blob: 9c5dc0f434f4290ee289b8857dce6e90f0ff1a12 [file] [log] [blame]
-- { dg-do run }
-- { dg-options "-gnata" }
with Ada.Strings.Hash;
with Ada.Containers.Hashed_Sets;
with Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps;
with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Sets;
with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Maps;
procedure Containers2 is
-- Check that Cursors of the hashed containers follow the correct
-- predefined equality rules - that two Cursors to the same element
-- are equal, one one is obtained through, for example, iteration,
-- and the other is obtained through a search
subtype Definite_Name is String (1 .. 5);
type Named_Item is
Name : Definite_Name;
Item : Integer := 0;
end record;
function Equivalent_Item (Left, Right: Named_Item) return Boolean
is (Left.Name = Right.Name);
function DI_Hash (Item: Named_Item) return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type
is (Ada.Strings.Hash (Item.Name));
package HS is new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Sets
(Element_Type => Named_Item,
Hash => DI_Hash,
Equivalent_Elements => Equivalent_Item);
package IHS is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Sets
(Element_Type => Named_Item,
Hash => DI_Hash,
Equivalent_Elements => Equivalent_Item);
package HM is new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps
(Key_Type => Definite_Name,
Element_Type => Integer,
Hash => Ada.Strings.Hash,
Equivalent_Keys => "=");
package IHM is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Maps
(Key_Type => Definite_Name,
Element_Type => Integer,
Hash => Ada.Strings.Hash,
Equivalent_Keys => "=");
Item_Data : constant array (1 .. 5) of Named_Item
:= ((Name => "ABCDE", others => <>),
(Name => "FGHIJ", others => <>),
(Name => "KLMNO", others => <>),
(Name => "PQRST", others => <>),
(Name => "UVWXY", others => <>));
use type HS.Cursor;
use type IHS.Cursor;
use type HM.Cursor;
use type IHM.Cursor;
type HS_Cursor_Vec is array (Item_Data'Range) of HS.Cursor;
type IHS_Cursor_Vec is array (Item_Data'Range) of IHS.Cursor;
type HM_Cursor_Vec is array (Item_Data'Range) of HM.Cursor;
type IHM_Cursor_Vec is array (Item_Data'Range) of IHM.Cursor;
HSC : HS.Set;
HMC : HM.Map;
HS_Create_Cursors : HS_Cursor_Vec;
IHS_Create_Cursors : IHS_Cursor_Vec;
HM_Create_Cursors : HM_Cursor_Vec;
IHM_Create_Cursors : IHM_Cursor_Vec;
HS_Index : HS.Cursor;
IHS_Index : IHS.Cursor;
HM_Index : HM.Cursor;
IHM_Index : IHM.Cursor;
HS_Find : HS.Cursor;
IHS_Find : IHS.Cursor;
HM_Find : HM.Cursor;
IHM_Find : IHM.Cursor;
Inserted : Boolean;
for I in Item_Data'Range loop
HSC.Insert (New_Item => Item_Data(I),
Position => HS_Create_Cursors(I),
Inserted => Inserted);
pragma Assert (Inserted);
IHSC.Insert (New_Item => Item_Data(I),
Position => IHS_Create_Cursors(I),
Inserted => Inserted);
pragma Assert (Inserted);
HMC.Insert (New_Item => Item_Data(I).Item,
Key => Item_Data(I).Name,
Position => HM_Create_Cursors(I),
Inserted => Inserted);
pragma Assert (Inserted);
IHMC.Insert (New_Item => Item_Data(I).Item,
Key => Item_Data(I).Name,
Position => IHM_Create_Cursors(I),
Inserted => Inserted);
pragma Assert (Inserted);
end loop;
HS_Index := HSC.First;
IHS_Index := IHSC.First;
HM_Index := HMC.First;
IHM_Index := IHMC.First;
for I in Item_Data'Range loop
pragma Assert (HS.Has_Element (HS_Index));
pragma Assert (IHS.Has_Element (IHS_Index));
pragma Assert (HM.Has_Element (HM_Index));
pragma Assert (IHM.Has_Element (IHM_Index));
HS_Find := HSC.Find (Item_Data(I));
pragma Assert (HS_Create_Cursors(I) = HS_Index);
pragma Assert (HS_Find = HS_Index);
IHS_Find := IHSC.Find (Item_Data(I));
pragma Assert (IHS_Create_Cursors(I) = IHS_Index);
pragma Assert (IHS_Find = IHS_Index);
HM_Find := HMC.Find (Item_Data(I).Name);
pragma Assert (HM_Create_Cursors(I) = HM_Index);
pragma Assert (HM_Find = HM_Index);
IHM_Find := IHMC.Find (Item_Data(I).Name);
pragma Assert (IHM_Create_Cursors(I) = IHM_Index);
pragma Assert (IHM_Find = IHM_Index);
HS.Next (HS_Index);
IHS.Next (IHS_Index);
HM.Next (HM_Index);
IHM.Next (IHM_Index);
end loop;