| /* |
| --- |
| Success |
| --- |
| */ |
| extern(C) int printf(const char*, ...); |
| template TypeTuple(TL...) { alias TypeTuple = TL; } |
| |
| import core.stdc.math : isnan; |
| |
| /********************************************/ |
| // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9112 |
| |
| void test9112a() // T() and T(v) |
| { |
| void test(T)(T v) |
| { |
| foreach (string qual; TypeTuple!("", "const ", "immutable ")) |
| { |
| mixin("alias U = "~qual~T.stringof~";"); |
| //pragma(msg, U); |
| |
| mixin("auto x1 = "~qual~T.stringof~"();"); // U() default construction syntax |
| mixin("auto x2 = "~qual~T.stringof~"(v);"); // U(v) |
| static assert(!__traits(compiles, mixin(qual~T.stringof~"(v, v)"))); // U(v, v) |
| static assert(is(typeof(x1) == U)); |
| static assert(is(typeof(x2) == U)); |
| static if ( is(typeof(U.nan) : real)) assert( isnan(x1.re) && !isnan(x1.im), U.stringof); |
| static if ( is(typeof(U.nan) : ireal)) assert(!isnan(x1.re) && isnan(x1.im), U.stringof); |
| static if ( is(typeof(U.nan) : creal)) assert( isnan(x1.re) && isnan(x1.im), U.stringof); |
| static if (!is(typeof(U.nan))) assert( x1 == U.init, U.stringof); |
| assert(x2 == v, U.stringof); |
| } |
| } |
| static assert(!__traits(compiles, { auto x1 = void(); })); |
| static assert(!__traits(compiles, { auto x2 = void(1); })); |
| test!( byte )(10); |
| test!(ubyte )(10); |
| test!( short )(10); |
| test!(ushort )(10); |
| test!( int )(10); |
| test!(uint )(10); |
| test!( long )(10); |
| test!(ulong )(10); |
| test!( float )(3.14); |
| test!( double)(3.14); |
| test!( real )(3.14); |
| test!( char )('A'); |
| test!(wchar )('A'); |
| test!(dchar )('A'); |
| test!(bool )(true); |
| |
| static assert(!__traits(compiles, int(1.42))); // in curre,t this is disallowed |
| |
| { |
| int x; |
| alias T = int*; |
| //auto p = int*(&x); // Error: found '*' when expecting '.' following int |
| //auto p = (int*)(&x); // Error: C style cast illegal, use cast(int*)&x |
| auto p = T(&x); |
| assert( p == &x); |
| assert(*p == x); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| enum Enum : long { a = 10, b = 20 } |
| |
| void test9112b() // new T(v) |
| { |
| void test(T)(T v) |
| { |
| foreach (string qual; TypeTuple!("", "const ", "immutable ")) |
| { |
| mixin("alias U = "~qual~T.stringof~";"); |
| //pragma(msg, U); |
| |
| mixin("auto p1 = new "~qual~T.stringof~"();"); // U() default construction syntax |
| mixin("auto p2 = new "~qual~T.stringof~"(v);"); // U(v) |
| static assert(!__traits(compiles, mixin("new "~qual~T.stringof~"(v, v)"))); // U(v, v) |
| static assert(is(typeof(p1) == U*)); |
| static assert(is(typeof(p2) == U*)); |
| assert( p1 !is null); |
| assert( p2 !is null); |
| auto x1 = *p1; |
| auto x2 = *p2; |
| static if ( is(typeof(U.nan) : real)) assert( isnan(x1.re) && !isnan(x1.im), U.stringof); |
| static if ( is(typeof(U.nan) : ireal)) assert(!isnan(x1.re) && isnan(x1.im), U.stringof); |
| static if ( is(typeof(U.nan) : creal)) assert( isnan(x1.re) && isnan(x1.im), U.stringof); |
| static if (!is(typeof(U.nan))) assert( x1 == U.init, U.stringof); |
| assert(x2 == v, U.stringof); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static assert(!__traits(compiles, { auto x1 = new void(); })); |
| static assert(!__traits(compiles, { auto x2 = new void(1); })); |
| static assert(!__traits(compiles, { auto x2 = new void(1, 2); })); |
| test!( byte )(10); |
| test!(ubyte )(10); |
| test!( short )(10); |
| test!(ushort )(10); |
| test!( int )(10); |
| test!(uint )(10); |
| test!( long )(10); |
| test!(ulong )(10); |
| test!( float )(3.14); |
| test!( double)(3.14); |
| test!( real )(3.14); |
| test!( char )('A'); |
| test!(wchar )('A'); |
| test!(dchar )('A'); |
| test!(bool )(true); |
| test!(Enum )(Enum.a); |
| |
| void testPtr(T)(T v) |
| { |
| T* pv = &v; |
| T** ppv = new T*(pv); |
| assert( *ppv == pv); |
| assert(**ppv == v); |
| } |
| foreach (T; TypeTuple!(int, const long, immutable double)) |
| { |
| testPtr!T(10); |
| } |
| foreach (T; TypeTuple!(Enum, const Enum, immutable Enum)) |
| { |
| testPtr!T(Enum.a); |
| } |
| |
| static assert(!__traits(compiles, new const int(1, 2))); |
| |
| static assert(!__traits(compiles, new int(1.42))); // in curre,t this is disallowed |
| |
| // int(1) in directly on statement scope should be parsed as an expression, but |
| // would fail to compile because of "has no effect" error. |
| static assert(!__traits(compiles, { int(1); })); |
| } |
| |
| /********************************************/ |
| |
| int main() |
| { |
| test9112a(); |
| test9112b(); |
| |
| printf("Success\n"); |
| return 0; |
| } |