blob: e6b3238149e7fe6885c8ee22651f69e14792791f [file] [log] [blame]
// PERMUTE_ARGS: -unittest -O -release -inline -fPIC -g
// REQUIRED_ARGS: -preview=dtorfields
import core.vararg;
// FIXME: Shouldn't tests that use this go in core.memory now that `delete` has been removed?
import core.memory : __delete;
extern (C) int printf(const(char*) fmt, ...) nothrow;
template TypeTuple(T...) { alias TypeTuple = T; }
int sdtor;
struct S1
~this() { printf("~S()\n"); sdtor++; }
void test1()
S1* s = new S1();
assert(sdtor == 1);
int sdtor3;
struct S3
{ int a;
~this() { printf("~S3()\n"); sdtor3++; assert(a == 3); }
struct T3
int i;
S3 s;
void test3()
T3* s = new T3();
s.s.a = 3;
assert(sdtor3 == 1);
int sdtor4;
struct S4
{ int a = 3;
{ printf("~S4()\n");
if (a == 4)
assert(sdtor4 == 2);
{ assert(a == 3);
assert(sdtor4 == 1);
struct T4
int i;
S4 s;
~this() { printf("~T4()\n"); assert(sdtor4 == 0); sdtor4++; }
S4 t;
void test4()
T4* s = new T4();
s.s.a = 4;
assert(sdtor4 == 3);
int sdtor5;
template M5()
{ ~this()
printf("~M5()\n"); assert(sdtor5 == 1); sdtor5++;
struct T5
mixin M5 m;
~this() { printf("~T5()\n"); assert(sdtor5 == 0); sdtor5++; }
void test5()
T5* s = new T5();
assert(sdtor5 == 2);
int sdtor6;
struct S6
{ int b = 7;
printf("~S6()\n"); assert(b == 7); assert(sdtor6 == 1); sdtor6++;
class T6
int a = 3;
S6 s;
~this() { printf("~T6()\n"); assert(a == 3); assert(sdtor6 == 0); sdtor6++; }
void test6()
T6 s = new T6();
assert(sdtor6 == 2);
int sdtor7;
struct S7
{ int b = 7;
assert(b == 7);
assert(sdtor7 >= 1 && sdtor7 <= 3);
struct T7
int a = 3;
S7[3] s;
{ printf("~T7() %d\n", sdtor7);
assert(a == 3);
assert(sdtor7 == 0);
void test7()
T7* s = new T7();
assert(sdtor7 == 4);
int sdtor8;
struct S8
{ int b = 7;
int c;
printf("~S8() %d\n", sdtor8);
assert(b == 7);
assert(sdtor8 == c);
void test8()
S8[] s = new S8[3];
s[0].c = 2;
s[1].c = 1;
s[2].c = 0;
assert(sdtor8 == 3);
int sdtor9;
struct S9
{ int b = 7;
printf("~S9() %d\n", sdtor9);
assert(b == 7);
void test9()
S9 s;
assert(sdtor9 == 1);
int sdtor10;
struct S10
{ int b = 7;
int c;
printf("~S10() %d\n", sdtor10);
assert(b == 7);
assert(sdtor10 == c);
void test10()
S10[3] s;
s[0].c = 2;
s[1].c = 1;
s[2].c = 0;
assert(sdtor10 == 3);
int sdtor11;
template M11()
{ ~this()
printf("~M11()\n"); assert(sdtor11 == 1); sdtor11++;
class T11
mixin M11 m;
~this() { printf("~T11()\n"); assert(sdtor11 == 0); sdtor11++; }
void test11()
T11 s = new T11();
assert(sdtor11 == 2);
int sdtor12;
struct S12
{ int a = 3;
~this() { printf("~S12() %d\n", sdtor12); sdtor12++; }
void foo12(S12 s)
void test12()
S12 s;
s.a = 4;
assert(sdtor12 == 2);
struct S13
{ int a = 3;
int opAssign(S13 s)
printf("S13.opAssign(%p)\n", &this);
a = 4;
return s.a + 2;
void test13()
S13 s;
S13 t;
assert((s = t) == 5);
assert(s.a == 4);
struct S14
{ int a = 3;
int opAssign(ref S14 s)
printf("S14.opAssign(%p)\n", &this);
a = 4;
return s.a + 2;
void test14()
S14 s;
S14 t;
assert((s = t) == 5);
assert(s.a == 4);
struct S15
{ int a = 3;
int opAssign(ref const S15 s)
printf("S15.opAssign(%p)\n", &this);
a = 4;
return s.a + 2;
void test15()
S15 s;
S15 t;
assert((s = t) == 5);
assert(s.a == 4);
struct S16
{ int a = 3;
int opAssign(S16 s, ...)
printf("S16.opAssign(%p)\n", &this);
a = 4;
return s.a + 2;
void test16()
S16 s;
S16 t;
assert((s = t) == 5);
assert(s.a == 4);
struct S17
{ int a = 3;
int opAssign(...)
