blob: 57045ba00e70dce13908f36a57d96045bac56dfa [file] [log] [blame]
myInt int
myBool bool
module test42;
import core.stdc.stdio;
import core.memory;
import core.vararg;
class Foo {
template myCast(T) {
T myCast(U)(U val) {
return cast(T) val;
void test1()
Foo foo = new Foo;
int i = foo.myCast!(int)(1.0);
template A()
static T foo(T)(T t) { return 7 + t; }
struct Bar
mixin A!() a;
void test2()
auto i = A!().foo(1);
assert(i == 8);
i =!(int)(2);
assert(i == 9);
i =;
assert(i == 10);
void test3()
auto i = mixin("__LINE__");
printf("%d\n", i);
assert(i == 63);
class C4
void Stamp(){}
this() { }
S4 cursor;
struct S4
void test4()
char a5 = (cast(char[])['a']) [$-1];
void test5()
assert(a5 == 'a');
// One case moved to deprecate1.d
void foo6a() {
debug {}
while (true);
void foo6b() {
while (true)
debug {}
void foo6c() {
with (Object.init)
debug {}
void foo6d() {
synchronized debug {}
void foo6e() {
// volatile debug {}
void test6()
class C7 {
public this(){
interface I7 {
void fnc();
void test7()
char[][] t;
foreach( char[] c; t ){
new class( c ) C7, I7 {
public this( char[] c ){
void fnc(){
const ulong[] A8 = ([1LU])[0..$];
void test8()
assert(A8[0] == 1);
void test9()
assert(long.max.stringof == "9223372036854775807L");
assert(ulong.max.stringof == "18446744073709551615LU");
const ulong[] A10 = [1UL];
const ulong[] B10 = A10 ~ [1UL];
void test10()
class Base11 {
private final void foo() {}
class Derived11 : Base11 {
void foo() {}
void test11()
void test12()
int[] bar;
assert((bar ~ 1).length == bar.length + 1);
int[][] baz;
assert((baz ~ cast(int[])[1]).length == baz.length + 1);
char[][] foo;
assert((foo ~ cast(char[])"foo").length == foo.length + 1);
assert((cast(char[])"foo" ~ foo).length == foo.length + 1);
printf("%zd\n", (foo ~ cast(char[])"foo")[0].length);
assert((foo ~ [cast(char[])"foo"]).length == foo.length + 1);
char[] qux;
assert(([qux] ~ cast(char[])"foo").length == [qux].length + 1);
assert(([cast(dchar[])"asdf"] ~ cast(dchar[])"foo").length == [cast(dchar[])"asdf"].length + 1);
string[] quux;
auto quuux = quux.dup;
quuux ~= "foo";
assert (quuux.length == quux.length + 1);
int prop() { return 3; }
void test13()
auto x = prop;
assert(x == 3);
void recurse(ref int i)
int j = i;
void test14()
void bar15(void delegate(int) dg)
class C15
int x;
private void callback(int i)
x = i + 3;
void foo()
assert(x == 10);
void test15()
C15 c = new C15();;
void bar16(int i, ...) { }
void foo16() { }
void foo16(int) { }
void test16()
bar16(1, cast(void function())&foo16);
void foo17(char[4] buf, dchar c) { }
void foo17(string s) { }
void foo17(wstring s) { }
void test17()
wstring w;
struct S18
version (Dversion2)
static void opCall(string msg) { assert(0); }
static void opCall() { }
void test18()
class C19
version (Dversion2)
static void opCall(string msg) { assert(0); }
static void opCall() { }
void test19()
extern (System) void test20()
void func21()
int foo21()
return *cast(int*)&func21;
void test21()
void bar22(alias T)()
assert(3 == T);
class Test22
int a;
mixin bar22!(a);
void test22()
Test22 t = new Test22();
t.a = 3;
static this()
static this()
static ~this()
static ~this()
void test23()
class Foo24
static string gen()
return "abc";
auto s24 = Foo24.gen();
void test24()
assert(s24 == "abc");
void test25()
int[10] arrayA = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
foreach(int i; arrayA)
printf("%d\n", i);
const char[][7] DAY_NAME = [
DAY.SUN: "sunday", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday",
"thursday", "friday", "saturday"
void test27()
assert(DAY_NAME[DAY.SUN] == "sunday");
assert(DAY_NAME[DAY.MON] == "monday");
assert(DAY_NAME[DAY.TUE] == "tuesday");
assert(DAY_NAME[DAY.WED] == "wednesday");
assert(DAY_NAME[DAY.THU] == "thursday");
assert(DAY_NAME[DAY.FRI] == "friday");
assert(DAY_NAME[DAY.SAT] == "saturday");
void test28()
struct C29 {
C29 copy() { return this; }
void foo29(C29 _c) {
foo29( _c.copy() );
void test29() {
C29 c;
template Tuple31(T...) { alias T Tuple31; }
alias Tuple31!(int,int) TType31;
void bar31(TType31) {
void test31()
template Foo32(T : S!(T), alias S)
alias int Foo32;
struct Struct32(T)
void test32()
Foo32!(Struct32!(int)) f;
void test33()
string a = "a";
string b = "b";
string c = a ~ b;
assert(c == "ab");
void foo34(in string s)
string t = s;
void test34()
struct S35
string toString()
return "foo";
void test35()
{ S35 s;
auto t = typeid(S35);
//writefln("s = %s", s);
//writefln("s = %s", t);
auto tis = cast(TypeInfo_Struct)t;
