blob: 6b6cbc34a1140ac3cb41ad80bb04851aea0fbafa [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Tests fix for PR28425 in which anything other than a constructor would
! not work for derived type components in a structure constructor.
! Original version sent by Vivek Rao on 18 Jan 06
! Modified by Steve Kargl to remove IO
module foo_mod
implicit none
type :: date_m
integer :: month
end type date_m
type :: file_info
type(date_m) :: date
end type file_info
end module foo_mod
program prog
use foo_mod
implicit none
type(date_m) :: dat
type(file_info) :: xx
type(date_m), parameter :: christmas = date_m (12)
dat = date_m(1)
xx = file_info(date_m(-1)) ! This always worked - a constructor
if (xx%date%month /= -1) STOP 1
xx = file_info(dat) ! This was the original PR - a variable
if (xx%date%month /= 1) STOP 2
xx = file_info(foo(2)) ! ...functions were also broken
if (xx%date%month /= 2) STOP 3
xx = file_info(christmas) ! ...and parameters
if (xx%date%month /= 12) STOP 4
function foo (i) result (ans)
integer :: i
type(date_m) :: ans
ans = date_m(i)
end function foo
end program prog