blob: 59f25412e705e25a995f2c1cf07585ea0af607da [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-options "-fbounds-check" }
! Tests the fix for PR30003, in which the 'end' of an array section
! would not be evaluated at all if it was on the lhs of an assignment
! or would be evaluated many times if bound checking were on.
! Contributed by Erik Edelmann <>
implicit none
integer :: a(5), b(3), cnt
b = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
! Check the lhs references
cnt = 0
a(bar(1):3) = b
if (cnt /= 1) STOP 1
cnt = 0
a(1:bar(3)) = b
if (cnt /= 1) STOP 2
cnt = 0
a(1:3:bar(1)) = b
if (cnt /= 1) STOP 3
! Check the rhs references
cnt = 0
a(1:3) = b(bar(1):3)
if (cnt /= 1) STOP 4
cnt = 0
a(1:3) = b(1:bar(3))
if (cnt /= 1) STOP 5
cnt = 0
a(1:3) = b(1:3:bar(1))
if (cnt /= 1) STOP 6
integer function bar(n)
integer, intent(in) :: n
cnt = cnt + 1
bar = n
end function bar