blob: 8ae08ad2e47e148920e75dc881862db448ee2b58 [file] [log] [blame]
// REQUIRED_ARGS: -preview=rvaluerefparam
!! immutable(int)[]
int(int i, long j = 7L)
tuple(get, get)
tuple(draw, draw)
TFunction1: extern (C) void function()
//import std.stdio;
import core.stdc.stdio;
struct S
int opUnary(string op)() if (op == "*") { return 7; }
void test1()
S s;
printf("%d\n", *s);
assert(*s == 7);
void test2()
double[1][2] bar;
bar[0][0] = 1.0;
bar[1][0] = 2.0;
void foo2(T...)(T args)
foreach (arg; args[0 .. $])
void bar2(D)(const(void)* arg)
D obj = *cast(D*) arg;
void test4()
immutable int maxi = 8;
int[][maxi] neighbors = [ cast(int[])[ ], [ 0 ], [ 0, 1], [ 0, 2], [1, 2], [1, 2, 3, 4],
[ 2, 3, 5], [ 4, 5, 6 ] ];
int[maxi] grid;
// neighbors[0].length = 0;
void place(int k, uint mask)
{ if(k<maxi) {
for(uint m = 1, d = 1; d <= maxi; d++, m<<=1)
if(!(mask & m)) {
bool ok = true;
int dif;
foreach(nb; neighbors[k])
if((dif=grid[nb]-d)==1 || dif==-1) {
ok = false; break;
if(ok) {
grid[k] = d;
place(k+1, mask | m);
} else {
printf(" %d\n%d %d %d\n%d %d %d\n %d\n\n",
grid[0], grid[1], grid[2], grid[3], grid[4], grid[5], grid[6], grid[7]);
place(0, 0);
struct S5
enum S5 some_constant = {2};
int member;
void test5()
struct S6
int a, b, c;
struct T6
S6 s;
int b = 7;
alias s this;
void test6()
T6 t;
t.a = 4;
t.b = 5;
t.c = 6;
assert(t.a == 4);
assert(t.b == 5);
assert(t.c == 6);
assert(t.s.b == 0);
assert(t.sizeof == 4*4);
assert(t.init.sizeof == 4*4);
struct S7
int a, b, c;
class C7
S7 s;
int b = 7;
alias s this;
void test7()
C7 t = new C7();
t.a = 4;
t.b = 5;
t.c = 6;
assert(t.a == 4);
assert(t.b == 5);
assert(t.c == 6);
assert(t.s.b == 0);
assert(t.sizeof == (void*).sizeof);
assert(t.init is null);
void foo8(int n1 = __LINE__ + 0, int n2 = __LINE__, string s = __FILE__)
assert(n1 < n2);
printf("n1 = %d, n2 = %d, s = %.*s\n", n1, n2, cast(int)s.length, s.ptr);
void test8()
void foo9(int n1 = __LINE__ + 0, int n2 = __LINE__, string s = __FILE__)()
assert(n1 < n2);
printf("n1 = %d, n2 = %d, s = %.*s\n", n1, n2, cast(int)s.length, s.ptr);
void test9()
int foo10(char c) pure nothrow
return 1;
void test10()
int function(char c) fp;
int function(char c) pure nothrow fq;
fp = &foo10;
fq = &foo10;
class Base11 {}
class Derived11 : Base11 {}
class MoreDerived11 : Derived11 {}
int fun11(Base11) { return 1; }
int fun11(Derived11) { return 2; }
void test11()
MoreDerived11 m;
auto i = fun11(m);
assert(i == 2);
interface ABC {};
interface AB: ABC {};
interface BC: ABC {};
interface AC: ABC {};
interface A: AB, AC {};
interface B: AB, BC {};
interface C: AC, BC {};
int f12(AB ab) { return 1; }
int f12(ABC abc) { return 2; }
void test12()
A a;
auto i = f12(a);
assert(i == 1);
template Foo13(alias x)
enum bar = x + 1;
static assert(Foo13!(2+1).bar == 4);
template Bar13(alias x)
enum bar = x;
static assert(Bar13!("abc").bar == "abc");
void test13()
template Foo14(alias a)
alias Bar14!(a) Foo14;
int Bar14(alias a)()
return a.sizeof;
void test14()
auto i = Foo14!("hello")();
printf("i = %d\n", i);
assert(i == "hello".sizeof);
i = Foo14!(1)();
printf("i = %d\n", i);
assert(i == 4);
auto foo15()(int x)
return 3 + x;
void test15()
auto bar()(int x)
return 5 + x;
printf("%d\n", foo15(4));
printf("%d\n", bar(4));
int foo16(int x) { return 1; }
int foo16(ref int x) { return 2; }
void test16()
int y;
auto i = foo16(y);
printf("i == %d\n", i);
assert(i == 2);
i = foo16(3);
assert(i == 1);
class A17 { }
class B17 : A17 { }
class C17 : B17 { }
int foo17(A17, ref int x) { return 1; }
int foo17(B17, ref int x) { return 2; }
void test17()
C17 c;
int y;
auto i = foo17(c, y);
printf("i == %d\n", i);
assert(i == 2);
class C18
void foo(int x) { foo("abc"); }
void foo(string s) { } // this is hidden, but that's ok 'cuz no overlap
void bar()
class D18 : C18
override void foo(int x) { }
void test18()
D18 d = new D18();;
int foo19(alias int a)() { return a; }
void test19()
int y = 7;
auto i = foo19!(y)();
printf("i == %d\n", i);
assert(i == 7);
i = foo19!(4)();
printf("i == %d\n", i);
assert(i == 4);
template Foo20(int x) if (x & 1)
const int Foo20 = 6;
template Foo20(int x) if ((x & 1) == 0)
const int Foo20 = 7;
void test20()
int i = Foo20!(3);
printf("%d\n", i);
assert(i == 6);
i = Foo20!(4);
printf("%d\n", i);
assert(i == 7);
template isArray21(T : U[], U)
static const isArray21 = 1;
template isArray21(T)
static const isArray21 = 0;
int foo21(T)(T x) if (isArray21!(T))
return 1;
int foo21(T)(T x) if (!isArray21!(T))
return 2;
void test21()
auto i = foo21(5);
assert(i == 2);
int[] a;
i = foo21(a);
assert(i == 1);
void test22()
immutable uint x, y;
foreach (i; x .. y) {}
const bool foo23 = is(typeof(function void() { }));
const bar23 = is(typeof(function void() { }));
void test23()
assert(foo23 == true);
assert(bar23 == true);
ref int foo24(int i)
static int x;
x = i;
return x;
void test24()
int x = foo24(3);
assert(x == 3);
ref int foo25(int i)
static int x;
x = i;
return x;
int bar25(ref int x)
return x + 1;
void test25()
int x = bar25(foo25(3));
