blob: 6b1e89b65ff8e35e4561ce2a04d6396037a91d06 [file] [log] [blame]
import core.stdc.stdio;
template Tuple(A...)
alias A Tuple;
template eval(A...)
const typeof(A[0]) eval = A[0];
int Foo1(int i)
if (i == 0)
return 1;
return i * Foo1(i - 1);
void test1()
static int f = Foo1(5);
printf("%d %d\n", f, 5*4*3*2);
assert(f == 120);
int find2(string s, char c)
if (s.length == 0)
return -1;
else if (c == s[0])
return 0;
return 1 + find2(s[1..$], c);
void test2()
static int f = find2("hello", 'l');
printf("%d\n", f);
assert(f == 2);
int bar3(int i)
int j;
while (i)
j += i;
return j;
void test3()
static b = bar3(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar3(7));
assert(b == 28);
int bar4(int i)
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
i += j;
return i;
void test4()
static b = bar4(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar4(7));
assert(b == 52);
int bar5(int i)
int j;
i += j;
} while (j < 10);
return i;
void test5()
static b = bar5(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar5(7));
assert(b == 52);
int bar6(int i)
int j;
i += j;
if (j == 4)
} while (j < 10);
return i;
void test6()
static b = bar6(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar6(7));
assert(b == 13);
int bar7(int i)
int j;
i += j;
if (j == 4)
return 80;
} while (j < 10);
return i;
void test7()
static b = bar7(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar7(7));
assert(b == 80);
int bar8(int i)
int j;
if (j == 4)
i += j;
} while (j < 10);
return i;
void test8()
static b = bar8(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar8(7));
assert(b == 58);
int bar9(int i)
int j;
while (j < 10)
if (j == 4)
i += j;
return i;
void test9()
static b = bar9(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar9(7));
assert(b == 58);
int bar10(int i)
int j;
while (j < 10)
if (j == 4)
i += j;
return i;
void test10()
static b = bar10(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar10(7));
assert(b == 13);
int bar11(int i)
int j;
while (j < 10)
if (j == 4)
return i << 3;
i += j;
return i;
void test11()
static b = bar11(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar11(7));
assert(b == 104);
int bar12(int i)
for (int j; j < 10; j++)
if (j == 4)
return i << 3;
i += j;
return i;
void test12()
static b = bar12(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar12(7));
assert(b == 104);
int bar13(int i)
for (int j; j < 10; j++)
if (j == 4)
i += j;
return i;
void test13()
static b = bar13(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar13(7));
assert(b == 13);
int bar14(int i)
for (int j; j < 10; j++)
if (j == 4)
i += j;
return i;
void test14()
static b = bar14(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar14(7));
assert(b == 48);
int bar15(int i)
foreach (k, v; "hello")
i <<= 1;
if (k == 4)
i += v;
return i;
void test15()
static b = bar15(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar15(7));
assert(b == 3344);
int bar16(int i)
foreach_reverse (k, v; "hello")
i <<= 1;
if (k == 4)
i += v;
return i;
void test16()
static b = bar16(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar16(7));
assert(b == 1826);
int bar17(int i)
foreach (k, v; "hello")
i <<= 1;
if (k == 2)
i += v;
return i;
void test17()
static b = bar17(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar17(7));
assert(b == 674);
int bar18(int i)
foreach_reverse (k, v; "hello")
i <<= 1;
if (k == 2)
i += v;
return i;
void test18()
static b = bar18(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar18(7));
assert(b == 716);
int bar19(int i)
assert(i > 0);
foreach_reverse (k, v; "hello")
i <<= 1;
if (k == 2)
return 8;
i += v;
return i;
void test19()
static b = bar19(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar19(7));
assert(b == 8);
int bar20(int i)
assert(i > 0);
foreach (k, v; "hello")
i <<= 1;
if (k == 2)
return 8;
i += v;
return i;
void test20()
static b = bar20(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar20(7));
assert(b == 8);
int bar21(int i)
assert(i > 0);
foreach (v; Tuple!(57, 23, 8))
i <<= 1;
i += v;
return i;
void test21()
static b = bar21(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar21(7));
assert(b == 338);
int bar22(int i)
assert(i > 0);
foreach_reverse (v; Tuple!(57, 23, 8))
i <<= 1;
i += v;
return i;
void test22()
static b = bar22(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar22(7));
assert(b == 191);
int bar23(int i)
assert(i > 0);
foreach_reverse (v; Tuple!(57, 23, 8))
i <<= 1;
if (v == 23)
return i + 1;
i += v;
return i;
void test23()
static b = bar23(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar23(7));
assert(b == 45);
int bar24(int i)
assert(i > 0);
foreach (v; Tuple!(57, 23, 8))
i <<= 1;
if (v == 23)
return i + 1;
i += v;
return i;
void test24()
static b = bar24(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar24(7));
assert(b == 143);
int bar25(int i)
assert(i > 0);
foreach_reverse (v; Tuple!(57, 23, 8))
i <<= 1;
if (v == 23)
i += v;
return i;
void test25()
static b = bar25(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar25(7));
assert(b == 44);
int bar26(int i)
assert(i > 0);
foreach (v; Tuple!(57, 23, 8))
i <<= 1;
if (v == 23)
i += v;
return i;
void test26()