printf("S17.opAssign(%p)\n", &this);
a = 4;
return 5;
void test17()
S17 s;
S17 t;
assert((s = t) == 5);
assert(s.a == 4);
struct S18
{ int a = 3;
int opAssign(S18 s, int x = 7)
printf("S18.opAssign(%p)\n", &this);
a = 4;
assert(x == 7);
return s.a + 2;
void test18()
S18 s;
S18 t;
assert((s = t) == 5);
assert(s.a == 4);
struct S19
int a,b,c,d;
this(this) { printf("this(this) %p\n", &this); }
~this() { printf("~this() %p\n", &this); }
S19 foo19()
S19 s;
void bar() { s.a++; }
return s;
void test19()
S19 t = foo19();
struct S20
static char[] r;
int a,b,c=2,d;
this(this) { printf("this(this) %p\n", &this); r ~= '='; }
~this() { printf("~this() %p\n", &this); r ~= '~'; }
void foo20()
S20 s;
S20[3] a;
assert(S20.r == "");
a = s;
assert(S20.r == "=~=~=~");
void test20()
assert(S20.r == "=~=~=~~~~~");
struct S21
static char[] r;
int a,b,c=2,d;
this(this) { printf("this(this) %p\n", &this); r ~= '='; }
~this() { printf("~this() %p\n", &this); r ~= '~'; }
void foo21()
S21 s;
S21[3] a = s;
assert(S21.r == "===");
S21.r = null;
S21[3][2] b = s;
assert(S21.r == "======");
S21.r = null;
void test21()
assert(S21.r == "~~~~~~~~~~");
struct S22
static char[] r;
int a,b,c=2,d;
this(this) { printf("this(this) %p\n", &this); r ~= '='; }
~this() { printf("~this() %p\n", &this); r ~= '~'; }
void foo22()
S22[3] s;
S22[3][2] a;
assert(S22.r == "");
a = s;
assert(S22.r == "===~~~===~~~");
S22.r = null;
void test22()
assert(S22.r == "~~~~~~~~~");
struct S23
int m = 4, n, o, p, q;
this(int x)
printf("S23(%d)\n", x);
assert(x == 3);
assert(m == 4 && n == 0 && o == 0 && p == 0 && q == 0);
q = 7;
void test23()
auto s = S23(3);
printf("s.m = %d, s.n = %d, s.q = %d\n", s.m, s.n, s.q);
assert(s.m == 4 && s.n == 0 && s.o == 0 && s.p == 0 && s.q == 7);
auto s = new S23(3);
printf("s.m = %d, s.n = %d, s.q = %d\n", s.m, s.n, s.q);
assert(s.m == 4 && s.n == 0 && s.o == 0 && s.p == 0 && s.q == 7);
S23 s;
s = S23(3);
printf("s.m = %d, s.n = %d, s.q = %d\n", s.m, s.n, s.q);
assert(s.m == 4 && s.n == 0 && s.o == 0 && s.p == 0 && s.q == 7);
struct S24
int m, n, o, p, q;
this(int x)
printf("S24(%d)\n", x);
assert(x == 3);
assert(m == 0 && n == 0 && o == 0 && p == 0 && q == 0);
q = 7;
void test24()
auto s = S24(3);
printf("s.m = %d, s.n = %d, s.q = %d\n", s.m, s.n, s.q);
assert(s.m == 0 && s.n == 0 && s.o == 0 && s.p == 0 && s.q == 7);
auto s = new S24(3);
printf("s.m = %d, s.n = %d, s.q = %d\n", s.m, s.n, s.q);
assert(s.m == 0 && s.n == 0 && s.o == 0 && s.p == 0 && s.q == 7);
S24 s;
s = S24(3);
printf("s.m = %d, s.n = %d, s.q = %d\n", s.m, s.n, s.q);
assert(s.m == 0 && s.n == 0 && s.o == 0 && s.p == 0 && s.q == 7);
struct S25
this(int s) {}
void test25()
auto a = S25();
int z26;
struct A26
int id;
this(int x) { id = x; printf("Created A from scratch: %d\n", x); z26++; }
this(this) { printf("Copying A: %d\n", id); z26 += 10; }
~this() { printf("Destroying A: %d\n", id); z26 += 100; }
struct B26
A26 member;
this(this) { printf("Copying B: %d\n",; assert(0); }
B26 foo26()
A26 a = A26(45);
assert(z26 == 1);
return B26(a);
void test26()
auto b = foo26();
assert(z26 == 111);
assert(z26 == 211);
int z27;
struct A27
int id;
this(int x) { id = x; printf("Ctor A27: %d\n", x); z27++; }
this(this) { printf("Copying A27: %d\n", id); z27 += 10; }
~this() { printf("Destroying A27: %d\n", id); z27 += 100; }
struct B27
A27[2][3] member;
void test27()
A27[2][3] a;
assert(z27 == 0);
B27 b = B27(a);
assert(z27 == 60);
assert(z27 == 1260);
string s28;
struct A28
printf("A's copy\n");
s28 ~= "A";
struct B28
A28 member;
printf("B's copy\n");
s28 ~= "B";
void test28()
B28 b1;
B28 b2 = b1;
assert(s28 == "AB");
string s29;
template Templ29 ()
this(int i) { this(0.0); s29 ~= "i"; }
this(double d) { s29 ~= "d"; }
class C29 { mixin Templ29; }
struct S29 { mixin Templ29; }
void test29()
auto r = S29(1);
assert(s29 == "di");
r = S29(2.0);
assert(s29 == "did");
auto c = new C29(2);
assert(s29 == "diddi");
auto c2 = new C29(2.0);
assert(s29 == "diddid");
struct S30
int x;
this(T)(T args) { x = args + 1; }
void test30()
auto s = S30(3);
assert(s.x == 4);
struct S31
int x;
this(T...)(T args) { x = args[0] + 1; }
void test31()
auto s = S31(3);
assert(s.x == 4);
struct S32
static int x;
this(int i)
printf("ctor %p(%d)\n", &this, i);
x += 1;
printf("postblit %p\n", &this);
x += 0x10;
printf("dtor %p\n", &this);
x += 0x100;
S32 foo32()
return S32(1);
S32 bar32()
S32 f = S32(1);
return f;
void test32()
S32 s = foo32();
assert(S32.x == 0x101);
S32.x = 0;
S32 s = bar32();
assert(S32.x == 0x101);
struct S33
static int x;
this(int i)
printf("ctor %p(%d)\n", &this, i);
x += 1;
printf("postblit %p\n", &this);
x += 0x10;
printf("dtor %p\n", &this);
x += 0x100;
struct T33
S33 foo()
return t;
S33 t;
void test33()
T33 t;
S33 s =;
printf("S.x = %x\n", S33.x);
assert(S33.x == 0x210);
struct X34 {
int i;
this(this) {
printf("postblit %p\n", &this);
~this() {
printf("dtor %p\n", &this);
void test34()
X34[2] xs;
// xs[0][0] = X34();