//writefln("s = %s", tis);
//writefln("s = %s", tis.xtoString);
assert(tis.xtoString != null);
void test36()
void[0] x;
auto y = x;
alias x z;
template isStaticArray(T : U[], U)
const bool isStaticArray = is(typeof(U) == typeof(T.init));
template isStaticArray(T, U = void)
const bool isStaticArray = false;
template isStaticArray(T : T[N], size_t N)
const bool isStaticArray = true;
static assert (isStaticArray!(int[51]));
static assert (isStaticArray!(int[][2]));
static assert (isStaticArray!(char[][int][11]));
static assert (!isStaticArray!(int[]));
static assert (!isStaticArray!(int[char]));
static assert (!isStaticArray!(int[1][]));
static assert(isStaticArray!(void[0]));
void test37()
template Foo38(T)
const bool Foo38 = false;
template Foo38(T : U[N], U, size_t N)
const bool Foo38 = true;
void test38()
static assert (Foo38!(int[51]));
void test39()
void test40()
static x = [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]]; // works
assert(x[0][0] == 1.0);
assert(x[0][1] == 2.0);
assert(x[1][0] == 3.0);
assert(x[1][1] == 4.0);
auto y = [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]]; // fails
assert(y[0][0] == 1.0);
assert(y[0][1] == 2.0);
assert(y[1][0] == 3.0);
assert(y[1][1] == 4.0);
align(16) struct S41
int[4] a;
shared int x41;
shared S41 s41;
void test41()
printf("&x = %p\n", &x41);
printf("&s = %p\n", &s41);
assert((cast(int)&s41 & 0xF) == 0);
int test42(string[] args = null)
foreach(p; args){
version(dummy) int i;
return 0;
void foo43(float length, byte b)
// b /= cast(cfloat) length;
void test43()
int foo45(int i)
return 2;
void test45()
version (Win32) // this test fails in -release because asserts will be removed
return cast(void)0;
void va_copy46(out void* dest, void* src)
dest = src;
void test46()
void test47()
alias _P_WAIT P_WAIT;
void f48(int x)
const(char)[] blah = (x == 1 ? "hello".dup : "world");
void test48()
void test49()
assert((25.5).stringof ~ (3.0625).stringof == "2.55e+13.0625e+0");
assert(25.5.stringof ~ 3.0625.stringof == "2.55e+13.0625e+0");
assert((25.5).stringof ~ (3.01).stringof == "25.53.01");
assert(25.5.stringof ~ 3.01.stringof == "25.53.01");
class Ap50
ulong size;
static uint valuex;
void update(ubyte input, int i)
valuex =
(((size + i) & 1) == 0) ?
0 :
void test50()
int* foo51()
assert(is(typeof(return) == int*));
return null;
void test51()
template Foo52(ulong U)
int Foo52 = 1;
template Foo52(uint U)
int Foo52 = 2;
template Foo52(ubyte U)
int Foo52 = 3;
void test52()
const uint u = 3;
auto s = Foo52!(u);
assert(s == 2);
void test53()
extern int x;
void func54(string delegate() dg)
void test54()
string[] k=["adf","AsdfadSF","dfdsfassdf"];
printf("%.*s\n", cast(int)d.length, d.ptr);
string foo() {assert(d!="");return d;}
func54(delegate string() {assert(d!="");return d;});
class DebugInfo
alias int CVHeaderType ;
enum anon:CVHeaderType{ CV_NONE, CV_DOS, CV_NT, CV_DBG }
void test55()
template T56() { int i; }
struct S56 {
alias T56!() data;
class C56 {
alias T56!() data;
void test56()
{ = 3; = 4;
assert( == 4);
void writecrossing(bool goal)
goal ? printf("escape\n") : printf("return\n");
void test57()
void f58(int n) {}
void g58(char[] s) {}
char[][] a58;
class bar58
int i;
void func() {
foreach (s; a58) {
if (s == s){}
if (s[0..0] == "" && s[0..0])
void test58()
void test59()
int[] array = new int[5];
uint check = 0;
foreach (it; array.ptr .. array.ptr + array.length) {
assert(check == array.length);
final class Foo60()
void bar()
int baz;
baz = 1;
void test60()
auto foo = new Foo60!();
class ZipEntry61
ZipEntryInfo61 info;
this() {}
struct ZipEntryInfo61 {}
void test61()
void test62()
int foo() { return 0; }
int bar() { return 0; }
auto t1 = typeid(typeof(foo));
auto t2 = typeid(typeof(bar));
struct S63
int a;
static int foo()
return a.sizeof;
void test63()
int x = S63.a.sizeof;
assert(x == 4);
assert( == 4);
string[] foo64()
return [[]];
void test64()
auto a = foo64();
assert(a.length == 1);
assert(a[0].length == 0);
string[][] foo65()
string[][] result = [];
string[] s = [];
result ~= [s];
return result;
void test65()
auto s = foo65();
assert(s.length == 1);
assert(s[0].length == 0);
string[][] foo66()
string[] strings = ["a","bc"];
string [][] result = [];
foreach (s; strings)
result ~= [s];
return result;
void test66()
auto s = foo66();
assert(s.length == 2);
assert(s[0].length == 1);
assert(s[0][0].length == 1);
assert(s[1].length == 1);
assert(s[1][0].length == 2);
template Tuple67(A...)
