blob: 098adaae648f2b4cb7c3587c798b593e43321fba [file] [log] [blame]
REQUIRED_ARGS: -preview=dip1000
fail_compilation/test17450.d(17): Error: returning `&` escapes a reference to parameter `s`
fail_compilation/test17450.d(16): perhaps annotate the parameter with `return`
fail_compilation/test17450.d(20): Error: returning `&` escapes a reference to parameter `this`
fail_compilation/test17450.d(19): perhaps annotate the function with `return`
alias dg_t = void delegate();
struct S {
@safe dg_t foo1(ref S s) {
return &;
@safe dg_t foo2() {
return &bar;
@safe dg_t foo3(return ref S s) {
return &;
@safe dg_t foo4() return {
return &bar;
@safe void bar();
fail_compilation/test17450.d(103): Error: scope variable `c` may not be returned
fail_compilation/test17450.d(106): Error: scope variable `this` may not be returned
#line 100
class C {
@safe dg_t foo1(scope C c) {
return &;
@safe dg_t foo2() scope {
return &bar;
@safe dg_t foo3(return scope C c) {
return &;
@safe dg_t foo4() return scope {
return &bar;
@safe void bar();