for (int j = 0; j < xs.length; j++) {
auto x = xs[j];
//foreach(x; xs)
//printf("foreach x.i = %d\n", x[0].i);
//assert(x[0].i == 1);
printf("foreach x.i = %d\n", x.i);
assert(x.i == 1);
printf("loop done\n");
struct X35 {
__gshared int k;
int i;
this(this) {
printf("postblit %p\n", &this);
~this() {
printf("dtor %p\n", &this);
void test35()
X35[2] xs;
foreach(ref x; xs) {
printf("foreach x.i = %d\n", x.i);
assert(x.i == 0);
printf("loop done\n");
assert(X35.k == 2);
struct X36 {
__gshared int k;
int i;
this(this) {
printf("postblit %p\n", &this);
~this() {
printf("dtor %p\n", &this);
void test36()
X36[2] xs;
foreach(x; xs) {
printf("foreach x.i = %d\n", x.i);
assert(x.i == 1);
printf("loop done\n");
assert(X36.k == 4);
struct X37 {
__gshared int k;
int i;
this(this) {
printf("postblit %p\n", &this);
~this() {
printf("dtor %p\n", &this);
void test37() {
X37[2][3] xs;
foreach(ref x; xs) {
printf("foreach x.i = %d\n", x[0].i);
assert(x[0].i == 0);
printf("loop done\n");
assert(X37.k == 6);
struct S38 {
__gshared int count;
__gshared int postblit;
this(int x) {
printf("this(%d)\n", x);
assert(this.x == 0);
this.x = x;
this(this) {
printf("this(this) with %d\n", x);
assert(x == 1 || x == 2);
~this() {
printf("~this(%d)\n", x);
assert(x == 1 || x == 2);
x = 0;
int x;
S38 foo38() {
auto s = S38(1);
return s;
S38 bar38() {
return S38(2);
void test38()
auto s1 = foo38();
assert(S38.count == 1);
assert(S38.postblit == 0);
assert(S38.count == 0);
S38.postblit = 0;
auto s2 = bar38();
assert(S38.count == 1);
assert(S38.postblit == 0);
assert(S38.count == 0);
struct Foo39
int x;
this(int v){ x = v + 1; }
void opAssign(int v){
x = v + 3;
void test39()
int y = 5;
Foo39 f = y;
assert(f.x == 6);
f = y;
assert(f.x == 8);
// f = Foo39(y);
bool approxEqual(float a, float b)
return a < b ? b-a < .001 : a-b < .001;
struct Point {
float x = 0, y = 0;
const bool opEquals(const ref Point rhs)
return approxEqual(x, rhs.x) && approxEqual(y, rhs.y);
struct Rectangle {
Point leftBottom, rightTop;
void test40()
Rectangle a, b;
assert(a == b);
a.leftBottom.x = 1e-8;
assert(a == b);
a.rightTop.y = 5;
assert(a != b);
struct S41 {
this(int) immutable { }
void test41()
auto s = new immutable S41(3);
static assert(is(typeof(s) == immutable(S41)*));
auto t = immutable S41(3);
static assert(is(typeof(t) == immutable(S41)));
class C42 {
this(int) immutable {
void test42()
static assert(!__traits(compiles, new C42(3)));
//static assert(is(typeof(c) == immutable(C42)));
auto d = new immutable(C42)(3);
static assert(is(typeof(d) == immutable(C42)));
struct S43 {
int i;
int* p;
// this(int i, int* t) immutable { this.i = i; p = t; }
void test43()
int i;
assert(!__traits(compiles, immutable(S43)(3, &i)));
immutable int j = 4;
auto s = immutable(S43)(3, &j);
static assert(is(typeof(s) == immutable(S43)));
struct S44 {
int i;
immutable(int)* p;
this(int i, immutable(int)* t) immutable { this.i = i; this.p = t; }
void test44()
int i;
assert(!__traits(compiles, immutable(S44)(3, &i)));
immutable int j = 4;
auto s = immutable(S44)(3, &j);
static assert(is(typeof(s) == immutable(S44)));
class C45 {
C45 next;
this(int[] data) immutable {
next = new immutable(C45)(data[1 .. $]);
void test45()
struct SiberianHamster
int rat = 813;
this(string z) { }
void test46()
SiberianHamster basil = "cybil";
assert(basil.rat == 813);
struct Vec8741
this(float x)
m[0] = x;
m[1] = 58;
float[2] m;
static Vec8741 zzz = Vec8741(7);
void test8741()
assert(Vec8741.zzz.m[0] == 7);
assert(Vec8741.zzz.m[1] == 58);
struct Segfault3984
int a;
this(int x){
a = x;
void test47()
assert(Segfault3984(3).a == 3);
void test48()
struct B {
void foo() { }
B x = B.init;
struct Foo49 {
int z;
this(int a){z=a;}
void bar49(Foo49 a = Foo49(1))
assert(a.z == 1);
void test49()
struct aStruct{
int m_Int;
this(int a){
m_Int = a;
class aClass{
void aFunc(aStruct a = aStruct(44))
assert(a.m_Int == 44);
void test50()
aClass a = new aClass();
int A51_a;
struct A51
~this() { ++A51_a; }
void test51()
A51_a = 0; { while(0) A51 a; } assert(A51_a == 0);
A51_a = 0; { if(0) A51 a; } assert(A51_a == 0);
A51_a = 0; { if(1){} else A51 a; } assert(A51_a == 0);
A51_a = 0; { for(;0;) A51 a; } assert(A51_a == 0);
A51_a = 0; { if (1) { A51 a; } } assert(A51_a == 1);
A51_a = 0; { if (1) A51 a; } assert(A51_a == 1);
A51_a = 0; { if(0) {} else A51 a; } assert(A51_a == 1);
A51_a = 0; { if (0) for(A51 a;;) {} } assert(A51_a == 0);
A51_a = 0; { if (0) for(;;) A51 a; } assert(A51_a == 0);
A51_a = 0; { do A51 a; while(0); } assert(A51_a == 1);
A51_a = 0; { if (0) while(1) A51 a; } assert(A51_a == 0);
A51_a = 0; { try A51 a; catch(Error e) {} } assert(A51_a == 1);
A51_a = 0; { if (0) final switch(1) A51 a; } assert(A51_a == 0); // should fail to build
// A51_a = 0; { if (0) switch(1) { A51 a; default: } } assert(A51_a == 0);
A51_a = 0; { if (0) switch(1) { default: A51 a; } } assert(A51_a == 0);
// A51_a = 0; { if (1) switch(1) { A51 a; default: } } assert(A51_a == 1); // should be 0, right?
