blob: eb235583efa590b6e06b39bbb72128e3061e2e64 [file] [log] [blame]
fail_compilation/vararg2.d(106): Error: function ` x, const return ...)` is not callable using argument types `(double)`
fail_compilation/vararg2.d(106): cannot pass argument `1.0` of type `double` to parameter `int x`
fail_compilation/vararg2.d(111): Error: function ` x, scope shared ...)` is not callable using argument types `(double)`
fail_compilation/vararg2.d(111): cannot pass argument `1.0` of type `double` to parameter `int x`
#line 100
int* foo(int x, return const ...);
int* bar(int x, scope shared ...);
void test1()
void test2()