alias A Tuple67;
template Bar67()
const s = "a bar";
void test67()
alias Tuple67!(Bar67!()) tuple;
static const i = 0;
alias tuple[0] bara;
alias tuple[i] barb;
static assert(bara.s == "a bar");
static assert(barb.s == "a bar");
template Tuple68(A...)
alias A Tuple68;
size_t foo68()
return 1;
void test68()
alias Tuple68!("one", "two") tuple;
static assert(tuple[foo68()] == "two");
class Base69 {}
class Da69 : Base69 {}
class Db69 : Base69 {}
void test69()
{ int i;
auto b = i ? new Da69 : new Db69;
assert(is(typeof(b) == Base69));
struct Bar70
Bar70[] bars;
void test70()
Bar70 node;
template Foo71(string s)
string b = s;
void test71()
size_t s = Foo71!(
~ "helloabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
~ "helloabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
~ "helloabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
~ "helloabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
~ "helloabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
~ "helloabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
~ "helloabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
~ "helloabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
~ "helloabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
~ "helloabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
~ "When dealing with complex template tuples, it's very easy to overflow the
maximum symbol length allowed by OPTLINK. This is, simply put, a damn shame,
because it prevents otherwise completely legal code from compiling and linking
with DMDWin, whereas it works perfectly fine when using DMDNix or GDC.
I know that this is neither a simple nor a small issue to fix: either the
ancient, nearly-immutable OPTLINK would have to be modified, or DMDWin would
have to be changed to output a more reasonable format, in which case a new
linker would probably have to be written. Until then, this issue should stand
as a reminder that DMDWin is inherently limited.
Oplink isn't the issue. The OMF file format has a hard limit. This results in
the only solutions being: convert DMD to use some other .obj format or have DMD
do something else for name mangling.
In talking to Walter, the issue is that it's easy to get symbols that have more
info in them than can be fit into the limit. (the limit has already stretched
by gziping the symbols.)
The simple solution I have proposed is to just MD5 (or what not) the symbols.
The only issue (besides a vanishingly small chance of a hash collision) is that
this looses information so you can't look at a symbol and directly determine
what it was. My answer to that is, who cares? The only place where hashing
provides less info than compressing is in a debugger and it can grab the full
symbol from a table in the static data segment.
I suppose as a stopgap measure that'd work fine, and might even be controlled
by a compiler switch, so that in the general case debugger info wouldn't be
affected. And what's more -- the only time these issues come up is with
templates, which a lot of debuggers have serious problems with anyway, so..
I would set it up as a method of last resort. It wouldn't be used unless the
symbol can't be used any other way.
class B72 { this(bool b, string c){} }
class C72 : B72
alias typeof(super(false,"hello")) foo;
void test72()
template Foo73()
mixin ("const int x = 3;");
//const int x = 3;
static if (x == 3)
pragma(msg, "success");
alias Foo73!() foo73;
void test73()
alias uint foo74;
void simple_func_t(T)(T s, foo74 i)
assert(s == "hello");
assert(i == 3);
void test74()
simple_func_t("hello", 3);
void foo75(T)(T[] x ...)
assert(x.length == 3);
assert(x[0] == 2);
assert(x[1] == 3);
assert(x[2] == 4);
assert(is(T == int));
void test75()
void delegate(U) Curry(A, U...)(void delegate(A,U) dg,A arg)
struct ArgRecord {
A arg;
typeof(dg) callback;
void OpCall(U args) { callback(arg,args); }
auto temp = new ArgRecord;
temp.arg = arg;
temp.callback = dg;
return &temp.OpCall;
void delegate(A) Seq(A...)(void delegate(A)[] dgs...)