A51_a = 0; { if (1) switch(1) { default: A51 a; } } assert(A51_a == 1);
// A51_a = 0; { final switch(0) A51 a; } assert(A51_a == 0);
A51_a = 0; { A51 a; with(a) A51 b; } assert(A51_a == 2);
string s52;
struct A52
int m;
printf("this(this) %p\n", &this);
s52 ~= 'a';
printf("~this() %p\n", &this);
s52 ~= 'b';
A52 copy()
s52 ~= 'c';
A52 another = this;
return another;
void test52()
A52 a;
A52 b = a.copy();
printf("a: %p, b: %p\n", &a, &b);
printf("s = '%.*s'\n", cast(int)s52.length, s52.ptr);
assert(s52 == "cabb");
struct A53 {
invariant() { }
~this() { }
void opAssign(A53 a) {}
int blah(A53 a) { return 0; }
struct S54
int x = 1;
int bar() { return x; }
this(int i)
printf("ctor %p(%d)\n", &this, i);
t ~= "a";
printf("postblit %p\n", &this);
t ~= "b";
printf("dtor %p\n", &this);
t ~= "c";
static string t;
void bar54(S54 s) { }
S54 abc54() { return S54(1); }
void test54()
{ S54.t = null;
S54 s = S54(1);
assert(S54.t == "ac");
{ S54.t = null;
S54 s = S54();
assert(S54.t == "c");
{ S54.t = null;
int b = 1 && (){ bar54(S54(1)); return 1;}();
assert(S54.t == "ac");
{ S54.t = null;
int b = 0 && (){ bar54(S54(1)); return 1;}();
assert(S54.t == "");
{ S54.t = null;
int b = 0 || (){ bar54(S54(1)); return 1;}();
assert(S54.t == "ac");
{ S54.t = null;
int b = 1 || (){ bar54(S54(1)); return 1;}();
assert(S54.t == "");
S54.t = null;
{ const S54 s = S54(1); }
assert(S54.t == "ac");
S54.t = null;
assert(S54.t == "ac");
S54.t = null;
abc54().x += 1;
assert(S54.t == "ac");
void test55()
S55 s;
auto t = s.copy();
assert(t.count == 1); // (5)
struct S55
int count;
this(this) { ++count; }
S55 copy() { return this; }
struct S56
int x = 1;
int bar() { return x; }
this(int i)
printf("ctor %p(%d)\n", &this, i);
t ~= "a";
printf("postblit %p\n", &this);
t ~= "b";
printf("dtor %p\n", &this);
t ~= "c";
static string t;
int foo56()
throw new Throwable("hello");
return 5;
void test56()
int i;
int j;
j |= 1;
i = S56(1).x + foo56() + 1;
j |= 2;
catch (Throwable o)
j |= 4;
printf("i = %d, j = %d\n", i, j);
assert(i == 0);
assert(j == 5);
int dtor_cnt = 0;
struct S57
int v;
this(int n){ v = n; printf("S.ctor v=%d\n", v); }
~this(){ ++dtor_cnt; printf("S.dtor v=%d\n", v); }
bool opCast(T:bool)(){ printf("S.cast v=%d\n", v); return true; }
S57 f(int n){ return S57(n); }
void test57()
dtor_cnt = 0;
if (auto s = S57(10))
else assert(0);
assert(dtor_cnt == 1);
printf("----\n"); //+
dtor_cnt = 0;
S57(1), S57(2);
if (auto s = S57(10))
assert(dtor_cnt == 2);
else assert(0);
assert(dtor_cnt == 3); // +/
dtor_cnt = 0;
if (auto s = S57(10))
throw new Exception("test");
else assert(0);
}catch (Exception e){}
assert(dtor_cnt == 1);
dtor_cnt = 0;
if (auto s = f(10))
else assert(0);
assert(dtor_cnt == 1);
printf("----\n"); //+
dtor_cnt = 0;
f(1), f(2);
if (auto s = f(10))
assert(dtor_cnt == 2);
else assert(0);
assert(dtor_cnt == 3); // +/
dtor_cnt = 0;
if (auto s = f(10))
throw new Exception("test");
else assert(0);
}catch (Exception e){}
assert(dtor_cnt == 1);
dtor_cnt = 0;
if (S57(10))
assert(dtor_cnt == 1);
else assert(0);
dtor_cnt = 0;
S57(1), S57(2);
if (S57(10))
assert(dtor_cnt == 3);
else assert(0);
dtor_cnt = 0;
if (auto s = S57(10))
throw new Exception("test");
else assert(0);
}catch (Exception e){}
assert(dtor_cnt == 1);
dtor_cnt = 0;
if (f(10))
assert(dtor_cnt == 1);
else assert(0);
dtor_cnt = 0;
f(1), f(2);
if (f(10))
assert(dtor_cnt == 3);
else assert(0);
dtor_cnt = 0;
if (auto s = f(10))
throw new Exception("test");
else assert(0);
}catch (Exception e){}
assert(dtor_cnt == 1);
struct foo5574a
~this() {}
class bar5574a
foo5574a[1] frop;
struct foo5574b
struct bar5574b
foo5574b[1] frop;
int sdtor58 = 0;
S58* ps58;
struct S58
@disable this(this);
~this(){ ++sdtor58; }
S58 makeS58()
S58 s;
ps58 = &s;
return s;
void test58()
auto s1 = makeS58();
assert(ps58 == &s1);
assert(sdtor58 == 0);
struct C59
void oops()
throw new Throwable("Oops!");
void foo59()
// auto c = C(); c.oops();
void test59()
int i = 0;
catch (Throwable)
{ i = 1;
assert(i == 1);
void test5737()
static struct S
static int destroyed;
static int copied;
static S s;
ref S foo()
return s;
auto s2 = foo();
assert(S.copied == 1); // fail, s2 was not copied;
assert(S.destroyed == 1); // ok, s2 was destroyed
void test6119()
int postblit = 0;
int dtor = 0;
struct Test
this(this) { ++postblit; }
~this() { ++dtor; }
void takesVal(Test x) {}
ref Test returnsRef(ref Test x) { return x; }
void f(ref Test x) { takesVal( x ); }
Test x;
postblit = dtor = 0;
assert(postblit == 1);
assert(dtor == 1);
postblit = dtor = 0;
assert(postblit == 1);
assert(dtor == 1);
struct Foo6364
int state = 1;
state = 0;
void testfoo6364()
static Foo6364 foo;
printf("%d\n", foo.state);
assert(foo.state == 1);
void test6364()
struct S6499
string m = "<not set>";
this(string s)
m = s;
printf("Constructor - %.*s\n", cast(int)m.length, m.ptr);
if (m == "foo") { ++sdtor; assert(sdtor == 1); }
if (m == "bar") { ++sdtor; assert(sdtor == 2); }
printf("Postblit - %.*s\n", cast(int)m.length, m.ptr);
printf("Destructor - %.*s\n", cast(int)m.length, m.ptr);
if (m == "bar") { assert(sdtor == 2); --sdtor; }
if (m == "foo") { assert(sdtor == 1); --sdtor; }
S6499 bar() { return S6499("bar"); }
S6499 baz()() { return S6499("baz"); }
void test6499()
S6499 foo() { return S6499("foo"); }
sdtor = 0;
scope(exit) assert(sdtor == 0);
sdtor = 0;
scope(exit) assert(sdtor == 0);
