blob: 1825968517ed9853e46e8ada226c2b542f49211d [file] [log] [blame]
struct S(int var = 3) {
int a;
S s;
alias A() = int;
A a;
enum e() = 5;
e val;
interface I()
I i;
template t()
t tv;
fail_compilation/notype.d(4): Error: template struct `notype.S(int var = 3)` is used as a type without instantiation; to instantiate it use `S!(arguments)`
fail_compilation/notype.d(7): Error: template `notype.A()` is used as a type
fail_compilation/notype.d(10): Error: template `notype.e()` is used as a type
fail_compilation/notype.d(15): Error: template interface `notype.I()` is used as a type without instantiation; to instantiate it use `I!(arguments)`
fail_compilation/notype.d(20): Error: template `notype.t()` is used as a type