| /* |
| --- |
| fail_compilation/ice14907.d(14): Error: struct `ice14907.S(int v = S)` recursive template expansion |
| fail_compilation/ice14907.d(19): while looking for match for `S!()` |
| fail_compilation/ice14907.d(15): Error: template `ice14907.f(int v = f)()` recursive template expansion |
| fail_compilation/ice14907.d(20): while looking for match for `f!()` |
| fail_compilation/ice14907.d(15): Error: template `ice14907.f(int v = f)()` recursive template expansion |
| fail_compilation/ice14907.d(21): Error: none of the overloads of template `ice14907.f` are callable using argument types `!()()` |
| fail_compilation/ice14907.d(15): Candidate is: `f(int v = f)()` |
| --- |
| */ |
| |
| struct S(int v = S) {} |
| void f(int v = f)() {} |
| |
| void main() |
| { |
| S!() s; // OK <- ICE |
| f!()(); // OK <- ICE |
| f(); // OK <- ICE |
| } |