template isImplicitlyConvertible(From, To)
enum bool isImplicitlyConvertible = is(typeof({
void fun(ref From v) {
void gun(To) {}
void test60()
static struct X1
void* ptr;
static struct S1
X1 x;
static struct X2
int ptr;
static struct S2
X2 x;
S1 ms;
S1 ms2 = ms; // mutable to mutable
const(S1) cs2 = ms; // mutable to const // NG -> OK
const(S1) cs;
static assert(!__traits(compiles,{ // NG -> OK
S1 ms2 = cs; // field has reference, then const to mutable is invalid
const(S1) cs2 = cs; // const to const // NG -> OK
static assert( isImplicitlyConvertible!( S1 , S1 ) );
static assert( isImplicitlyConvertible!( S1 , const(S1)) ); // NG -> OK
static assert(!isImplicitlyConvertible!(const(S1), S1 ) );
static assert( isImplicitlyConvertible!(const(S1), const(S1)) ); // NG -> OK
S2 ms;
S2 ms2 = ms; // mutable to mutable
const(S2) cs2 = ms; // mutable to const // NG -> OK
const(S2) cs;
S2 ms2 = cs; // all fields are value, then const to mutable is OK
const(S2) cs2 = cs; // const to const // NG -> OK
static assert( isImplicitlyConvertible!( S2 , S2 ) );
static assert( isImplicitlyConvertible!( S2 , const(S2)) ); // NG -> OK
static assert( isImplicitlyConvertible!(const(S2), S2 ) );
static assert( isImplicitlyConvertible!(const(S2), const(S2)) ); // NG -> OK
struct A4316
this(this) @safe { }
@safe void test4316()
A4316 a;
auto b = a; // Error: safe function 'main' cannot call system function'__cpctor'
struct F6177
~this() {}
struct G6177
this(F6177[] p...) {}
void test6177()
F6177 c;
auto g = G6177(c);
struct S6470
static int spblit;
this(this){ ++spblit; }
void test6470()
S6470[] a1;
S6470[] a2;
a1.length = 3;
a2.length = 3;
a1[] = a2[];
assert(S6470.spblit == 3);
S6470 s;
S6470[] a3;
a3.length = 3;
a3 = [s, s, s];
assert(S6470.spblit == 6);
void func(S6470[] a){}
func([s, s, s]);
assert(S6470.spblit == 9);
struct S6636
void func6636(S6636[3] sa) {}
void test6636()
sdtor = 0;
S6636[3] sa;
assert(sdtor == 3);
struct S6637
static int spblit;
this(this){ ++spblit; }
void test6637()
void func(S6637[3] sa){}
S6637[3] sa;
assert(S6637.spblit == 3);
struct S7353
static uint ci = 0;
uint i;
this(int x) { i = ci++; /*writeln("new: ", i);*/ }
this(this) { i = ci++; /*writeln("copy ", i);*/ }
~this() { /*writeln("del ", i);*/ }
S7353 save1() // produces 2 copies in total
S7353 s = this;
return s;
auto save2() // produces 3 copies in total
S7353 s = this;
return s;
pragma(msg, typeof(return));
void test7353()
auto s = S7353(1), t = S7353(1);
t = s.save1();
assert( == 3);
} = 0; //writeln("-");
auto s = S7353(1), t = S7353(1);
t = s.save2();
assert( == 3);
struct S8036a
~this() {}
struct S8036b // or class
S8036a[0] s;
struct S61
this(long length)
this.length = length;
long length;
const(S61) copy(const S61 s)
return s;
void test61()
S61 t = S61(42);
const S61 u = t;
assert(t == u);
assert(copy(t) == u);
assert(t == copy(u));
void test7506()
static struct S
static uint ci = 0;
static uint di = 0;
uint i;
this(int x) { i = ci++; /*writeln("new: ", i);*/ }
this(this) { i = ci++; /*writeln("copy ", i);*/ }
~this() { ++di; /*writeln("del: ", i);*/ }
S save3()
return this;
auto s = S(1), t = S(1);
assert( == 2);
t = s.save3();
assert( == 3); // line 23
assert(S.di == 3);
struct S7516
int val;
this(int n) { val = n; }
this(this) { val *= 3; }
// CondExp on return statement
void test7516a()
alias S = S7516;
S s1 = S(1);
S s2 = S(2);
S foo(bool f) { return f ? s1 : s2; }
S hoo(bool f) { return f ? S(1) : S(2); }
S bar(bool f) { return f ? s1 : S(2); }
S baz(bool f) { return f ? S(1) : s2; }
auto r1 = foo(true); assert(r1.val == 3);
auto r2 = foo(false); assert(r2.val == 6);
auto r3 = hoo(true); assert(r3.val == 1);
auto r4 = hoo(false); assert(r4.val == 2);
auto r5 = bar(true); assert(r5.val == 3);
auto r6 = bar(false); assert(r6.val == 2);
auto r7 = baz(true); assert(r7.val == 1);
auto r8 = baz(false); assert(r8.val == 6);
// CondExp on function argument
void test7516b()
alias S = S7516;
S s1 = S(1);
S s2 = S(2);
S func(S s) { return s; }
S foo(bool f) { return func(f ? s1 : s2 ); }
S hoo(bool f) { return func(f ? S(1) : S(2)); }
S bar(bool f) { return func(f ? s1 : S(2)); }
S baz(bool f) { return func(f ? S(1) : s2 ); }
auto r1 = foo(true); assert(r1.val == 3 * 3);
auto r2 = foo(false); assert(r2.val == 6 * 3);
auto r3 = hoo(true); assert(r3.val == 1 * 3);
auto r4 = hoo(false); assert(r4.val == 2 * 3);
auto r5 = bar(true); assert(r5.val == 3 * 3);
auto r6 = bar(false); assert(r6.val == 2 * 3);
auto r7 = baz(true); assert(r7.val == 1 * 3);
auto r8 = baz(false); assert(r8.val == 6 * 3);
// CondExp on array literal
void test7516c()
alias S = S7516;
S s1 = S(1);
S s2 = S(2);
S[] foo(bool f) { return [f ? s1 : s2 ]; }
S[] hoo(bool f) { return [f ? S(1) : S(2)]; }
S[] bar(bool f) { return [f ? s1 : S(2)]; }
S[] baz(bool f) { return [f ? S(1) : s2 ]; }
auto r1 = foo(true); assert(r1[0].val == 3);
auto r2 = foo(false); assert(r2[0].val == 6);
auto r3 = hoo(true); assert(r3[0].val == 1);
auto r4 = hoo(false); assert(r4[0].val == 2);
auto r5 = bar(true); assert(r5[0].val == 3);
auto r6 = bar(false); assert(r6[0].val == 2);
auto r7 = baz(true); assert(r7[0].val == 1);
auto r8 = baz(false); assert(r8[0].val == 6);
// CondExp on rhs of cat assign
void test7516d()
alias S = S7516;
S s1 = S(1);
S s2 = S(2);
S[] foo(bool f) { S[] a; a ~= f ? s1 : s2 ; return a; }
