blob: 0dda8bdd3a4c71057f4f5f183b6eab14e9a19543 [file] [log] [blame]
// REQUIRED_ARGS: -w -o-
fail_compilation/b3841.d-mixin-32(32): Warning: `char += float` is performing truncating conversion
fail_compilation/b3841.d-mixin-32(32): Warning: `int += float` is performing truncating conversion
fail_compilation/b3841.d-mixin-32(32): Warning: `long += double` is performing truncating conversion
fail_compilation/b3841.d-mixin-32(32): Warning: `char -= float` is performing truncating conversion
fail_compilation/b3841.d-mixin-32(32): Warning: `int -= float` is performing truncating conversion
fail_compilation/b3841.d-mixin-32(32): Warning: `long -= double` is performing truncating conversion
fail_compilation/b3841.d-mixin-32(32): Warning: `char *= float` is performing truncating conversion
fail_compilation/b3841.d-mixin-32(32): Warning: `int *= float` is performing truncating conversion
fail_compilation/b3841.d-mixin-32(32): Warning: `long *= double` is performing truncating conversion
fail_compilation/b3841.d-mixin-32(32): Warning: `char /= float` is performing truncating conversion
fail_compilation/b3841.d-mixin-32(32): Warning: `int /= float` is performing truncating conversion
fail_compilation/b3841.d-mixin-32(32): Warning: `long /= double` is performing truncating conversion
fail_compilation/b3841.d-mixin-32(32): Warning: `char %= float` is performing truncating conversion
fail_compilation/b3841.d-mixin-32(32): Warning: `int %= float` is performing truncating conversion
fail_compilation/b3841.d-mixin-32(32): Warning: `long %= double` is performing truncating conversion
Error: warnings are treated as errors
Use -wi if you wish to treat warnings only as informational.
void f(string op, LHS, RHS)()
// pragma(msg, LHS, " += ", RHS);
LHS a;
RHS b;
mixin("a "~op~" b;");
template Ops(T...)
alias Ops = T;
void main()
foreach (string op; Ops!("+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "%="))
// OK
f!(op, int, int)();
f!(op, long, int)();
f!(op, long, short)();
f!(op, float, long)();
f!(op, double, float)();
// Should that really be OK ?
f!(op, short, int)();
f!(op, float, double)();
// Not OK, truncating conversion.
f!(op, char, float)();
f!(op, int, float)();
f!(op, long, double)();
// OK
f!("^^=", int, int)();
f!("^^=", long, int)();
f!("^^=", long, short)();
f!("^^=", float, long)();
f!("^^=", double, float)();
// Should that really be OK ?
f!("^^=", float, double)();