return Curry(delegate void(void delegate(A)[] dgs1,A args)
foreach(dg; dgs1)
struct Foo76
void fred(int i) {}
void test76()
void delegate(int) tmp;
auto bob = new Foo76;
auto dan = new Foo76;
tmp = Seq!(int)(&bob.fred); // this works
tmp = Seq!(int)(&bob.fred, &dan.fred); // this works
tmp = Seq (&bob.fred); // this doesn't
tmp = Seq (&bob.fred, &dan.fred); // neither does this
int x77;
void foo77()
x77 = 1;
static if(true)
void test77()
assert(x77 == 1);
class Foo78
template TBar(T)
T x; // Compiles, but is implicitly static
void func(T t) // Ok, non-static member template function
{ assert(t == 2); assert( == 42); }
int bar = 42;
void test78()
alias Foo78 Foo;
Foo.TBar!(int).x = 2;
//Foo.TBar!(int).func(2); // error, since funcx is not static
Foo f = new Foo;
Foo g = new Foo;
f.TBar!(int).func(2); // works
f.TBar!(int).x = 10;
g.TBar!(int).x = 20;
assert(f.TBar!(int).x == 20); // prints 20
class C79
void test79()
C79 c = new C79();
// writeln(c.__vptr);
// writeln(c.__vptr[0]);
// writeln(cast(void*)c.classinfo);
assert(c.__vptr[0] == cast(void*)c.classinfo);
// writeln(c.__monitor);
assert(c.__monitor == null);
synchronized (c)
// writeln(c.__monitor);
assert(c.__monitor !is null);
class Test80{
template test(){
enum int test=1;
void test80()
assert((new Test80).test!()==1);
class Test81
static const test2=1;
template test(){
static const int test=1;
void test81()
auto a=new Test81;
static assert(typeof(a).test2==1);//ok
alias typeof(a) t;
static assert(t.test!()==1);//ok
static assert(typeof(a).test!()==1);//syntax error
alias real A82;
void foo82(A82 x) { }
void test82()
class Bar83
deprecated void foo(int param)
void foo(string param)
void test83()
Bar83 b = new Bar83;
string str = "bar";;
void test84()
int[0][10] arr;
printf("%tu\n", &arr[9] - &arr[0]);
auto i = &arr[9] - &arr[0];
assert(i == 0);
class myid
string buf;
this(string str )
buf = str;
struct Lex
static myid myidinst;
static void Init()
myidinst = new myid("abc");
void test85()
assert(cast(myid)(Lex.myidinst) !is null);
struct Time
long ticks;
struct Stamps
Time created, /// time created
accessed, /// last time accessed
modified; /// last time modified
Stamps getTimeStamps()
foreach(i; 0..10) { }
Stamps time = void;
time.modified = Time(20);
time.accessed = Time(20);
time.created = Time(20);
return time;
Time accessed ()
foreach(i; 0..10) { }
return timeStamps(4).accessed;
Stamps timeStamps (int name)
return getTimeStamps();
void test86()
assert(accessed().ticks == 20);
const bool foo87 = is(typeof(function void() { }));
const bar87 = is(typeof(function void() { }));
void test87()
assert(foo87 == true);
assert(bar87 == true);
int function() wrap88(void function()) { return null; }
void test88()
if (0)
struct S89
static const float[2] z = 3;
class C89
static const float[2] z = 3;
void bar89(float f) { assert(f == 3); }
void test89()
void trigger(char[] txt)
txt[0] = 'x';
txt[0] = 'x';
void test90()
void test91()
enum ABC { a, b, c }
assert(ABC.stringof == "ABC");
int x92;
int f92() {
return 0;
void test92()
int[1] a;
a[f92()] += 42L;
assert(x92 == 1);
void test93()
void foo() { }
static assert(is(typeof(1 || foo()) == void));
static assert(is(typeof(1 && foo()) == void));
void foo94(T)()
struct f94(alias func=foo94!(int))
void test94()
f94!() myf;
struct X95
import core.stdc.stdio;
void test95()
template foo96(alias bar)
pragma(msg, bar.stringof ~ " " ~ typeof(bar).stringof);
static assert((bar.stringof ~ " " ~ typeof(bar).stringof) == "myInt int" ||
(bar.stringof ~ " " ~ typeof(bar).stringof) == "myBool bool");
void foo96() {}
void test96()
int myInt;
bool myBool;
void test97()
const short[] ct = cast(short[]) [cast(byte)1, 1];
// writeln(ct);
assert(ct.length == 2 && ct[0] == 1 && ct[1] == 1);
short[] rt = cast(short[]) [cast(byte)1, cast(byte)1].dup;
// writeln(rt);
assert(rt.length == 1 && rt[0] == 257);
class Foo98
string foo = "abc";
size_t i = 0;
void bar()
printf("%c\n", foo[i]);
printf("%c\n", foo[i]);
assert(foo[i] == 'b');
void test98()
auto f = new Foo98();;
template implicitlyConverts99(S, T)
enum bool implicitlyConverts99 = T.sizeof >= S.sizeof
&& is(typeof({S s; T t = s;}()));
static assert(!implicitlyConverts99!(long, short));
void test99()
void test100()
static void check(ulong value)
real r = value;
ulong d = cast(ulong)r;
printf("ulong: %llu => real: %Lg => ulong: %llu\n", value, r, d);
assert(d == value);
// check biggest power of 2 representable in ulong: 2^63
check(1L << 63);
// check biggest representable uneven number
static if (real.mant_dig >= 64) // > 64: limited by ulong precision
check(ulong.max); // 2^64-1
check((1L << real.mant_dig) - 1);
auto e101(int x) { return 5; }
void test101()
assert(is(typeof(e101(3)) == int));
int x103;
void external(...)
int arg = va_arg!int(_argptr);
printf("external: %d\n", arg);
x103 = arg;
class C103
void method ()
void internal (...)