static b = bar26(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar26(7));
assert(b == 142);
int bar27(int i)
foreach_reverse (v; Tuple!(57, 23, 8))
i <<= 1;
if (v == 23)
i += v;
return i;
void test27()
static b = bar27(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar27(7));
assert(b == 145);
int bar28(int i)
foreach (v; Tuple!(57, 23, 8))
i <<= 1;
if (v == 23)
i += v;
return i;
void test28()
static b = bar28(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar28(7));
assert(b == 292);
int bar29(int i)
switch (i)
case 1:
i = 4;
case 7:
i = 3;
default: assert(0);
return i;
void test29()
static b = bar29(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar29(7));
assert(b == 3);
int bar30(int i)
switch (i)
case 1:
i = 4;
case 8:
i = 2;
i = 3;
return i;
void test30()
static b = bar30(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar30(7));
assert(b == 3);
int bar31(string s)
{ int i;
switch (s)
case "hello":
i = 4;
case "betty":
i = 2;
i = 3;
return i;
void test31()
static b = bar31("betty");
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar31("betty"));
assert(b == 2);
int bar32(int i)
switch (i)
case 7:
i = 4;
goto case;
case 5:
i = 2;
i = 3;
return i;
void test32()
static b = bar32(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar32(7));
assert(b == 2);
int bar33(int i)
switch (i)
case 5:
i = 2;
case 7:
i = 4;
goto case 5;
i = 3;
return i;
void test33()
static b = bar33(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar33(7));
assert(b == 2);
int bar34(int i)
switch (i)
i = 3;
case 5:
i = 2;
case 7:
i = 4;
goto default;
return i;
void test34()
static b = bar34(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar34(7));
assert(b == 3);
int bar35(int i)
switch (i)
i = 3;
case 5:
i = 2;
case 3:
return 8;
case 7:
i = 4;
goto default;
goto L1;
void test35()
static b = bar35(7);
printf("b = %d, %d\n", b, bar35(7));
assert(b == 8);
int square36(int x)
return x * x;
const int foo36 = square36(5);
void test36()
assert(foo36 == 25);
string someCompileTimeFunction()
return "printf(\"Wowza!\n\");";
void test37()
string NReps(string x, int n)
string ret = "";
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
ret ~= x;
return ret;
void test38()
static x = NReps("3", 6);
assert(x == "333333");
bool func39() { return true; }
static if (func39())
pragma(msg, "true");
pragma(msg, "false");
void test39()
string UpToSpace(string x)
int i = 0;
while (i < x.length && x[i] != ' ')
return x[0..i];
void test40()
const y = UpToSpace("first space was after first");
assert(y == "first");
int bar41(ref int j)
return 5;
int foo41(int i)
int x;
x = 3;
return i + x;
void test41()
const y = foo41(3);
assert(y == 6);
int bar42(ref int j)
return 5;
int foo42(int i)
int x;
x = 3;
return i + x;
void test42()
const y = foo42(3);
assert(y == 6);
int bar(string a)
int v;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
if (a[i] != ' ')
v += a.length;
return v;
void test43()
const int foo = bar("a b c d");
assert(foo == 28);
string foo44() { return ("bar"); }
void test44()
const string bar = foo44();
assert(bar == "bar");
int square45(int n) { return (n * n); }
void test45()
int bar = eval!(square45(5));
assert(bar == 25);
const int[5] foo46 = [0,1,2,3,4];
void test46()
printf("%d\n", eval!(foo46[3]));
string foo47()
string s;
s = s ~ 't';
return s ~ "foo";
void test47()
static const x = foo47();
pragma(msg, x);
assert(x == "tfoo");
string foo48()
string s;
s = s ~ 't';
s = s.idup;
return s ~ "foo";
void test48()
static const x = foo48();
pragma(msg, x);
assert(x == "tfoo");
dstring testd49(dstring input)
if (input[3..5] != "rt")
return input[1..3];
return "my";
void test49()
static x = testd49("hello");
assert(x == "el");
string makePostfix50(int x)
string first;
first = "bad";
if (x)
first = "ok";
return first;
void test50()
static const char [] q2 = makePostfix50(1);
static assert(q2 == "ok", q2);
int exprLength(string s)
int numParens=0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length; ++i)
if (s[i] == '(') { numParens++; }
if (s[i] == ')') { numParens--; }
if (numParens == 0) { return i; }
string makePostfix51(string operations)
if (operations.length < 2)
return "x";
int x = exprLength(operations);
string first="bad";
if (x > 0)
first = "ok";
string ignore = makePostfix51(operations[1..x]);
return first;
void test51()
string q = makePostfix51("(a+b)*c");
assert(q == "ok");
static const string q2 = makePostfix51("(a+b)*c");
static assert(q2 == "ok");
static assert(makePostfix51("(a+b)*c") == "ok");
int foo52(ref int x)
x = 7;
return 3;
int bar52(int y)
y = 4;
return y;
void test52()
printf("%d\n", bar52(2));
static assert(bar52(2) == 7);
void bar53(out int x) { x = 2; }
int foo53() { int y; bar53(y); return y; }
void test53()
const int z = foo53();
assert(z == 2);
void test54()
static assert(equals54("alphabet", "alphabet"));
bool equals54(string a, string b)
return (a == b);
const string[2] foo55 = ["a", "b"];
string retsth55(int i) { return foo55[i]; }
void test55()
enum res1 = eval!(foo55[0]);
printf("%.*s\n", cast(int)res1.length, res1.ptr);
enum res2 = eval!(retsth55(0));
printf("%.*s\n", cast(int)res2.length, res2.ptr);
string retsth56(int i)
