blob: ef1a8b767e5b9a1e450aada5c1541469a9f5056d [file] [log] [blame]
fail_compilation/fail19038.d(21): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression `a` of type `string[][]` to `const(string)[][]`
fail_compilation/fail19038.d(23): Error: cannot modify `const` expression `c[0]`
* Credit: yshui
void test()
/* string[][] is not implicitly converible to const(string)[][],
* and there is good reason why:
string[][] a = [["Lord"]];
const(string)[][] b = a; // assume this works (and it should not)
const(string)[] c = ["Sauron"];
c[0] = "Mordor"; // invalid, because c[0] is const(string)
b[0] = c; // valid, b[0] is const(string)[]
// But now, a[0] has become c
a[0][0] = "Nazgul"; // valid, because a[0][0] is string
// But this also changes c[0], which shouldn't be possible