blob: 89bbc289414bd687158718ca2f0dd8a2e0df4050 [file] [log] [blame]
fail_compilation/fail22006.d(15): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression `4$?:32=u|64=LU$` of type `$?:32=uint|64=ulong$` to `bool`
fail_compilation/fail22006.d(16): Error: index type `bool` cannot cover index range 0..4
fail_compilation/fail22006.d(19): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression `4$?:32=u|64=LU$` of type `$?:32=uint|64=ulong$` to `bool`
fail_compilation/fail22006.d(20): Error: index type `bool` cannot cover index range 0..4
void test22006()
alias AliasSeq(TList...) = TList;
alias aseq = AliasSeq!(0, 1, 2, 3);
static foreach (bool i; 0 .. aseq.length) {}
static foreach (bool i, x; aseq) {}
static foreach (bool i; 0 .. [0, 1, 2, 3].length) {}
static foreach (bool i, x; [0, 1, 2, 3]) {}