static const string[2] foo = ["a", "b"];
return foo[i];
void test56()
enum result = eval!(retsth56(0));
printf("%.*s\n", cast(int)result.length, result.ptr);
int g57()
pragma(msg, "g");
return 2;
const int a57 = g57();
void test57()
assert(a57 == 2);
int[] Fun58(int x)
int[] result;
result ~= x + 1;
return result;
void test58()
static b = Fun58(1) ~ Fun58(2);
assert(b.length == 2);
assert(b[0] == 2);
assert(b[1] == 3);
int Index59()
int[] data = [1];
return data[0];
void test59()
static assert(Index59() == 1);
string[int] foo60()
return [3:"hello", 4:"betty"];
void test60()
static assert(foo60()[3] == "hello");
static assert(foo60()[4] == "betty");
string[int] foo61()
return [3:"hello", 4:"betty", 3:"world"];
void test61()
static assert(foo61()[3] == "world");
static assert(foo61()[4] == "betty");
string foo62(int k)
string[int] aa;
aa = [3:"hello", 4:"betty"];
return aa[k];
void test62()
static assert(foo62(3) == "hello");
static assert(foo62(4) == "betty");
void test63()
static auto x = foo63();
int foo63()
pragma(msg, "Crash!");
return 2;
dstring testd64(dstring input)
debug int x = 10;
return "my";
void test64()
static x = testd64("hello");
struct S65
int i;
int j = 3;
int foo(S65 s1, S65 s2)
return s1 == s2;
void test65()
static assert(foo(S65(1, 5), S65(1, 5)) == 1);
static assert(foo(S65(1, 5), S65(1, 4)) == 0);
struct S66
int i;
int j = 3;
int foo66(S66 s1)
return s1.j;
void test66()
static assert(foo66(S66(1, 5)) == 5);
struct S67
int i;
int j = 3;
int foo67(S67 s1)
s1.j = 3;
int i = (s1.j += 2);
assert(i == 5);
return s1.j + 4;
void test67()
static assert(foo67(S67(1, 5)) == 9);
int foo68(int[] a)
a[1] = 3;
int x = (a[0] += 7);
assert(x == 8);
return a[0] + a[1];
void test68()
static assert(foo68( [1,5] ) == 11);
int foo69(char[] a)
a[1] = 'c';
char x = (a[0] += 7);
assert(x == 'h');
assert(x == a[0]);
return a[0] + a[1] - 'a';
void test69()
static assert(foo69(['a', 'b']) == 'j');
int foo70(int[string] a)
a["world"] = 5;
auto x = (a["hello"] += 7);
assert(x == 10);
assert(x == a["hello"]);
return a["hello"] + a["betty"] + a["world"];
void test70()
static assert(foo70(["hello":3, "betty":4]) == 19);
size_t foo71(int[string] a)
return a.length;
void test71()
static assert(foo71(["hello":3, "betty":4]) == 2);
string[] foo72(int[string] a)
return a.keys;
void test72()
static assert(foo72(["hello":3, "betty":4]) == ["hello", "betty"]);
int[] foo73(int[string] a)
return a.values;
void test73()
static assert(foo73(["hello":3, "betty":4]) == [3, 4]);
bool b74()
string a = "abc";
return (a[$-1] == 'c');
const c74 = b74();
void test74()
assert(c74 == true);
struct FormatSpec
uint leading;
bool skip;
uint width;
char modifier;
char format;
uint formatStart;
uint formatLength;
uint length;
FormatSpec GetFormat(string s)
FormatSpec result;
return result;
FormatSpec GetFormat2(string s)
FormatSpec result = FormatSpec();
result.length = 0;
assert(result.length < s.length);
while (result.length < s.length)
return result;
void test75()
static FormatSpec spec = GetFormat("asd");
assert(spec.leading == 0);
assert(spec.modifier == char.init);
static FormatSpec spec2 = GetFormat2("asd");
assert(spec2.length == 3);
int f76()
int[3] a = void;
a[0] = 1;
assert(a[0] == 1);
return 1;
const i76 = f76();
void test76()
struct V77
int a;
int b;
V77 f77()
int q = 0;
int unused;
int unused2;
return V77(q, 0);
void test77()
const w = f77();
const v = f77().b;
struct Bar78
int x;
int foo78()
Bar78 b = Bar78.init;
Bar78 c;
b.x = 1;
b = bar(b);
return b.x;
Bar78 bar(Bar78 b)
return b;
void test78()
static x = foo78();
struct Bar79
int y,x;
int foo79()
Bar79 b = Bar79.init;
b.x = 100;
for (size_t i = 0; i < b.x; i++) { }
b.x = b.x + 1;
return b.x;
void test79()
static x = foo79();
printf("x = %d\n", x);
assert(x == 102);
void test80()
string foo81()
return "";
string rod81(string[] a)
return a[0];
void test81()
static x = rod81([foo81(), ""]);
assert(x == "");
struct S82
string name;
const S82 item82 = {"item"};
string mixItemList82()
const string s82 = mixItemList82();
void test82()
assert(s82 == "item");
struct S83
string name;
const S83[] items83 =
string mixItemList83()
string s;
foreach (item; items83)
s ~=;
return s;
const string s83 = mixItemList83();
void test83()
assert(s83 == "item");
struct S84 { int a; }
int func84()
S84 [] s = [S84(7)];
return s[0].a; // Error: cannot evaluate func() at compile time
void test84()
const int x = func84();
assert(x == 7);
struct S85
int a;
size_t func85()
S85 [] s;
s ~= S85(7);
return s.length;
void test85()
const size_t x = func85();
assert(x == 1);
struct Bar86
int x;
char[] s;
char[] foo86()
Bar86 bar;
return bar.s;
void test86()
static x = foo86();
assert(x == null);
struct Bar87
int x;
int foo87()
Bar87 bar;
bar.x += 1;
return bar.x;
void test87()
static x = foo87();
assert(x == 2);
int foo88()
char[] s;
int i;
if (s)
i |= 1;
if (s == null)
i |= 2;
if (s is null)
i |= 4;
if (s == "")
i |= 8;
if (s.length)
i |= 16;
if (s == ['c'][0..0])
i |= 32;
if (null == s)
i |= 64;
if (null is s)
i |= 128;
if ("" == s)
i |= 256;
if (['c'][0..0] == s)
i |= 512;
return i;
void test88()
static x = foo88();
printf("x = %x\n", x);
assert(x == (2|4|8|32|64|128|256|512));
template Tuple89(T...)