assert(x == 4);
static int x26;
ref int foo26(int i)
x26 = i;
return x26;
void test26()
int* p = &foo26(3);
assert(*p == 3);
static int x27 = 3;
ref int foo27(int i)
return x27;
void test27()
foo27(3) = 4;
assert(x27 == 4);
ref int foo28(return ref int x) { return x; }
void test28()
int a;
void wyda(int[] a) { printf("aaa\n"); }
void wyda(int[int] a) { printf("bbb\n"); }
struct S29
int[] a;
void wyda()
void test29()
int[] a;
int[5] b;
int[int] c;
S29 s;
void foo30(D)(D arg) if (isIntegral!D)
struct S30(T) { }
struct U30(int T) { }
alias int myint30;
void test30()
S30!myint30 u;
S30!int s;
S30!(int) t = s;
// U30!3 v = s;
class A31
void foo(int* p) { }
class B31 : A31
override void foo(scope int* p) { }
void test31()
void bar32() { }
nothrow void foo32(int* p)
//try { bar32(); } catch (Object o) { }
try { bar32(); } catch (Throwable o) { }
try { bar32(); } catch (Exception o) { }
void test32()
{ int i;
struct Integer
this(int i)
this.i = i;
this(long ii)
i = 3;
const int i;
void test33()
void test34()
alias uint Uint;
foreach(Uint u;1..10) {}
for(Uint u=1;u<10;u++) {}
ref int foo35(bool condition, return ref int lhs, return ref int rhs)
if ( condition ) return lhs;
return rhs;
ref int bar35()(bool condition, return ref int lhs, return ref int rhs)
if ( condition ) return lhs;
return rhs;
void test35()
int a = 10, b = 11;
foo35(a<b, a, b) = 42;
printf("a = %d and b = %d\n", a, b); // a = 42 and b = 11
assert(a == 42 && b == 11);
bar35(a<b, a, b) = 52;
printf("a = %d and b = %d\n", a, b);
assert(a == 42 && b == 52);
int foo36(T...)(T ts)
if (T.length > 1)
return T.length;
int foo36(T...)(T ts)
if (T.length <= 1)
return T.length * 7;
void test36()
auto i = foo36!(int,int)(1, 2);
assert(i == 2);
i = foo36(1, 2, 3);
assert(i == 3);
i = foo36(1);
assert(i == 7);
i = foo36();
assert(i == 0);
void test6685()
struct S { int x; }
with({ return S(); }())
struct A37(alias T)
void foo37(X)(X x) if (is(X Y == A37!(U), alias U))
void bar37() {}
void test37()
A37!(bar37) a2;
struct A38
printf("B's copy\n");
bool empty() {return false;}
void popFront() {}
int front() { return 1; }
// ref A38 opSlice() { return this; }
void test38()
A38 a;
int i;
foreach (e; a) { if (++i == 100) break; }
alias int function() Fun39;
alias ref int function() Gun39;
static assert(!is(Fun39 == Gun39));
void test39()
int x40;
struct Proxy
ref int at(int i)() { return x40; }
void test40()
Proxy p;
auto x =!(1);
template Foo41(TList...)
alias TList Foo41;
alias Foo41!(immutable(ubyte)[], ubyte[]) X41;
void test41()
bool endsWith(A1, A2)(A1 longer, A2 shorter)
static if (is(typeof(longer[0 .. 0] == shorter)))
return false;
void test42()
char[] a;
byte[] b;
endsWith(a, b);
void f43(S...)(S s) if (S.length > 3)
void test43()
f43(1, 2, 3, 4);
struct S44(int x = 1){}
void fun()(S44!(1) b) { }
void test44()
S44!() s;
void test2006()
string [][] aas = [];
assert(aas.length == 0);
aas ~= cast (string []) [];
assert(aas.length == 1);
aas = aas ~ cast (string []) [];
assert(aas.length == 2);
void test8442()
enum int[] fooEnum = [];
immutable fooImmutable = fooEnum;
class A45
int x;
int f()
return 1;
class B45 : A45
override const int f()
return 2;
void test45()
A45 y = new B45;
int i = y.f;
assert(i == 2);
void text10682()
ulong x = 1;
ulong y = 2 ^^ x;
struct Test46
int foo;
void test46()
enum Test46 test = {};
enum q =;
pure int double_sqr(int x) {
int y = x;
void do_sqr() { y *= y; }
return y;
void test47()
assert(double_sqr(10) == 100);
void sort(alias less)(string[] r)
bool pred()
return less("a", "a");
void foo48()
int[string] freqs;
string[] words;
sort!((a, b) { return freqs[a] > freqs[b]; })(words);
sort!((string a, string b) { return freqs[a] > freqs[b]; })(words);
//sort!(bool (a, b) { return freqs[a] > freqs[b]; })(words);
//sort!(function (a, b) { return freqs[a] > freqs[b]; })(words);
//sort!(function bool(a, b) { return freqs[a] > freqs[b]; })(words);
sort!(delegate bool(string a, string b) { return freqs[a] > freqs[b]; })(words);
void test48()
static assert(!is(typeof(string[0..1].init)));
static assert(is(typeof(string[].init) == string[]));
static assert(is(typeof(string[][].init) == string[][]));
static assert(is(typeof(string[][][].init) == string[][][]));
static assert(is(typeof(string[1].init) == string[1]));
static assert(is(typeof(string[1][1].init) == string[1][1]));
static assert(is(typeof(string[1][1][1].init) == string[1][1][1]));
static assert(is(typeof(string[string].init) == string[string]));
static assert(is(typeof(string[string][string].init) == string[string][string]));
static assert(is(typeof(string[string][string][string].init) == string[string][string][string]));
template TT6408(T...) { alias T TT6408; }
static assert(is(typeof(TT6408!(int, int)[].init) == TT6408!(int, int)));
static assert(is(typeof(TT6408!(int, int)[0..$].init) == TT6408!(int, int)));
static assert(is(typeof(TT6408!(int, int)[$-1].init) == int));
template TT9409(T...) { alias T TT9409; }
template idxTypes9409(Prefix...)
