blob: f95570940834fd787cbb2a7f2838c15452b8886f [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! PR fortran/102332 - ICE in select_type_set_tmp
! Contributed by G.Steinmetz
program p
type t
real :: a, b
end type
class(t), allocatable :: x ! Valid
select type (y => x)
type is (t)
y%a = 0
end select
subroutine s0 (x)
type t
real :: a, b
end type
class(t) :: x ! Valid
select type (y => x)
type is (t)
y%a = 0
end select
subroutine s1
type t
real :: a, b
end type
class(t) :: x ! { dg-error "must be dummy, allocatable or pointer" }
select type (y => x)
type is (t)
y%a = 0
end select
subroutine s3
type t
real :: a, b
end type
class(t) :: x ! { dg-error "must be dummy, allocatable or pointer" }
select type (y => x)
class is (t)
y%a = 0
end select
subroutine s2
type t
real :: a, b
end type
class(t) :: x ! { dg-error "must be dummy, allocatable or pointer" }
select type (y => x)
type default ! { dg-error "Expected" }
y%a = 0
end select
subroutine s4
type t
real :: a, b
end type
class(t) :: x ! { dg-error "must be dummy, allocatable or pointer" }
select type (y => x)
class default
y%a = 0
end select