alias T val;
alias Tuple89!(int) Tup89;
string gen89()
foreach (i, type; Tup89.val)
assert(i == 0);
assert(is(type == int));
return null;
void test89()
static const string text = gen89();
assert(text is null);
string bar90(string z)
return z;
string foo90(string a, string b)
string f = a.length == 1 ? a: foo90("B", "C");
string g = b.length == 1 ? b: bar90(foo90("YYY", "A"));
return f;
void test90()
static const string xxx = foo90("A", "xxx");
printf("%.*s\n", cast(int)xxx.length, xxx.ptr);
assert(xxx == "A");
struct PR91
int foo91()
PR91 pr;
pr = PR91();
return 0;
void test91()
static const i = foo91();
char find92(immutable(char)[7] buf)
return buf[3];
void test92()
static const pos = find92("abcdefg");
assert(pos == 'd');
static string hello93()
string result = "";
int i = 0;
for (;;)
result ~= `abc`;
i += 1;
if (i == 3)
return result;
void test93()
static string s = hello93();
assert(s == "abcabcabc");
int foo94 (string[] list, string s)
if (list.length == 0)
return 1;
return 2 + foo94(list[1..$], list[0]);
void test94()
static const int x = foo94(["a", "b"], "");
assert(x == 5);
char[] func95(immutable char[] s)
char[] u = "".dup;
u ~= s;
u = u ~ s;
return u;
void test95()
char[] func96(string s)
char[] u = "".dup;
u ~= s;
u = u ~ s;
return u;
void test96()
string foo97()
string a;
a ~= "abc"; // ok
string[] b;
b ~= "abc"; // ok
string[][] c;
c ~= ["abc", "def"];
string[][] d = [];
d ~= ["abc", "def"]; // ok
return "abc";
void test97()
static const xx97 = foo97();
immutable(int)[] foo98(immutable(int)[][] ss)
immutable(int)[] r;
r ~= ss[0]; // problem here
return r;
void test98()
const r = foo98([[1], [2]]);
struct Number
public int value;
static Number opCall(int value)
Number n = void;
n.value = value;
return n;
class Crash
Number number = Number(0);
void test99()
int[] map100 = ([4:true, 5:true]).keys;
bool[] foo100 = ([4:true, 5:true]).values;
void test100()
int foo101()
immutable bool [int] map = [4:true, 5:true];
foreach (x; map.keys) {}
return 3;
static int x101 = foo101();
void test101()
int foo102()
foreach (i; 0 .. 1)
return 1;
return 0;
static assert(foo102() == 1);
int bar102()
foreach_reverse (i; 0 .. 1)
return 1;
return 0;
static assert(bar102() == 1);
void test102()
int foo103()
foreach (c; '0' .. '9') { }
foreach_reverse (c; '9' .. '0') { }
return 0;
enum x103 = foo103();
void test103()
struct S
int x;
char y;
// Functions which should fail CTFE
int badfoo()
S[2] c;
int w = 4;
c[w].x = 6; // array bounds error
return 7;
int badglobal = 1;
int badfoo3()
S[2] c;
c[badglobal].x = 6; // global index error
return 7;
int badfoo4()
static S[2] c;
c[0].x = 6; // Cannot access static
return 7;
/+ // This doesn't compile at runtime
int badfoo5()
S[] c = void;
c[0].x = 6; // c is uninitialized, and not a static array.