TT9409!((Prefix[$-1])) idxTypes9409;
alias idxTypes9409!(int) Types9409;
struct S49
static void* p;
this( string name )
printf( "(ctor) &%.*s.x = %p\n", cast(int)name.length, name.ptr, &x );
p = cast(void*)&x;
invariant() {}
int x;
void test49()
auto s = new S49("s2");
printf( "&s2.x = %p\n", &s.x );
assert(cast(void*)&s.x == S49.p);
auto max50(Ts...)(Ts args)
if (Ts.length >= 2
&& is(typeof(Ts[0].init > Ts[1].init ? Ts[1].init : Ts[0].init)))
static if (Ts.length == 2)
return args[1] > args[0] ? args[1] : args[0];
return max50(max50(args[0], args[1]), args[2 .. $]);
void test50()
assert(max50(4, 5) == 5);
assert(max50(2.2, 4.5) == 4.5);
assert(max50("Little", "Big") == "Little");
assert(max50(4, 5.5) == 5.5);
assert(max50(5.5, 4) == 5.5);
void test51()
static immutable int[2] array = [ 42 ];
enum e = array[1];
static immutable int[1] array2 = [ 0: 42 ];
enum e2 = array2[0];
assert(e == 0);
assert(e2 == 42);
enum ubyte[4] a52 = [5,6,7,8];
void test52()
int x=3;
void test53()
size_t func2(immutable(void)[] t)
return 0;
void foo54(void delegate(void[]) dg) { }
void test54()
void func(void[] t) pure { }
// void func2(const(void)[] t) { }
// foo54(&func2);
class Foo55
synchronized void noop1() { }
void noop2() shared { }
void test55()
auto foo = new shared(Foo55);
enum float one56 = 1 * 1;
template X56(float E) { int X56 = 2; }
alias X56!(one56 * one56) Y56;
void test56()
assert(Y56 == 2);
void test57()
alias shared(int) T;
assert (is(T == shared));
struct A58
int a,b;
void test58()
A58[2] rg=[{1,2},{5,6}];
assert(rg[0].a == 1);
assert(rg[0].b == 2);
assert(rg[1].a == 5);
assert(rg[1].b == 6);
class A59 {
const foo(int i) { return i; }
void test60()
enum real ONE = 1.0;
real x;
for (x=0.0; x<10.0; x+=ONE)
printf("%Lg\n", x);
printf("%Lg\n", x);
assert(x == 10);
pure immutable(T)[] fooPT(T)(immutable(T)[] x, immutable(T)[] y){
immutable(T)[] fooState;
immutable(T)[] bar(immutable(T)[] x){
fooState = "hello ";
return x ~ y;
return fooState ~ bar(x);
void test61()
auto s = fooPT("p", "c");
printf("%.*s\n", cast(int)s.length, s.ptr);
void test9577()
static int function(int)[] foo = [x => x];
int[3] foo62(int[3] a)
return a;
void test62()
int[3] b;
b[0] = 1;
b[1] = 2;
b[2] = 3;
auto c = foo62(b);
assert(b[0] == 1);
assert(b[1] == 2);
assert(b[2] == 3);
assert(c[0] == 1);
assert(c[1] == 3);
assert(c[2] == 3);
void test3927()
int[] array;
assert(array.length++ == 0);
assert(array.length == 1);
assert(array.length-- == 1);
assert(array.length == 0);
void test63()
int[3] b;
b[0] = 1;
b[1] = 2;
b[2] = 3;
auto c = b;
assert(b[0] == 1);
assert(b[1] == 3);
assert(b[2] == 3);
assert(c[0] == 1);
assert(c[1] == 2);
assert(c[2] == 3);
void test64()
int[3] b;
b[0] = 1;
b[1] = 2;
b[2] = 3;
int[3] c;
c = b;
assert(b[0] == 1);
assert(b[1] == 3);
assert(b[2] == 3);
assert(c[0] == 1);
assert(c[1] == 2);
assert(c[2] == 3);
int[2] foo65(int[2] a)
return a;
void test65()
int[2] b;
b[0] = 1;
b[1] = 2;
int[2] c = foo65(b);
assert(b[0] == 1);
assert(b[1] == 2);
assert(c[0] == 1);
assert(c[1] == 3);
int[1] foo66(int[1] a)
return a;
void test66()
int[1] b;
b[0] = 1;
int[1] c = foo66(b);
assert(b[0] == 1);
assert(c[0] == 2);
int[2] foo67(out int[2] a)
a[0] = 5;
a[1] = 6;
return a;
void test67()
int[2] b;
b[0] = 1;
b[1] = 2;
int[2] c = foo67(b);
assert(b[0] == 5);
assert(b[1] == 6);
assert(c[0] == 5);
assert(c[1] == 6);
void test68()
void digestToString(const ubyte[16] digest)
assert(digest[0] == 0xc3);
assert(digest[15] == 0x3b);
void test69()
void digestToString69(ref const ubyte[16] digest)
assert(digest[0] == 0xc3);
assert(digest[15] == 0x3b);
void test70()
void digestToString70(ref const char[16] digest)
assert(digest[0] == '1');
assert(digest[15] == '6');
void foo71(out shared int o) {}
struct foo72
int bar() shared { return 1; }
void test72()
shared foo72 f;
auto x =;
class Foo73
static if (is(typeof(this) T : shared T))
static assert(0);
static if (is(typeof(this) U == shared U))
static assert(0);
static if (is(typeof(this) U == const U))
static assert(0);
static if (is(typeof(this) U == immutable U))
static assert(0);
static if (is(typeof(this) U == const shared U))
static assert(0);
static assert(!is(int == const));
static assert(!is(int == immutable));
static assert(!is(int == shared));
static assert(is(int == int));
static assert(is(const(int) == const));
