| module b20875; |
| |
| /* |
| --- |
| fail_compilation/b20875.d(10): Error: template instance `Foo!int` does not match template declaration `Foo(alias T : None!U, U...)` |
| fail_compilation/b20875.d(10): while evaluating: `static assert(Foo!int)` |
| fail_compilation/b20875.d(11): Error: template instance `Bar!int` does not match template declaration `Bar(alias T : None!U, U...)` |
| fail_compilation/b20875.d(11): while evaluating: `static assert(!Bar!int)` |
| fail_compilation/b20875.d(14): Error: template parameter specialization for a type must be a type and not `NotAType()` |
| fail_compilation/b20875.d(15): while looking for match for `Baz!int` |
| fail_compilation/b20875.d(15): while evaluating: `static assert(!Baz!int)` |
| --- |
| */ |
| |
| #line 7 |
| |
| enum Foo(alias T : None!U, U...) = true; |
| enum Bar(alias T : None!U, U...) = false; |
| static assert( Foo!(int)); |
| static assert(!Bar!(int)); |
| |
| template NotAType(){} |
| enum Baz(alias T : NotAType) = false; |
| static assert(!Baz!(int)); |
| |
| void main(){} |