return 1;
int badfoo6()
S[] b = [S(7), S(15), S(56), S(12)];
b[-2..4] = S(17); // exceeding (negative) array bounds
return 1;
int badfoo7()
S[] b = [S(7), S(15), S(56), S(12), S(67)];
S[] c = [S(17), S(4)];
b[1..4] = c[]; // slice mismatch in dynamic array
return 1;
int badfoo8()
S[] b;
b[1..3] = [S(17), S(4)]; // slice assign to uninitialized dynamic array
return 1;
template Compileable(int z) { bool OK = true;}
static assert(!is(typeof(Compileable!(badfoo()).OK)));
static assert(!is(typeof(Compileable!(
S[] c;
return c[7].x; // uninitialized error
static assert( is(typeof(Compileable!(0).OK)));
static assert(!is(typeof(Compileable!(badfoo3()).OK)));
static assert(!is(typeof(Compileable!(badfoo4()).OK)));
//static assert(!is(typeof(Compileable!(badfoo5()).OK)));
static assert(!is(typeof(Compileable!(badfoo6()).OK)));
static assert(!is(typeof(Compileable!(badfoo7()).OK)));
static assert(!is(typeof(Compileable!(badfoo8()).OK)));
// Functions which should pass CTFE
int goodfoo1()
int[8] w; // use static array in CTFE
w[] = 7; // full slice assign
w[$ - 1] = 538; // use of $ in index assignment
assert(w[6] == 7);
return w[7];
static assert(goodfoo1() == 538);
int goodfoo2()
S[4] w = S(101); // Block-initialize array of structs
w[$ - 2].x = 917; // use $ in index member assignment
w[$ - 2].y = 58; // this must not clobber the prev assignment
return w[2].x; // check we got the correct one
static assert(goodfoo2() == 917);
static assert(is(typeof(Compileable!(
S[4] w = void; // uninitialized array of structs
w[$ - 2].x = 217; // initialize one member
return w[2].x;
int goodfoo4()
S[4] b = [S(7), S(15), S(56), S(12)]; // assign from array literal
assert(b[3] == S(12));
return b[2].x - 55;
static assert(goodfoo4()==1);
int goodfoo5()
S[4] b = [S(7), S(15), S(56), S(12)];
b[0..2] = [S(2), S(6)]; // slice assignment from array literal
assert(b[3] == S(12));
assert(b[1] == S(6));
return b[0].x;
static assert(goodfoo5() == 2);
static assert(goodfoo5() == 2); // check for memory corruption
int goodfoo6()
S[6] b = void;
b[2..5] = [S(2), S(6), S(17)]; // slice assign to uninitialized var
assert(b[4] == S(17));
return b[3].x;
static assert(goodfoo6() == 6);
int goodfoo7()
S[8] b = void;
b[2..5] = S(217); // slice assign to uninitialized var
assert(b[4] == S(217));
return b[3].x;
static assert(goodfoo7() == 217);
int goodfoo8()
S[] b = [S(7), S(15), S(56), S(12), S(67)];
b[2..4] = S(17); // dynamic array block slice assign
assert(b[3] == S(17));
assert(b[4] == S(67));
return b[0].x;
static assert(goodfoo8() == 7);
// --------- CTFE MEMBER FUNCTION TESTS --------
struct Q
int x;
char y;
int opOpAssign(string op)(int w) if (op == "+")
x += w;
return x + w;
Q opOpAssign(string op)(int w) if (op == "-")
x -= w;
version(D_Version2) { mixin("return this;"); } else { mixin("return *this;"); }
int boo() { return 4; }
int coo() { return x; }
int foo() { return coo(); }
int doo(int a)
Q z = Q(a, 'x');
z.x += 5;
return z.coo() + 3 * x;
void goo(int z) { x = z; }
int hoo(int y, int z) { return y + z; }
void joo(int z)
x += z;
int memtest1()
Q b = Q(15, 'a');
return b.hoo(3, 16); // simple const function
static assert(memtest1() == 19);
int memtest2()
Q b = Q(15, 'x');
b.x -= 10;
return b.coo();
static assert(memtest2() == 5);
int memtest3()
Q b = Q(15, 'x');
b.x -= 10;
static assert(memtest3() == 5);
int memtest4()
Q b = Q(12, 'x');
return b.doo(514);
static assert(memtest4() == 519 + 3 * 12);
int memtest5()
Q b = Q(132, 'x');; // Call modifying member
return b.x;
static assert(memtest5() == 4178);
int memtest6()
Q q = Q(1);
q += 3; // operator overloading
return q.x;
static assert(memtest6() == 4);
static assert(!is(typeof(Compileable!(Q += 2).OK))); // Mustn't cause segfault
int memtest7()
Q q = Q(57);
q -= 35;
return q.x;
static assert(memtest7() == 57 - 35);
int memtest8()
Q[3] w;
w[2].x = 17;
w[2].joo(6); // Modify member of array
w[1].x += 18;
return w[2].coo();
static assert(memtest8() == 6 + 17);
// --------- CTFE REF PASSING TESTS --------
// - CTFE doesn't work correctly for structs passed by ref
struct S1950
int x;
int foo1950()
S1950 s = S1950(5); // explicitly initialized
return s.x;
void bar1950(ref S1950 w)
w.x = 10;
static assert(foo1950() == 10); // OK <- Fails, x is 0
int foo1950b()
S1950 s; // uninitialized
return s.x;
static assert(foo1950b() == 10); // OK <- Fails, x is 0
// More extreme case, related to 1950
void bar1950c(ref int w)
w = 87;
int foo1950c()
int[5] x;
x[] = 56;
bar1950c(x[1]); // Non-trivial ref parameters
return x[1];
static assert(foo1950c() == 87);
void bar1950d(ref int[] w)
w[1..$] = 87;
w[0] += 15;
int foo1950d()
int[] x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
x[1..$] = 56;
bar1950d(x); // Non-trivial ref parameters
assert(x[0] == 16);
return x[1];
static assert(foo1950d() == 87);
// Nested functions
int nested(int x)
int y = 3;
int inner(int w)
int z = 2;
y += w;
return x + 3;
int z = inner(14);
assert(y == 17);
assert(y == 17 + 8);
return z + y;
static assert(nested(7) == 17 + 8 + 10);
static assert(nested(7) == 17 + 8 + 10);
// Recursive nested functions
int nested2(int x)
int y = 3;
int inner(int w)
int z = 2;
if (w <= 1)
return x + 3;
return inner(w - 1);
int z = inner(14);
assert(y == 17);
assert(y == 17 + 8);
return z + y;
static assert(nested2(7) == 17 + 8 + 10);
// D1 & D2. break in switch with goto breaks in ctfe
int bug1605()
int i = 0;
while (true)
goto LABEL;
if (i != 0)
return i;
i = 27;
assert(i == 27);
return 88; // unreachable
static assert(bug1605() == 27);
// D2 only. CTFE: the index in a tuple foreach is uninitialized (bogus error)
// NOTE: Beware of optimizer bug 3264.