int arg = va_arg!int(_argptr);
printf("internal: %d\n", arg);
x103 = arg;
internal (43);
assert(x103 == 43);
void test103()
assert(x103 == 42);
(new C103).method ();
class C104
template Bar()
static assert(!is(typeof(;
void test104()
template Templ(T)
const char [] XXX = Type.mangleof;
alias T Type;
void test105()
Templ!(int).Type x;
auto s = Templ!(int).XXX;
printf("%.*s\n", cast(int)s.length, s.ptr);
assert(s == "i");
// rejects-valid 2.012.
class foo107 {}
alias foo107 bar107;
void x107()
bar107 a = new bar107();
bar107 b = new bar107();
bool c = (a == b);
void test107()
struct Foo108
char[] byLine()()
return null;
void test108()
{ Foo108 foo;
foreach (char c; foo.byLine)
void test109()
double[] x = new double[1];
assert(x[0] != 0);
void test110()
struct C {
int[0] b;
static C g_c2_ = { };
template Foo111(T...) {
alias T Foo111;
void test111()
auto y = (Foo111!(int) x){ return 0; };
bool isNull(string str) {
return str is null;
const bool foo112 = isNull("hello!");
void test112()
void test113()
for (int j=1; j<2; j++) {
int x = (j<0) ? -j : j;
int q=0;
for (int i=0; i<x; i++) ++q;
struct VariantN
static int opCall(int value)
return 0;
void foo()
VariantN v;, 5);
void bar(int value, int i)
int[2] args = [ VariantN(value), VariantN(i) ];
void test114()
class B115 : A115!(B115) { }
class A115(T) { }
void test115()
struct Foo116 {
this(U...)(U values) { }
void test116()
new Foo116;
void test117()
float f = 7;
f = f * 2;
assert(f == 14);
double d = 7;
d = d * 2;
assert(d == 14);
real r = 7;
r = r * 2;
assert(r == 14);
void test118()
int foo(real x)
real y = -x*-x;
return cast(int)y;
auto i = foo(4.0);
assert(i == 16);
class A119
static class B119 : C119.D { }
abstract class C119
static class D { }
void test119()
class A120 {
class B120 : C120.D { }
class C120 : E120 {
static class D { }
interface E120 { }
void test120()
void test121()
static assert(null is null);
T[] find123(alias pred, T)(T[] input) {
while (input.length > 0) {
if (pred(input[0])) break;
input = input[1 .. $];
return input;
void test123()
int[] a = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, -5, 3, -4 ];
find123!(function bool(int i) { return i < 0; })(a);
static assert(!is(typeof((){(){}
struct Foobar;
int test124()
{ int result;
dchar[] aa;
alias size_t foo_t;
foreach (foo_t i, dchar d; aa)
return result;
int foo125(int x)
while (1)
if (x)
return 3;
void test125()
int foo126(int x)
while (1)
if (x)
return 3;
void test126()
struct S127(T, int topology = 1)
this(T value) { }
void cons127(int t)(S127!(int, t) tail)
void test127()
S127!(int, 1) lst;
struct S128(T, int topology = 1)
this(T value) { }
void cons128(int t)(S128!(int, t) tail)
void test128()
S128!(int, 1)(1);
S128!(int) lst;
struct R129(R : E[], E)
E[] forward;
static R129 opCall(E[] range)
R129 result = {};
result.forward = range;
return result;
R129!(E[]) retro129(E)(E[] r)
return R129!(E[])(r);
int begin129(F)(R129!(F) range)
return 0;
void test129()
int[] a = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
auto r = retro129(a);
auto i = begin129(r);
struct R12725(R : E[], E)
int begin12725(F)(R12725!(F) range)
return 0;
void test12725()
R12725!(int[], int) r;
auto i = begin12725(r);
struct Matrix12728(T, uint m, uint n = m, ubyte f = 0)
void foo(uint r)(auto ref in Matrix12728!(T, n, r) b)
void test12728()
alias Matrix4 = Matrix12728!(float, 4);
Matrix4 m;;
struct S130
byte[3] x;
__gshared S130 e130;
const(S130) example130() { return e130; }
void test130()
void foo131(real z) {}
void test131()
real F = 1;
foo131( 1 + (F*3*2.1) );
float getFloat() {
return 11468.78f;
void test132()
uint i = cast(uint) 11468.78f;
assert(i == 11468);
uint j = cast(uint) getFloat();
assert(j == 11468);
template T133(string s) {
const string T133 = s;
string f133(string s) {
return s;
void test133()
int foo;
assert ("foo" == f133(foo.stringof));
assert ("foo" == T133!(foo.stringof));
public struct foo134
public this(real aleft)
class bar134
final void fun(foo134 arg = foo134(0.)) { }
void test135()
char[char[3]] ac;
char[3] c = "abc";
char[dchar[3]] ad;
dchar[3] d = "abc"d;
void test136()
struct S { int[3] i; }
enum S s = S(8);
const int i = s.i[2];
assert(i == 8);
struct Particle {