static assert(is(immutable(int) == immutable));
static assert(is(shared(int) == shared));
static assert(is(const(shared(int)) == shared));
static assert(is(const(shared(int)) == const));
static assert(!is(const(shared(int)) == immutable));
static assert(!is(const(int) == immutable));
static assert(!is(const(int) == shared));
static assert(!is(shared(int) == const));
static assert(!is(shared(int) == immutable));
static assert(!is(immutable(int) == const));
static assert(!is(immutable(int) == shared));
template Bar(T : T)
alias T Bar;
template Barc(T : const(T))
alias T Barc;
template Bari(T : immutable(T))
alias T Bari;
template Bars(T : shared(T))
alias T Bars;
template Barsc(T : shared(const(T)))
alias T Barsc;
void test73()
auto f = new Foo73;
alias int T;
// 5*5 == 25 combinations, plus 2 for swapping const and shared
static assert(is(Bar!(T) == T));
static assert(is(Bar!(const(T)) == const(T)));
static assert(is(Bar!(immutable(T)) == immutable(T)));
static assert(is(Bar!(shared(T)) == shared(T)));
static assert(is(Bar!(shared(const(T))) == shared(const(T))));
static assert(is(Barc!(const(T)) == T));
static assert(is(Bari!(immutable(T)) == T));
static assert(is(Bars!(shared(T)) == T));
static assert(is(Barsc!(shared(const(T))) == T));
static assert(is(Barc!(T) == T));
static assert(is(Barc!(immutable(T)) == T));
static assert(is(Barc!(const(shared(T))) == shared(T)));
static assert(is(Barsc!(immutable(T)) == T));
static assert(is(Bars!(const(shared(T))) == const(T)));
static assert(is(Barsc!(shared(T)) == T));
Bars!(shared(const(T))) b;
pragma(msg, typeof(b));
static assert(is(Bars!(shared(const(T))) == const(T)));
static assert(is(Barc!(shared(const(T))) == shared(T)));
static assert(!is(Bari!(T)));
static assert(!is(Bari!(const(T))));
static assert(!is(Bari!(shared(T))));
static assert(!is(Bari!(const(shared(T)))));
static assert(is(Barc!(shared(T))));
static assert(!is(Bars!(T)));
static assert(!is(Bars!(const(T))));
static assert(!is(Bars!(immutable(T))));
static assert(!is(Barsc!(T)));
static assert(!is(Barsc!(const(T))));
pure nothrow {
alias void function(int) A74;
alias void function(int) pure nothrow B74;
alias pure nothrow void function(int) C74;
void test74()
A74 a = null;
B74 b = null;
C74 c = null;
a = b;
a = c;
void test9212()
int[int] aa;
foreach (const key, const val; aa) {}
foreach (size_t key, size_t val; aa) {}
class A75
pure static void raise(string s)
throw new Exception(s);
void test75()
{ int x = 0;
} catch (Exception e)
x = 1;
assert(x == 1);
void test76()
int x, y;
bool which;
(which ? x : y) += 5;
assert(y == 5);
void test77()
auto a = ["hello", "world"];
pragma(msg, typeof(a));
auto b = a;
assert(a is b);
assert(a == b);
b = a.dup;
assert(a == b);
assert(a !is b);
void test78()
auto array = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10];
array = array[0 .. $ - 2]; // Right-shrink by two elements
assert(array == [0, 2, 4, 6]);
array = array[1 .. $]; // Left-shrink by one element
assert(array == [2, 4, 6]);
array = array[1 .. $ - 1]; // Shrink from both sides
assert(array == [4]);
void test79()
auto a = [87, 40, 10];
a ~= 42;
assert(a == [87, 40, 10, 42]);
a ~= [5, 17];
assert(a == [87, 40, 10, 42, 5, 17]);
void test6317()
int b = 12345;
struct nested { int a; int fun() { return b; } }
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { nested x = { 3, null }; }));
nested g = { 7 };
auto h = nested(7);
assert( == 12345);
assert( == 12345);
void test80()
auto array = new int[10];
array.length += 1000;
assert(array.length == 1010);
array.length /= 10;
assert(array.length == 101);
array.length -= 1;
assert(array.length == 100);
array.length |= 1;
assert(array.length == 101);
array.length ^= 3;
assert(array.length == 102);
array.length &= 2;
assert(array.length == 2);
array.length *= 2;
assert(array.length == 4);
array.length <<= 1;
assert(array.length == 8);
array.length >>= 1;
assert(array.length == 4);
array.length >>>= 1;
assert(array.length == 2);
array.length %= 2;
assert(array.length == 0);
int[]* foo()
static int x;
assert(x == 1);
auto p = &array;
return p;
(*foo()).length += 2;
assert(array.length == 2);
void test81()
int[3] a = [1, 2, 3];
int[3] b = a;
a[1] = 42;
assert(b[1] == 2); // b is an independent copy of a
int[3] fun(int[3] x, int[3] y) {
// x and y are copies of the arguments
x[0] = y[0] = 100;