int bug2564()
version(D_Version2) { mixin("enum int Q = 0;"); }else {mixin("int Q = 0;"); }
string [2] s = ["a", "b"];
assert(s[Q].dup == "a");
return 0;
static int bug2564b = bug2564();
// D1 + D2. Local variable as template alias parameter breaks CTFE
void bug1461()
int x;
static assert(Gen1461!(x).generate() == null);
template Gen1461(alias A)
string generate()
return null;
string foo104(string[] a...)
string result = "";
foreach (s; a)
result ~= s;
return result;
mixin (foo104("int ", "x;"));
struct SwineFlu
int a;
int b;
struct Infection
SwineFlu y;
struct IveGotSwineFlu
Infection x;
int z;
int oink() { return x.y.a + 10; }
int quarantine()
IveGotSwineFlu d;
return d.oink();
struct Mexico
Infection x;
int z = 2;
int oink() { return z + x.y.b; }
int mediafrenzy()
Mexico m;
return m.oink;
static assert(quarantine() == 10);
static assert(mediafrenzy() == 2);
int ctfeArrayTest(int z)
int[] a = new int[z];
a[$ - 3] = 6;
assert(a.length == z);
return a[$ - 3];
static assert(ctfeArrayTest(15) == 6);
char bugzilla1298()
char [4] q = "abcd".dup;
char [4] r = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
assert(q == r);
q[0..2] = "xy";
q[2] += 3;
return q[2];
static assert(bugzilla1298() == 'f');
int bugzilla1790(Types...)()
foreach (T; Types)
return 0;
const int bugs1790 = bugzilla1790!("")();
char ctfeStrTest1()
char [8] s = void;
s[2..4] = 'x';
assert(s.length == 8);
return s[3];
static assert(ctfeStrTest1() == 'x');
//--------- DELEGATE TESTS ------
// Function + delegate literals inside CTFE
int delegtest1()
assert(function int(int a){ return 7 + a; }(16) == 23);
return delegate int(int a){ return 7 + a; }(6);
int delegtest2()
int innerfunc1()
return delegate int(int a){ return 7 + a; }(6);
int delegate() f = &innerfunc1;
return 3 * f();
int delegtest3()
int function() f = &delegtest1;
return 3 * f();
struct DelegStruct
int a;
int bar(int x) { return a + x; }
int delegtest4()
DelegStruct s;
s.a = 5;
auto f = &;
return f(3);
alias int delegate(int) DelegType;
// Test arrays of delegates
int delegtest5()
DelegStruct s;
s.a = 5;
DelegType[4] w;
w[] = &;
return w[2](3);
// Test arrays of structs of delegates
struct FoolishStruct
DelegType z;
int delegtest6()
DelegStruct s;
s.a = 5;
FoolishStruct[3] k;
DelegType u = &;
k[1].z = u;
return k[1].z(3);
static assert(delegtest1() == 13);
static assert(delegtest2() == 39);
static assert(delegtest3() == 39);
static assert(delegtest4() == 8);
static assert(delegtest5() == 8);
static assert(delegtest6() == 8);
// Function + delegate literals, module scope
static assert(function int(int a){ return 17 + a; }(16) == 33);
static assert( (int a){ return 7 + a; }(16) == 23);
// --- Test lazy ---
int lazyTest1(lazy int y)
return y + 1;
int lazyTest2(int x)
return lazyTest1(x);
static assert(lazyTest1(7) == 8);
static assert(lazyTest2(17) == 18);
// D2 only
struct PostblitCrash
int x;
mixin("this(this) { ++x; }");
int bug4020()
PostblitCrash f;
f.x = 3;
f = f;
f = f;
return f.x;
static assert(bug4020() == 5);
string delegate() bug4027(string s)
return { return s; };
// If it compiles, it must not generate wrong code on D2.