S[] hoo(bool f) { S[] a; a ~= f ? S(1) : S(2); return a; }
S[] bar(bool f) { S[] a; a ~= f ? s1 : S(2); return a; }
S[] baz(bool f) { S[] a; a ~= f ? S(1) : s2 ; return a; }
auto r1 = foo(true); assert(r1[0].val == 3);
auto r2 = foo(false); assert(r2[0].val == 6);
auto r3 = hoo(true); assert(r3[0].val == 1);
auto r4 = hoo(false); assert(r4[0].val == 2);
auto r5 = bar(true); assert(r5[0].val == 3);
auto r6 = bar(false); assert(r6[0].val == 2);
auto r7 = baz(true); assert(r7[0].val == 1);
auto r8 = baz(false); assert(r8[0].val == 6);
// CondExp on struct literal element
void test7516e()
alias S = S7516;
S s1 = S(1);
S s2 = S(2);
struct X { S s; }
X foo(bool f) { return X(f ? s1 : s2 ); }
X hoo(bool f) { return X(f ? S(1) : S(2)); }
X bar(bool f) { return X(f ? s1 : S(2)); }
X baz(bool f) { return X(f ? S(1) : s2 ); }
auto r1 = foo(true); assert(r1.s.val == 3);
auto r2 = foo(false); assert(r2.s.val == 6);
auto r3 = hoo(true); assert(r3.s.val == 1);
auto r4 = hoo(false); assert(r4.s.val == 2);
auto r5 = bar(true); assert(r5.s.val == 3);
auto r6 = bar(false); assert(r6.s.val == 2);
auto r7 = baz(true); assert(r7.s.val == 1);
auto r8 = baz(false); assert(r8.s.val == 6);
void test7530()
static struct S
int val;
this(int n) { val = n; }
this(this) { val *= 3; }
S[] sa = new S[](1);
sa[0].val = 1;
S foo()
return sa[0];
auto s = foo();
assert(s.val == 3);
struct S62
this(int length)
_length = length;
int opBinary(string op)(in S62 rhs) const
if(op == "-")
return this.length - rhs.length;
@property int length() const
return _length;
assert(_length == 1);
int _length = 1;
void test62()
immutable result = S62.init - S62.init;
void test7579a()
static struct S
// postblit can also have no body because isn't called
@disable this(this) { assert(0); }
@property S fs() { return S(); }
@property S[3] fsa() { return [S(), S(), S()]; }
S s0;
S s1 = S();
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { S s2 = s1; })); // OK
S s2 = fs;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { s2 = s1; })); // OK
// static array
S[3] sa0;
S[3] sa1 = [S(), S(), S()];
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { S[3] sa2 = sa1; })); // fixed
S[3] sa2 = fsa;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { sa2 = sa1; })); // fixed
sa2 = [S(), S(), S()];
sa2 = fsa;
S[] da1 = new S[3];
S[] da2 = new S[3];
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { da2[] = da1[]; })); // fixed
// concatenation and appending
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { da1 ~= s1; })); // fixed
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { da1 ~= S(); }));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { da1 ~= fsa; }));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { da1 ~= fsa[]; }));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { da1 = da1 ~ s1; })); // fixed
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { da1 = s1 ~ da1; })); // fixed
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { da1 = da1 ~ S(); }));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { da1 = da1 ~ fsa; }));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { da1 = da1 ~ da; }));
void test7579b()
static struct S
// postblit asserts in runtime
this(this) { assert(0); }
@property S fs() { return S(); }
@property S[3] fsa() { return [S(), S(), S()]; }
S s0;
S s1 = S();
S s2 = fs;
// static array
S[3] sa0;
S[3] sa1 = [S(), S(), S()];
S[3] sa2 = fsa;
sa2 = [S(), S(), S()];
sa2 = fsa;
S[] da1 = new S[3];
S[] da2 = new S[3];
// concatenation and appending always run postblits
struct S8335
static int postblit;
int i;
this(this) { ++postblit; }
void f8335(ref S8335[3] arr)
arr[0].i = 7;
void g8335(lazy S8335[3] arr)
assert(S8335.postblit == 0);
auto x = arr;
assert(S8335.postblit == 3);
void h8335(lazy S8335 s)
assert(S8335.postblit == 0);
auto x = s;
assert(S8335.postblit == 1);
void test8335()
S8335[3] arr;
assert(S8335.postblit == 0);
assert(arr[0].i == 7);
assert(S8335.postblit == 3);
S8335.postblit = 0;
S8335 s;
assert(S8335.postblit == 1);
void test8356()
static struct S
@disable this(this) { assert(0); }
S s;
S[3] sa;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, {
S fs() { return s; }
static assert(!__traits(compiles, {
S[3] fsa() { return sa; }
T func8475(T)(T x) @safe pure
return T();
template X8475(bool something)
struct XY
this(this) @safe pure {}
void func(XY x) @safe pure
XY y = x; //Error: see below
alias X8475!(true).XY Xtrue;
struct Foo9320 {
real x;
this(real x) {
this.x = x;
Foo9320 opBinary(string op)(Foo9320 other) {
return Foo9320(mixin("x" ~ op ~ "other.x"));
Foo9320 test9320(Foo9320 a, Foo9320 b, Foo9320 c) {
return (a + b) / (a * b) - c;
struct Test9386
string name;
static char[25] op;
static size_t i;
static @property string sop() { return cast(string)op[0..i]; }
this(string name)
{ = name;
printf("Created %.*s...\n", cast(int)name.length, name.ptr);
assert(i + 1 < op.length);
op[i++] = 'a';
printf("Copied %.*s...\n", cast(int)name.length, name.ptr);
assert(i + 1 < op.length);
op[i++] = 'b';
printf("Deleted %.*s\n", cast(int)name.length, name.ptr);
assert(i + 1 < op.length);
op[i++] = 'c';
const int opCmp(ref const Test9386 t)
return op[0] - t.op[0];
void test9386()
Test9386.op[] = 0;
Test9386.i = 0;
Test9386[] tests =
[ Test9386("one"),
Test9386("four") ];
assert(Test9386.sop == "aaaa");
Test9386.op[] = 0;