return x;
auto c = fun(a, b); // c has type int[3]
assert(c == [100, 42, 3]);
assert(b == [1, 2, 3]); // b is unaffected by fun
void test82()
auto a1 = [ "Jane":10.0, "Jack":20, "Bob":15 ];
auto a2 = a1; // a1 and a2 refer to the same data
a1["Bob"] = 100; // Changing a1
assert(a2["Bob"] == 100); //is same as changing a2
a2["Sam"] = 3.5; //and vice
assert(a2["Sam"] == 3.5); // versa
void test7942()
string a = "a";
wstring b = "b";
dstring c = "c";
a ~= "a"c;
static assert(!is(typeof(a ~= "b"w)));
static assert(!is(typeof(a ~= "c"d)));
static assert(!is(typeof(b ~= "a"c)));
b ~= "b"w;
static assert(!is(typeof(b ~= "c"d)));
static assert(!is(typeof(c ~= "a"c)));
static assert(!is(typeof(c ~= "b"w)));
c ~= "c"d;
assert(a == "aa");
assert(b == "bb");
assert(c == "cc");
void bump(ref int x) { ++x; }
void test83()
int x = 1;
assert(x == 2);
interface Test4174
void func(T)() {}
auto foo84 = [1, 2.4];
void test84()
pragma(msg, typeof([1, 2.4]));
static assert(is(typeof([1, 2.4]) == double[]));
pragma(msg, typeof(foo84));
static assert(is(typeof(foo84) == double[]));
void test85()
dstring c = "V\u00E4rld";
c = c ~ '!';
assert(c == "V\u00E4rld!");
c = '@' ~ c;
assert(c == "@V\u00E4rld!");
wstring w = "V\u00E4rld";
w = w ~ '!';
assert(w == "V\u00E4rld!");
w = '@' ~ w;
assert(w == "@V\u00E4rld!");
string s = "V\u00E4rld";
s = s ~ '!';
assert(s == "V\u00E4rld!");
s = '@' ~ s;
assert(s == "@V\u00E4rld!");
void test86()
int[][] a = [ [1], [2,3], [4] ];
int[][] w = [ [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [] ];
int[][] x = [ [], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [] ];
T1[] find(T1, T2)(T1[] longer, T2[] shorter)
if (is(typeof(longer[0 .. 1] == shorter) : bool))
while (longer.length >= shorter.length) {
if (longer[0 .. shorter.length] == shorter) break;
longer = longer[1 .. $];
return longer;
auto max(T...)(T a)
if (T.length == 2
&& is(typeof(a[1] > a[0] ? a[1] : a[0]))
|| T.length > 2
&& is(typeof(max(max(a[0], a[1]), a[2 .. $])))) {
static if (T.length == 2) {
return a[1] > a[0] ? a[1] : a[0];
} else {
return max(max(a[0], a[1]), a[2 .. $]);
// Cases which would ICE or segfault
struct Bulldog(T){
static void cat(Frog)(Frog f) if (true)
{ }
void mouse(){
void test87()
double[] d1 = [ 6.0, 1.5, 2.4, 3 ];
double[] d2 = [ 1.5, 2.4 ];
assert(find(d1, d2) == d1[1 .. $]);
assert(find(d1, d2) == d1[1 .. $]); // Check for memory corruption
assert(max(4, 5) == 5);
assert(max(3, 4, 5) == 5);
template test4284(alias v) { enum test4284 = v.length == 0; }
static assert(test4284!(cast(string)null));
static assert(test4284!(cast(string[])null));
struct S88
void opDispatch(string s, T)(T i)
printf("S.opDispatch('%.*s', %d)\n", cast(int)s.length, s.ptr, i);
class C88
void opDispatch(string s)(int i)
printf("C.opDispatch('%.*s', %d)\n", cast(int)s.length, s.ptr, i);
struct D88
template opDispatch(string s)
enum int opDispatch = 8;
void test88()
S88 s;
auto c = new C88();;
D88 d;
printf(" = %d\n",;
assert( == 8);
void test89() {
static struct X {
int x;
int bar() { return x; }
X s;
printf("%zd\n", s.sizeof);
assert(s.sizeof == 4);
struct S90
void opDispatch( string name, T... )( T values )
assert(values[0] == 3.14);
void test90( )
{ S90 s;
s.opDispatch!("foo")( 3.14 ); 3.14 );
struct A7439(int r, int c)
alias r R;
alias c C;
alias float[R * C] Data;
Data _data;
alias _data this;
this(Data ar){ _data = ar; }
pure ref float opIndex(size_t rr, size_t cc){ return _data[cc + rr * C]; }
void test7439()
A7439!(2, 2) a = A7439!(2, 2)([8, 3, 2, 9]);
a[0,0] -= a[0,0] * 2.0;
void foo91(uint line = __LINE__) { printf("%d\n", line); }
void test91()
printf("%d\n", __LINE__);
bool fun13468(Object e, typeof(null) needle)
return (e == needle);
void test13468()
assert(fun13468(null, null));
auto ref foo92(ref int x) { return x; }
int bar92(ref int x) { return x; }
void test92()
int x = 3;
int i = bar92(foo92(x));
assert(i == 3);
struct Foo93
public int foo() const
return 2;
void test93()
const Foo93 bar = Foo93();
enum bla =;
assert(bla == 2);
extern(C++) class C1687
void func() {}
void test1687()
auto c = new C1687();
assert(c.__vptr[0] == (&c.func).funcptr);
struct Foo94
int x, y;
real z;
pure nothrow Foo94 makeFoo(const int x, const int y)
return Foo94(x, y, 3.0);
void test94()
auto f = makeFoo(1, 2);
struct T95
@disable this(this)
struct S95
T95 t;