static if (is(typeof((){ static const s = bug4027("aaa")(); }()))) {
static assert(bug4027("aaa")() == "aaa");
static assert(bug4027("bbb")() == "bbb");
// ---
void bug4004a(ref int a)
assert(a == 7);
a += 3;
void bug4004b(ref int b)
b = 7;
int bug4004c()
int offset = 5;
return offset;
static assert(bug4004c() == 10);
// ---
int bug4019()
int[int] aa;
aa[1] = 2;
aa[4] = 6;
return aa[1] + aa[4];
static assert(bug4019() == 8);
// ---
string delegate() bug4029a()
return { return "abc"[]; };
string bug4029()
return bug4029a()();
static assert(bug4029() == "abc");
int bug4078()
int[] arr = new int[1];
return arr[0];
static assert(bug4078() == 0);
int bug4052()
int[] arr = new int[1];
int s;
foreach (x; arr)
s += x;
foreach (x; arr)
s += x * x;
return 4052;
static assert(bug4052() == 4052);
int bug4252()
char [] s = "abc".dup;
s[15] = 'd'; // Array bounds error
return 3;
static assert(!is(typeof(Compileable!(bug4252()))));
size_t setlen1()
int[] w = new int[4];
w[] = 7;
w.length = 6;
return 21 + w.length;
static assert(setlen1() == 27);
size_t setlen2()
int[] w;
w.length = 15;
assert(w[3] == 0);
w[2] = 8;
w[14] = 7;
w.length = 12; // check shrinking
assert(w[2] == 8);
return 2 + w.length;
static assert(setlen2() == 14);
int bug4257(ref int x)
return 3;
int bug4257c(int x)
return 3;
struct Struct4257
int foo() { return 2; }
void bug4257b()
int y;
static assert(!is(typeof(Compileable!(bug4257(y)))));
static assert(!is(typeof(Compileable!(bug4257c(y)))));
Struct4257 s;
static assert(!is(typeof(Compileable!(;
static int dummy5117 = test5117();
int test5117()
S5117 s;
assert(s.value == 1); // (7) succeeds
R5117 r;
assert(r.s.value == 1); // (11) fails, value == 0
return 0;
struct S5117
int value;
void change() { value = 1; }
struct R5117
S5117 s;
enum dummy5117b = test5117b();
int test5117b()
S5117b s;
assert(s.value == 1); // fails, value == 0
return 0;
ref S5117b getRef5117b(return ref S5117b s) { return s; }
struct S5117b
int value;
void change() { value = 1; }
struct A6439
this(uint a, uint b)
begin = a;
end = b;
uint begin, end;
uint[2] arr;
void test6439()
enum y = A6439(10, 20);
A6439 y2 = A6439(10, 20);
assert(y2.begin == y.begin && y2.end == y.end); //passes
assert(y.arr != [0,0]);
assert(y.arr == [10,20]);
assert(y.arr == y2.arr);
// from tests/fail_compilation/fail147
static assert(!is(typeof(Compileable!(
(int i){
int x = void;
++x; // used before initialization
return i + x;
// regression
void test6504()
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
char[] x2 = "xxx" ~ ['c'];
assert(x2[1] == 'x');
x2[1] = 'q';
// regression
void test8818()
static bool test()
string op1 = "aa";
string op2 = "b";
assert("b" >= "aa");
assert(op2 >= op1);
return true;
static assert(test());
struct Test104Node
int val;
Test104Node* next;
Test104Node* CreateList(int[] arr)
if (!arr.length)
return null;
Test104Node* ret = new Test104Node;
ret.val = arr[0]; = CreateList(arr[1..$]);
return ret;
const(Test104Node)* root = CreateList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
void test104()
assert(root.val == 1);
assert( == 2);
assert( == 3);
assert( == 4);
assert( == 5);
interface ITest105a
string test105a() const;
class Test105a : ITest105a
char a;
int b;
char c = 'C';
int d = 42;
string test105a() const { return "test105a"; }
interface ITest105b
string test105b() const;
class Test105b : Test105a, ITest105b
char e;
int f;
this(char _e, int _f, char _a, int _b) pure
e = _e;
f = _f;
a = _a;
b = _b;
string test105b() const { return "test105b"; }
const Test105b t105b = new Test105b('E', 88, 'A', 99);
const Test105a t105a = new Test105b('E', 88, 'A', 99);
const ITest105b t105ib = new Test105b('E', 88, 'A', 99);
const ITest105a t105ia = new Test105b('E', 88, 'A', 99);
__gshared Test105b t105gs = new Test105b('E', 88, 'A', 99);
shared Test105b t105bs = new shared(Test105b)('E', 88, 'A', 99);
immutable Test105b t105bi = new immutable(Test105b)('E', 88, 'A', 99);
void test105()
assert(t105b.a == 'A');
assert(t105b.b == 99);
assert(t105b.c == 'C');
assert(t105b.d == 42);
assert(t105b.e == 'E');
assert(t105b.f == 88);
assert(t105b.test105a() == "test105a");
assert(t105b.test105b() == "test105b");
assert(t105a.a == 'A');
assert(t105a.b == 99);
assert(t105a.c == 'C');
assert(t105a.d == 42);
assert(t105a.test105a() == "test105a");
assert(t105ia.test105a() == "test105a");
assert(t105ib.test105b() == "test105b");
assert(t105a.classinfo is Test105b.classinfo);
//t105b.d = -1;
//assert(t105b.d == -1);
//assert(t105a.d == 42);
assert(t105gs.a == 'A');