Test9386.i = 0;
foreach (Test9386 test; tests)
printf("\tForeach %.*s\n", cast(int),;
Test9386.op[Test9386.i++] = 'x';
assert(Test9386.sop == "bxcbxcbxcbxc");
Test9386.op[] = 0;
Test9386.i = 0;
foreach (ref Test9386 test; tests)
printf("\tForeach %.*s\n", cast(int),;
Test9386.op[Test9386.i++] = 'x';
assert(Test9386.sop == "xxxx");
Test9386.op[] = 0;
Test9386.i = 0;
Test9386[Test9386] tests =
[ Test9386("1") : Test9386("one"),
Test9386("2") : Test9386("two"),
Test9386("3") : Test9386("three"),
Test9386("4") : Test9386("four") ];
Test9386.op[] = 0;
Test9386.i = 0;
foreach (Test9386 k, Test9386 v; tests)
printf("\tForeach %.*s : %.*s\n", cast(int),,
Test9386.op[Test9386.i++] = 'x';
assert(Test9386.sop == "bbxccbbxccbbxccbbxcc");
Test9386.op[] = 0;
Test9386.i = 0;
foreach (Test9386 k, ref Test9386 v; tests)
printf("\tForeach %.*s : %.*s\n", cast(int),,
Test9386.op[Test9386.i++] = 'x';
assert(Test9386.sop == "bxcbxcbxcbxc");
Test9386.op[] = 0;
Test9386.i = 0;
auto x9441 = X9441(0.123);
struct X9441
int a;
this(double x) { a = cast(int)(x * 100); }
void test9441()
assert(x9441.a == 12);
struct Payload
size_t _capacity; //Comment me
int[] _pay; //Comment me
size_t insertBack(Data d)
immutable newLen = _pay.length + 3;
_pay.length = newLen;
_pay = _pay[0 .. newLen]; //Comment me
return 3;
struct Impl
Payload _payload;
size_t _count;
struct Data
Impl* _store;
this(int i)
_store = new Impl;
_store._payload = Payload.init;
printf("%zd\n", _store._count);
void test9720()
auto a = Data(1);
auto b = Data(1);
a._store._payload.insertBack(b); //Fails
struct S9899
@safe pure nothrow ~this() {}
struct MemberS9899
S9899 s;
void test9899() @safe pure nothrow
MemberS9899 s; // 11
void test9907()
static struct SX(bool hasCtor, bool hasDtor)
int i;
static size_t assign;
static size_t dtor;
static if (hasCtor)
this(int i) { this.i = i; }
void opAssign(SX rhs)
printf("%08zX(%d) from Rvalue %08zX(%d)\n", cast(size_t)&this.i, this.i, cast(size_t)&rhs.i, rhs.i);
void opAssign(ref SX rhs)
printf("%08zX(%d) from Lvalue %08zX(%d)\n", cast(size_t)&this.i, this.i, cast(size_t)&rhs.i, rhs.i);
static if (hasDtor)
printf("destroying %08zX(%d)\n", cast(size_t)&this.i, this.i);
S test(S)(int i)
return S(i);
foreach (hasCtor; TypeTuple!(false, true))
foreach (hasDtor; TypeTuple!(false, true))
alias S = SX!(hasCtor, hasDtor);
alias test!S foo;
auto s = S(1);
// Assignment from two kinds of rvalues
assert(S.assign == 0);
s = foo(2);
static if (hasDtor) assert(S.dtor == 1);
assert(S.assign == 1);
s = S(3);
assert(S.assign == 2);
static if (hasDtor) assert(S.dtor == 2);
struct S9985
ubyte* b;
ubyte[128] buf;
this(this) { assert(0); }
static void* ptr;
auto ref makeS9985() @system
S9985 s;
s.b = s.buf.ptr;
S9985.ptr = &s;
return s;
void test9985()
S9985 s = makeS9985();
assert(S9985.ptr == &s); // NRVO
static const int n = 1;
static auto ref retN()
return n;
auto p = &(retN()); // OK
assert(p == &n);
alias pure nothrow @nogc @safe ref const(int) F1();
static assert(is(typeof(retN) == F1));
enum const(int) x = 1;
static auto ref retX()
return x;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { auto q = &(retX()); }));
alias pure nothrow @nogc @safe const(int) F2();
static assert(is(typeof(retX) == F2));
void delegate() dg17457;
struct S17457 {
ulong[10] data;
this(int seconds) {
dg17457 = &mfunc;
@disable this(this);
void mfunc() {}
auto foo17457() {
pragma(inline, false);
return S17457(18);
void test17457()
auto x = foo17457();
//printf("%p vs %p\n", &x, dg17457.ptr);
assert(&x == dg17457.ptr);
void test9994()
static struct S
static int dtor;
~this() { ++dtor; }
S s;
static assert( __traits(compiles, s.opAssign(s)));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, s.__postblit()));
assert(S.dtor == 0);
s = s;
assert(S.dtor == 1);
struct S10053A
pure ~this() {}
struct S10053B
S10053A sa;
~this() {}
void test10055a()
static struct SX { pure nothrow @safe ~this() {} }
static struct SY { pure nothrow @safe ~this() {} }
static struct SZ { @disable ~this() {} }
// function to check merge result of the dtor attributes
static void check(S)() { S s; }
static struct S1 { }
static struct S2 { ~this() {} }
static struct SA { SX sx; SY sy; }
static struct SB { SX sx; SY sy; pure nothrow @safe ~this() {} }
static struct SC { SX sx; SY sy; nothrow @safe ~this() {} }
static struct SD { SX sx; SY sy; pure @safe ~this() {} }
static struct SE { SX sx; SY sy; pure nothrow ~this() {} }
static struct SF { SX sx; SY sy; @safe ~this() {} }
static struct SG { SX sx; SY sy; nothrow ~this() {} }
static struct SH { SX sx; SY sy; pure ~this() {} }
static struct SI { SX sx; SY sy; ~this() {} }
static assert(is( typeof(&check!S1) == void function() pure nothrow @nogc @safe ));
static assert(is( typeof(&check!S2) == void function() ));
static assert(is( typeof(&check!SA) == void function() pure nothrow @safe ));
static assert(is( typeof(&check!SB) == void function() pure nothrow @safe ));
static assert(is( typeof(&check!SC) == void function() nothrow @safe ));
static assert(is( typeof(&check!SD) == void function() pure @safe ));
static assert(is( typeof(&check!SE) == void function() pure nothrow ));
static assert(is( typeof(&check!SF) == void function() @safe ));
static assert(is( typeof(&check!SG) == void function() nothrow ));
static assert(is( typeof(&check!SH) == void function() pure ));