@disable void foo95() { }
struct T95A
@disable this(this);
struct S95A
T95A t;
@disable void foo95A() { }
void test95()
S95 s;
S95 t;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, t = s));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, foo95()));
S95A u;
S95A v;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, v = u));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, foo95A()));
struct S96(alias init)
int[] content = init;
void test96()
S96!([12, 3]) s1;
S96!([1, 23]) s2;
assert(!is(typeof(s1) == typeof(s2)));
struct A97
const bool opEquals(ref const A97) { return true; }
ref A97 opUnary(string op)() if (op == "++")
return this;
void test97()
A97 a, b;
foreach (e; a .. b) {
void test98()
auto a = new int[2];
// the name "length" should not pop up in an index expression
static assert(!is(typeof(a[length - 1])));
string s99;
void bar99(string i)
void function(string) foo99(string i)
return &bar99;
void test99()
foo99 (s99 ~= "a") (s99 ~= "b");
assert(s99 == "ab");
void test5081()
static pure immutable(int[]) x1()
int[] a = new int[](10);
return a;
static pure immutable(int[]) x2(int len)
int[] a = new int[](len);
return a;
static pure immutable(int[]) x3(immutable(int[]) org)
int[] a = new int[](org.length);
return a;
immutable a1 = x1();
immutable a2 = x2(10);
immutable a3 = x3([1,2]);
static pure int[] y1()
return new int[](10);
immutable b1 = y1();
void test100()
string s;
/* Testing order of evaluation */
void delegate(string, string) fun(string) {
s ~= "b";
return delegate void(string x, string y) { s ~= "e"; };
fun(s ~= "a")(s ~= "c", s ~= "d");
assert(s == "abcde", s);
void test101()
int[] d1 = [ 6, 1, 2 ];
byte[] d2 = [ 6, 1, 2 ];
assert(d1 == d2);
d2 ~= [ 6, 1, 2 ];
assert(d1 != d2);
void test5403()
struct S
static int front;
enum back = "yes!";
bool empty;
void popAny() { empty = true; }
alias popAny popFront;
alias popAny popBack;
S.front = 7;
foreach(int i; S()) assert(i == 7);
S.front = 2;
foreach(i; S()) assert(i == 2);
foreach_reverse(i; S()) assert(i == "yes!");
static assert([1,2,3] == [1.0,2,3]);
int transmogrify(uint) { return 1; }
int transmogrify(long) { return 2; }
void test103()
assert(transmogrify(42) == 1);
int foo104(int x)
int* p = &(x += 1);
return *p;
int bar104(int *x)
int* p = &(*x += 1);
return *p;
void test104()
auto i = foo104(1);
assert(i == 2);
i = bar104(&i);
assert(i == 3);
ref int bump105(return ref int x) { return ++x; }
void test105()
int x = 1;
bump105(bump105(x)); // two increments
assert(x == 3);
pure int genFactorials(int n) {
static pure int factorial(int n) {
if (n==2) return 1;
return factorial(2);
return factorial(n);
void test107()
int[6] a;
assert(a.init == [0,0,0,0,0,0]);
class A109 {}
void test109()
immutable(A109) b;
A109 c;
auto z = true ? b : c;
static assert(is(typeof(z) == const(A109)));
template Boo(T) {}
struct Foo110(T, alias V = Boo!T)
pragma(msg, V.stringof);
static const s = V.stringof;
alias Foo110!double B110;
alias Foo110!int A110;
static assert(B110.s == "Boo!double");
static assert(A110.s == "Boo!int");
int test11247()
static assert(is(byte[typeof(int.init).sizeof] == byte[4]));
static assert(is(byte[typeof(return).sizeof] == byte[4]));
return 0;
void test111()
auto k1 = true ? [1,2] : []; // OK
auto k2 = true ? [[1,2]] : [[]];
auto k3 = true ? [] : [[1,2]];
auto k4 = true ? [[[]]] : [[[1,2]]];
auto k5 = true ? [[[1,2]]] : [[[]]];
auto k6 = true ? [] : [[[]]];
static assert(!is(typeof(true ? [[[]]] : [[1,2]]))); // Must fail
void test658()
struct S { int i; }
class C { int i; }
S s;
S* sp = &s;
with (sp) i = 42;
assert(s.i == 42);
with (&s) i = 43;
assert(s.i == 43);
C c = new C;
C* cp = &c;
with (cp) i = 42;
assert(c.i == 42);
with (&c) i = 43;
assert(c.i == 43);
void test3069()
ubyte id = 0;
void[] v = [id] ~ [id];
template foo112() if (__traits(compiles,undefined))
enum foo112 = false;
template foo112() if (true)
enum foo112 = true;
static assert(__traits(compiles,foo112!()));
const bool bar112 = foo112!();
struct File113
this(int name) { }
~this() { }
void opAssign(File113 rhs) { }
struct ByLine
File113 file;
this(int) { }
ByLine byLine()
return ByLine(1);
auto filter113(File113.ByLine rs)
struct Filter
this(File113.ByLine r) { }
return Filter(rs);
void test113()
auto f = File113(1);
auto rx = f.byLine();
auto file = filter113(rx);
template foo114(fun...)