char[16] name;
class ReadSystem {
size_t[char[16]] pKindsIdx;
void t(Particle p)
{ auto in pKindsIdx;
void test137()
char[16] n;
size_t[char[16]] aa;
auto r=n in aa; // works
long test138(int y)
return *cast(long*)(&y);
void test139()
auto famousNamedConstants =
[ "pi" : 3.14, "e" : 2.71, "moving sofa" : 2.22 ];
int* get140() { return (new int[4]).ptr; }
void test140()
int* p = get140();
p[0..3] = 0;
p[0] = 7;
class Foo141 {
Foo141 next;
void start()
in { assert (!next); } do
void* p = cast(void*)this;
void a142(int b = 1+2)(){};
void test142()
class A143
invariant() { }
void fill() { }
class B143 : A143
override void fill() { }
void test143()
auto b = new B143();
struct Pair
static Pair opCall(uint a, uint b) { return Pair.init; }
struct Stack
Pair pop() { return Pair.init; }
void test144()
Stack stack;
Pair item = stack.pop;
struct Ashes {
int ashes = cast(int)0;
void funky (Ashes s = Ashes()) { }
struct S145 {
real a = 0, b = 0;
void func145(S145 s = S145()) { }
void test145()
string foo146(T...)(T args)
string ret;
foreach(arg; args) {
ret = arg;
assert(ret=="b"); // passes
return ret;
void test146()
string s = foo146("b");
assert(s == "b"); // fails
void test147()
string s = "foo";
dchar c = 'x';
s ~= c;
assert(s == "foox");
wstring ws = "foo";
ws ~= c;
assert(ws == "foox");
void test148()
string a = "\U00091234";
string b;
b ~= "\U00091234";
if (a != b) {
void test149()
long[1] b = void;
b[0] = -1L;
b[0] >>>= 2;
assert( (b[0]) == 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL);
bool foo150()
int x;
return cast(void*) (x & 1) == null;
void crash(int x)
if (x==200) return;
void test151()
int x;
void bug3521(int *a)
int c = 0;
*a = 0;
if ( *a || (*a != (c = 200)) )
string foo152(T...)() {
return "";
void test152() {
foo152!(int, char)();
int get_value()
return 1;
int[2] array1;
int[2] array2;
int foo153(ulong a1, ulong extra, ulong extra2, ulong extra3)
if (!((a1 & 1) | (get_value() | array1[cast(uint)(a1^1)])))
return 0;
if (0 >= array2[cast(uint)(a1^1)])
return 0;
return 1;
void test153()
foo153(0, 0, 0, 0);
class B154 : A154
enum SomeEnum
EnumMember = 10
class A154
SomeEnum someEnum()
return SomeEnum.EnumMember;
void test154()
auto b = new B154();
assert(cast(int)b.someEnum == 10);
struct Qwert {
Yuiop.Asdfg hjkl;
struct Yuiop {
struct Asdfg {
int zxcvb;
void f156(Value156.Id t)
assert(cast(int)t == 1);
struct Value156 {
public static enum Id {
void test156()
Value156.Id t = Value156.Id.B;
X157 x157;
enum X157 { Y };
interface Foo157 {
Policy157 fn();
enum Policy157 {Default, Cached, Direct}
void test157()
class X158 {
Y158.NY t;
enum NX { BLA, BLA1 }
class Y158 {
enum NY { FOO, BAR }
X158.NX nx;
struct Foo159 {
Bar.Baz x;
struct Bar {
struct Baz {}
void test160()
long[1] b = void;
b[0] = -1L;
b[0] >>>= 2;
assert( (b[0]) == 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL);
int i = -1;
assert(i >>>2 == 0x3FFFFFFF);
class A161 {
struct B {
D161 x;
struct C {}
struct D161 {}
class C161
A a;
struct A
uint m;
E = 0
interface A162
C162 foo();
C162 foo() const;
class B162 : A162
C162 foo() { return null; }
C162 foo() const { return null; }
abstract class C162 : A162
C162 foo() { return null; }
C162 foo() const { return null; }
void func163( A... )( string name, string v )
void test163()
func163!( int, long, float )( "val", "10" );
func163!()( "tmp", "77" );
alias func163!() TMP; TMP( "tmp", "77" );
class A164
B164 foo() { return null; }
B164 foo() const { return null; }
abstract class B164 : A164
override final B164 foo() { return null; }
override final B164 foo() const { return null; }
class A165
B165 foo() { return null; }
const(B165) foo() const { return null; }
abstract class B165 : A165
override final B165 foo() { return null; }
override final const(B165) foo() const { return null; }
struct A166 {
B166 xxx;
static this () { }
struct B166 {}
void x168(T)() {
static assert(false);
template y168(T) {
const bool y168 = is(typeof( { x168!(T)(); } ));
static assert(!y168!(int));
void test169()
int AssociativeArray;
int[int] foo;
foreach (x; foo) { }
FwdEnum this_fails;
enum : int
E170 = 2
enum FwdEnum : int
E2 = E170
abstract class Address {
abstract int nameLen();
class Class171 : Address {
FwdStruct z;