static assert(is( typeof(&check!SI) == void function() ));
static struct S1x { SZ sz; }
static struct S2x { ~this() {} SZ sz; }
static struct SAx { SX sx; SY sy; SZ sz; }
static struct SBx { SX sx; SY sy; pure nothrow @safe ~this() {} SZ sz; }
static struct SCx { SX sx; SY sy; nothrow @safe ~this() {} SZ sz; }
static struct SDx { SX sx; SY sy; pure @safe ~this() {} SZ sz; }
static struct SEx { SX sx; SY sy; pure nothrow ~this() {} SZ sz; }
static struct SFx { SX sx; SY sy; @safe ~this() {} SZ sz; }
static struct SGx { SX sx; SY sy; nothrow ~this() {} SZ sz; }
static struct SHx { SX sx; SY sy; pure ~this() {} SZ sz; }
static struct SIx { SX sx; SY sy; ~this() {} SZ sz; }
foreach (Sx; TypeTuple!(S1x, S2x, SAx, SBx, SCx, SDx, SEx, SFx, SGx, SHx, SIx))
static assert(!__traits(compiles, &check!Sx));
void test10055b()
static struct SX { pure nothrow @safe this(this) {} }
static struct SY { pure nothrow @safe this(this) {} }
static struct SZ { @disable this(this) {} }
// function to check merge result of the postblit attributes
static void check(S)() { S s; S s2 = s; }
static struct S1 { }
static struct S2 { this(this) {} }
static struct SA { SX sx; SY sy; }
static struct SB { SX sx; SY sy; pure nothrow @safe this(this) {} }
static struct SC { SX sx; SY sy; nothrow @safe this(this) {} }
static struct SD { SX sx; SY sy; pure @safe this(this) {} }
static struct SE { SX sx; SY sy; pure nothrow this(this) {} }
static struct SF { SX sx; SY sy; @safe this(this) {} }
static struct SG { SX sx; SY sy; nothrow this(this) {} }
static struct SH { SX sx; SY sy; pure this(this) {} }
static struct SI { SX sx; SY sy; this(this) {} }
static assert(is( typeof(&check!S1) == void function() pure nothrow @nogc @safe ));
static assert(is( typeof(&check!S2) == void function() ));
static assert(is( typeof(&check!SA) == void function() pure nothrow @safe ));
static assert(is( typeof(&check!SB) == void function() pure nothrow @safe ));
static assert(is( typeof(&check!SC) == void function() nothrow @safe ));
static assert(is( typeof(&check!SD) == void function() pure @safe ));
static assert(is( typeof(&check!SE) == void function() pure nothrow ));
static assert(is( typeof(&check!SF) == void function() @safe ));
static assert(is( typeof(&check!SG) == void function() nothrow ));
static assert(is( typeof(&check!SH) == void function() pure ));
static assert(is( typeof(&check!SI) == void function() ));
static struct S1x { SZ sz; }
static struct S2x { this(this) {} SZ sz; }
static struct SAx { SX sx; SY sy; SZ sz; }
static struct SBx { SX sx; SY sy; pure nothrow @safe this(this) {} SZ sz; }
static struct SCx { SX sx; SY sy; nothrow @safe this(this) {} SZ sz; }
static struct SDx { SX sx; SY sy; pure @safe this(this) {} SZ sz; }
static struct SEx { SX sx; SY sy; pure nothrow this(this) {} SZ sz; }
static struct SFx { SX sx; SY sy; @safe this(this) {} SZ sz; }
static struct SGx { SX sx; SY sy; nothrow this(this) {} SZ sz; }
static struct SHx { SX sx; SY sy; pure this(this) {} SZ sz; }
static struct SIx { SX sx; SY sy; this(this) {} SZ sz; }
foreach (Sx; TypeTuple!(S1x, S2x, SAx, SBx, SCx, SDx, SEx, SFx, SGx, SHx, SIx))
static assert(!__traits(compiles, &check!Sx));
struct S10160 { this(this) {} }
struct X10160a { S10160 s; const int x; }
struct X10160b { S10160 s; enum int x = 1; }
void test10160()
X10160a xa;
X10160b xb;
void test10094()
static void* p;
const string[4] i2s = ()
string[4] tmp;
p = &tmp[0];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
char[1] buf = [cast(char)('0' + i)];
string str = buf.idup;
tmp[i] = str;
return tmp; // NRVO should work
assert(p == cast(void*)&i2s[0]);
assert(i2s == ["0", "1", "2", "3"]);
// dtor || postblit
struct S10079a
this(this) pure nothrow @safe {}
struct S10079b
~this() pure nothrow @safe {}
struct S10079c
this(this) pure nothrow @safe {}
~this() pure nothrow @safe {}
struct S10079d
this(this) {}
struct S10079e
this(this) {}
~this() pure nothrow @safe {}
// memberwise
struct S10079f
S10079a a;
S10079b b;
S10079c c;
S10079d d;
S10079e e;
void check10079(S)(ref S s) pure nothrow @safe { s = S(); }
// Assignment is pure, nothrow, and @safe in all cases.
static assert(__traits(compiles, &check10079!S10079a));
static assert(__traits(compiles, &check10079!S10079b));
static assert(__traits(compiles, &check10079!S10079c));
static assert(__traits(compiles, &check10079!S10079d));
static assert(__traits(compiles, &check10079!S10079e));
static assert(__traits(compiles, &check10079!S10079f));
void test10244()
static struct Foo
string _str;
long _num;
template DeclareConstructor(string fieldName)
enum code =
`this(typeof(_` ~ fieldName ~ `) value)` ~
`{ this._` ~ fieldName ~ ` = value; }`;
mixin DeclareConstructor!"str";
mixin DeclareConstructor!"num";
Foo value1 = Foo("D");
Foo value2 = Foo(128);
assert(value1._str == "D");
assert(value2._num == 128);
struct Foo10694 { ~this() { } }
void test10694() pure
static Foo10694 i1;
__gshared Foo10694 i2;
void foo() pure
static Foo10694 j1;
__gshared Foo10694 j2;
int global10787;
static ~this() nothrow pure @safe
int* p;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, ++p));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, ++global10787));
shared static ~this() nothrow pure @safe
int* p;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, ++p));
static assert(!__traits(compiles