auto foo114(int[] args)
return 1;
pragma(msg, typeof(foo114!"a + b"([1,2,3])));
struct Foo115 {
void opBinary(string op)(Foo other) {
pragma(msg, "op: " ~ op);
void test115()
Foo115 f;
f = f;
void foo116(T,)(T t) { T x; }
void test116()
int[] data = [1,2,3,]; // OK
data = [ 1,2,3, ]; // fails
auto i = data[1,];
void test1891()
struct C {
char[8] x = "helloabc";
int main()
C* a = new C;
C*[] b;
b ~= new C;
auto g = a ~ b;
assert(g[0] && g[1] && g[0].x == g[1].x);
return 0;
void test117() pure
mixin declareVariable;
var = 42;
mixin declareFunction;
template declareVariable() { int var; }
template declareFunction()
int readVar() { return var; }
pure real log118(real x) {
if (__ctfe)
return 0.0;
return 1.0;
enum x118 = log118(4.0);
void test118() {}
void bug4465()
const a = 2 ^^ 2;
int b = a;
pure void foo(int *p)
*p = 3;
pure void test120()
int i;
assert(i == 3);
immutable int[3] statik = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
enum immutable(int)[] dynamic = statik;
static assert(is(typeof(dynamic) == immutable(int)[]));
static if (! is(typeof(dynamic) == immutable(int)[]))
static assert(0); // (7)
pragma(msg, "!! ", typeof(dynamic));
struct Foo2943
int a;
int b;
alias b this;
void test122()
Foo2943 foo, foo2;
foo.a = 1;
foo.b = 2;
foo2.a = 3;
foo2.b = 4;
foo2 = foo;
assert(foo2.a == foo.a);
struct S123 {
int i;
alias i this;
void test123() {
S123[int] ss;
ss[0] = S123.init; // This line causes Range Violation.
struct Foo124 {
int z = 3;
void opAssign(Foo124 x) { z= 2;}
struct Bar124 {
int z = 3;
this(this){ z = 17; }
void test124() {
Foo124[string] stuff;
stuff["foo"] = Foo124.init;
assert(stuff["foo"].z == 3);
stuff["foo"] = Foo124.init;
assert(stuff["foo"].z == 2);
Bar124[string] stuff2;
Bar124 q;
stuff2["dog"] = q;
assert(stuff2["dog"].z == 17);
void doNothing() {}
void bug5071(short d, ref short c) {
void closure() {
auto c2 = c;
auto d2 = d;
auto useless = &closure;
void test125()
short c = 0x76;
bug5071(7, c);
struct Foo126
static Foo126 opCall(in Foo126 _f) pure
return _f;
void test796()
struct S { invariant() { throw new Exception(""); } }
S* s;
try {
} catch (Error) {
void test7077()
if(0) mixin("auto x = 2;");
auto x = 1;
struct Tuple127(S...)
S expand;
alias expand this;
alias Tuple127!(int, int) Foo127;
void test127()
Foo127[] m_array;
Foo127 f;
m_array ~= f;
struct Bug4434 {}
alias const Bug4434* IceConst4434;
alias shared Bug4434* IceShared4434;
alias shared Bug4434[] IceSharedArray4434;
alias immutable Bug4434* IceImmutable4434;
alias shared const Bug4434* IceSharedConst4434;
alias int MyInt4434;
alias const MyInt4434[3] IceConstInt4434;
alias immutable string[] Bug4830;
void bub(const inout int other) {}
void test128()
pure nothrow @safe auto bug4915a() { return 0; }
pure nothrow @safe int bug4915b() { return bug4915a(); }
void bug4915c()
pure nothrow @safe int d() { return 0; }
int e() pure nothrow @safe { return d(); }
static if (is(int Q == int, Z...)) { }
alias typeof(foo5195) food5195;
const int * foo5195 = null;
alias typeof(foo5195) good5195;
static assert( is (food5195 == good5195));
version (Windows)
int[0] var5332;
void test5332() { auto x = var5332; }
struct Foo129
void add(T)(T value) nothrow
this.value += value;
this(int value)
this.value = value;
int value;
void test129()
auto foo = Foo129(5);
assert(foo.value == 5);
printf("%d\n", foo.value);
assert(foo.value == 7);
printf("%d\n", foo.value);
assert(foo.value == 10);
printf("%d\n", foo.value);
assert(foo.value == 13);
void delegate (int) nothrow dg = &foo.add!(int);
assert(foo.value == 20);
auto ctfefunc6169() { return "{}"; }
enum ctfefptr6169 = &ctfefunc6169;
int ctfefunc6169a() { return 1; }
template x6169(string c) { alias int x6169; }
template TT6169(T...) { alias T TT6169; }
@property ctfeprop6169() { return "g"; }
void test6169() pure @safe
enum a = ctfefunc6169();
static b = ctfefunc6169();
x6169!(ctfefunc6169()) tt;
static if(ctfefunc6169()) {}
pragma(msg, ctfefunc6169());
enum xx
k = 0,
j = ctfefunc6169a()
auto g = mixin('"' ~ ctfefunc6169() ~ '"');
//auto h = import("testx.d" ~ false ? ctfefunc() : "");
alias TT6169!(int, int)[ctfefunc6169a()..ctfefunc6169a()] i;
alias TT6169!(int, int)[ctfefunc6169a()] j;
int[ctfefunc6169a()+1] k;
alias int[ctfefunc6169a()] l;
//case ctfefunc6169a(): // Can't do this because of case variables
case ctfefunc6169a()+1:
case ctfefunc6169a()+2:
static assert(ctfefunc6169a());
void fun(int i : ctfefunc6169a() = ctfefunc6169a(), alias j)() if (ctfefunc6169a()) {}
fun!(ctfefunc6169a(), ctfefunc6169())();
enum z = ctfefptr6169();
auto p = mixin(ctfeprop6169);
void impureFunc10506() {}
string join10506(RoR)(RoR ror)
return ror[0] ~ ror[1];
void test10506() pure
void foobar() {}
mixin(["foo", "bar"].join10506()~";");
const shared class C5107
int x;
static assert(is(typeof(C5107.x) == const)); // okay
static assert(is(typeof(C5107.x) == shared)); // fails!