assert(t105gs.b == 99);
assert(t105gs.c == 'C');
assert(t105gs.d == 42);
assert(t105gs.e == 'E');
assert(t105gs.f == 88);
assert(t105gs.test105a() == "test105a");
assert(t105gs.test105b() == "test105b");
assert(t105bs.a == 'A');
assert(t105bs.b == 99);
assert(t105bs.c == 'C');
assert(t105bs.d == 42);
assert(t105bs.e == 'E');
assert(t105bs.f == 88);
assert(t105bi.a == 'A');
assert(t105bi.b == 99);
assert(t105bi.c == 'C');
assert(t105bi.d == 42);
assert(t105bi.e == 'E');
assert(t105bi.f == 88);
assert(t105bi.test105a() == "test105a");
assert(t105bi.test105b() == "test105b");
int bug9938()
assert(t105ia.test105a() == "test105a");
return 1;
static assert(t105ia.test105a() == "test105a");
static assert(bug9938());
struct Test106
Test106* f;
Test106* s;
Test106* ctfe106()
auto s = new Test106;
auto s2 = new Test106;
s.f = s2;
s.s = s2;
assert(s.f is s.s);
return s;
const(Test106)* t106 = ctfe106();
void test106()
assert(t106.f is t106.s);
class Test107
Test107 a;
Test107 b;
a = new Test107();
b = a;
assert(a is b);
const Test107 t107 = new Test107(1);
void test107()
assert(t107.a is t107.b);
interface Getter
int getNum() const;
class Test108 : Getter
int f;
this(int v) inout
f = v;
int getNum() const
return f;
enum const(Test108) t108 = new Test108(38);
void test108()
const Test108 obj = t108;
assert(obj.classinfo is Test108.classinfo);
assert(obj.f == 38);
const Getter iobj = t108;
assert(iobj.getNum() == 38);
assert((cast(Object)iobj).classinfo is Test108.classinfo);
assert(t108 is t108);
/***** *****/
struct Bug5678
this(int) {}
enum const(Bug5678)* b5678 = new const(Bug5678)(0);
void test5678()
assert(b5678 is b5678);
class Test109C { this(){ this.c = this; } Test109C c; }
const t109c = new Test109C();
struct Test109S { this(int){ this.s = &this; } Test109S* s; }
const t109s = new Test109S(0);
pragma(msg, t109s); // Make sure there is no infinite recursion.
void test109()
assert(t109c.c is t109c);
assert(t109s.s is t109s);
struct Test110f { int f1; Test110s f2; }
struct Test110s { this(int, int, int){} }
auto test110 = [Test110f(1, Test110s(1, 2, 3))];
// FIXME: Shouldn't this go in core.memory now that `delete` has been removed?
int test6907()
import core.memory : __delete;
int dtor1;
class C { ~this() { ++dtor1; } }
// delete on Object
{ Object o; if (!__ctfe) __delete(o); }
{ scope o = new Object(); }
{ Object o = new Object(); if (!__ctfe) __delete(o); }
// delete on C
C c;
if (!__ctfe)
{ scope c = new C(); }
assert(dtor1 == 1);
{ scope Object o = new C(); }
assert(dtor1 == 2);
C c = new C();
if (__ctfe)
c = null;
assert(dtor1 == 3);
Object o = new C();
if (__ctfe)
o = null;
assert(dtor1 == 4);
int dtor2;
struct S1 { ~this() { ++dtor2; } }
// delete on S1
S1* p;
// Uncomment after druntime fix
version (none)
if (!__ctfe)
S1* p = new S1();
if (__ctfe)
assert(dtor2 == 1);
// delete on S1[]
S1[] a = [S1(), S1()];
if (__ctfe)
assert(dtor2 == 3);
return 1;
static assert(test6907());
bool test9023()
string[][string] aas;
assert(aas.length == 0);
aas["a"] ~= "anything";
assert(aas.length == 1);
assert(aas["a"] == ["anything"]);
aas["a"] ~= "more";
assert(aas.length == 1);
assert(aas["a"] == ["anything", "more"]);
int[int] aan;
assert(aan.length == 0);
auto x = aan[0]++;
assert(x == 0);
assert(aan.length == 1);
assert(aan[0] == 1);
return true;
static assert(test9023());
S[] split15817(S)(S s)
size_t istart;
S[] result;
foreach (i, c ; s)
result ~= s[istart .. i];
return result;
int test15817()
auto targets = `a1`.split15817;
uint[string] counts;
foreach (a; targets)
assert(counts == ["":1u, "a":1]);
return 1;
static assert(test15817());
interface IBug9954
string foo() const;
class Bug9954 : IBug9954
string foo() const { return "hello"; }
IBug9954 makeIBug9954()
return new Bug9954;
const IBug9954 b9954 = makeIBug9954();
void test9954()
assert( == "hello");
struct Bug10483
int[3][4] val;
struct Outer10483
Bug10483 p = Bug10483(67);
int k10483a = Outer10483.init.p.val[2][2]; // ICE(expression.c)
void test10483()
int k10483b = Outer10483.init.p.val[2][2]; // Segfault (backend/type.c)
struct S10669 { uint x; }
static const S10669 iid0_10669 = S10669(0);
class C10669
static const S10669 iid1_10669 = S10669(1);
const S10669 IID0_10669 = iid0_10669;
const S10669 IID1_10669 = C10669.iid1_10669;
TypeInfo getTi()
return typeid(int);
auto t112 = getTi();
void test112()
assert(t112.toString() == "int");
enum Foo10687 : uint { A, B, C, D, E }
immutable uint[5][] m10687 = [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]];