blob: 2ae2ed0be5b005fdafc0df02ada0346f142614cc [file] [log] [blame]
-- { dg-do run }
procedure Check_Displace_Generation is
package Stuff is
type Base_1 is interface;
function F_1 (X : Base_1) return Integer is abstract;
type Base_2 is interface;
function F_2 (X : Base_2) return Integer is abstract;
type Concrete is new Base_1 and Base_2 with null record;
function F_1 (X : Concrete) return Integer;
function F_2 (X : Concrete) return Integer;
end Stuff;
package body Stuff is
function F_1 (X : Concrete) return Integer is
return 1;
end F_1;
function F_2 (X : Concrete) return Integer is
return 2;
end F_2;
end Stuff;
use Stuff;
function Make_Concrete return Concrete is
C : Concrete;
return C;
end Make_Concrete;
B_1 : Base_1'Class := Make_Concrete;
B_2 : Base_2'Class := Make_Concrete;
if B_1.F_1 /= 1 then
raise Program_Error with "bad B_1.F_1 call";
end if;
if B_2.F_2 /= 2 then
raise Program_Error with "bad B_2.F_2 call";
end if;
end Check_Displace_Generation;