struct FwdStruct { }
override int nameLen() { return 0; }
void test171 ()
Class171 xxx = new Class171;
assert(typeid(Class171).vtbl.length - typeid(Object).vtbl.length == 1);
struct Foo172
enum bool BAR = is (typeof({}()));
static assert (BAR == is (typeof({}())));
const char[][ 89 ] ENUM_NAME = [ 1:"N0" ];
void test173()
switch(`Hi`.dup) {
case ENUM_NAME[1]:
class A174 {
void x() { }
class B174 : A174 {
override void x() {
final void do_x() {
void test174()
auto b = new B174();
void badvariadic(...) {}
static assert(!is(typeof(mixin(badvariadic()))));
struct Foo176
int x;
Foo176 getFoo(Foo176 irrelevant)
Foo176 p = Foo176(400);
if ( p.x > p.x )
return irrelevant;
return p;
void test176()
assert(getFoo( Foo176(0) ).x == 400);
int test177()
long[1] c = [0]; // must be long
int [1] d = [1];
int k = 0;
if (!d[0])
k = 1;
k = d[0] + k + k;
if (c[0]) assert(c[0]);
return k;
struct S178 {
int x;
template T(int val) {
enum S178 T = { val };
const x178 = S178.T!(0);
double[100_000] arr = 0.0;
struct S179 {
char a, b, c, d;
void show(char[] args...) {
void A179( S179 ss ) {
show( ss.a, ss.b, ss.c, ss.d );
void test179()
S179 ss3;
ss3.a = 'A';
ss3.b = 'L';
ss3.c = 'D';
ss3.d = 'O';
A179( ss3 );
struct XY { union { int x, y; } }
struct AHolder {
XY aa;
void a(XY x) { aa = x; }
struct AB {
AHolder aHolder;
XY b;
void a(XY x) { aHolder.a(x); }
struct Main {
AB ab;
void setB() { ab.b = XY(); }
void f() {
void fooa181(int x, int y, int[0] a, int z, int t)
if (!(x == 2 && y == 4 && z == 6 && t == 8))
void foob181(int x, int y, int[0] a)
if (!(x == 2 && y == 4))
void fooc181(int[0] a, int x, int y)
if (!(x == 2 && y == 4))
void food181(int[0] a)
void test181()
int[0] arr = 0;
fooa181(2, 4, arr, 6, 8);
foob181(2, 4, arr);
fooc181(arr, 2, 4);
template isQObjectType(T)
enum isQObjectType = is(T.__isQObjectType);
template QTypeInfo(T)
static if (!isQObjectType!T)
enum size = T.sizeof;
struct QList(T)
alias QTypeInfo!T TI;
int x;
void foo()
void exec(QList!(QAction) actions) {}
interface IQGraphicsItem
class QGraphicsObject : IQGraphicsItem
class QGraphicsWidget : QGraphicsObject
class QAction
void associatedGraphicsWidgets(QList!(QGraphicsWidget) a)
QList!(QGraphicsWidget) x;
void test182()
enum { a183 = b183() }
int b183() { return 0; }
struct Z184 {
int bar = 1;
union { Foo184 foo; }
struct Foo184 { size_t offset = 0;}
struct BB185
Item185[1] aa;
struct CC185
Item185 aa;
struct Item185
byte data;
const QS_INPUT = 2;
alias A187 B187;
const int A187 = 1;
int foo188(int[3] s)
return s[0] + s[1] + s[2];
void test188()
int[3] t = [1,3,4];
auto i = foo188(t);
if (i != 8)
template X189(alias fn) {
alias typeof(fn) X189;
void a189()(T1189 x) {
alias X189!( P; //line 7;
class T1189 {
void foo() {
class T2189 : T1189 {
void bla() {
assert(false); //line 19
void test189() {
a189!()(new T2189());
void test190()
string s;
if (true) scope(exit) s ~= "a";
if (false) { } else scope(exit) s ~= "b";
if (true) scope(exit) scope(exit) s ~= "c";
foreach(x; 1..2) scope(exit) s ~= "d";
if (true) L1: scope(exit) s ~= "e";
do scope(exit) s ~= "f"; while (false);
int i; while (++i == 1) scope(exit) s ~= "g";
try { } finally scope(exit) s ~= "h";
assert(s == "abcdefgh");
struct S191 {
int last = 0;
S191 opCall(int i) {
printf("%d %d\n", last, i);
assert(i == 1 && last == 0 || i == 2 && last == 1 || i == 3 && last == 1);
last = i;
return this;
void test191()
S191 t;
enum foo192 {
//pragma(msg, foo.mangleof);
static assert(foo192.mangleof == "E6test426foo192");
void test193()
enum Shapes
Circle, Square
int i;
Shapes s;
pragma(msg, i.stringof);
pragma(msg, s.stringof);
static assert(i.stringof == "i");
static assert(s.stringof == "s");
void test194()
uint[][] b = [[ 1, 2, ]];
alias int T195;
class C195
int yum = x195;
const T195 x195 = 0;
union A196 {
double[2] a;
double[2] b;
union B196 {
double[2] a;
double[2] b;
static assert(A196.sizeof == B196.sizeof);
template Compileable(int z) { bool OK;}
struct Bug3569 {
int bar() { return 7; }
struct Bug3569b {
Bug3569 foo;
void crash() {
static assert(!is(typeof(Compileable!(;
static assert(!is(typeof(Compileable!((foo = Bug3569.init).bar()))));
void test197()
void test198() //
int c = 1;