immutable struct S3598
static void funkcja() { }
@safe struct X130
void func() { }
@safe class Y130
void func() { }
@safe void test130()
X130 x;
auto y = new Y130;
template Return(alias fun)
static if (is(typeof(fun) R == return)) alias R Return;
interface I4217
int square(int n);
real square(real n);
alias Return!( __traits(getOverloads, I4217, "square")[0] ) R4217;
alias Return!( __traits(getOverloads, I4217, "square")[1] ) S4217;
static assert(! is(R4217 == S4217));
void test131()
S131 s;
int[] conv = s;
struct S131
@property int[] get() { return [1,2,3]; }
alias get this;
struct S7545
uint id;
alias id this;
void test7545()
auto id = 0 ? S7545() : -1;
void test132()
S132 s;
if (!s) {}
struct S132
bool cond;
alias cond this;
struct Tuple5343(Specs...)
Specs[0] field;
struct S5343(E)
immutable E x;
enum A5343{a,b,c}
alias Tuple5343!(A5343) TA5343;
alias S5343!(A5343) SA5343;
interface IFactory
void foo();
class A133
protected static class Factory : IFactory
void foo()
_factory = createFactory();
protected IFactory createFactory()
return new Factory;
private IFactory _factory;
@property final IFactory factory()
return _factory;
alias factory this;
void test133()
IFactory f = new A133;; // segfault
class B134
class A134
B134 _b;
_b = new B134;
B134 b()
return _b;
alias b this;
void test134()
auto a = new A134;
B134 b = a; // b is null
assert(a._b is b); // fails
struct S135 {
void delegate() d;
void test135()
shared S135[] s;
if (0)
s[0] = S135();
bool enforce136(bool value, lazy const(char)[] msg = null) {
if(!value) {
return false;
return value;
struct Perm {
byte[3] perm;
ubyte i;
this(byte[] input) {
foreach(elem; input) {
enforce136(i < 3);
perm[i++] = elem;
printf("%d\n", i); // Never gets incremented. Stays at 0.
void test136() {
byte[] stuff = [0, 1, 2];
auto perm2 = Perm(stuff);
//writeln(perm2.perm); // Prints [2, 0, 0]
assert(perm2.perm[] == [0, 1, 2]);
void foo4097() { }
alias typeof(&foo4097) T4097;
static assert(is(T4097 X : X*) && is(X == function));
static assert(!is(X));
void assign9(ref int lhs) pure {
lhs = 9;
void assign8(ref int rhs) pure {
rhs = 8;
int test137(){
int a=1,b=2;
assert(a == 9);
assert(b == 8); // <-- fail
assert(a == 8);
assert(b == 9); // <-- fail
return 0;
static assert(!is(typeof((void[]).init ~ cast(void)0)));
static assert(!is(typeof(cast(void)0 ~ (void[]).init)));
struct Size138
int width;
int height;
long size;
enum Size138 foo138 = {2 ,5};
Size138 bar138 = foo138;
void test138()
assert(bar138.width == 2);
assert(bar138.height == 5);
void test3822()
import core.stdc.stdlib;
int i = 0;
void* ptr;
while(i++ != 2)
auto p = alloca(2);
assert(p != ptr);
ptr = p;
template map(fun...)
auto map(double[] r)
struct Result
this(double[] input)
return Result(r);
void test139()
double[] x;
alias typeof(map!"a"(x)) T;
T a = void;
auto b = map!"a"(x);
auto c = [map!"a"(x)];
T[3] d = void;
string[] foo5966(string[] a)
a[0] = a[0][0..$];
return a;
enum var5966 = foo5966([""]);
int foo5975(wstring replace)
wstring value = "";
value ~= replace;
return 1;
enum X5975 = foo5975("X"w);
template mapx(fun...) if (fun.length >= 1)
int mapx(Range)(Range r)
return 1;
void test140()
int foo(int i) { return i; }
int[] arr;
auto x = mapx!( (int a){return foo(a);} )(arr);
void bug5976()
int[] barr;
int * k;
foreach (ref b; barr)
k = &b;
k = &b;
struct S141
this(A)(auto ref A a){}
void test141()
S141 s = S141(10);
class test5498_A {}
class test5498_B : test5498_A {}
class test5498_C : test5498_A {}
static assert(is(typeof([test5498_B.init, test5498_C.init]) == test5498_A[]));
struct S142
int v;
this(int n) pure { v = n; }
const bool opCast(T:bool)() { return true; }
void test142()
if (int a = 1)
assert(a == 1);
else assert(0);
if (const int a = 2)
assert(a == 2);
else assert(0);
if (immutable int a = 3)
assert(a == 3);
else assert(0);
if (auto s = S142(10))
assert(s.v == 10);
else assert(0);
if (auto s = const(S142)(20))
assert(s.v == 20);
else assert(0);
if (auto s = immutable(S142)(30))
assert(s.v == 30);
else assert(0);
static assert({
if (int x = 5) {}
return true;
int n;
void test143()
ref int f(){ return n; } // NG
f() = 1;
assert(n == 1);
nothrow ref int f1(){ return n; } // OK
f1() = 2;
assert(n == 2);
auto ref int f2(){ return n; } // OK
f2() = 3;
assert(n == 3);
void startsWith(alias pred) () if (is(typeof(pred('c', 'd')) : bool))
void startsWith(alias pred) () if (is(typeof(pred('c', "abc")) : bool))
void test144()
startsWith!((a, b) { return a == b; })();