blob: 5a7ac8749d8568682a1fc736493e78432d301212 [file] [log] [blame]
// REQUIRED_ARGS: -preview=shortenedMethods
class A {
int _x = 34;
// short syntax works in all contexts
@property x() => _x;
@property x(int v) => _x = v;
// including with contracts
@property y() in(true) => _x;
// or other auto returns
auto foo() @safe => assert(0);
// or normal method defintions
bool isNull() => this is null;
class B : A{
// short syntax also overrides the same as long syntax
override bool isNull() => this !is null;
static assert((new A).x == 34);
string test() => "hello"; // works at any scope
static assert(test() == "hello"); // works normally
static assert(is(typeof(&test) == string function())); // same normal type
void func() {
int a;
int nested() => a; // and at nested scopes too