for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
assert((k == 0 && c == 1) || (k == 1 && c == -1));
c *= -1;
void g199(void delegate(void*, void*) d) { }
struct X199 {
void f(void*, void*) {}
void n()
struct Struct4443
int x;
char[5] unused;
void foo4443(Struct4443 *dest, Struct4443[] arr)
int junk = arr[$-1].x;
if (dest || arr[$-1].x) {
*dest = arr[$-1];
void test200()
Struct4443[1] a;
Struct4443 info;
foo4443(&info, a);
struct Bug2931 {
int[4][3] val;
struct Outer2931 {
Bug2931 p = Bug2931(67); // Applies to struct static initializers too
int zoom = 2;
int move = 3;
int scale = 4;
int bug2931()
Outer2931 v;
assert(v.scale == 4);
return v.zoom;
int bug2931_2()
Outer2931 v;
Bug2931 w = Bug2931(68);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
assert(w.val[j][i] == 68);
assert(v.p.val[j][i] == 67);
assert(v.scale == 4);
return v.zoom;
static assert(bug2931()==2);
void test201() {
// This was the original varargs example in std.vararg
void foo202(int x, ...) {
printf("%zd arguments\n", _arguments.length);
for (int i = 0; i < _arguments.length; i++) {
int j = va_arg!(int)(_argptr);
printf("\t%d\n", j);
assert(j == i + 2);
void fooRef202(ref int x, ...) {
printf("%zd arguments\n", _arguments.length);
for (int i = 0; i < _arguments.length; i++) {
int j = va_arg!(int)(_argptr);
printf("\t%d\n", j);
assert(j == i + 2);
void test202()
foo202(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
int x = 1;
fooRef202(x, 2, 3, 4, 5);
class A203
char name = 'A';
class B203
char name = 'B';
void test203()
class C203
char name = 'C';
auto a = new A203;
auto b = B203;
auto c = new C203;
// writeln(a.tupleof); // prints: A
// writeln(b.tupleof); // prints: B main.A
// writeln(c.tupleof); // prints: C 0000
assert(a.tupleof.length == 1 && a.tupleof[0] == 'A');
assert(b.tupleof.length == 1 && b.tupleof[0] == 'B');
assert(c.tupleof.length == 1 && c.tupleof[0] == 'C');
struct A204 { B204 b; }
enum B204 { Z }
class Collection205(T) { }
ICollection c;
alias Collection205!int ICollection;
enum TaskStatus:int { Building=-1, }
TaskStatus test206(char[] s){
char[] t="TaskStatus".dup;
if (s.length>t.length && s[0..t.length]==t){
long res=0;
if (s[t.length]=='-') res= -res; // <= OPnegass
return cast(TaskStatus)cast(int)res;
struct UN { double dd; long ll; }
bool cmp( UN * pU ) { return pU.dd >= pU.ll ? true : false; }
struct UN2 { real dd; long ll; }
bool cmp2( UN2 * pU ) { return pU.dd >= pU.ll ? true : false; }
struct UN3 { double dd; int ll; }
bool cmp3( UN3 * pU ) { return pU.dd >= pU.ll ? true : false; }
void test207()
static UN u = { 10.50, 10 };
auto i = cmp(&u);
printf( "%d\n", cmp( &u ) );
static UN2 u2 = { 10.50, 10 };
i = cmp2(&u2);
static UN3 u3 = { 10.50, 10 };
i = cmp3(&u3);
static UN3 u3_1 = { 9.50, 10 };
i = cmp3(&u3_1);
template fail4302() {
static assert(0);
template bug4302() {
alias fail4302!() bad;
static if (is(bug4302!())) {}
template tough4302()
template bar()
template far()
static assert(0);
alias far!() par;
static if (is(bar!())) {}
alias tough4302!() tougher;
template Bug6602A(T) {
Bug6602B!(T).Result result;
template Bug6602B(U) {
static assert(is(U == int));
alias bool Result;
enum bug6602Compiles = __traits(compiles, Bug6602A!short);
const bar209 = foo209;
const int * foo209 = null;
void test210()
ulong a = 1;
a = cast(ulong)(a * 2.0L);
static assert(!is(typeof(Object.tupleof[2000]=0)));
struct Ghost {}
void bug4430(T)(int x) {}
void bug4430(T)(Ghost x) {}
void test212()
bug4430!(char)( 777 );
struct A213 { B213 b; }
enum B213 { Z213 = 2 }
void test213()
A213 x;
assert(x.b == 2);
void g214(int j) { }
void test214()
struct S
int i;
void f() { g214(i); }
auto s = S();
template Q(s...) { alias s q; }
void test215()
class C {}
enum assocarrayliteral = Q!( [1:2] ).q.stringof;
//enum dottype = Q!( C.Object.toString ).q.stringof;
enum halt = 0.stringof; // ICE w/ -release
//enum remove = Q!( [1:2].remove(1) ).q.stringof;
enum templat = Q!( Q ).q.stringof;
template T216(_...) { alias _ T216; }
size_t mid216(size_t n) { return n/2; }
alias T216!(int, int)[0 .. mid216($)] A216;
alias T216!(1, 2, 3)[0 .. mid216($)] B216;
void test216()
T216!(int, int, int) values;
auto slice = values[0 .. mid216($)]; // C
int bug4529a()