function signature is
* not very well documented. */
int func2(T,U)(T x, U y) {}
/// ditto
int func2(T)(T x) {}
/// Separate overload item.
int func2()() {}
template func3(T,U) {
/** This used to work adequately and documented both func3 templates
* simultaneously. Now, it documents the first template twice and
* no longer documents the function argument and return types.*/
int func3(T x, U y) {}
/// ditto
deprecated template func3(T, U=int, V:long) {
private int func3(T x) {}
* blah
void map(char rs)
/// Ditto
void map(int rs)
* blah
void map2()(char rs)
/// Ditto
void map2()(int rs)
* blah map3
void map3(char rs)
* blah map
void map4(string s)(char rs)
* blah map
template map5(string s)
/** blah */
struct bar6 {
int blah;
/** template bodies */
struct Foo7(T) {
/**Attempt one: Doc outside static if.*/
static if(is(T == uint)) {
/**Attempt two: Inside.*/
void bar() {}
else {
/**Attempt two: else.*/
void bar() {}
/** the abc function should be static */
static void abc() { }
/** show abstract */
abstract class Foo8 { }
/// a stray $(RPAREN) mustn't foul the macros
void bug4878(string a = ")") {}
struct S
this(long ticks) const pure nothrow { }
pure nothrow this(this) { }
const pure nothrow ~this() { }
void foo(long ticks) const pure nothrow { }
/** Produces something in (a;b] */
float f10(float a, float b) { return (a+b)/2.0; }
/** Produces something in [a;b) */
float h10(float a, float b) { return (a+b)/2.0; }
void bug6090(string f="$(B b)", char g=')')(string h="$(", string i="$)") {}
struct T
this(A...)(A args) { }
/// doc-comment
int x14547 = 1;
/// ditto
enum int y14547 = 2;
/// doc-comment
enum isInt14547(T) = is(T == int);
/// ditto
enum bool isString14547(T) = is(T == string);
/// ditto
static immutable typeName14547(T) = T.stringof;
/// ditto
int storageFor14547(T) = 0;
/// doc-comment
template foo14547(T)
enum int foo14547 = T.stringof.length;
/// ditto
template bar14547(T) if (is(T == int))
enum int bar14547 = T.stringof.length;